The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 443 Bu Kong left

Chapter 443: No time to leave

As he spoke, he placed his right index finger on Zhang Tianfang's forehead, a soft white light lit up, and a bright golden eye flew out of his forehead. The old monk took away his eyes and said, "Buddha's eyes have wasted hundreds of years on you." Then he raised his hands and grabbed nothing, and grabbed a few Buddhist scriptures and a relic from nowhere. The old monk added, "Given to you, If you never read or use it, I will take it away from you. From now on, you will have nothing to do with our Buddhism or our Daxiong Temple."

The old monk spoke and acted leisurely and calmly, but Zhang Tianfang was stupid and just let the old monk do whatever he wanted. It wasn't until Sky Buddhist took away a few Buddhist objects that he realized what he was doing and yelled: "What are you doing? What are you doing?" ? Why did you take what you gave me and then take it away? You said I was a Buddha..." After a while, he asked three times and said five times. After a while, he felt that it was wrong, I never wanted to be a monk. , the old monk should be happy to do this, and hurriedly shouted: "Who cares, anyway, I have never been a monk, and I don't want to be a monk." He shouted his, but something inexplicably filled his heart, many, many different things. Feelings filled my mind, as if, a little sad and reluctant, well, just a little bit sad and reluctant.

The old monk did this, and Zhang Weifu and others were frightened. What was he doing? Zhang Ai stepped forward and spoke: "Master, who are you?" The old monk's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: "It's over here. I'll take my leave."

Why are you leaving without saying anything? Fang Jian rushed over anxiously and shouted: "Master, what did Tian Fang do wrong?" There was something he wanted to say later, but he was interrupted by a group of monks in the sky. Seeing Zhang Afraid and others, the eleven masters turned their attention to Xin Fang. The old monks who came here gestured to each other with their eyes, asking what should be done? Youshou nodded heavily, meaning to take action, but he was just a Buddhist, no matter what, it was easier to deal with than Zhang Ai, who had weird water spells.

They decided to make a sneak attack and kill Zhang while he was afraid of diverting his attention. Then they would deal with the Buddhists. If they were not powerful, they would kill them together. If they were powerful, they would explain it properly and even apologize. Anyway, Buddha practices the precept of killing. , even if he has unparalleled magical power, he would not dare to kill arbitrarily.

This group of experts had this intention to attack Zhang Awei. They did not want to wait for the old monk to leave before the two sides fell into a stalemate again. In the blink of an eye, magic weapons were flying all over the sky, whizzing towards Zhang Afraid.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't expect these guys to have the conscience to let him go, but he also didn't expect that they would take action at this time. There were too many magic weapons and they were too fast. In addition, it was a sneak attack. Many attacks hit him instantly and there was no time to react.

Seeing that he was about to be beaten, Sky Buddha pressed his palms together and muttered "O", and a golden light shot out from his body. It looked like a big bell, covering Zhang Wei and blocking all attacks.

The sneak attack of the eleven masters was blocked, and their expressions changed. Just when they were about to make the next move, the old monk said softly: "You guys, let's go." The Sky Buddha was talking about them, but he didn't even raise his head and casually said He dismissed the matter with just four words, as if the eleven top masters were not worthy of attention at all.

A trace of anger flashed in Bai Mianpi's eyes, and the other monks also felt unhappy. After all, they were all top-level monks, one step short of becoming gods, but the old monk actually treated them like dogs and cats. Bai Mianpi said with a sinister smile: "I want to ask Master, those four words just mentioned were us?"

Sky Buddhist did not answer the words, as if he had not heard anything. Instead, he chattered a few words to Zhang Awei: "I don't know when I will see you again after we say goodbye today. If the donor is free, you can come to my Daxiong Temple as a guest." He said to Zhang Awei. Pay special attention to it. Then he clasped his palms together and said: "Farewell." He told Bu Kong: "Let's go." He took a step back and then turned his attention to the eleven monks in the sky. His eyes were calm and without any emotion. Seeing that they didn't want to leave, the old man The monk didn't say much, spread out his hands and shouted: "Go." He raised his hands and waved upwards, and a huge force surged into the crowd, easily pushing the eleven masters away several miles away. Only then did he add: "I don't give up on killing. If all the donors want to try it, please stay."

Buddha Cultivator, only one person, neutralized the joint attack of eleven people with one move, and easily forced eleven people to leave with another move. All the monks made a plan. The old monk said that he did not abstain from killing, and Buddhist Cultivator did not lie. It's better to offend as few people as possible. So the monks made the decision to leave without any notification, and the eleven masters quickly retreated immediately.

The sky Buddhist monk scared away the eleven top-level monks with every gesture. There was no joy on his face, and he stopped saying any polite words. He walked away. Fu Kong hurriedly said goodbye to Zhang Wen and others, and then caught up with the master. . Before Zhang Weijing and others had time to digest the news, the two of them had already walked away, and they shouted: "Are you leaving now?"

Fu Kong didn't reply, but the old monk Tian Kong said one more thing: "You should also leave here. If those eleven people don't give up, they will definitely come to harass you again." After saying this, the person disappeared, and Fu Kong followed him. After shaking his body, he left as if he had stepped into the void. Only the stupid Zhang Ai and others were left on the ice field. After a long time, Zhang Tianfang muttered: "Leaving now?" Fang Jian repeated it, and Zhang Ai whispered: "Leaving." His voice was so soft, as if he was talking to himself.

The group of people were stunned for a long time, and Fang Jian suddenly said: "I haven't said goodbye to him yet." It happened so suddenly, no one expected that he would just leave without saying a word, and he was so surprised that he forgot to say a few words of farewell. For a time, the feeling of separation filled everyone's hearts, and even the pigs and kittens were extremely honest.

The world was silent, and I don't know which girl was particularly sentimental. She cried softly, and many girls shed tears together. No matter what, it is difficult to accept the fact that Fu Kong is leaving.

Zhang Ping didn't stop the girls from crying, so he only tried to show off to Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er, asking them to take them back to the tent house. He then asked Ruiyuan to take the Tianleishan disciples back to their rooms to rest. It didn't take long and everyone left, leaving only Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian.

At this moment, I remembered a saying, when people meet, they are either separated by life or death. After staying with the young monk Fu Kong for more than a hundred years and going through ups and downs, they could not get around this obstacle after all. One day, we will all leave.

For a long time, Zhang Wen stubbornly tied Fu Kong, Zhang Tianfang, Fang Jian and thirty-six women together, and they would stay with them until life and death. He selectively avoided the fact that everyone would be leaving, and didn't want this moment to come so suddenly. In contrast, the shock of Fu Kong's departure was far greater than the shock of Sky Buddha being disappointed with Zhang Tianfang and giving up.

He asked Zhang Tianfang quietly: "When will you return to the Holy Kingdom?" Zhang Tianfang glared: "What are you doing? The old monk doesn't want me, so you're driving me away?" Zhang Weifang smiled lightly and said: "One day, We all have to say goodbye."

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