The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 430: Killing along the way

Chapter 430 Killing people along the way

Seven hundred and seventy-three disciples hid in the south of Yue State according to Zhang Pa's instructions. They had not seen each other for more than a few months. Zhang Pa said, "It's good to go and have a look."

The ship sailed in Ninghe River for more than ten days. The river gradually narrowed and it was not very convenient. Everyone disembarked. In order to avoid attracting attention, they released the carriage and found an old horse to pull the carriage. The girls sat in the carriage and the men drove the carriage.

Zhang Pa felt a little inconvenient. Every time he took out the carriage, he had to find an ordinary horse to pretend. He had to find an opportunity to find a monster that could pull the carriage. He decided to ask Lin Sen for it when he returned to Wuling Fudi next time.

Where there is water, there are people living. Zhang Pa and his party followed the river and passed many villages and towns. Despite his deliberate search, he did not find the breath of Tianlei Mountain disciples. Zhang Tianfang laughed at him: "You don't even have a way to contact me, stupid."

The southern part of Yue State is vast, Fang Jian said: "Maybe he lives somewhere else." Anyway, everyone has nothing to do, so they just wander around the southern part of Yue State. There are more than 700 Jindan cultivators, and no matter which powerful force dares not offend them.

Zhang Pa's group of 40 people, except Fang Jian Bukong, are all extremely lazy, and Zhang Tianfang is the most respected among them. A group of people are too lazy. They don't care about the great way that other cultivators strive to seek, and the positive results of their hard work. A hundred years or a thousand years of life is nothing more than that. Even if it is as long as the heaven and earth, it is as cold and lonely as the heaven and earth, which is too boring. There is a saying that goes, eating is to live, and living is not to eat. Zhang Pa and others are like this. They practice for immortality, but immortality is not for practice. To put it bluntly, the proof of the great path has nothing to do with them. They don't even think about it. They just want to live a few dozen or hundreds of years longer, stroll around, and live a good life with a clear conscience.

Now they are strolling, strolling from city to city. The girls like to be lively, and they will stroll together whenever they enter the city. Zhang Pa and a few men will find a restaurant to sit and drink and wait. Because the girls are young and beautiful, they will also encounter some blind hooligans or dandies who are causing trouble during the period. They are all educated by the girls and beaten like pigs. If those bastards are still blind and want to continue to be arrogant, it will be Zhang Tianfang's turn to kill the main culprits.

Zhang Pa is used to keeping a low profile, but he didn't stop him this time. There are always some people who are so bad that they are beyond his imagination. They are arrogant and domineering, and they don't know how high the sky is. They commit crimes in the streets, rob women, and so on. There are so many crimes. It makes him directly doubt whether the government of Yue is fair and just, and whether the emperor of Yue is a tyrant.

Just wandering around the city, just walking slower, I have seen too many human tragedies. Have you seen people killing people in the street? Several strong men killed an old man, and the yamen officers stood outside a street and watched them kill. Have you seen women being raised like pigs, pulled out and used when needed, and slaughtered and fed to dogs when not needed. Have you seen children being kidnapped in the downtown area, or even directly robbed, and the parents were stopped by the thieves after they found out, and could only watch their children being abducted.

Compared with these crimes, the great revenge of Tianlei Mountain's extermination is nothing. After all, entering the Tao is against the will of heaven, and practicing is the law of the jungle. Killing each other is actually a kind of practice. Embarking on the path of practice is to give up mortal life. This is the choice of all cultivators. But what is the fault of the people? They just want to live a peaceful life, but there are always heinous crimes that harm them.

After seeing too much, I became numb, and my mood gradually changed from anger to calm, but the murderous intent did not diminish. The more I saw sin, the more I wanted to see more sin. There was no rush to find the disciples of Tianlei Mountain. Now Zhang Pa only wanted to do two things. One was to go to the imperial palace in the capital to ask the old emperor what he usually did, and the other was to walk around and see more, and naturally kill more.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine how daring these people were. Just because a group of beautiful girls were walking on the street, they could be remembered by thieves and implicated in many crimes. Remembering the things in Yong'an County of Qi State, thinking of the Ninghe flood in Yue State, and seeing many crimes recently, Zhang Pa felt panic. Is there an infinite darkness in everyone's heart?

No one knows how many crimes there are in the world, but Zhang Pa knows who should die. He wandered all the way in the south of Yue State, killing all the way. As long as it conflicted with his concept of good and evil, as long as he couldn't stand it, all of them should die. Zhang Tianfang did a good job in this regard. For him, killing people was not much different from eating, and he was always eager to kill for Zhang Pa.

Killing people all the way, in less than half a year, the whole Yue State knew that there was a group of young men and women who hated evil and killed people whenever they saw injustice. With such a result, the people were naturally happy, the government was facing a great enemy, and the fellow cultivators just thought they were crazy.

As more people were killed, many of them were government officials, and even cultivators were implicated, the trouble gradually became bigger. Zhang Pa didn't care about it, but Meng was righteous and heartless and all of them deserved to die. What he didn't expect was that the six righteous sects of Yue State actually sent people to kill him. Their banner was that this group of thieves were fierce and brutal and killed people like flies, and the people were uneasy and the government was difficult to govern, so they should eliminate the evildoers for the world.

At this time, Zhang Pa was smiling at this group of cultivators, a total of more than 60 people, from the six major sects, seven Jindan cultivators, and the rest were all foundation cultivators. Someone had seen Zhang Pa and whispered to his companions about his origins. The cultivator had good hearing, and everyone could hear him when he spoke. When they heard that the killing god in front of them was actually a disciple of Tianlei Mountain, more than 60 people cooperated and stood in a daze.

Zhang Ai said quietly: "But if there is injustice, everyone who has the intention to cause harm should die." After speaking, he led the girls to walk past the monks of the six major sects easily. After only taking two steps, his mind was in a trance, and the spiritual power in his body spread suddenly, penetrated the body, and waved in all directions in the shape of a large ring. The spiritual power was so pure and strong that it was hard to breathe.

The monks from the six major sects were stunned on the spot. What did Zhang Wen want to do? Do you want to kill someone? However, under the strong pressure, his body could not move, and his mind could only be filled with random thoughts to make himself more afraid. The girls were also not allowed to move. They only chanted the Buddha's name softly. Fang gradually used his spiritual power to resist and was able to move a little. Those who were below the level of pill formation were trapped on the spot.

Zhang Wei's spiritual power spreads out in circles and circles, the speed is getting faster and faster, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, the strong spiritual power in the body is uncontrollably running wildly outside the body, in just a quarter of an hour, the spiritual power is gone, and the limbs are Bai Skeleton no longer has any spiritual power, and the body is empty, but the waves spreading outward are still there, pulling at the skin and organs layer by layer. Zhang was afraid of feeling pain, so he raised his head and shouted, the scream was shrill, and he used all his strength. With this shriek, there was a bang in his head, the meridians in his body trembled at the same time, expanded outward, and the Dantian, Lingtai and other places became stronger. It is powerful and the meridians are greatly expanded.

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