The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 386 Rebuilding Tianlei Mountain

Chapter 386: Rebuilding Tianlei Mountain

The two evil thieves were executed, and the eleven masters looked at each other in fear, waiting for the spiritual grass he promised. Zhang Aikku stood for a while and said to Zhang Tianfang Fang Jian: "Destroy the spiritual power cannon." He took a few steps back and took out fifty-five thousand-year-old herbs and said to a group of masters: "It has caused the seniors to lose several years of cultivation. With two I will give you five herbs as compensation for the eleven seniors who will help me kill the thief, okay?"

Zhang was afraid of killing people, so these people had nothing to say. Izumo said: "Very good, very good. Give me the medicine quickly. I only have more than 20 years left to live."

Zhang Ai retreated to the river, placed five herbs a hundred meters away, and then said: "Seniors, please come forward one by one to get the medicine."

The ten thousand-year-old herb has a powerful spiritual energy. All the cultivators stared at it eagerly, eager to grab it. After hearing Zhang Ying's words, Izumo walked forward with a smile: "If you don't take it, I will take it first." As he spoke, a figure appeared. Flash, the herbs disappeared, Izumo also disappeared, only a figure vaguely flashed in the distance.

Taking herbs in this way is beneficial to everyone. For Zhang Wen, there are ice crystals by the river to rely on, so no one dares to take risks; for the masters, taking turns to take them one by one, there is no need to worry about someone behind the scenes, they can take them. Just leave.

Zhang was afraid that one of the masters would take the spiritual herb, and the master of the Qing sect was ready to make a move. When a monk got the spiritual herb and left, Twenty-Four Stars said to Qingliu: "Farewell." His body flew into the air and chased after that person. Go, it looks like you're going to rob it forcefully.

Zhang Ai smiled indifferently and continued to hand out the herbs. Jin Wu Jin Liu looked at each other and took a good look at a cultivator who looked easy to bully. With two against one, it should be no problem to kill him. Zhang was afraid of seeing this, so he threw out hundreds of seven-star talismans and handed them to the monk along with the herbs. The monk took the talisman and was stunned for a moment, then smiled proudly, thanked Zhang Afraid, and threw several talismans into the air. There was an explosion, and the whole person got into the smoke and light. When the explosion stopped, the monk disappeared.

At this time, there were still two helpers in the field, and there were three people from Qingliu and two people from Jinwu on the Qingmen side. Two against five would definitely lead to death. Zhang Ain said, "Let me walk by the water for a few days." No wait. The two decided to shoot the herbs directly into their hands. The two masters were regretting that they had made a late move, and were being targeted by the other five, which was very dangerous. After hearing what Zhang Wen said, they were overjoyed and said with a smile: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for the medicine. The two of us will accompany you to enjoy the mountains and rivers."

Jin Wu was ready to grab the medicine at any time. He didn't want these two people to leave, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry when he stayed with Zhang Wen. The three elders of Qingmen looked at each other, Qi shook his head slightly, flew to the ten directions formation and worked together to destroy it, and then returned to the door. They were also eager for the elixir, but knowing that Zhang was afraid of the power of water spells, and with the help of spiritual beasts and Buddhists around him, trying to snatch the herb was no more than wishful thinking. What's more, when a powerful enemy comes to your doorstep and you are forced to admit defeat in front of the mountain gate and follow the disciples to fight the enemy, it is always a huge shame and you can't think of anything else.

Zhang Awei threw his flying boat into the water, and a group of people boarded the boat. Two senior monks carefully collected the herbs and followed him on both sides of the bank. They were on full alert, watching out for Jin Wu and Zhang Awei at the same time.

In just a moment, the bustling battlefield became deserted, with only six gold and hardware standing there. Seeing Zhang Wen and others walking away, Jin Wu said unwillingly: "Go back." Jin Liu nodded: "Where did that kid get so many treasures?" The two rushed to Qingmen to say goodbye loudly, and Qingliu and the others flew high into the sky. Gifts are given. At this point, the matter of cleaning up the house comes to an end.

The two masters who were traveling with Zhang Ai noticed that Jin Wu Jin Liu was leaving. To be on the safe side, they walked with the flying boat for a few days until they approached Song City. The two said goodbye to Zhang Ao and said, "Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist, and I will say goodbye." Zhang Ai said goodbye. Afraid of not saying anything, he lazily waved his hand to say goodbye, and the two of them turned into two shooting stars and shot into the distance.

After leaving Qingmen for many days, Zhang Tianfang was still full of ideas and said noisily: "I really should try firing a cannon." Fu Kong chanted Buddha loudly: "Good, good." Fang Jian said: "Can't you be kinder?" Zhang Tianfang scolded them. Hypocritically, he asked Zhang Awei: "When are you going to the Jin family and the Yao family?" Zhang Ao asked back: "What are you going to do at the Jin family and the Yao family?"

"Revenge!" Zhang Tianfang shouted with ox-like eyes: "The great vengeance of annihilating the whole family must be avenged."

Time is a strange thing, and the heart is also a strange thing. If you are always fighting and killing people, your heart will become numb and you will not care about the life or death of others. However, you will still feel tired when you are dead, and the longer time goes by, the more tired you will become. At this time, Zhang was afraid that he felt a little tired. His desire for revenge slowly faded as time went by, and he no longer wanted to kill anyone anymore.

Zhang Ai said: "I want to rebuild the mountain gate."

"Don't we have a Snow Mountain Sect? Ah, you want to rebuild Tianlei Mountain?" Zhang Tianfang shouted. Zhang Ping nodded and said yes. Zhang Tianfang frowned and said, "Isn't Tianlei Mountain a Taoist temple?" Zhang Ain smiled bitterly and said, "Do you think I look like a Taoist priest?"

"Whether you look like it or not, you are it anyway." Zhang Tianfang affirmed, and turned to talk to Fu Kong: "I don't believe in that Buddhist thing of yours anymore. I want to retreat from Buddhism and join Taoism." He turned back to Zhang Ain and said, "Support You build a gate and find a leader for me to play with."

He talked to himself and no one paid any attention to him. Fang Jian talked to Zhang Awei: "I'll help you." Zhang Tianzhang shouted: "I'm the leader, I'm the leader! You should help me." Fu Kong kicked him into the water: "You went back on your word to the Buddha. , Buddha was very angry and asked me to kick you."

Everyone is following Yi Zhang's lead. Once a goal is set, it will be achieved. Everyone changed boats and took cars, looked for big cities to buy various daily necessities, such as wood and stone, and then headed straight for Tianlei Mountain in the Yue Kingdom.

Returning to Tianlei Mountain, Zhang Ai felt very emotional. The collapsed walls, broken stones and broken tiles had been cleared up long ago, but the dilapidation was still there, cold and messy, and desolate everywhere. Tianlei Mountain is very big, and there are houses on each hilltop. Zhang Ain took everyone to see them one by one, and finally flew back to his former home, the small wooden house built under the big rock.

There is a small river not far from the wooden house, more than one meter wide and shallow. Walking up the river for ten miles, there is a deep pool with clear water, dozens of meters deep and more than a hundred meters wide. It is surrounded by woods, dense and blocking out the sun.

Zhang was afraid to set up several magic formations here. He remembered that the Five Elements Illusion Formation had been destroyed by Qingmen's spiritual cannons, but the Qingmen Bagua Formation could withstand several cannons by relying on the power of the terrain. He thought hard for many days to come up with one. The protective array can use the power of water, trees, and earth to fully enrich the power of the Five Elements Fantasy Array. It also uses 25,000 array flags to gather the power of the Five Elements, and an eight-diagram array is placed on the outermost side. , layers of protection for fear of accidents.

Not a single wood or stone was destroyed in the entire array, and more than a hundred houses made of wood were dotted in the forest for the girls to live in. Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to live here, so he flew back to the main peak of Tianlei Mountain with the purchased bricks, tiles and wood. After placing various materials, he went down the mountain to hire workers to rebuild Tianlei Mountain.

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