The Monk

Volume One Chapter 338 Three Bastards

Chapter 338 Three Bastards

The three of them are at the initial level of Nascent Soul. Although their abilities cannot really move mountains and fill seas to change the course of rivers, they can block the flow of river water in a short time by relying on the magic circle. Until the water flow accumulates and becomes stronger and stronger, breaking the magic circle, then the torrent will spread over the fields and overtake everything.

Floods caused disasters, and the houses, property or lives of ordinary people were washed away. Three masters of the Qing Dynasty in the Song Dynasty did not care what would happen to the people of the Yue Kingdom. For their own selfish desires, they used magic to bury soil, build dams, and stone walls in the upper reaches of the Ning River. However, these They are all fake and will turn into nothing in the blink of an eye after being hit. However, the three masters knew how to use the magic circle to throw out hundreds of small flags to fix the sand and stones, forming a high and concave river embankment. On the embankment, there was a strong air wall blocking the front, while the Ninghe River water They were all intercepted here.

The water stopped in the upper reaches, and the three people attacked Ninghu in the lower reaches. Ninghu is the widest and deepest section of the Ninghe River and has a lot of water. The three of them used wind spells to create a wind tunnel on the water surface, using strong suction to pull the Ninghu water downstream. At the same time, a three-talented sword formation of heaven, earth and man was formed to exert pressure on the lake surface, forcing the lake water to flow into the wind tunnel.

The wind tunnel has huge suction power. Within a quarter of an hour, the water in Ninghu Lake has been reduced by half, and this half of the lake water has caused great damage to the lower reaches of the Ninghe River. The river was still as wide as before, and the water flow suddenly became larger, breaking through the dam and rushing to both banks, submerging countless crops, fields, houses, as well as people and livestock. I don't know how many poor people died innocently at the hands of three greedy monks.

The water in Ninghu Lake has been reduced by more than half, posing no threat to the three of them, so they activated the sword array to kill the dragon spirit cave in the water. The cave is small; the water in the lake has been reduced by more than half; the three members of the Qingmen are trapped in a sword formation; various unfavorable factors have greatly reduced the strength of the Jiao Jing. After a hundred rounds, the Jiao Jing cannot withstand the magic of the sword formation, and several bloody holes are stabbed on his body. In order to survive, he had to escape in the air.

The strength of the three monks was average, but the sword formation was more powerful. A sword from far away inflicted another scar on Jiao Jing, causing it to be seriously injured and unable to fly. It had to use the suction of the wind tunnel to escape to the lower reaches of the Ning River.

Zhang Ai was located 800 miles away from Ninghu and hundreds of miles away from the flood-affected area, so he had no idea what was happening in Ninghu. When he came to the river, the three men from the Qing sect were fighting with the Jiao Jing and had no time to pay attention to the water flow in the lake. As a result, the water volume in the lower reaches of the Ning River began to decrease. Although Zhang Wen felt strange, he did not think about the Jiao Jing. Then I saw three people chasing Jiao Jing and running away. I just thought that someone was greedy. I didn't expect that the greedy person was greedy and evil, and put the lives of the people in vain.

At this time, the kitten killed one person. Zhang was afraid that he did not want to cause trouble, so the best way was to kill them all. However, his kind nature made him unable to bear the killing, and shouted to the kitten: "Come back."

The kitten looked at the two people in the air with disdain, and slowly swam back to Zhang Wen.

The remaining two monks from the Qing sect reviewed each other and felt that they could not defeat the little monster in the water with their strength alone, not to mention that there was a guy next to them who could not figure out their strength. After making an agreement, they turned around and left quickly.

The two guys ran so fast. Zhang was afraid to see the two people leaving and sighed with emotion. He grabbed the kitten and planned to teach it not to kill people easily. Before I could say anything, I suddenly felt strongly uneasy. What's going on? He jumped up and looked around, using all his strength to search, and felt something was wrong in the upper reaches of the Ning River.

He ducked back to the carriage, grabbed the little pig, took the carriage back, let go of the big black mule, and flew quickly to the upper reaches of the Ning River with the kittens and piglets. It was nothing at first, but the higher I flew, the more frightened I became. The dam was damaged and the shore was muddy. There were collapsed houses in the mud, washed-out crops, and the mournful figures of the people who were lucky enough to survive.

what happened? Flooding again? But it didn't rain! I flew to Ninghu with questions. The wind tunnel at the exit of Ninghu was still there, anchored by a magic circle, attracting the lake water to flow downward. The lake water was getting less and less, and the surface silt was exposed in the shallow water.

Zhang Ping was shocked on the spot, and after a moment's thought, he knew what was going on. The three unlucky bastards were hunting for the inner elixir of the dragon spirit. Zhang was so angry that he wanted to catch the two people who had run away, skin them and feed them to the fish.

He waved his hand and cast a spell to blow up the magic circle at the wind tunnel, and waved his sleeves and a strong wind swept away the wind tunnel. Then he looked at the damaged road and crops in the distance and felt heartache, and he kept cursing the two beasts. Just as I was about to fly over to check on the disaster, I suddenly felt something was wrong. Ninghu is a section of Ninghe River. Even if Ninghu Lake is drained, Ninghe River is living water and it still has its upper reaches.

Thinking of this, my heart suddenly stirred, upstream, and upstream!

Zhang was afraid of lightning and rushed upstream. As soon as he flew out of Ninghu Lake, he saw a terrifying scene in front of him. A transparent concave air wall blocks the downstream flow of the river. The river is rushing and accumulating hundreds of meters high. It is long, wide, and high, and there is no one knows how much water there is.

The terrifying amount of water made him dizzy. He looked carefully and saw hundreds of formation flags falling in different directions around the transparent air wall. Due to too much water and too much power, the formation flag was already shaky, and it was about to break and destroy the formation.

Zhang Ai took a breath of air. With so much water, if the magic circle was broken, the consequences would be disastrous! The situation was critical, and there was no time to think of anything else. I took out more than a thousand formation flags and fixed the formation. After confirming that it was all right, I started thinking about what to do?

The Ninghe River keeps flowing, and the amount of water in the air wall is getting higher and higher. Standing below and looking up, I feel a little breathless. I have never seen so much water at such a close distance. It stands high in front of you, just waiting for someone. Breaking through the shackles in one moment, you and everything around you are washed away.

The water wall is hundreds of meters above the river. If the formation is broken, it will never flow only to Ninghu Lake. It will have no choice and direction and destroy everything in the four directions. Flying hundreds of meters high, we came to the top of the water wall to see how long the water wall was, and it was all higher than the embankment. And further away, beyond the reach of the air wall, there was already water flowing down the embankment, breaking out of a new river channel, and rushing towards the homes on the shore.

Zhang Qihen gritted his teeth and cursed the three bastards in his heart. But the most important thing to do at this time is not to curse or get angry, but to divert the water of Ninghe River. Asked the little pig and kitten: "Is there anything you can do?"

The two little guys shook their heads solemnly for the first time, and then looked up at Zhang Ping pitifully, asking if there was anything they could do. Zhang Ai hates the three bastards more and more. Even the two beasts know how to care about the common people, but the three bastards don't know!

After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, the only thing he could rely on was ice crystals. Communicate with the ice crystals with your mind, and the ice crystals pop out of the body, gently get into the trapped water array, enlarge your body and then enlarge it to the same width as the air wall, and then crack a big mouth in the middle, and the river water becomes fierce. The ground rushed towards the air wall from the gap.

At this time, Zhang was afraid of getting the ice crystal prompt and removed the magic circle. After receiving this reminder, there was a buzzing sound in Zhang Weijing's head, and he almost fainted. Bing Jing wanted to use his body to replace the magic circle and the air wall.

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