The Monk

Text Chapter 1617 This is the Buddha Realm

The two of them were fighting here, and the Thousand Buddhas were having a lot of fun with the monkeys on the side of the square. The monkey in particular was so angry that he took out some snacks and ate them while watching. It was very pleasant. Send updates

Zhang Awei took a glance and said, "Does this guy want to piss me off to death? He's eating my snacks and watching me being chased?" Behind him, Zhang Tianfang continued to fight unreasonably, and he could only run around feeling aggrieved and depressed. .

After tossing like this for a while, Zhang Ai suddenly stopped, turned around and shouted: "Stop!" The sound was so loud that it made the nearby Foshan buzz, and countless frightened birds flew up in the forest behind the mountain. Zhang Tianfang was also shocked by this shout, stopped and shouted back: "What are you shouting for?"

Zhang was afraid that his footsteps would move lightly, so he took a few steps back and asked in a cold voice: "Are you sick? I came all the way to see you, and you beat and killed me as soon as you saw me? I've made you angry, so I'll leave you alone." Here, you can hit whoever you want."

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Tianfang thought about it. This is what happened. No one knew anyone in this ghost place. If Zhang was afraid that he would not come again, he would be depressed to death and would die of boredom. He decided to stop and asked in a low voice: "Yes You say, what should I do?"

Zhang Ain replied: "How do I know? Ask your boss." Zhang Tian said angrily: "Your boss is the monk, what does this ghost place have to do with me?"

This guy is so cool. In front of thousands of Buddhas, he described the paradise they have been pursuing all their lives as a ghost place.

Zhang Awei sighed lightly and whispered: "It's all my fault that you haven't been beaten to death for so many years." Zhang Tianfang said coldly: "What are you talking about?" Zhang Awei ignored him and continued: "It's all my fault for protecting you. It's so good that you behave lawlessly." Zhang Tianfang was furious and shouted: "If you say weird things again, I'll beat you up even if I'm alone in this damn place."

Zhang Awei waved his hand. He said softly: "Stop making trouble, tell me, what do you want to do?" Zhang Tianfang said: "Nonsense, I want to go out! There is nothing here except a monk, a monk, well, there is also a monkey, do you know that Monkey?" As he spoke, he looked at the monkey who was eating snacks and watching the fun.

Zhang was afraid to follow and look over. He said softly: "The Buddhist realm has its own rules. I can't take anyone away until I ask them clearly." He had the strength to take Monkey and Zhang Tianfang away from here, but he couldn't.

The problem with monkeys is that they are strong. Everything comes from the heart, he is so capable of causing trouble, and after getting him out, there is no place to put it aside. It's the boss to send updates to the lower realm, but it will be uncomfortable to go to the divine realm. For his sake, and for the sake of other living beings, leaving him in the Buddhist realm is the best choice, unless he can control his temper. Learn to be patient, otherwise it is easy to cause trouble.

Zhang Tianfang's problem is to become a Buddha. Even though he wouldn't admit it, this was indeed the case. He is one of the Buddhas in the Buddha Realm. The Buddha's light behind his head shines everywhere, indicating that he has the strength to save the world and save people, and he is no longer an ordinary cultivator in the lower world. Even if he returns to the lower world and the golden halo behind his head reveals his identity, countless Buddhist cultivators will come to worship him. No matter what he does, many people will pay attention and even worship him. These are the things he dislikes the most.

Therefore, Zhang was afraid that he could not take the two of them away casually, which was actually quite helpless.

But the problem is that neither Monkey nor Zhang Tianfang likes to understand other people's moods. Therefore, after hearing Zhang Ping's answer, Zhang Tian said angrily: "Behave yourself, I'm not a monk, why are you here?"

This guy's temper was as bad as ever. Zhang Ping pointed at the back of his head and said softly: "Do you know what's behind it?" Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "Of course I know, isn't it just a broken aperture? I can't get rid of it. , If you can get rid of it, what does it matter now? A candle? Is it better to light it up for others tonight?"

Zhang Weijing laughed when he heard this, and then said: "No matter what it is, if you can't get rid of it, it will be a trouble no matter where you go." "Trouble is trouble! Who dares to trouble me?" Zhang Tianfang said forcefully. .

Zhang Ai had no choice but to explain to him patiently: "If you can go back to the lower realm, the halo behind your head will betray your identity. To Buddhists, you are the real Buddha. When people find you, they will only swarm around and worship you." , Do you want to deal with them?" Zhang Tianfang thought seriously for a while and sighed: "No."

Zhang Dawei said: "Yes, so you have to stay here first, and we will slowly think of a solution."

Although Zhang Tianfang was unwilling, unfortunately he had no choice but to listen to what Zhang Wen said and agreed to stay for the time being.

At this time, Monkey Bu Lao happily came over and said, "Why don't we stop making trouble? There is no excitement left to see." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "If you want to see the excitement, there are many. From today on, he will live with you, as long as he always If someone comes to him, you can always watch the fun."

After hearing this, the monkey thought about it for a moment, and after a while he raised his head and said: "No, I just want to watch the excitement, but I don't want to become a bustle and be looked at by others." Zhang Afraid asked: "Being looked at? Who is going to look at you? ? This is a Buddha realm, and they are all Buddhas except you."

Zhang Tianfang interjected: "I'm not."

Well, you're not. Zhang was afraid that he was too lazy to engage in boring topics with the stubborn Zhang Tianfang, so he left him and the monkey alone, walked towards the Buddha, and whispered: "I have something I want to discuss with you. I wonder if the Buddha has time?"

The Buddha smiled and said, "Monk, I only have time. May I ask what you want to discuss?"

Zhang Ao looked at Zhang Tianfang, set up a barrier and asked, "You are the Buddha, who is in charge of the Buddha realm. I would like to ask, did you ask Zhang Tianfang to ascend?" The Buddha's face was wide and he smiled. He shook his head slightly and said, "No."

no? Hearing this answer, Zhang Ai was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Who asked him to come? Ascension is not a child's play."

The Buddha smiled and replied: "Ascension is no child's play. Zhang Tianfang was able to ascend to the Buddha's realm because he was recognized by the Buddha, so he came without the consent of the Buddhas in the Buddha's realm."

Zhang was worried that he didn't understand, so he asked: "Buddha's recognition? Without the Buddha's consent? What's going on? Does it need to be recognized or not?"

The Buddha smiled and said: "In the Buddha realm, I am a Buddha, they are Buddhas, and any successful Buddhist cultivator can be called a Buddha, but we are not Buddhas. Buddhas are the heaven and earth, and this Buddha The realm is also the Buddha’s decree that allows Zhang Tianfang to ascend.”

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Ai vaguely understood, and asked again: "In other words, the rules of heaven and earth in the Buddhist realm allow Zhang Tianfang to ascend. If he is recognized by this rule and ascends, he will become a Buddha?"

The Buddha nodded and said: "That's it. The Buddha is not a person. The Buddha is the goal that hundreds of millions of Buddhas strive for. The rules they follow are the principles of survival. People like us, who have a little understanding of the Buddha and gain little, Those who have achieved some success in Buddhist practice can be crowned with the title of Buddha after being recognized by the Buddha's will, principles, and Dharma." At this point, the Buddha paused, looked at Zhang Tianfang, and then continued: "That's straightforward. Some, this Buddha realm is the Buddha. We are Buddhist practitioners who have been approved by the Buddha and stayed here to practice. Now there is another one."

The Buddha explained very clearly. Zhang Wen understood it completely and thanked him. Then he asked, "What should Zhang Tianfang do?" I once encountered this situation. Based on my guess, Zhang Tianfang was killed by the Buddha. I think he was inspired by the Buddha's special decree to come here. Since the Buddha asked him to come, there is a reason for him to come. We just have to do it. Just wait.”

Hearing this, Zhang Ain looked at Zhang Tianfang and smiled bitterly: "You can wait, but he may not be willing to wait."

The Buddha replied calmly: "The Buddha Realm has the rules of the Buddha Realm, and you have the rules of the practitioners. No matter how powerful a person is, he must abide by certain rules. Since Zhang Tianfang has come to the Buddha Realm, he must abide by the Buddha's rules." , at this point, he has to wait.”

Zhang Wen laughed when he heard this. There were times when the Buddha was overbearing, so he put away the barrier, walked to Zhang Tianfang and said, "Let's go, stay with you for a few days, and think about what to do."

He had to think about it carefully. Zhang Tianfang thought for a while, nodded and asked, "Where to go?" Zhang Ao pointed at the monkey and said, "I told you, from now on, you will live with him."

"Why? I have always lived alone." Zhang Tianfang shouted. Zhang Wei smiled and said, "Don't scream. You'll know when you get to the place." Zhang Tianfang thought about saying hello, and then said, "I have a tent house. If it doesn't suit me, I will live in the tent house."

Zhang Ai said casually: "Let's go as you like." After saying this, he clasped his hands and said goodbye to Qianduo Buddha, and then walked away with Zhang Tianfang.

They walked forward, and the monkey jumped over and asked, "You just threw him into my house without asking me. It's very ill-considered."

"Is it very thoughtless?" Zhang Ain repeated these four words, and then said: "Your family is so big that it can accommodate 100,000 soldiers, but not one person?"

The monkey said seriously: "Two different things." At this time, Zhang Tianfang interjected: "Who cares what you are doing, you, don't argue with him first, do you have any spirit, wine, spirit or meat? It's a rare time to rest, I I'm going to get drunk." The first half of the sentence was directed at the monkey, and the second half was directed at Zhang Ping.

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "Boss, this is a Buddhist realm. Eating meat is always bad." Zhang Tianfang said: "How can there be so many good things? It's not a good thing that they brought me here. Who should I ask to reason? "

When the monkey heard that there was wine and meat, the horse shouted to Zhang Afraid: "Why are the foods you brought me before always vegetarian? There was never any wine?"

Seeing that the monkeys also came to join in the fun, Zhang Wen smiled bitterly and said seriously: "Again, this is a Buddhist realm. It's not right for you to eat and play. You still want to eat meat and drink? It's not a joke."

He spoke, but the monkey didn't answer. Zhang Tianfang rushed to say: "I am neither a Buddhist nor a monk. I want to eat meat and drink wine. Who can control me? If you are still my friend, just get some wine." Unfinished to be continued. .

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