The Monk

Volume One Chapter 376 Spiritual Power Cannon

Chapter 376: Spiritual Power Cannon

Only then did Lang Wuyi remember that Fang Jian had given him the advanced pill. He was a little embarrassed, but he didn't want to lose face and say thank you, so he stepped aside in embarrassment and remained silent.

Qing Wuyou gradually spoke to the other party: "You are my disciple of the Qing family. There is no need to mention the past. I just want to ask, will you come back?"

Fang Jian recalled the past years. He was bullied before he was nineteen years old. After getting to know Zhang Wen, several friends became friends with each other sincerely. There was no need to look at other people's faces. It was such a joy to travel freely in the vastness of the world; and what could I do when I returned home? ? Be enemies with them? He shook his head slowly and said firmly: "I won't reply."

Qing Wuyou's face did not change, and he said in a clear voice: "In this case, I have been enforcing the sect's decree on behalf of the sect, and the rebels have gradually disrespected their elders, fought with the sect, and rebelled against the sect. I am now removed from the Qing sect. I hope fellow Taoist Fang will behave himself in the future." ”

He turned around and said to Lang Wuyi: "Headmaster ordered that the disciples of the Qing sect are not allowed to go out. If Lang Wuyi disobeys it, he will be punished by facing the wall of the execution hall for three years." No longer looking at Fang Jian and others, he ordered: "Let's go." Lead everyone. Go back to Qingmen.

Zhang Tianfang asked: "How many will you kill?" Zhang Ping said: "How about I kill you?" He took out a bottle of wine and threw it to Fang Jian: "Drink something?" Fang Jian looked down at the jade bottle and pondered for a long time. Throw back: "Don't drink."

Zhang Tianfang stopped him and grabbed the bottle: "If you don't drink it, I will drink it. You are really a fool."

When they met again, they were enemies. Fang Jian walked to the river and sat down, watching the river flowing eastward. Although he had no feelings for Qingmen, he was slightly sentimental, which was really strange.

For the next few days, Zhang Wen and others had nothing to do, lying lazily in Qingmen Town. The girls are looking for fun, playing with their trouser legs high and barefoot in the water. They are obviously monks who know magic, but they are like little girls scooping up water and catching fish.

Zhang Ao looked at An Le and said, "It's quite innocent."

The girls are well-fed and well-clothed, with no worries about food and clothing, and a large amount of elixirs, and they practice facial beauty techniques. Not only are they as beautiful as gods, they are at least above average in appearance. Any one of them can be considered a beauty no matter where they are.

Zhang Tianfang held the wine bottle and said loudly: "Song Yunyi is the eldest wife, and Cheng Xi'er is the second wife. How many wives are these girls?"

Zhang Afraid's face turned red: "Can't you stop drinking? Give it to me if you don't want to drink." The girls are old and they refuse to let them go. They don't know how to arrange them. Cheng Xi'er has already made Zhang Afraid's head. It's very big, plus these beauties, forget it, don't think about it, just do whatever you want.

Cheng Xi'er heard the two talking, saw the girls messing around in the river, and discussed with Song Yunyi: "They don't like to practice, so why don't they learn something, such as musical instruments." Song Yunyi was right, but he didn't have any musical instruments. Afraid of mentioning this matter, Zhang said: "Let it go for now, wait until we kill those two bastards."

But the problem is that those two bastards are hiding behind closed doors, and even the five masters are unwilling to leave Qingmen Town. The boss's Yin-Yang Bagua array shines with colorful brilliance all day long, making it difficult to tell the truth.

"Breaking through the formation?" Zhang Tianfang suggested.

"It's good to stay like this. What's embarrassing is Qingmen. Why are we in a hurry?" Zhang Ai refused.

In the vast land, one place is a town with a radius of ten miles, another place is a dozen canopy houses, another place is a huge Bagua array, and the other is a small Five Elements array. Everyone stays in the array and no one leaves the array. Tens of days passed, and the two places were peaceful.

"If we keep getting closer like this, those two guys will definitely not be able to survive us, and they will die of old age." Zhang Tianfang released a lot of ghost beasts and played around with them, asking them to line up. These things have never been used after the Holy Kingdom killed the ghost disciples and snatched them away. , more than a hundred tall skeletons, dark and shining with evil light. Zhang Tianfang hesitated for a while and then said: "Why don't you try these black guys?"

When Fu Kong saw the ghost beast, he was stunned on the spot. It took him a long time to say something: "Are you a Buddha or a demon? Are there such evil things?"

"It's quite evil. Do you know the young monk?" Zhang Tianfang jumped on a ghost beast and waved the ghost sword randomly and asked, "Isn't it majestic?"

Fu Kong whispered the Buddha's name and said, "Let's discuss it. Can we purify the ghost beasts and free the resentful souls?"

Zhang Tianfang shook his head strongly: "Don't do it, it's so easy to get." Fu Kong could only sigh and walk away, out of sight but out of mind.

Speaking of purifying souls, Zhang Wen thought of something, separated the concentration beads from his forehead, held it up and called Fu Kong: "There are countless souls here, do they need to be purified or something?" Without practicing ghost skills, no matter how many souls you have, it will be useless. .

Fu Kong looked at the concentration bead and said: "There is an endless peaceful space inside the bead. No matter how many ghosts there are, they can all be contained without additional purification." In other words, this bead is the best home for all ghosts. If you can, collect as many as you can. It is also considered a good deed to place them.

Zhang Ai put away the beads and asked, "Do you know about ghost beasts? Do you want to persuade Tian Fang to destroy the ghost beasts?"

Fukong hesitated and shook his head and said: "It's all fate. You can't force it, so let him." He still didn't say how powerful the ghost beast was.

Zhang Tianfang looked down upon Fu Kong: "Just pretend to be mysterious when you have nothing to do. When will you teach me the Buddhist skills you promised me?"

Zhang Awei went over and kicked him: "You are a big-headed ghost, put it away quickly, let the girls see it." The girls were caught because of the ghost beast, and were later rescued by Zhang Awei.

Zhang Tianfang muttered: "Just take it, hey, what if we use this thing to clear the house and cause trouble, scare them to death."

Zhang was afraid of giving him a dirty look, and he really wanted to beat this guy up if he could. At this moment, Fang Jian shouted: "Someone is coming out of Qingmen." Several people turned to look. Dozens of monks walked out of the Qingmen Town entrance in two rows and lined up facing them.

Zhang was afraid that he would not understand what the other party wanted to do, so he asked: "You are impatient and want to fight?" Zhang Tianfang put away the ghost beast and said, "I don't care about that, if you dare to come over, I will kill you."

"It's strange, such a powerful spiritual power fluctuation." Zhang Weijing felt alarmed and suddenly shouted: "It's not good."

Fu Kong also shouted at this time: "Let the girls gather together and be ready to escape at any time."

There was a gathering of spiritual power behind the two rows of monks on the other side. The gathering was getting thicker and thicker, and it was terrifyingly powerful. Zhang Ai jumped up to check. Two huge spiritual cannons were storing energy. Zhang Ai's expression changed drastically and he said angrily: "What a bunch of bastards." Time was running out and he didn't have time to think of anything else. He fell to the ground and threw a flying gun at the girls. Shouted: "Come up."

In a moment, the girls got on Feiya, but Zhang was afraid that he had no time to take care of the tent house and the Five Elements Formation, so he urged Feiya to escape with all his strength. At this time, the spiritual power cannon absorbed the spiritual power from the ten thousand spiritual stones and completed its energy storage. Dozens of people in front moved out of the way, revealing two huge black cannon muzzles. There were only two loud buzzing sounds, and the earth trembled. Two huge white light balls shot toward the Five Elements Formation.

In an instant, the ball of light hit the Five Elements Illusion Array and exploded into the ground. Dazzling light burst out in all directions, rocks and soil flew up, and the nearby river water evaporated instantly. The Five Elements Array and the tents inside the array were blown into nothingness, and the ground cracked. A huge hole miles long. With one shot, nothing survives.

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