The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 431 Advancement

Chapter 431 Advancement

The meridians widened, and the waves that spread outward stopped and retracted. The spiritual power that had just been emitted was sucked back into the body at a faster speed. After a while, it was all taken back into the body, but the meridians and Dantian were still a little rich. Appear empty. But Si Ye obviously did not have so much spiritual power to replenish him, so he saw the divine tears in his chest jump slightly, and the reverse spiritual power was sent into Zhang Ai's meridians. A week passed, and the body was full of spiritual power. Zhang Ai took a long breath, and the pressure outside his body Disappear, everyone can move freely.

Fu Kong smiled and said: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist for advancing." Everyone then understood that Zhang Ai actually broke through while walking on the street, which really made people feel angry, especially Zhang Tianfang yelled: "You advanced? How is it possible? How is it possible? " Thinking about what he has done in the past six months, Zhang Zhi did nothing. He just wandered around killing people, but I was the one who killed them all just with words. "It's not fair! I killed the person, why did you advance?"

Zhang Ain returned the gift with a smile. He understood a lot in his heart and said softly: "Practice is nothing more than this." Yes, there are not many people in the world who are qualified to say this. Who can be better than him? He can break through in just two steps. Moreover, it is a breakthrough in the primary stage of Nascent Soul.

Zhang Tianfang jumped up and kicked him: "I'm calling you crazy, I'm calling you crazy." Zhang Ai ducked out of the way. What he said about his practice was not really crazy, but the experience of living in the world. Cultivators all know that when the practice of closed mind and asceticism stagnates, it is necessary to enter the world and practice, but there is no fixed method for how to practice. Zhang is afraid that the whole bunch of good people will advance with the most cruel killings. He had seen too many dark things during his leisurely journey, which made him extremely disappointed with the world. All living beings are either cruel or timid. There are very few people who are brave and angry enough to draw their swords. They mourn their misfortune and are angry without fighting. Seeing that Goodness gave in to evil again and again, forcing him to murder, killing at least thousands of people in half a year. But it is easy to kill people, but difficult to understand the truth. Even now, he still can't figure out why there are so many bad people in the world?

Fortunately, his thinking was simple. If he didn't understand, then he would continue to kill, eradicate evil, and kill until there were no bad guys left. Even if it caused cultivators all over the world to turn against him, he would still persist. It was the unexpected appearance of monks from the six major sects of the so-called righteous path that made his obsession with goodness coincide with his Taoist heart, and he accidentally jumped to the next level.

By chance, all the monks from the six major sects were stupid, so he could advance? The imbalance in my heart reached its peak when I thought of how I had been practicing hard every day for months, years or even decades without any improvement, while the bastard in front of me could advance just by walking around. Chong Zhang was afraid of saying goodbye, and left as fast as possible. He ran all the way before he dared to yell at his neck and vent his grievances.

Zhang was afraid of advancing. He wanted to thank the disciples of the six major sects for intercepting him. He was thinking about giving him some elixirs as a reward. Unexpectedly, a large group of disciples hugged their fists and flew away without giving him a chance. I thought to myself. If it’s not a tiger, why is it running so fast?

Fang Jian came over and said with a smile: "Congratulations, you can scare away a lot of people with just one sentence." Zhang Ai smiled and said: "I know you are unbalanced, haha, even geniuses can't compare with me, so I will make you unbalanced." Fang Jian knew that he was deliberately causing trouble, so he smiled and said nothing, appearing tolerant, generous and graceful.

Everyone said congratulations for a while and then moved on. As the notoriety of their group spread far and wide, bad guys from all walks of life in the country discovered their collective conscience and actively did good deeds to make up for past mistakes. No one knows when these killer stars will appear, so it’s better to be careful in everything. They were honest, the bad guys had changed their gender, and Zhang Tianfang no longer had to kill people. After more than two months of wandering around, they finally found the temporary residence of the disciples of Tianlei Mountain.

There are four large rivers in the south of Vietnam, one of which is called Kelan River. There is a medium-sized city called Lancheng on the left side of Kelanjiang River. On the other side of Lancheng are mountains. The whole city is surrounded by mountains and rivers. The scenery is very good. For more than 700 days, Leishan disciples lived in Lancheng. They bought three side-by-side courtyards at a high price in the city, bought a large farm outside the city, and built a Taoist temple in the mountains. All the disciples were divided into three groups, each living in a place to recuperate. In order to avoid the attention of others, all the disciples changed out of their white robes and covered them with various cloth robes.

They thought they were keeping a low profile, but so many people entering Lan City had already attracted the attention of all forces. There are two small cultivation sects near Lancheng, a martial arts family, and about a dozen gangs of various sizes.

A few months after the disciples stayed, two cultivation sects discovered their identity as monks, and one of the sects sent someone to talk. One of the two groups deliberately kept a low profile, while the other was trying to test things out. They got along fairly well with each other.

Most of the cultivation sects in the southern part of Vietnam are demonic sects. I met one of the two cultivation sects near Lancheng, but the other one was not good at it. The masters from the sect came to inquire about it, and their spiritual sense found out that they were a group of foundation-building monks, so they planned to swallow them all. Build strength.

Cultivators pay attention to the law of the jungle, and this is especially true for the disciples of the Demon Sect. After mistakenly believing that the disciples of Tianlei Mountain were weak in cultivation, they began to make arrangements. After several months of inquiring, they did not find anything powerful about these outsiders. The Demon Sect finally decided to take action. , and then quickly came to a tragic end, with more than 500 people in the whole family being collectively wiped out.

During the fight, more than a hundred Tianlei Mountain disciples were injured, but with Zhang Ai's Life Pill, a group of injuries were healed the next day.

Easily destroying a sect caused quite a stir among the demon sects. Although three of the four major demon sects were injured and one was disabled, there were still more than a hundred small sects scattered throughout southern Vietnam. Especially some sects near Lancheng had to unite to study countermeasures for the sake of their livelihood. It was time to take action. Suppression should still be left to discussion.

They didn't want the gang to have conflicts with the disciples of Tianleishan again while they were discussing. The fight between the disciples of Tianlei Mountain and the Demon Sect is a fight between cultivators. It is not visible to ordinary people, and of course the gangsters have no way of knowing about it. Their trouble with the disciples of Tianlei Mountain originated from the manor outside the city and the Taoist temple in the mountain.

There are more than a dozen gangs in Lancheng. One gang controls construction materials such as wood, sand and gravel, and controls the forest trees to collect money. Another gang's source of income is collecting taxes from manors. The disciples of Tianlei Mountain didn't know this. They bought the manor without paying the protection fee, and they didn't buy the wood from the gangs to build the Taoist temple on the mountain. Conflict arose.

The two gangsters went to force him, but how could the Jiedan monk bow his head to the common people, so he dismissed them with a few words. The gangsters were displeased and started to beat people. Instead, they were beaten into pig heads and thrown into the wild. After being beaten, these people returned to the gang to find someone to help them. The two gangs automatically united and sent all their forces to attack the farm.

To say that the gangs are quite powerful, the two gangs actually gathered more than 1,500 people, more than the number of members of the demon sect that was destroyed. They surrounded the farm and made endless noises, wielding swords and sticks and shouting that they wanted to kill people. .

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