The Monk

Volume One Chapter 415 Let Go

Chapter 415 Let go

Moving again? Zhang Tianfang became even more angry. Zhang Ai explained: "My identity has been leaked. If these people spread in all directions and are lured by the monsters in the mountain, many greedy monks may be attracted to the mountain. I cannot implicate innocent people for my own selfish purposes, otherwise a war will begin. All the massacres were blamed on me... It’s scary to think about it.”

"Hypocrisy! How many people have you killed? Are there not many people who died because of you?" Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully.

"A lot of people have to move. It's better to go back to the snowy mountains. Although it's deserted, there's nothing to worry about." Zhang Aing made a decision.

"I'm going to kill you!" Zhang Tian shouted in frustration.

There are thousands of cultivators, but Zhang Wen feels that he is the most helpless one. He has never experienced what it means to be Xiaoao Jianghu, and he has been living with his tail between his legs, wandering around, and not even being able to avenge his master's sect. But these can only be kept in his heart. He cannot tell others or say anything.

Not long after I came down the mountain, I met Song Yunyi. From then on, I had an unshirkable responsibility on my shoulders. A cultivator cuts off love, how does he cut it off? At that time, he had no friends and had never seen a girl. Song Yunyi was rescued by him. After several chance encounters, Fang Xin secretly came to him bravely. Zhang Feng didn't understand love, but he didn't understand rejection either, so he was confused and ignorant to get along with her. Later, he rescued thirty-four girls who were kidnapped, and then Cheng Xier. Now, plus 773 Tianlei Mountain disciples, many of these people need his care. All he can do is Do your best to keep them alive.

He has become more powerful, and the people he takes care of have also become more powerful, but there are more powerful enemies. He can only seek peace of mind, sympathize with the world and the common people with the kindness inherent in Lingtai, and do good things with what he thinks is a good effort. In fact, he is just a monk who has never had a self. Over the years, he has only done one thing for himself, to avenge his fellow disciples in Tianlei Mountain, but he failed.

Zhang Ai stood on a high slope and watched everyone busy, and he moved not long after he moved in. It was inevitable that someone would complain and nag a few words, but Zhang Ai didn't seem to hear them at all, and just watched with an expressionless face.

At this moment, his consciousness unconsciously expanded and expanded, covering the entire mountain peak, spreading outward to cover another mountain peak, continuing to spread, and continuing to cover. The consciousness of the Nascent Soul cultivator is very powerful, and Zhang Ping's consciousness is even more powerful after being tempered by the Divine Song. It can easily cover dozens of surrounding peaks until it is discovered.

Sixty miles away, there was a Nascent Soul Warlock living in seclusion. He noticed that Zhang Afraid's spiritual consciousness was sweeping over him, and he didn't know its meaning. However, he couldn't turn a blind eye and let it come and go freely. He concentrated his spiritual consciousness into the power of his finger and pointed at the invisible consciousness. Zhang Afraid His consciousness quickly retracted when he was touched, and then he realized that what he had just done was a bit arrogant and had offended someone. He mumbled an apology in that direction, and then asked everyone to set off.

If it weren't for the threat of life and death, few people would be willing to go from the bustling world to the uninhabited world of ice and snow, and most of the more than 800 people would not. They think that their cultivation is high enough and there is no need to hide, not to mention that people always have to face some things in life. Some people asked Song Yunyi for advice, some asked for advice, and some encouraged Zhang Tianfang to come forward together. Zhang Zhi didn't seem to hear him. He walked alone at the front of the team and led everyone out of the mountain.

The team moved very slowly, and it took seven days to get out of the mountain. Zhang Ain stood outside the mountain and looked back at the mountains. After standing there for a while, he called Ruiyuan and said softly: "You can take them away." Ruiyuan was shocked and asked urgently: "Uncle, why is this?" ?" Zhang Ping said: "You are the leader of Tianlei Mountain, you have the responsibility to lead them, and you also have the responsibility to make decisions for them."

The disciples of Tianlei Mountain were in chaos upon hearing this. Although the leader was Ruiyuan, their backbone was Zhang Ai. Zhang was afraid of being lenient to others and never got angry with everyone. He would just laugh it off when everyone complained, so a group of people had the courage to discuss not returning to the snowy mountains. Unexpectedly, he actually wanted to let go. The disciples said anxiously: "Go back to the Snow Mountain. We all go back to the Snow Mountain. Uncle Master can't leave us alone."

Zhang is afraid that he really wants to let go. He has been thinking about this matter for the past few days. How can a small Nascent Soul monk have the strength to protect so many people? What's more, you can't bear all the blame for Tianlei Mountain's annihilation on yourself. This will be very tiring.

Not only the disciples of Tianlei Mountain, but also the girls should let go. What is the purpose of this life? Everyone has what they want to do, and I cannot detain them for a lifetime under the pretext of protection.

He made a decision, and a large group of people were confused and talking. Zhang was afraid that there would be no response, so he turned to look at Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier, two beautiful women who followed him all the way, never causing trouble, and thinking about being with them. After saying something, Zhang Tianfang suddenly jumped over and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you crazy? Or stupid?"

Zhang Wen looked at him and asked, "Do you want to go back to the Holy Kingdom?" Zhang Tianfang was stunned. He had almost forgotten what the Holy Kingdom was about. He glared at him and yelled, "You have something to say, don't be frightening. ”

Zhang Aif smiled at him, turned around and said solemnly to Ruiyuan: "We can't go back to Tianlei Mountain because there are too many enemies. You can go back to the Yue Kingdom and choose any hilltop to settle down. The Yue Kingdom is the country with the fewest and weakest cultivators on the mainland, and The four gates of the Demonic Path have been hit hard repeatedly, so as long as they don’t use the name Tianlei Mountain, they should be safe.”

Then he spoke to the girls: "Where do you want to go? With them? Or on your own?"

In this life, except for being kidnapped by a ghost rider once when they were young, the girls have grown up under Zhang Wei's protection in the following years. They have been able to practice alchemy masters without wind or rain. They have become dependent on Zhang Wei and are determined not to leave. They make a lot of noises. , Zhang was afraid that he would laugh: "I didn't drive you away, why are you shouting so loudly?"

As a result, the Tianlei Mountain disciples quit and asked their uncle: Are they trying to drive us away? The situation seems even more chaotic. Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I just want to let go, not to chase you away. Everyone has thoughts and things they want to do. I let go and no longer make decisions for you. I won't interfere with whatever you want to do and where you want to go. That's all." After saying that, he scratched his forehead and made a decision on a whim. He didn't expect it to cause such a big sensation.

More than 800 people were discussing in a hustle and bustle. Zhang Ai stepped aside and waited for them to make a decision. Zhang Tianfang couldn't spare time and Cheng Xi'er and others stood beside him. The girls murmured a few words in a low voice and unanimously decided to continue to follow Zhang Afraid and came over to stand in line. The remaining disciples of Tianlei Mountain were divided into three major factions and argued endlessly. One faction planned to continue to follow Zhang Ain, the other faction wanted to return to Yue Kingdom to develop anonymously and slowly as Zhang Ain said, and the other faction wanted to glorify the sect and return to Tianlei Mountain to reopen the gate.

Men are different from women. They want to show off their skills after they have learned it. They want to roam freely in the rivers and lakes and make a name for themselves in the world. Therefore, most people hold the latter two ideas. However, these two groups also have disputes. After long discussions, there is no result. , Ruiyuan couldn't make a decision, so he had to talk to Zhang Wen for discussion.

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