The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1579 Mountain Climbing

Chapter 1579 Mountain Climbing

After listening to Qi Xin's words and seeing the expressions of the two big Qilin beasts, Zhang Ain understood that Qi Xin and the big Qilin beasts really didn't want the two little beasts to follow in their footsteps, and just wanted them to live a stable life, so he would nod and say Okay, then he added with a wry smile: "Then, I'll take it with me."

These five words made Qi Xin and the two big unicorns feel relieved, but the little unicorns were a little reluctant. No matter how nice Zhang was to them, they were still outsiders, so it was better to stay with their parents. The two big beasts saw that they were unhappy, so they patiently tried to persuade them. The little beast was not strong enough and could only listen.

At the same time, Qi Xin solemnly thanked Zhang Ai for his kindness. Zhang Awei shook his head slightly. For some reason, he didn't really want to talk. After a while, I saw the two little beasts still looking reluctant to leave, and then I said again: "If you have time, come and see them more." While saying this, I thought of Tianlei Mountain, Yunyi and the others. This must be what I hope. It's ridiculous that I only know how to talk about others, but I can't do it myself.

The two big unicorn beasts talked to the little beast and pushed the little beast in front of Zhang Ain. Zhang Wen squatted down and hugged them both. The two little guys struggled for a while, knowing that Zhang Weijing was sincerely good to them, and also knew that their parents wanted to help Qi Xin fight, and that they would only be a drag if they followed, so they slowly calmed down, with a look of reluctance in their eyes. , and there is still a pitiful feeling of helplessness.

After looking at the little beast a few more times, Qi Xin left behind three transparent beads for communication, so that Zhang Xin could inform him if anything happened. Zhang Wen accepted it and said yes, knowing that they would always be worried about the two little beasts. After thinking about it, he also handed over one of his communication beads. Qi Xin happily took it and said thank you.

By this time, everything that needed to be explained had been completed. Qi Xin and the two big beasts looked at the little beasts for a while, then they all saluted Zhang Ain and turned around to leave.

Seeing them walking away, the two little beasts were very unhappy and barked loudly a few times to say goodbye and express their reluctance. Zhang Ain looked at the two little guys looking very uncomfortable, and felt a little sad in his heart. He turned around and asked the big man: "It doesn't rain in the God Realm?"

The big man replied: "Occasionally, this is the world of gods. The weather is mostly the same. There are no big winds and waves in the lower world. The so-called rain is because the fairy grass and medicine need to be watered, so a certain god makes some fairy rain at will. You ask this what?"

Zhang Ai shook his head. At this moment, he suddenly wanted to go boating on the lake in the misty rain, watching the soft raindrops hitting the calm water, splashing countless ripples of rain, and the artistic conception of long branches dancing and leaves moving. In the misty rain, everything was so quiet, a kind of quiet with a touch of sadness.

When I think of the misty rain, I think of the big tiger again. I think of what the big tiger said about the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. What a beautiful scenery! It's a pity that he hasn't seen it. Later, I went to the Misty Jiangnan that Big Tiger mentioned. As expected, everything was beautiful. It was not as beautiful as the human world, but it was not a fairyland scenery either. It just seemed like a special existence, expressing all the sadness of separation in the human world, making people forget to leave.

Such scenery seemed even more sad to Zhang Ai, because the big tiger who gave him great help in the beginning was no longer there, and the big tiger who had given all his strength to him was no longer there, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart.

At that time, his cultivation level was very low, and he was always being chased here and there. Later, he met the big tiger, and after several encounters, the two became sworn friends. Later, before the tiger died, he gave all his strength to After entering Zhang Awei's body, Zhang Awei changed by leaps and bounds and became an unparalleled master.

Now, only a withered skeleton of the big tiger is left, hiding in the Valley of Refining Gods. Zhang is afraid that it has been a long time since he went to pay homage. Thinking about it now, he feels a little ruthless. He must find time to go there another day.

But fortunately, part of Big Tiger's soul is integrated with Zhang Ping's soul. There is me in you and you in me. We are all one person, so we don't have to worry too much about these things.

Because the two little beasts were sad to leave their parents, Zhang Wen was a little sentimental and recalled the past. However, the two little beasts screamed and struggled to jump away from his arms, jumped to the ground, and ran away some distance after each other. After all, they couldn't find their parents, so they had no choice but to return to Zhang Wen's feet and lie down quietly. Lying motionless, as if abandoned. Zhang Han smiled, picked them up again, and turned to talk to the big man: "Now, you have to contribute a few bottles of wine, right?"

The big man glared and said: "Why?" However, seeing that the two little beasts were really pitiful, he had no choice but to take out two bottles of wine and throw them over, and then said harshly: "Just two bottles, not more."

Zhang Ain smiled and took the fairy wine and fed it to the little beast. Qingyin sighed at the side: "You can really waste things." He said it from the bottom of his heart. Although there were orchards and fairy fruits, and the innate ability to help all things grow quickly, the fairy wine he drank and the elixir he ate were actually There are not as many as two little beasts, and my heart is a little unbalanced.

In this way, Zhang was afraid that he would leave two small Qilin beasts behind for the third time. After the little beast finished drinking, Zhang Ain asked, "Are you still going up the mountain?" The big man nodded and said, "Go, I'll watch them for you."

Okay, then go up the mountain and say hello to Qingyin. Zhang Ao flew to the sacred mountain with the two little beasts in his arms, with the big man following behind.

Not long after arriving at the book pavilion, Zhang Aifeng put the two little beasts on the big man's back, and then said: "I'm going." After saying that, his figure flashed and disappeared into the mountains.

For a short distance up from the book pavilion, you can still travel by flying, but if you go further up, you will be restricted by the forbidden laws of the sacred mountain, so you can only walk one step at a time.

The sacred mountain is huge, and this single peak is larger than countless mountain ranges. The peaks are so high that they are too high to be seen, let alone climbed. If an ordinary person climbed this mountain, he might not be able to finish it in his lifetime.

Zhang Pa was walking through the forest, about a hundred miles away from the book pavilion. As he was moving forward, he suddenly felt his soul move, as if he had passed through an invisible barrier. From here on, he had truly entered the range of the God Mountain.

Zhang Pa understood that the invisible barrier was the boundary of the God Mountain's forbidden method. From here on, he could not fly and had to rely on his own skills to fight his way up.

There were many divine beasts in the mountain. Most of the divine beasts in the entire God Realm lived on this mountain. The God Mountain was a paradise for the divine beasts. No gods stayed here. Only a few masters would build caves, but they would not appear easily and would not disturb their lives.

Zhang Pa knew this situation, so after entering the range controlled by the God Mountain's forbidden method, he became more careful. With a thought, the black bracelet on his wrist changed, and the black armor wrapped him from head to toe. At the same time, he held a black iron sword in his right hand.

This sword was not his original hard iron sword. With a height of 15 meters, he held the hard iron sword as if he was holding a dagger. At this time, the black sword was transformed from the Heart of God. For the current God's Heart, as long as he wants, he can turn it into countless swords, spears, halberds, and even shields. With the help of the God's Heart, Zhang Pa believes that he can fight against the masters of the thirty-three heavens.

At this time, he felt very ambitious, because his cultivation had been improved again and again, and he got such a powerful artifact as the God's Heart. Who else could be his opponent? It's just a mountain beast. Can it break the defense of the God's Heart?

He moved forward quickly in the forest. After about a quarter of an hour, he finally saw the first beast, or the first beast that took the initiative to attack him. Before meeting this beast, he had seen at least thousands of beasts of various kinds in his mind. Because the speed of travel was too fast, those guys lost his trace before they had time to react. From this, it can be seen that this beast is very powerful, at least it is not slow, and can catch up with Zhang Pa.

It was a six-legged monster with a wolf-like body, black fur, a cat head, and three pairs of white wings on its back, which overlapped on the black fur and looked very beautiful.

The speed of the monster was extremely fast. When Zhang Pa just discovered it, the fast beast had already pounced in front of him. Zhang Pa was not polite. Since he took the initiative to attack me, he should bear the consequences of attacking me. He swung his big knife and chopped directly at the monster.

The speed of the monster was really fast. Before the black knife came, the figure retreated and advanced, calmly avoiding Zhang Pa's attack, and pounced on him again.

Zhang Pa was a little surprised when he saw this. This guy is so fast? How could he be here?

His current position is not much higher than the book pavilion, far from the first layer of the sky of the thirty-three middle schools. It is said that such a place is mostly inhabited by small animals that are not worth worrying about. How could such a powerful guy exist?

In doubt, the figure dodged lightly and let the monster pounce. The monster's body is agile. It missed the pounce. The tail swung lightly. The monster in the air immediately turned in a direction and continued to pounce on Zhang Pa.

This guy is a bit interesting. The wings haven't moved yet, but the tail can change the direction of advance. Zhang Pa suddenly wanted to chop off the tail to see if you can change the direction again.

He and the Heart of God merged into one, and as soon as he thought of it, a black light flew out from his hand and chased after the monster's tail.

Zhang Pa understood that this was the Heart of God killing the enemy according to his idea. He was a little proud at that time. With the help of the powerful Heart of God, a monster was nothing.

The black light flashed by, and he didn't expect that the monster was so strong that it could dodge this attack. Just now, it pounced on Zhang Pa, and when it moved, it suddenly retracted its tail and clamped it between its legs, so the fast attack of the Heart of God fell into the air.

The black light missed the attack, turned in the air, and flew towards the monster again. At this time, the monster knew that the opponent was strong, and turned around quickly without hesitation, spread the three pairs of wings on its back, and disappeared with a tremor.

Since the enemy had escaped, there was no need to continue chasing. Zhang Pa communicated with the Heart of God with his soul and asked him to withdraw the attack. The Heart of God is to recall the black light and shadow. It is a sharp double-edged knife without a handle. It flew back to Zhang Pa's hand and disappeared into the black armor. Only the Heart of God can use such a divine weapon. If it were someone else, he might cut off his hand.

After beating the first monster, Zhang Pa continued to move forward, thinking while walking. He didn't know where the big guy was. Could he encounter this monster with an extremely fast speed? If he did, what would he do if it attacked the two little Qilin beasts?

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