The Monk

Text Chapter 1,616 Making trouble in the Buddhist realm

Chapter 1616

Making Trouble in the Buddha Realm

After Jieyin left, Zhang Pa stood for a while, then turned to find the big guy and told him that he had to go to the lower world again. The big guy said dissatisfiedly: "I don't understand. Aren't you tired of going back and forth every day?" Zhang Pa didn't reply, but clasped his fists to the big guy, and his figure passed through the Star Source and came to the Buddha Realm. He wanted to see Zhang Tianfang. .

In the six months since he returned to Tongtian, Zhang Pa had gone to the Buddha Realm several times to bring some food and toys for the monkey, just like when he took care of Hai Ling, all kinds of toys and food, endless. The monkey was very grateful to Zhang Pa, and told him more than once: "I gave my power to the right person, you are not bad, bring more food next time." He also said: "When I was free and easy in the lower world, I didn't eat so many delicious foods, and I didn't play so many fun things. You don't have to return my power."

Hearing these words, Zhang Pa just laughed it off, but he felt a little regretful in his heart. This monkey is very lazy. In terms of laziness, compared with the outstanding lazy men such as the big guy, Zhang Pa, and Zhang Tianfang, it is not inferior at all. Lazy people should have the awareness of lazy people. The monkey has this awareness, so he never practices and never reads books.

Zhang Pa once brought in some books, but the monkey only flipped through them and threw them all away. He was far less diligent and studious than Hai Ling.

Since Zhang Pa provided him with toys, the monkey no longer unilaterally competed with the big monk in meditation, and made a bunch of toys to compete with himself all day long. He even asked Zhang Pa to make more war horses, chariots, warships, and soldiers dolls, and he wanted to play fighting games.

Zhang Pa always responded to requests. He went to the lower world and spent a lot of effort to buy more than a thousand dolls. The monkey was very dissatisfied and said that there were too few dolls and it was not fun to play with them. Zhang Pa had to wander around the starry sky and collect all kinds of dolls, as many as 100,000. The monkey was satisfied and praised Zhang Pa again: "You did a good job. My power finally has a place to use."

Zhang Pa was very depressed and asked the monkey: "Can we not mention those powers?" The monkey said yes and said in a different way: "My soul is good, right? Do you feel uncomfortable after merging into one? Do you think I am very powerful?"

Zhang Pa was completely speechless and used his trump card: "If you keep talking to me about these powers and souls, I will never come again." This scared the monkey, but every time I saw his complacent expression, it was clear that he was saying that you have my power, so you are so powerful.

This is the Buddha realm, which emphasizes peace and desirelessness, but the monkey did the opposite, running around all day and playing fighting games. Zhang Pa once asked: "Masters, don't you care? This is the Buddha Realm. Is it appropriate for you to get a bunch of soldiers to fight?" The monkey asked him back: "Why not?"

Okay, then it's appropriate. Zhang Pa asked again: "Masters, don't you care?"

The monkey glared and said: "Who dares to care about me? In the past, there was a big monk named Zun who cared about me. I was very angry and demolished the only monk temple here. Since then, no one has bothered me."

When Zhang Pa heard this, he laughed immediately. Shi Zun is the boss of the Buddha Realm. Monkey dared to demolish the boss's house. He is really capable.

The monkey has a special ability. It is difficult to kill, and the more he fights, the stronger he is. All the Buddhas in the Buddha Realm know that he has this ability. No one wants to fight with him. What if he fights a demon king? There are only monks here. They have to abide by the precepts. It is impossible to break the precepts and kill the monkey just because the monkey demolished the temple?

Fortunately, the monkey never does unreasonable things. As long as you don't provoke me, I will play alone, and the Buddha Realm will always be stable and peaceful. However, all this changed after Zhang Tianfang came, and it was no longer peaceful and calm.

Today is the third day of Zhang Tianfang's ascension. Zhang Pa came to the Buddha Realm and habitually went to find Monkey, wanting him to accompany him to find Zhang Tianfang. As a result, Monkey was not at home.

Monkey's home is an extremely huge pavilion, with ventilation all around. The ground is paved with bluestone, very flat, and there are more than 100,000 wooden warrior dolls. If there are too many things, they will appear very shocking. More than 100,000 wooden warriors make people feel like they are counting troops on the battlefield, very majestic and very cold.

Standing in front of the wooden doll, he turned his eyes and swept here. Monkey was not nearby, so he released his divine thoughts and searched for Monkey's breath, and at the same time he was also looking for Zhang Tianfang's breath. After a while, he found the breath of the two people, and what surprised him a little was that the two people were actually together. He moved his body and went to find the two people.

It was a high mountain, and the mountain was in the shape of a big Buddha sitting cross-legged. The front was white jade, and the back was a forest. The front had the body of the big Buddha, and the back was a continuous green mountain. The two were combined together, and they were very harmonious and perfect.

In front of the big Buddha was a huge square, with white jade as bricks and gold as edges, paving a solemn and holy Buddhist holy land.

Unfortunately, what happened on the holy platform was not solemn. Monkeys stood on the edge of the square, looking at the front of the square with interest. There was a black man in that place, looking up and shouting. Zhang Pa smiled. This guy was the same wherever he went. I really don’t know what went wrong in the Buddhist realm that allowed such a guy to ascend.

The jade Buddha statue that was the same body as the mountain was very tall, and the square below was also huge. People standing on it seemed as inconspicuous as sesame seeds. At the bottom of the jade Buddha statue, there stood more than a thousand Buddhas, each of whom was covered with a golden cassock, with a golden halo behind his head. Each of them had kind eyes, compassion and generosity, showing the solemnity of the Buddha.

Opposite them was the big black man Zhang Tianfang, who was yelling with his neck raised, with his back leaning against a huge jade Buddha statue. There was also a golden halo behind his head that was shining brightly, but they couldn't see it.

With Zhang Weifeng's cultivation and Zhang Tianfang's voice, you knew what he was shouting without having to listen carefully. The guy kept repeating two sentences: "If I don't shave my head, let me go."

There were more than a thousand Buddha statues standing in the whole square. No one spoke. They only looked at him quietly. No matter how noisy he was, he didn't get angry. Instead, he faced him with a smile. The Buddha is at the front, and two giant Buddhas stand behind him. The three of them are also smiling and saying nothing.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ping really suspected that something was wrong in the Buddhist realm. Why did he bring Zhang Tianfang here? This guy doesn't respect the Buddha, doesn't pay homage to the Buddha, and even abuses the Buddha when he's unhappy. Why did he ascend to the Buddha's realm?

Turning his attention to the Buddha, he was the boss of the Buddhist realm. Zhang Tianfang wanted to come up, but he had to get his consent. Zhang Ping really wanted to ask him what he thought.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tianfang was killed by the Buddha. Could it be that he was killed by the Buddha? But looking back and forth, the expressions of the two people remained unchanged. One kept shouting, the other kept smiling, and nothing could be seen. He turned to look at the monkey, flew over, and asked softly: "Does it look good?"

When the monkey saw him, he smiled and said: "It looks good. It's rare for something to happen in the Buddhist realm. This guy is fun." Zhang Aing calculated the time. Zhang Tianfang had been in the Buddhist realm for three days, so wouldn't he have been quarreling for three days? So he asked: "How long?" The monkey smiled and said: "Three days, strictly speaking, it is two and a half days. This guy is interesting. He insisted on shouting nonsense for two and a half days without stopping, and he was not tired."

Shouted for two and a half days? According to Zhang Tianfang's bizarre character, it is very likely that he would do such a thing. He asked the monkey softly: "What about you? You only watched it for two and a half days?" The monkey nodded and said, "Of course, you have found something interesting after coming to the Buddhist realm for so long. Of course you have to enjoy it." Zhang Aying laughed after hearing this. , shook his head and said: "You are really not afraid of dying of boredom." The monkey said: "How can you be bored? It's so fun, much more fun than me demolishing the temple."

The two of them were talking in a low voice and could easily be noticed by others, but Zhang was afraid that he had no intention of hiding anything from anyone, so all the Buddhas turned their eyes one after another. Especially the Buddha, when he saw Zhang Ping's figure, he sighed secretly, why is this guy here again?

Among the Buddhas, there are three old consciousnesses: Victory Buddha, Lamp-burning Buddha, and Supernatural Power Buddha. Because Zhang Wen often went in and out of the Buddha's realm, the three Buddhas had known that he had this ability, so they nodded gently at him to express their respect. Zhang Fei clasped his hands together and returned the gift seriously.

But as soon as he put his hands together, Zhang Tianfang's broken gong voice rang out, and he yelled: "You bastard, get over here, tell me, why am I here?" He was shouting at Zhang Afraid, who smiled bitterly. "How do I know?" Zhang Tianfang didn't care about that. He just roared to vent his anger and continued shouting: "You don't know? Aren't the stars all over the sky under your control? How could you not know?" As he spoke, The figure rose into the sky and punched Zhang Afraid with all his strength.

Zhang Ai had no choice but to pass by and said casually: "Calm down, this is the Buddha's realm." Zhang Tian let out a sigh and said: "I don't care where this is? Send me back! Bring me here before the food is finished. Why are the people down there starving to death?" manage?"

At this time, the Supernatural Buddha smiled and interjected: "Don't worry about this. The Buddha has issued the decree, and the Buddhist cultivators in the lower realm will complete this matter for you, and they will do it very well."

Zhang Tianfang glared and said: "What you do is your business, and what I do is mine. Why did you bring me here without my consent? Again, I am not a Buddhist, and I will not shave my head."

He was shouting, and if Master Tian and Fu Kong heard it, they would probably be angry to death. The two monks, one big and one small, devoted a lot of effort to Zhang Tianfang and worked hard to convert him. Unfortunately, they failed every time. Especially at this time, they came to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas and came to the bliss of only the Buddha. World, this guy is still so disrespectful to the Buddha, it’s so irritating!

What's even more irritating is that this guy not only yelled, but also hit people. While shouting the anger in his heart, he attacked Zhang Afraid. Zhang Ai was very hurt, dodged the attack, and asked at the same time: "The great monk is giving you a hard time. Instead of hitting them, you come to hit me instead?" Zhang Tianfang was full of energy and shouted: "Nonsense, those monks are like idiots. Just standing still and not hiding at all, what do you want me to do? Do you really want to beat them up?"

"Then you can't beat me." Zhang Wenwei said weakly: "I guess you are the first person to hit someone in the Buddha Realm. Let's discuss it and stop."

"Stop your head and I'm telling you, if you don't get me back, I'm not done with you." Zhang Tianfang continued to beat and yell, chasing him endlessly.

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