The Monk

Chapter 1712: Everyone in the World is Foolish


"The No. 1 Young Master in the World? This title is so great. It's a pity that I'm in the Buddhist realm. Otherwise, it would be very interesting to go back and compete with him for the title of No. 1 Young Master." Zhang Tianfang started to talk nonsense. Zhang Ai sighed and said: "Boss, with your body, how can you tell that you are a young master? Could it be that you are a woodcutter?"

"Don't discriminate against my body!" Zhang Tianda said angrily, turned around and pointed at the monkey and said, "He is so bear-like and dares to claim to be the undefeated God of War. Why can't I be a young master?"

"Okay, you can do it." Zhang was unwilling to argue with him about these issues, but the monkey said angrily: "Are you blind, am I like a bear? You say I am like a monkey, but I won't even get angry with you. Come on, you pig-like bald donkey, I want to fight San Lily."

Zhang Tianfang was not fooled, and said disdainfully: "Fight with whomever you want, I'm not that free, and I'm not that stupid." Fighting with an undefeated god of war who can't be beaten to death, but who gets more energetic the more he fights, even if it's rough Even the nervous Zhang Tianfang was unwilling.

Seeing the two brothers quarreling, Zhang was afraid of laughing and remained silent. Zhang Tianfang asked: "Why are you here? Just to talk about this matter?" Zhang Ain replied: "That's right." Zhang Tianfang asked again: "Bu Kong became the number one young master. Where is Fang Jian? What did that guy do?" Did you go?" Zhang Ping asked: "Do you remember the Hundred Thousand Mountains?" Zhang Tianfang said: "Of course you do, what is he doing in the Hundred Thousand Mountains?"

Zhang Ai replied softly: "The sky above Shiwanda Mountain is a forbidden area for monsters and beasts. No one dares to fly there. Fang Jian is doing this right now." Zhang Tianfang asked: "What is it? Flying around in the forbidden area for monsters and beasts, and Are the monsters fighting?" Zhang Ai nodded and said in a low voice, "Actually, he doesn't have to work so hard."

Among all the cultivators Zhang Ai knew, Fang Jian was definitely the hardest working, both for training his mind and for the purity of his skills. I only practice one magical sword in my life, and I don’t have any pills or other items. Later, when he met Zhang Ai, a wealthy man, he lived a wealthy life with fine clothes and fine food. He took many pills, but he never stopped practicing hard.

But cultivation has nothing to do with practicing hard and wanting to become a super master. Practicing hard is a prerequisite, but whether you can become a master depends on luck.

Fang Jian has been working hard, but it's a pity that hundreds of years have passed. Known as the number one genius, he still has not been able to step into the realm of evolution gods and cannot match Hai Ling in terms of strength.

Hearing what Zhang was afraid of saying about Fang Jian, Zhang Tianfang sighed and said, "I really wish I could ride around in a broken carriage before going back. It's much better than now, but I just can't understand. Are all cultivators in the world fools? Practice hard every day, What you want is to live a helpless life together with people you don’t know, like you and me.”

"Everyone in the world is crazy." Monkey interjected from the side.

yes. Everyone in the world is crazy, and ordinary people only live a few decades. But we have to chase many things that have nothing to do with happiness and happiness. Practitioners are even more stupid, locking themselves up and letting the gods compete with themselves. Why bother?

Zhang Tianfang nodded to the monkey and said: "It's rare to say something that makes sense and deserves praise." The monkey said angrily: "What is rare? Do you dare to discriminate against me? Come on, let's fight San Baihe."

"You know how to fight against San Baihe, I just ignore you." Zhang Tianfang said casually, and said to Zhang Awei: "Drink a bar, stay in the Buddha realm, that's all the fun." Then he added: "Go back later. Tianleishan, let me say hello to the young monk and Fang Jian."

Zhang Awei thought about it and said, "In a few days, I will definitely find a way for you to go back to Tianlei Mountain and say hello to them myself." Zhang Tianfang smiled and said, "I hope so." He knew that based on his relationship with Zhang Awei, as long as there was a little Zhang was afraid that he would not leave him in the Buddhist realm and ignore him. Since it has been impossible to get out for many years, it is really a difficult thing to do.

After staying in the Buddhist realm for a day, I talked a lot with Zhang Tianfang, and then went back to Tianlei Mountain Starry Sky. First, I went to see Fang Jian. The guy had scars all over his body and was hiding in a cave in the mountain to heal.

After Zhang Wen arrived, he casually said, "Why bother?" With a flick of his hand, all the old injuries outside Fang Jian's body were gone, except for his soul and damaged skills. Fortunately, the soul is not injured, and the lost power can be recovered in a few days by adjusting the breath.

As Zhang Pingju healed his wounds, Fang Jian said softly: "Thank you." Zhang Pingping sighed silently and said nothing. No matter when, no matter who stayed with Fang Jian, they would feel that this guy was a little far away, as if he was deliberately staying away. That kind of distance. Even if it was Zhang Ping and Fang Jian who had known each other for countless years, they would always say some polite words, which seemed a little awkward.

Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "You're always like this." Fang Jian knew what he was talking about and smiled: "I'm always like this, and you are always like this." It meant that Zhang Awei had always taken good care of him. The two looked at each other and laughed.

Zhang Wen used his spiritual thoughts to check Fang Jian's cultivation, and then said: "No matter how strong a string is, it cannot be stretched all the time. Why not rest for a few years?" Fang Jian smiled and said: "Come to persuade me? Okay, help me. Become a god and listen to your advice."

Seeing that this guy could joke and that nothing was wrong, Zhang Wen felt relieved and asked casually: "Didn't the sorcerer in the mountain give you any trouble?" Fang Jian replied: "I did. Those guys said that I violated the prohibition of the sacred mountain and should be punished." Kill, countless warlocks in Shiwanda Mountain have made it their mission to capture me. If I hadn’t been too lazy to pay attention to them, I would have killed them to my heart’s content.”

"Can you beat Zuo Shi?" Zhang Ain asked. Fang Jian replied: "I just want to give him face, so I don't bother to care about those sorcerers going crazy with me." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "The left servant is a good person."

A long time ago, when Zhang Weijing was still a little monk, he got the help of Zuo Shi. That guy was the most powerful existence second only to the Mountain God in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but he took special care of a little monk. It can't be said that he was kind of favor. Later, the mountain god passed away, and Shiwan Mountain experienced many ups and downs. Now the boss is Zuo Shi. He has never changed his name and has always been known as Zuo Shi.

Thinking of the people he knew before and saying some familiar words, Zhang Ain suddenly remembered what Zhang Tianfang said about getting a carriage and traveling around the world again, so he smiled and said, "Tianfang asked me to ask you a question."

"Is he okay?" Hearing another old friend he hadn't seen for a long time, even Fang Jian, who was cold-faced and arrogant, was lost in thought for a moment, and then asked.

"He's okay, just boring. As I told you before, that guy, a monkey, and a big man have caused trouble in the Buddha Realm. Have you not noticed that the great Buddhas in the Buddha Realm have been out frequently recently? You say so? Purdue the world was actually forced by those three guys, so they just played out of sight and out of mind." Zhang Ain said with a smile.

Fang Jian also laughed and replied: "We didn't see the Buddha here. We probably went to other starry skies."

The two talked for a while, and Zhang Ain asked, "Would you like to meet Bu Kong?" Fang Jian smiled and said, "That guy is very famous now, and even the mountain has news about him. He said that he was alone. He mediates the war between two countries and calms down the civil strife in another country. The world calls him the reincarnation of the Buddha, the reborn Bodhisattva, and the most good person in the world."

Zhang Ping recalled the nonsense Zhang Tianfang said when he was in the Buddha Realm, and smiled and said: "There used to be a good man named Zhang Dashan, who was praised by everyone, but unfortunately he has been forgotten long ago."

In the past, Zhang Tianfang did good deeds vigorously, and his deeds were known to everyone in the world. Unfortunately, in the face of time, both good and bad things will quietly disappear, as if they never appeared.

Fang Jian said: "Fortunately, there are always records in history books. I heard that there are temples for Bodhisattva Zhang in some places. It's not like my life was in vain." Zhang Ping said: "Tian Fang must like to hear this news. Let's go. See no empty space.”

So the two of them came out of the mountain and flew towards the north. With Zhang Afraid, no matter where he went, he would arrive in an instant. After a while, the two came to a snowy field. The fields were all white, with nothing but snow, not even woods. In the vast whiteness, there is a low snow house built in the snow.

Zhang Ai and Fang Jian walked over, knocked on the door softly and asked, "Is the master here?" Hearing him speak, the door opened, revealing Zhang Qingxiu's elegant and fair face, and said with a surprise expression on his face: "Why are you two here? Come on?" He said and moved away from the door.

After the two of them entered the house, they found tea leaves and boiled water. After a while, the three of them sat around, with tea in the middle. Drinking tea in an igloo in the cold north had a unique feeling.

The items in the room are very simple, a bed, a round table, four chairs, a cabinet for storing sundries and a stove, but nothing else. At this time, they were sitting around the round table drinking tea.

Looking at the empty chair, Zhang Awei smiled softly and asked, "Why are you so close to my home?" More than a thousand meters north of this snow house, there is a large snow house where Zhang Awei once lived. The place where the old monk Tian Kong came to visit him, and then sent the young monk Fu Kong over, and they formed a friendship for many years.

Fu Kong replied quietly: "It's clean here."

Listening to his seemingly emotionless words, Fang Jian laughed secretly in his heart. Even if he was clean, there was no need to prepare four chairs. Could anyone else be here as a guest? Four chairs represent four partners. Then he asked with a smile: "I heard that a princess said that she would not marry anyone but you, and that the emperor spent a lot of money to find out information about you. It's really beautiful. When the four of us got together in the past, we were not as beautiful as you are now."

After hearing this, Fukong said with a grimace: "Scenery? Can I give it to you instead? Do you think I am willing to live alone in the wilderness? My master is really the same. He kicked me out without saying a word, not to mention how pitiful it is. , you still make fun of it.”

Zhang Wen laughed loudly after hearing this, that's how life is, having a true lover, having a few close friends, and still being fully alive is the greatest happiness in the world. At that moment, he said: "Tianfang asked me to ask you, are you married? You have to hold on tight and don't let that guy worry."

"That guy has been going to the Buddhist realm for so many years, why is he still not serious? I'm really convinced." Fu Kong shook his head and said helplessly, then asked: "Is there something going on this time?" Zhang Ao nodded and said: "Yes." No. Kong hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?" Zhang Ping said seriously: "Come and see how glorious the world's number one young master is." After saying this, he and Fang Jian laughed at the same time. (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian (shuhaige.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.).t


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