The Monk

Text Chapter 1,711 The First Young Master


This is the answer. Thinking of the way the Dragon King said this to himself, he felt a little concerned, but was completely abandoned by the God of Creation. Zhang Ai felt a little chilled, pitiful for the top master in the God Realm, who is still waiting for Creation. When God came back, he sighed and said, "How can I tell him?"

The mirror said: "There is no need to say anything that is difficult to say. When you become the God of Creation, who dares to say anything?" Zhang Aif smiled and shook his head and said: "I have no interest in becoming a god at all. Going to the God Realm is not what I want." After saying this, I lowered my head and thought about it. Although I had many questions in my mind, I didn't want to ask anymore, so I clasped my fists and said, "Please forgive me, sir, and I'll leave."

Seeing that Zhang Wen wanted to leave, Jing Jing shook his head and said: "I have been looking for you for a long time. You are destined to be a great man who becomes the God of Creation. Why are you so obsessed with worldly things that you can't see away? Everything is illusory, and you can only become the God of Creation. Only the God of the World can understand the true meaning of the universe.”

Zhang Awei was stunned for a moment, why did another universe come out? The starry sky is already extremely large, so how big should the universe be? But although he was curious in his heart, he still had that thought. He didn't care at all, ignored it and didn't ask. He clasped his fists again and said: "How can you be so virtuous and capable? How can you take on such a big responsibility? Say goodbye." After saying this, his figure flashed and returned to the star. source.

The mirror did not stop him and only said softly: "You know, I have the ability of the Creator God. I can see the future. At least I can see the future of the God Realm and yours. You will definitely become the Creator God." He said this. , the mirror also disappeared, leaving only the green leaf shaking gently.

Zhang Ai was extremely fast. The thought changed. The person has returned to the star source, but the last words of the mirror were sent to his ears word for word. After the mirror left, Zhang Ain stood on the star source and meditated. The mirror can see the future and can see himself becoming. Creator God? But why would he become the next God of Creation when he clearly didn't want to?

He was in a daze, and Qi Lin, who had been staying at Xingyuan, came over and asked, "What are you thinking about?" Zhang Ain shook his head and said nothing. At this moment, he suddenly worried about his future. Do you really want to become a lonely god?

Because he had not reached an agreement with Jing Jing, he had many questions that he did not ask, such as how to take Zhang Tianfang out of the Buddhist realm, and how to always be with the four girls. For example, can the Tianleishan planet be lifted up into the sky and become an independent existence, transcending the starry sky, and become much safer from now on? Since we can't reach an agreement, we can only put aside these issues for the time being.

At this time, he already understood why the mirror gave him universal light. That guy was clearly casting a wide net, catching one after another, and he just happened to catch himself.

Seeing that Zhang Wen was not interested in talking, Qi Lin said: "We have been following you for almost a hundred years, and apart from practicing, we have been thinking about you. The more we think about you, the more heartbroken we are. When will you be able to do what we want, practice hard, increase your strength, and go Meet the God of Creation?" He didn't know that Zhang Wen had already seen the mirror.

Zhang Weijing avoided the topic and said with a smile: "The cost of increasing strength is too high. Let's talk about it later." After saying this, without waiting for Qi Lin to answer, he said again: "Let's go and die in a dream." Turned and walked towards Fruit grove. Qi Lin followed. As he walked, he asked, "How long will it take?" Zhang smiled and said, "Guess."

While they were talking, the two returned to the small courtyard and saw the flowers in bloom in the courtyard. The scenery was pleasant. It had never looked so beautiful. Qi Lin was surprised: "What is this for?"

Seeing Zhang was afraid of coming back. The big man walked out the door and said, "Please." It was rare that he was willing to turn into a human form in the God Realm. He was neatly dressed, and if his aura hadn't changed, no one would have guessed that he was a big man.

Qi Lin was even more surprised. He guessed what was going on and scanned the big man and the small courtyard with his eyes.

The big man who turned into a handsome boy said: "What are you looking at? Come in quickly."

In the small courtyard, there are long tables arranged in three directions. The tables are full of fine wine and delicacies. It is beautiful in words, but it is indescribably tempting. Qi Lin asked in a low voice: "What is this for?" The big man whispered: "I'll know it soon." As he spoke, he winked behind him. Behind him is a big unicorn beast, and the two guys who usually don't deal with it are actually making eye contact. Seeing that the big man wanted to ask, the Qilin beast turned around and looked back. After a moment, he turned back and nodded heavily at the big man.

Then, I heard the big man shout loudly: "The auspicious time has come, all guests, please come to the table and let the banquet begin."

What he did made Qi Lin even more confused. Why not just have a meal? It's made a big noise, right? Turning around to look at Zhang Awei, he saw the guy standing motionless at the door as if he was stupid.

Qi Lin whispered: "Let's go, what's wrong?" Zhang Ain did not raise his steps, but instead raised his hands high and bowed deeply towards everyone in the courtyard. Without saying a word, he walked into the main seat.

The big man smiled and said: "It's better if you know your business and don't talk nonsense. Hey, the banquet is open in the back." Then he glared at Qi Lin and whispered: "Hurry up and find a place to sit down."

Then take a seat. Qi Lin sat down at the side table and walked out of the room. Xiao Qi walked out with a plate of dinner with a smile on his face. He walked to Zhang Wen's table and put it down, and said with a smile: "Please taste it."

Zhang Weijing did not move his chopsticks immediately, but instead filled the wine glass, stood up and raised his glass to everyone, saying softly: "Thank you." After finishing the wine in the glass, everyone started eating.

After eating for a long time, Qi Lin finally understood what was going on. Today is the 100th anniversary of Zhang Wein's arrival in the God Realm. The big man came up with an idea to celebrate together. No wonder Zhang Wein didn't enter the hospital before he grew up. He bowed as a gift, then smiled and said: "In the world of gods, you are really setting a precedent."

The big man said seriously: "You don't understand. When I was playing in the lower world, those common people, ah, no, those common people, although their lives were difficult, there were always a few days a year where they had to celebrate and scoop out delicious food. Invite everyone to have fun together, one day is the New Year, and the other is the birthday. I thought, there are no birthdays for us gods, but the 100th anniversary of becoming a god should always be happy and joyful. "

Qi Lin shook his head helplessly and sighed: "I have convinced you." The big man said proudly, "You should have convinced me a long time ago."

After everyone drank for a while, the big man asked Zhang Ping: "Who are you going up to see? What are you doing? I'm still wondering if you can come down today."

Go up? To see people? Qi Lin immediately looked at Zhang Ping. Zhang Ain replied: "I just went up, what can happen?" He didn't want to talk about the mirror, and it was true that nothing happened, so replying like this was not a lie.

Qi Lin chased after him and asked: "Are you going up to the sacred mountain? Who else needs you to see in person now? Could it be the Dragon King?"

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "Stop guessing, I don't want to talk about this." Qi Lin smiled and said: "The tone is tight enough." Zhang Awei laughed, raised his glass and said: "According to the big man, today is a big day, come, Let’s get drunk together.”

No one could force Zhang Wen to talk about things he didn't want to say. Everyone continued to eat and drink until the end of the meal, the banquet was over, and Zhang Wen went to the Buddhist realm alone.

Seeing that he came back alone without the big man accompanying him, Zhang Tianfang asked: "Why are you here by yourself? Where is the big guy?" Zhang Ain said: "There is something I didn't tell you. I only found out about it when I returned to Tianlei Mountain last time." Zhang Tianfang asked "What's the matter?" Zhang Feng said, "The young monk has returned to secular life." "What?" Zhang Tianfang jumped up in shock and said in disbelief: "How is that possible?"

"I don't know what's going on. Anyway, the young monk has returned to secular life, and he no longer looks like a young monk. He is now more handsome than Fang Jian. He is handsome and tall, and he is definitely a talented person." Zhang Ai said.

Zhang Tianfang still couldn't believe it, and said nonchalantly: "How is it possible? The old monk can't agree." Zhang Fing said: "It was the old monk Master Tianfang who asked him to return to secular life and expelled him from the temple. The young monk sat in meditation in front of the mountain gate for ninety-nine eight On the eleventh day, he suddenly smiled and picked up flowers, and floated into the world. It is said that when he was picking up flowers that day, a pure white Buddha flower suddenly appeared in his empty hands, and then the whole world sang the Buddha's music together, and the whole world was shocked, because the Buddha's voice that day was universal. The monarchs of all countries have issued a general amnesty and no taxation for three years. In this way, no matter what the young monk realizes, it will always benefit the people of the world, which is a great merit. "

Returning to secular life was something that happened a few years ago. At that time, Zhang Wen was running back and forth between the divine world and the mortal world. When Song Yunyi talked about it, he couldn't believe it even more than Zhang Tianfang. Such a pure Buddhist could... A Buddha's heart is harder than a rock, how can it be possible to return to secular life? Later, I went to see the young monk. When I met him, I suddenly felt that it was right to return to secular life instead of being empty. There is always a compassionate smile on his face, but he is also handsome and unrestrained. He is no longer the naive little monk he used to be. Let him suddenly understand that everything will change and even the smallest people will grow up.

Therefore, after parting ways with Fu Kong, he went back to find Hai Ling and others to play together for many days. He didn't know when in the future, these little fat guys would suddenly become adults, so he had to cherish the days now.

"When I ascended, the whole world knew about it. It was so glorious. How did the people behave? Did the imperial court grant amnesty to the world?" I heard that Fu Kong was very cool when he became enlightened, and the whole world celebrated it. The very thoughtful Zhang Tianfang immediately remembered the past I asked with great interest.

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "I don't know. I was not in Tianlei Mountain when you ascended." Zhang Tianfang said anxiously: "Why don't you ask? Maybe he is more attractive than the little monk." "The one who is not pulling you is already close. A hundred years ago, all those people would have died, who do you want me to ask?" Zhang Ain replied. So Zhang Tianfang was a little disappointed, but he immediately asked another question that surprised Zhang Ain. He asked: "Young monk has returned to secular life. Have you married a wife? Have you changed your name?"

Zhang Ying smiled and shook his head: "Sometimes I really want to open your head and see what's inside."

Zhang Tianfang said sternly: "Stop talking useless words and answer the questions quickly." Zhang Weijing replied with a smile: "I have never married a wife. I have always been single. I am very free and unrestrained. I have attracted countless women to fall in love with you. Unfortunately, I can't find one." He, now he is the best son in the world, and he is not empty." (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian (shuhaige.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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