The Monk

Volume One Chapter 339 Two Bastards

Chapter 339 Two Bastards

Bingjing urged him again, Zhang Pa gritted his teeth and took back several of his array flags. The reinforcement array immediately lost its effect. With a loud bang, a torrent of water rushed across the air wall and roared out from the huge gap left by Bingjing. The dry river was instantly filled with water, and a crazy water dragon rushed downstream along the river. In front of the water dragon, huge waves pressed against the embankments on both sides, hitting the rocks and sand on the shore, making a terrifying sound and an amazing momentum.

Zhang Pa had no time to watch the roaring river. Bingjing intercepted the river water right in front of the water wall, but the two sides were empty, and the air walls on both sides were about to be destroyed. Flying up along the high water wall, while the array set by the three bastards was about to break, he threw the array flags again to reinforce the air walls on both sides, so that the river water honestly followed his instructions and flowed downstream in the river.

The water wall that was higher than the dam was very long. Zhang Pa flew all the way and reinforced the air walls on both sides. When he reinforced the air wall to the end, the high water wall had fallen several meters where the dam was destroyed by the river. Zhang Pa was overjoyed. As long as he held on for a while, the water flow would definitely fall back to its original height.

Looking at the destroyed places around him, he sighed and flew back. After all, he was not a god and had no power to turn the tide. He could only sigh and pray for the good luck of the people in the flood.

He quickly flew back to the place where the ice crystal served as the river bank. The kitten and the pig also knew that the situation was critical, and they stayed by the ice crystal on the left and right. The kitten could condense water into ice, and at this time he was busy condensing ice walls to block the water for the ice crystal. However, the water flow was too large, and the solid ice wall was immediately shattered into pieces once it was touched. With its magical powers, it could not stand up as an ice wall in the water.

The most terrifying power in the world is the power of nature. No matter how high your cultivation is or how deep your magic is, you can't stop the thunder and the torrent. When Zhang Pa came back, the ice crystal was washed into an extremely thin state by the raging tide, and the whole body was flashing with silver light, obviously trying its best to fight against the river. Seeing the silver light spreading and dispersing, the gap became larger and larger, and the ice crystal was washed into two parts by the torrent, with only a thin silver line connecting the upper and lower parts.

Zhang Pa was connected with the ice crystal in mind, and he felt everything that the ice crystal was experiencing at this time. He knew that the ice crystal was fighting with all its strength, and he also knew that the ice crystal was in danger. As long as the two silver lines connecting the two sides of the gap were broken, no matter how powerful it was, it would disappear.

He was a little panicked and didn't know what to do. In an emergency, he only thought of replenishing the spiritual power of the ice crystal. He attracted the five-colored spiritual essence in the divine tears and turned it into a five-colored rainbow bridge to shoot at the ice crystal.

Anything related to cultivation in the world cannot be separated from spiritual energy and spiritual power. Zhang Pa accidentally did the right thing. The ice crystal fought against the torrent with all its strength, and the spiritual power was too much. It would collapse at most after a quarter of an hour; if it could not get spiritual power replenishment, it would die here. Bing Jing had no time to inform Zhang Pa, so he could only hold on.

Fortunately, Zhang Pa drove the five spirits to shoot over, and the surging spiritual power in the divine tears was injected into Bing Jing along the five-color bridge. The silver light on Bing Jing's body was shining and tangled together. After a while, it turned the disadvantage around and finally resisted the flood.

Compared with the people on both sides of the strait, Zhang Pa was more concerned about Bing Jing. Since he found that it had symptoms, Zhang Pa stayed with it and focused on controlling the five spirits to help it. He no longer had the mind to check whether the air wall was solid.

After three hours, the water of Ning River finally fell to the same level as the embankment, and Ning Lake was also filled with river water, connecting the upstream and downstream again. The piglet kept flying away to check the details of the river. After returning, he nodded to Zhang Pa, meaning that Ning River had returned to its original state.

Zhang Pa let out a long breath and told Bing Jing the news. The silver light flashed around Bing Jing for a while, but it did not move. Zhang Pa was shocked when he checked it. Bing Jing, who was supplemented with surging spiritual power, was now weak and unable to move. He hurriedly forced it into his body. As soon as the ice crystal entered his body, it stopped moving. Zhang Pa ignored it and used the five spirit essences in the divine tears to wrap the ice crystal and give it the maximum supplement.

The ice crystal was not short of spiritual power at this time. Today was the first time since the creation of heaven and earth that it fought with all its strength and exhausted itself. After Zhang Pa found out, he gave it a strong supplement, making its spiritual power more abundant than before. However, these spiritual powers were not its own spiritual power. It was okay to use it to resist the flood in an emergency. After resisting the flood, the ice crystal relaxed and immediately lost its strength. It had abundant spiritual power but could not use it, and could not move anymore. It needed to rest well and transform the five spirit essences into its own spiritual power before it could restore its original strength.

Zhang Pa didn't know this, he only knew that the ice crystal couldn't move, and he was so angry that his eyes were red and he cursed the three bastards. Where were those three bastards from? I want to kill them!

His anger rose again because the three bastards killed thousands of people for their own interests, and they were seriously injured because of the involvement of the ice crystal.

Let's put aside the revenge of Tianlei Mountain's extermination of the family first, and now we have to hunt down the two bastards who escaped! Fly down the river to find the body of the third person killed by the kitten. The body was not found, but the tragic scene of the collapsed walls and houses was seen again, and there were many boats, either crashed into the river bank and scattered on the ground, or were broken into pieces by the waves and floated in the water. No wonder there has been no one seen in such a long river. It turns out that Zhang Pa hated more and more, and secretly made up his mind to catch the two people and skin them alive.

Ninghe River was extended, and the flood was huge when it was released just now. It was unknown where the body was washed away. Zhang Pa did not give up, and he was full of anger to support him to find the body. He wanted to check the dead person's belongings to guess their origins.

Seven days, a full seven days, Zhang Pa and Xiaozhu searched on the water, and Xiaomao searched in the water, from the river section where the man was killed to the estuary, and searched three times but did not find the body.

Did it rush into the sea? Zhang Pa was half submerged in the water and looked at the sea in silence. In order to avoid attracting attention these days, he has been half-soaked in the water to search.

Turning back and looking at the mouth of the Ning River, the water flow was turbulent and huge. If the body really flowed into the sea, there would be no way to find it.

He didn't sleep a wink for seven days and seven nights. After seven days and seven nights of hard work, what awaited him was failure! Feeling uncomfortable, I closed my eyes and didn’t want to see it anymore. The ice crystals in his body were as calm as before, and he was still alive at least. However, many innocent people on both sides of the Ning River were killed by the flood and could never come back.

Zhang Ping didn't want to feel uncomfortable, but now he felt extremely uncomfortable. He couldn't avenge his father and mother. He couldn't avenge the family's annihilation in Tianlei Mountain after a few attempts. At this time, Bing Jing was injured and he couldn't even find a body! Not only could the body not be found, the Jiao Jing was also missing.

It's not about greedy Jiao Jing, he wants Jiao Jing to help find those two bastards. When the kitten saw those two people, it was no different than seeing two flies. It didn't leave any impression at all. Zhang was afraid that he had seen those two people, and when he glanced at them from a distance, he saw that they were terrified and uneasy, and he had no other memory of them. There is only Jiao Jing, and he must have been deeply impressed by fighting three bastards twice, but Jiao Jing is gone.

Zhang Ai wanted to drag Tian down. He was so angry that he was shaking all over. He gritted his teeth and said: "No matter where you run, I will catch you, file your bones and raise ashes."

But this revenge was even more unreasonable than the previous times. In the previous times, I still knew who the enemy was, but I just didn't know the way; but this time, I didn't have any clues, I only knew that they were two greedy bastards.

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