The Monk

Volume One Chapter 385 Threatening to Kill

Chapter 385: Threatening to Kill

This time did not come for a while, Fu Kong strongly blocked it, stood alone in front of the muzzle, and refused to let it fire. The master gunner looked back at Zhang Ai with an expressionless face, meaning you are one of your own, I don't care how you want to deal with it.

Zhang Ai was in a very difficult situation. The power of the ten-directional formation was terrifying. If four cannons were fired, there would be countless casualties. However, the current situation is like riding a tiger. If you use cannons to threaten to clear out the door, you won't surrender. If you don't use cannons to clear the door, you will definitely fight to the end. He glanced at everyone, and the experts who came to help all had expressionless faces, as if the upcoming killing had nothing to do with them; on the other hand, the girls showed concern and sighed: "Wait a minute." They walked between the two parties, The master of Chongqing Sect calmly said: "Yueguo Ninghe River floods caused countless casualties. More than 230,000 people were killed, more than 330,000 were injured, and 176 were homeless. More than 10,000 people, more than 300,000 houses were destroyed, and 146 villages and towns disappeared. All of these are thanks to the three people of Sancai Sword Formation, so I will kill these three people!"

He turned sideways and looked back at the spiritual cannon, turned around and continued: "If you use this cannon to bombard me, I will treat it as if nothing happened. Looking at the world, the number of people who want to kill me is countless, and you are not the only one to clear the door; don't tell me. Others, even the eleven masters who are helping me now, were still chasing me crazily a month ago. They killed me for a long time, but failed, so I discussed with them and gave them ten thousand years of herbal medicine to ask them to help me. Come to clear the house and kill people.”

The voice was not high and spread softly throughout the audience, but what everyone heard in their ears was thinking differently. The voice continued: "I killed one of the three bastards in the Three Talents Sword Formation of Heaven and Earth People that day, and ran away two others. People, I came to clean up the house to ask for someone, but you don’t give it to me. Well, I will exchange the heads of two of them with ten thousand-year-old herbs. No matter who it is, as long as they let me see their corpses, I will reward them with ten thousand-year-old herbs. Herbs are given as thanks, each person has ten thousand-year-old herbs.”

One word caused thousands of waves. Nowadays, there are countless cultivators searching for fairy grass and elixir in order to improve their practice. Except for a few forbidden places, even century-old herbs are not common in ordinary mountains and plains, let alone ten-thousand-year-old herbs? And the madman in front of him offered ten thousand-year-old herbs as a reward for a group of dead ordinary people who had nothing to do with him. Madman, definitely a madman, those were ten thousand-year-old herbs, and there were ten of them.

The disciples of the Qing sect were a little restless. No wonder a dozen Nascent Soul masters were willing to sacrifice their own cultivation to set up an array, so that they could obtain ten thousand-year-old herbs. What does more than ten years of cultivation mean? Twenty-four stars secretly regretted that they were on the wrong team. The expressions of the three elders of the Qing sect changed again and again. They had reached the realm of cultivation and had been practicing hard for many years. If there were thousands of years of herbal medicine to make elixirs, even if there was only one...

Zhang Ain was still talking: "The spiritual power cannon is very powerful, and the ten-directional formation is very powerful. I don't know what will happen to the Qingmen after one cannon. God has the virtue of good life, and I really don't want to increase the number of killings in vain. I also asked the seniors to think carefully before making a decision." He looked past the people in the Qing family and looked at the brick houses behind them, and finally said: "If I can't break the Bagua formation today and return without success, I will return. Spread throughout the world, if anyone kills the evil thieves of the Qing Dynasty for me, I will thank him with ten thousand-year-old herbs!"

Thank you with ten thousand-year-old herbs! The words "faint" resounded in the ears of the disciples of the Qing sect. The temptation of ten thousand-year-old herbs is a good thing for practitioners in the world, but it is absolutely a disaster for the Qing Sect. The yin-yang fish above Qingmen Town is still there, and the power of the Eight Diagrams Formation has not diminished, but the whole family has collectively lost their fighting spirit. The temptation of ten thousand-year-old herbs is enough to lure the monks from all over the world to destroy the entire Qingmen. No matter how arrogant they are, they dare not make enemies of the monks in the world.

After saying this, the world was silent for a moment. After a long while, Qingliu said in a solemn voice: "How about..." He was speechless and could only say two words. The eyes of the other two elders of the Qing Sect flickered uncertainly, and there was only one thought left in their minds: No matter what, they cannot let the Qing Sect be destroyed in their own hands!

Jin Wu and Jin Liu looked at each other and sighed secretly. The two troublemaking bastards from the Qing family were dead, but what about the Jin family? Do we need to change our strategy? Isn't it a bit ill-advised to be an enemy of a madman who hits people with treasures at will?

Many people stood silently, four spiritual cannons shimmering with cold light, aiming at the Qingmen, Fu Kong's weak figure blocked in front of them, a dozen top-level masters had expressionless faces, and only the gentle breeze blew past the crowd. This wind blows over the mountains and rivers, over the common people of the world, over the night and day, over the winter, summer, spring and autumn, but when it blows in front of everyone, it becomes cold and solemn.

After a long time, the leader of the three elders of the Qing sect said: "That's it, we lost this battle." As long as the foundation of the Qing sect is still there, we can afford to lose!

Qingliu breathed softly and gave a few instructions in a low voice. Not long after, more than a dozen Nascent Soul mid-level masters and above escorted the two of them over. They were the two remaining in the Three Talents Sword Formation of Heaven and Earth People. Qingliu stepped forward and personally transformed the two Nascent Souls and destroyed the magic power of their Dantian. With a flick of his sleeves, he sent them to Zhang Wen and said loudly: "You two are doing whatever you want and committing heinous killings. I will take the Qingmen's place." The master took back his sect and taught him the techniques, and kicked you two out. From now on..." Thinking that they had no future together, he sighed without saying a word and then retreated.

The two men looked ashen, knowing that they could not escape death. They behaved like men, standing with their heads held high, and shouted to Zhang Awei: "Hurry up." Speaking of which, it was a sure hit. The last time Zhang Awei came, he The two ran to Jin's house, but they were indeed not clearing the door. After the spiritual force bombarded Zhang Fei, they got the news and thought everything was fine, so they came back. But I didn't expect that I would suffer such a disaster just two days after I came back.

Zhang Ping was very disgusted with these two people. He had no good impression of those who put others to death for selfish reasons. He summoned a huge hard iron knife, held it with both hands and slashed it down, splitting one of them in half from the top of his head to his crotch. , but the evil spirit in his heart has not dissipated. If someone were being hunted every day, he would want to vent his anger, so he turned to chopping and slashed several times. Looking at the man again, he had turned into large pieces of meat scattered on the ground.

I’ve seen people murder people, but I’ve never seen people kill people like this, cutting people into pieces? Fu Kong chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice, and a soft golden light floated in front of the girls, blocking their sight, and yelled at Zhang Ying: "Hey."

After killing one person, Zhang stood with his sword raised, his head slightly tilted, looking at the flesh and blood on the ground with an expressionless face, not knowing what he was thinking.

The faces of the people in the Qing sect became extremely ugly. Killing the disciples like this in front of them was tantamount to a slap in the face, and the beating was merciless. Many people clenched their fists, gritted their teeth, and spit fire from their eyes, wanting to kill Zhang Awei.

There was only one person left. Zhang looked as if he had seen a ghost. His whole body trembled and he shouted: "Kill me, kill me quickly!"

Death is not scary, what is scary is the fantasy of death and the unknown after death.

Zhang Ain looked up at him and swung the knife across his neck with his backhand. Blood arrows shot up into the sky and shot high into the sky. His huge head flew over a hundred meters and fell into the dust. His body fell to the ground with a groan.

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