The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 416 Head Ruiyuan

Chapter 416 Head Ruiyuan

Zhang Ai was thinking about other things. In fact, it seemed that there was no need to go back to the snowy mountains to live in seclusion. There is no place in the world that we can’t go to. There are many enemies on land, so let’s go to the sea. They say that the sea has no boundaries and is so big that it has no edges or edges. You might as well go for a walk.

Ruiyuan told Zhang Wen's two opinions about the reunification to Zhang Wen and others. Fu Kongjin took the initiative to speak: "According to Zhang Wen's words, act in a low-key manner and don't reveal the name of Tianlei Mountain."

Ruiyuan said with a bitter face: "That's what I said too, but many brothers and sisters disagreed, saying that they want to expand Tianlei Mountain and revive Tianlei Mountain." Poor Ruiyuan, not long after he was elected as the leader, he has been under Zhang's fear. It simply did not establish the prestige that the leader should have.

Song Yunyi whispered: "You are the leader." Just four words mean a lot of things. You need to make decisions for everyone, you need to consider everyone, you need to put everyone's interests first, but more importantly, you need to speak truthfully. Give orders and let everyone listen to your orders.

Zhang Tianfang is good at teasing: "Give me the boss, and I will help you educate these boys."

Ruiyuan blushed a little. He didn't want to be a real leader, but more than 700 fellow disciples only listened to Zhang Zhen and not to him. Each of the seven hundred and seventy-three people has experienced the tragedy of annihilation and the life of escape. They have also improved their cultivation with the help of Zhang Ai. They also work hard to practice and have little contact with each other. Strictly speaking, everyone has nothing to do with them. How can he order others when they are no different?

Zhang Ai glanced at the seven hundred and seventy-three disciples of Tianlei Mountain, and saw the performance of each person, and sighed in his heart: I am better than them, I give them help, I can suppress them; but when I leave, everyone The selfish thoughts in the heart begin to cause trouble. Some people want to have more, and some people are unwilling to listen to other people's orders, and their hearts are scattered. How can Ruiyuan suppress it by himself?

Looking at Rui Yuan's slightly red cheeks, Zhang Ai whispered: "Do as you say." Among these disciples, there were seven who were more powerful than Rui Yuan. Four of them were blindly cultivating and didn't care about anything else. They only thought about getting better soon. After cultivating to Dacheng, they avenged their fellow Tianleishan disciples; the remaining three people once competed for the position of leader and were unwilling to be second to others. From a certain perspective, they were an unstable group of people. Fortunately, these people have been selected. Strictly speaking, they have been selected. As fellow disciples, they have no obligation to return to the mountain when Tianlei Mountain is most difficult. This bloody character alone deserves to be treated sincerely. Zhang Wen believes that among them There are no bad guys.

Ruiyuan said yes, turned around and called all the disciples to line up, and then made his decision. Some disciples raised objections, and Ruiyuan replied sternly: "There are only 773 of us left among the nearly 20,000 disciples in Tianlei Mountain. Counting the 774 uncles, we are shouldering not only blood and revenge, but we We must let Tianlei Mountain remain standing, and we must be able to re-establish the gate of Tianlei Mountain one day in the future. We will have the strength to face any enemy, without fear of any attack, and we can tell others openly and honestly that Tianlei Mountain is still there; but now, when that day comes, Before, we needed to endure temporarily, we must endure until we become stronger, Tianlei Mountain needs us to live! We can die, death is very simple, we can die to avenge tens of thousands of fellow sects, but we die, Tianlei Mountain It’s gone. So I hope everyone has the courage to live and live patiently. Uncle Master didn’t give us the advanced elixir to let us die. He wanted us to stand up proudly and support Tianlei Mountain.”

Ruiyuan spoke with a strong voice, his voice was low but clanking, and every word was heard by everyone. He continued: "I have only been in charge for a few days, and the decisions I make are not always certain. Correct, but in this position, I must think about everyone and Tianlei Mountain. Now I am announcing the leader's order. I will be the leader's first leader's order. All the disciples have it. Return to Yue Kingdom and do not establish a sect. , Hidden in the open air, quiet and strong. If you have different opinions, please come forward and discuss them together."

The words were spoken heartily and in the style of everyone. It was the strongest voice that Rui Yuan had made since he became the leader. Zhang Wen nodded secretly after hearing this. This leader made the right choice.

There were 772 people standing below. It was silent at this time. No one had any objections. They all said in unison: "Follow the order of the leader."

A friend in need is a friend indeed. More than 700 people returned to the mountain in times of crisis. Naturally, they regard Tianlei Mountain as the greatest and never want to damage the interests of Tianlei Mountain. Zhang Ai was very satisfied with everyone's performance. He called Ruiyuan and gave him a bunch of advanced elixirs. There were all kinds of elixirs from the foundation building stage to the Nascent Soul stage, with no less than a thousand of each type. Then he spoke loudly to the disciples: "Ask the master for advanced pills below the Nascent Soul stage, and it is up to him to decide whether to give them to you. For advanced pills above the Nascent Soul stage, head Ruiyuan asks for them from me, and no one else can take my place." "

For cultivators, advancement is the ultimate goal. Zhang is afraid of using the advancement pill to add a layer of insurance to Ruiyuan's position and orders as the leader. If he wants to get along well within the sect, he must listen to the leader's words.

Ruiyuan panicked and took the elixir, thanking him endlessly. Zhang Ain smiled and said: "You have become so polite." He admired Ruiyuan and spent twenty years observing everyone in the snow mountains before choosing him as the leader. His character and habits are absolutely impeccable. He took out a storage bag and handed it over and said, "Some of the things I selected should be useful."

The bag contained gold and silver jewels, spiritual stones, healing elixirs and other items, as well as many other things such as the Flying Pengwu, Jade Slips of Kung Fu, low-level magic weapons, life-saving charms, etc. Ruiyuan thanked him and took it, and Zhang Ping said: "I won't go, please be careful along the way." Ruiyuan agreed.

Zhang Ai turned around and asked the girls, "Aren't you going?" The girls shook their heads and stood firmly behind Song Yunyi Cheng Xi'er. This made him feel a bit like a failure. He had been around for so long and couldn't even get a pair of dual cultivators together. He was really a failure.

After Ruiyuan finished forming the team, he was released. Seven hundred and seventy-three people were divided into twenty vehicles. They all stood solemnly facing Zhang Wen, clasped their fists and bowed to say goodbye. Zhang was afraid of returning the gift, so Zhang Tianfang and others waved goodbye.

Injecting spiritual power, the flying birds flew into the sky one by one, heading east. Watching them leave, Zhang Weizhi felt a little empty, and the girls felt sad for a while. Zhang Tianfang asked: "You don't care about it?" Zhang Ping said: "You can take care of it." Zhang Tianfang shook his head violently: "Why, I'm not the leader." He was worried about that position.

Zhang Aing originally wanted to send them back to Yue Kingdom, but sooner or later he had to let them go, so it was better to be more cheerful and asked the girls: "Where do you want to go? Back to the snowy mountains?" The girls were unwilling, so Zhang Aing said what he had just thought: "Go to the sea for a walk." "Transfer?" The girls were not willing. The last time they went to sea, the boat broke down halfway through, but they still flew back. Moreover, the sea was also uninhabited, so it was different from the snowy fields.

Zhang Ping said: "I'm going to build a big, big ship. It will be safe and strong. It has a big deck and many rooms. Anyway, it's the best." He talked for a long time, but the inducement failed. Girls like to travel around the world. A typical gregarious creature, it was Song Yunyi who finally made the decision: "It's a good idea to take a break, so that we don't have to fight endlessly. Let's go see what the end of the sea looks like."

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