The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 377 Musical Instruments

Chapter 377 Musical Instruments

After the spiritual cannon was fired, five masters walked out of the town. Jin Wu sighed, "Still a step slower, the thief reacted quickly." Twenty-four stars said, "He used the middle-grade Feizhi, so it's naturally fast." Jin Liu also sighed, "After preparing for several days, he still failed in the end. I just can't figure out where he got so many treasures?" The skinny middle-aged man sighed, "Go back, alas."

It's a great skill to make the five masters sigh again and again. Now this very capable person is furious. The middle-grade Feizhi is too fast. It flew all over the grassland in the blink of an eye. Zhang Pa poured out his anger in the green leaves: "Too sinister, too cruel, fortunately I saw the opportunity early, otherwise I wouldn't have turned into ashes?"

The scene just now makes people scared. If Feizhi had been launched half a minute later, there would be nothing. The girls also chirped to express their anger. Zhang Tianfang yelled in a hoarse voice: "You bastards, you bastards, you can't live without this breath, I'm going to kill them back." Who would have thought that a group of old guys who were blocked at the door for dozens of days did not get angry or fight, and they were like dead people without any temper, but they were actually tinkering with terrifying things? I have seen spiritual cannons before. They were used when the Song State and the Barbarians fought each other, but the power of that cannon was nothing compared to what the five old guys tinkered with. Zhang Tianfang said: "Zhang Pa, let's make a few cannons and blow them to death." Zhang Pa's face was livid, and he was so angry that he let everyone lose their lives because of his carelessness. He gritted his teeth and said: "Those two people are really hard to kill!" Everyone ran in a hurry, losing more than a dozen tents and more than a thousand formation flags. It doesn't matter if the things are gone, the key is that the anger is hard to calm down. What should I do next? Kill them back? Then I have to prepare a few cannons first, but I don't know how to make that thing. Break in? God knows what's strange about the Bagua formation, what if I die in it? If it really doesn't work, go alone, sneak into Qingmen Town, find the two bastards, kill them and run away, but the two bastards are higher than me, they are at the middle stage of Yuanying, and I can't deal with them without the help of the piglet, cat and ice crystal. The more I think about it, the bigger my head is. Could it be that after the Jin family and the Yao family, another family has failed to take revenge? Zhang Pa was ruthless, and the murderous aura emanated from his body, causing the grass leaves around him to dance, with a different kind of cold and fierce meaning. Bukong coughed lightly: "Don't be too obsessed with killing, be careful not to fall into the devil's way." Song Yunyi thought for a while and said: "You have lived in the wild for so long, go to the city to stay for a few days to relax, just buy musical instruments for the girls." She didn't want Zhang Pa to be burdened by hatred all day long, and he didn't know anything else except killing. Zhang Pa was stunned, as if he didn't understand and asked: "Go to the city?" "Yes, it's good to go around and buy some more things. The tent was destroyed, and I have to buy some beds and quilts to redecorate it." Cheng Xier agreed with Song Yunyi's idea. Fang Jian didn't say anything, Bukong nodded slightly, Zhang Tianfang looked around and also agreed.

Zhang Pa looked up at the sky and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "It's good to rest for a while." During the days when they were stationed outside Qingmen, although the scenery was good and they were idle all day, they were always cautious and alert, fearing that they would be attacked by the enemy. They thought a lot every day, and it would be a lie to say that they were not tired or lacking.

Identify the direction and fly back to Songcheng. To buy musical instruments for the girls, you must go to a big city. The people in small villages and towns still have problems with food and clothing, so how can they have the leisure to cultivate their sentiments?

Three days later, they returned to Songcheng, first found an inn to stay in, and then went to the market to buy items. The girls' tents were destroyed, and the furnishings in the house were naturally gone. They were all things they had collected for many years. They usually cherished them very much, so it goes without saying that they were heartbroken.

Zhang Pa spent thousands of taels of gold and asked Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian to accompany them shopping. He sat in the house alone with a pot of wine and was in a daze. Am I too dependent on ice crystals? There are also kittens and pigs. Every time they fight, they rush to the front, and I just watch.

Yuanying cultivator, it's a big name to say it out loud, and it's also scary. But Zhang Pa is no longer the ignorant person he used to be. After more than a hundred years, he has experienced ups and downs and knows a little about cultivators. Not to mention anything else, there are also gods in the gods stage above Yuanying cultivators. From the name, you can tell that they are comparable to gods, and what is my cultivation level?

The five people of the Twenty-Four Stars are the top level of Yuanying cultivators, one step away from gods; and the seventeen cultivators who followed me all day long some time ago, one of them is called Chu Yunzi and a bunch of people from the Dragon God Valley are also the top level of Yuanying cultivators. It's really weird. In the past, it was easy to see a Yuanying cultivator, but I could see more than ten or twenty of them at random.

Thinking of this, I was suddenly shocked. Yes, where did those dozen people go? I made such a big fuss in Qingmen, but they didn't come? It is said that their determination to find him must be more urgent and firm than the five people from Qingmen. After all, it is a matter of life and death. Where did they go?

He was thinking wildly. The maids bought large and small bags of things and came back. They went into their rooms to put them in order. There were always people who came to show off to him. There were clothes, shoes, snacks, toys, and even fragile items such as porcelain, and rattles that he could not think of the use of.

Zhang Pa looked at Coke and realized that he had been sitting there for a whole day. When Song Yunyi came into the room, Zhang Pa asked: "Have you finished buying?" Song Yunyi replied: "No, it's only been a day. There are so many people and so many things. How can I buy them all at once?"

For the next three days, the maids shuttled around Songcheng and went shopping crazily. Zhang Pa also took time to go to the vegetable market to buy a large amount of food. The rest of the time was spent thinking about how to deal with Qingmen.

Three days later, Song Yunyi took the maids to buy musical instruments. They bought a large collection of zithers, harps, zhengs, shengs, flutes, and hujias. Each person could get more than a dozen and still have some extra. Zhang Pa expressed admiration: "Can you play with it?"

The answer is of course no. Song Yunyi did learn it for two days when he was young, but he never touched it again. He barely understood it, so he looked for someone to teach him. He paid a lot of money to hire a teacher in the major music halls and theaters in the city. Zhang Pa remembered that Ouyang Dingtian had a flute instrument. It would be good if every girl had such an instrument, so he found a violin maker to learn the production method at a high price. Everyone was a cultivator, and their qualifications were much better than ordinary people. In less than two months, they had mastered it. Everyone learned several musical instruments. Cheng Xier learned the most and most seriously. She thought she could play it for Zhang Pa in the future. In comparison, Zhang Pa's learning was worse. He wanted to learn the production methods of various musical instruments, but he didn't learn them well. He remembered the general idea of ​​hammering here and there. Making things requires more hands-on work. What's the point of remembering everything in his mind? So in the future, he could always be seen carving a pile of wood. Zhang Tianfang despised him and said he was boring. Fang Jian picked up the carving knife and learned to make musical instruments with him. Bukong praised, "Very good. Carve a wooden fish for me when you have time."

Before Bukong could carve the wooden fish, the East Continent was in turmoil again. The unicorn beasts in the Monster Mountain came out of the mountain and killed and injured hundreds of cultivators.

Zhang Pa heard the news in the teahouse. He stayed in the house all day. Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier were afraid that he would have wild thoughts and become more and more depressed, so they dragged him to the teahouse to sit and relax. It happened that the storyteller was talking about this incident.

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