The Monk

Volume One Chapter 409 Five People

Chapter 409 Five People

Life in the mountains is quite interesting, at least it is much more fun than staying in the snowfields. The peaks have strange rocks, green trees and red flowers, and all kinds of spiritual things adorn the mountains and fields. The beauty of Duan is endless. However, no matter how good the scenery is, if you look at it every day, you will get tired of it and live in a place without a scenery.

After the excitement, more than 800 people all started to retreat. Even Zhang Tianfang was forced to learn a Buddhist skill by Bu Kong. He was tortured all day long and screamed. After he learned it, the first thing he did was to scream at Bu Kong. : "Even if you kill me, I won't enter Buddhism."

No one cared whether he could get in or not. Fang Jian was practicing hard, Song Yunyi was practicing hard, and Zhang Wen was studying the formation diagram of the temple while practicing hard. Only the piglets and kittens were as enthusiastic as before. They would torment the beasts at every turn, run far away, gather their spiritual energy, and show their weakness. When ferocious beasts were attracted to prey, they would scream loudly to scare them, and then run away quickly. After a few days, the beasts near their residence were almost driven crazy by the torment, their orifices were filled with smoke, and they were grinding their teeth in search of two small harms every day.

On this day, the two little guys were going to play with animals again. The left servant came to the door and talked to Zhang Ain: "Can you teach me the magic of escaping from the ground?"

Zhang Ai refused directly: "No." Just kidding, the escape spell was the only life-saving magic weapon for Lin Sen's grass spirits. If he taught it to himself, it would be a coincidence. He didn't even tell Song Yunyi, because he was worried that something would happen.

Zuo Shien said no more questions and took out a jade plate from the storage bag. Although the material was ordinary and there were variegated colors on it, it was big enough, with arms as long as a palm and nine formations engraved on it. He laid the jade plate flat and said: "I set up the formation with formation flags, but it didn't work. I drew the patterns into the spells, but it didn't work. I used my spiritual consciousness to draw the formation in the air, but it didn't work. Even using blood to kill the formation, it still didn't work. I can't see it. "I understand, but I can't set up the formation, I can only simply draw it here and there. If the Temple of Refining is transformed from this formation diagram, then the person who set up the formation must be a cultivation master above the god transformation stage." He paused and then said, "Ask." You learn the Earth Escape Spell because you want to go into the Valley of Refining Gods and have a good look."

Zhang Ain lowered his head to look at the jade board, and the nine formation diagrams with different shapes, whether flat or round, were firmly engraved in his mind. The formations have starting points and ending points, but there is no starting point and ending point in these nine formation diagrams. Oh, it's all natural and integrated. What's even more amazing is that the nine magic arrays can be connected together, but there are no connecting points or passages visible on the array diagram. Many lines seem to overlap, but if you look closely, they are absolutely unrelated. This is just from a plane perspective. If it were put into a solid state, the tens of thousands of lines would be messy and intertwined to form tens of thousands of shapes, but they would all be connected together, making it even harder to find where the momentum started.

He raised his head and asked the left attendant: "Sir, can you find the reason why the Nascent Soul monk cannot enter?"

Zuo Shi shook his head: "After many days of detailed research, I can only see that there are nine illusory formations. The formations are connected and directly affect the consciousness in the mind."

Zhang Ai frowned slightly. He had entered the Refining Temple twice. The first time he entered, he broke through the fourth floor. The second time he entered, he directly entered the fourth floor. The facts proved that it was indeed an illusion array, and he had the ability to remember it, but let him What I can't figure out is why there are three living people on the fourth floor? Two giant black old monsters and a little doll Hai Ling, are these three people illusory?

After thinking about it, I felt something was wrong. If the Temple of Refining is illusory, then it does not exist. How can it become a passage to the outside world? Illusory things can help people and kill people, but they can never take people from one place to another. Is the Temple of Refining a combination of virtuality and reality? Is the magic array built on the exit passage?

Zhang was afraid of saying what he had just thought, so Zuo Shi smiled and said: "I didn't think so much, and I didn't want to go anywhere. I didn't understand this formation so I stopped reading it. I came here to tell you that I can't help you; I originally wanted to Use the soil to escape and take a closer look, haha."

After talking about Earth Escape three times in a while, it showed that Zuo Shi was still concerned about the Temple of Refining. Maybe understanding the magic circle could help him advance. Zhang Ping pretended that he didn't understand and said respectfully: "I'd like to thank Zuo Shi for your trouble."

The left servant said: "It doesn't cost anything. I'm leaving. I'll come back to you when I have time." Zhang was afraid of being busy and sent two more bottles of spiritual wine. The left servant smiled and put it away: "Let's go." With a flick, he walked freely down the mountain.

Zhang Ai put away the two formation diagrams. Zhang Tianfang pushed the door open, sat down and asked, "Why is that old guy here?" Zhang Ao joked: "He plans to teach you Buddhism." Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "Stop taking it." You're making fun of me. If you can, recite three to five thousand Buddhist scriptures to me." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "I'm not the one who recited the Buddhist scriptures. What kind of magic did you learn from Bu Kong?" "Why are you telling me? "Zhang Tianfang stood up and walked out with his hands behind his back.

Zhang Wei smiled bitterly. This guy was typically holding back and backed up. Just as he was about to sit down, he suddenly noticed movement at the bottom of the mountain. At this time, Zhang Tianfang hurried in and said, "Come out quickly, there's a fight at the bottom of the mountain."

The two of them went out and stood on a high slope and looked down. They saw a lively two-on-three fight. Their spiritual consciousness swept over them. They were all mid-level pill-forming monks. Zhang was wondering, there were the most warlocks in the mountain, so why were there five monks fighting with each other?

The following five monks are of the same level of cultivation, but one of them is less skilled in magical weapons and can barely compete with the other.

Zhang Tianfang was afraid that there would be no excitement, so he pulled his neck and shouted: "Come on." He didn't know who he was shouting for. The voice reached the bottom of the mountain. The five people twitched their eyes during the fight and looked up. There were mountains and mountains, but no one was seen.

Zhang Ai glared at him: "Don't make trouble."

Five people were fighting at the foot of the mountain. The two in front were fighting and running, and the three behind were chasing and fighting. After a while, they turned around the mountain road and disappeared behind a mountain peak. Seeing the five people running away, Zhang Tianfang was very anxious. Who wins and who loses? What if I don’t see the results? Carrying the ghost sword and rushing down the mountain, Zhang Ain sighed and shouted: "It's not empty." He turned around and went back to his room. As soon as he turned around, Fu Kong had already appeared on the high slope. Seeing Zhang Tianfang jumping down the mountain in the distance, he sighed and followed him down.

After a while, Fu Kong brought Zhang Tianfang back. As soon as he entered the house, Zhang Tianfang said: "They all ran away. When they saw me passing by, they all ran away. There is no energy." The two parties were fighting for the treasure, and suddenly a master came running in with fierce strides. , if it were you, would you run away?

Zhang Jing said: "Do you care whether someone is fighting or running? The mountain gods don't care, but you are quite energetic."

Bu Kong said: "They ran to the village."

Fighting was banned in Shiwanda Mountain, but fights were repeatedly banned, and the bloody killings were too busy. It was impossible for masters such as Zuo Shi to make a special trip to fight for a few people, so they narrowed the scope and were only responsible for public security near the Mountain God Platform, and the ban on fighting became a slogan. There is only one exception. No matter who causes the death of innocent people for any reason, they will be killed!

Zhang Ai said in surprise: "Then you are back?"

Zhang Tian let out a sigh of relief and said, "The old guy is gone, why should I stay here? I'm so bored that I won't fight."

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