The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 408 I Don't Want to Kill

Chapter 408: Don’t want to kill anyone

Without any control, the Five Elements Sword Formation started to change and attack the two people in the formation. For a moment, the swords and swords were shining, water and fire surrounded them, wood and rocks attacked and killed, and the killing moves continued. If Zhang Ai was here, he would be surprised by the terrifying power of the Five Elements Sword Formation, and he It's not the same thing at all, it's like two kinds of magic.

The Five Elements Sword Formation is good, and the Ghost Cry is also good. Cai Xiaoxiao relied on this dark ** to protect the lives of two people in the Five Elements Sword Formation. Zuo Shi looked at it and nodded: "King He's magic weapon is indeed extraordinary."

But no matter how good the magic weapon is, it still depends on who uses it. Cai Xiaoxiao's cultivation level is one level lower than that of Zuo Shi, but the Five Elements Sword is no worse than Guiwei. He compares the two and makes a judgment. He struggled for a long time and didn't even break through four stone walls, but just barely defended himself. Fortunately, King Wu helped, using a silver sword to cast the Five Elements spell to entangle each other in the formation, but he could only entangle and was unable to fight back.

Things are changing rapidly, and the three of them are all among the top masters, and they can fight dozens of moves in the blink of an eye. After fighting for a while, the two kings of Wu became more and more tired and frightened. It was too difficult to break through the Five Elements Sword Formation. On the other hand, Zuo Shi's demeanor was leisurely, not as if he was fighting, but as relaxed and comfortable as an outing. Cai Xiaoxiao secretly scolded himself for being careless, thinking that with Gui Cry he could win against Zuo Shi. He never expected that he would be bullied like this, and he was hesitant in his heart whether to use his special move to escape.

While I was thinking randomly, a thought suddenly flashed in my mind. Waiter Zuo has no murderous intention. He doesn't want to kill us two? While fighting and observing, Zuo Shi didn't try his best and didn't use the killer move. A glimmer of hope arose in his heart, and he didn't need to use the killer move anymore. With a backhand shot of the magic conch, a strong wind spurted out to block the attack of the Five Elements Sword Formation. Another slap on the conch, and another strong wind blew out. Cai Xiaoxiao kept using his right hand, taking hundreds of shots in a moment. Hundreds of strong winds stirred and entangled in the four stone walls, forming a vortex in a moment, and a huge tornado appeared.

Cai Xiaoxin knew well that the tornado's attack power was not powerful enough and could be used to escape, provided that Zuo Shi did not stop him. Seeing the tornado turning faster and faster, the vortex getting bigger and bigger, the wind crown getting higher and higher, Cai Xiaoxiao grabbed King Wu and took him into the eye of the storm. The two of them rose with the wind and were instantly above the height of the four stone walls. At this time, various attacks from the Five Elements Knife Formation hit the wind, easily cutting the wind into countless segments. The huge tornado disappeared silently, and the two fell from high altitude.

Cai Xiaoxiao was ecstatic. Zuo Shi really didn't want to kill anyone. He raised his palm and pushed flatly during the fall. With no way to use his strength, he moved back ten meters and fell to the ground with King Wu. The two of them jumped up as soon as they landed and ran quickly out of the mountain.

Zuo Shi indeed had no intention to kill. He let the two of them leave, pointed his fingers to take back the five throwing knives, and sighed softly. People are easy to kill, but what to do after killing someone? If there was another war between the two clans, even ten thousand lives of his own would not be enough to compensate.

He turned around and walked back. Although he was born and raised in the mountains, he rarely had the opportunity to walk in the mountains. Things were always busy and coming and going. At this moment, he walked slowly and took in the beautiful scenery of the mountains. The deadline is getting closer and closer. If you can't advance, you will have to report to another world. I really want to know what that world is like.

Looking at the wild flowers at my feet, I smiled softly. As the old saying goes, one look is too little to take. I am getting old, so I should look more. After I go there, I will never see this mountain again.

Eighty-one Heavenly God Pills were refined last time, ten were given to Zhang Ping, twenty-two for his right attendant, and forty-nine were kept for himself. But more than a hundred years have passed, and after eating thirty-three, I still can't advance. The transformation stage, the transformation stage, is only one step away from advancing, but I can't move forward. It's really difficult to become a god.

The mountain god said that of the Eighteen Masters, two are dead and three are nearing their end. Counting me as the left servant, the mountain will have to re-elect six masters, which will inevitably lead to bloodshed. Alas. The left servant let out a long sigh as he walked, then stopped after walking a few steps and turned around to look back.

A figure appeared on the mountain road behind him. He was very fast. He came closer in a blink of an eye. When he saw the left servant, he was overjoyed. He clasped his fists and said, "I have met my lord, and I was just going to find you."

Waiter Zuo smiled slightly: "The skylight is surrounding you guys these days, so what's the matter?"

The person who came was Zhang Ping. He was holding the formation diagram of the Temple of Refinement on the mountain and couldn't understand it. No one could understand it even after asking Bu Kong. Fang Jian couldn't understand it. After thinking about it, he became worried, so he went down the mountain and asked the attendant to ask. Although Zuo Shi may not be able to beat Hu Ping, he must have much more knowledge than Big Tiger, so he wouldn't want to meet him by chance on the road. So he took out the formation diagram and showed it to Zuo Shi, and asked, "Can your Excellency understand the things in the Valley of Refining Gods?"

Zuo Shi shook his head: "You have so many treasures, don't reveal your wealth. You always use these things to seduce people. Do you think you have a long life?"

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "My lord is not afraid of temptation." Zuo Shi lowered his head to look at the picture and said while looking at it: "Who said he is not afraid? That is because I am not crazy yet, your paper is wrong, it is very ordinary, there is this in the Valley of Refining Gods?"

"Just find a piece of paper and draw it. The formation diagram on the paper is the formation diagram of the Refining Temple. Well, it is said to be the formation diagram. The big tiger you saw in the foggy valley told me." After Zhang Ain finished speaking, he was stunned. Ping said that he found this picture in the stone house and had always had it. He was not sure that this picture was the Alchemy Temple formation diagram. What if it wasn't? Isn’t this busy work in vain?

I thought about it again. The big tiger is so powerful and has lived in the valley for many years. There should be no mistake.

He was thinking wildly when Zuo Shi said: "Big Tiger is very powerful. You haven't said how we met him yet. By the way, King Wu just brought a man to you. I let them go. Can't you keep a low profile? Mr. If you cause trouble, I don’t want Shiwandashan to turn into a Shura field. I heard that seventeen top masters joined forces to hunt you down, but you ran away. Does that mean I can’t catch you?”

He talked a lot, and Zhang Pa listened to him, thinking: There are always people who are greedy and unwilling to give up, otherwise there is no need to take people to hide in the Ten Thousand Mountains.

Zuo Shi was still nagging: "Don't go down the mountain all the time, stay well, there are all kinds of people in the Mountain God Platform, if you are discovered, I am afraid that more than seventeen people will come." He looked up and handed over the blueprint: "I will go back and see, which mountain do you live in? Wait for me to find you."

Zhang Pa took the blueprint and said: "It's far away, I can't tell clearly."

Zuo Shi said: "Then I will go back first, is there anything else?" Zhang Pa said no, bowed and said goodbye, and the two went their separate ways.

On the way back, Zhang Pa couldn't help thinking, according to Zuo Shi, someone in Longhu Mountain was greedy and wanted to catch me. He didn't care about it before, but now it's not possible. Every move involves more than 800 people. He couldn't help scratching his head. He thought it would be better to stay in the Ten Thousand Mountains, but he didn't expect to provoke a strong enemy. Could it be that there is no place for me in the world?

After returning to the mountain, he discussed with everyone that someone was plotting against him. What should he do? Zhang Tianfang got angry at that time: "Who dares to come? Fight back!" Zhang was afraid and it was right. If he was afraid of wolves in front and tigers behind, how could he survive if he was worried about everything? After all, there were more than 800 Jindan cultivators. He couldn't worry about everything. He just pretended that nothing happened and let the disciples come and go freely.

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