The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1578 Entrustment

There was no audience to support him, so Zhang was afraid of being alone and admiring himself for a while. Then with a thought, the huge black armor wrapping his majestic body instantly shrank in size and turned into a bracelet on his wrist. It was shiny black and looked and felt pretty good.

Including the black bracelet, there is a storage bracelet on his wrist, and a bracelet made of thin silk. The three treasures are placed side by side, like a young man from the lower world who likes to wear random accessories to show his wealth.

Looking at my wrist, I can see that the Tiantangsi is gold, the storage bracelet is white, and the bracelet made of God's Heart is black. The three colors are mixed together. It looks uncomfortable no matter how you look at it. But it's okay. There are clothes to cover it, so it's easy. Without seeing him, he just flicked his wrist and walked towards the big man.

The big man squinted at him and said in a cold voice: "Are you done with the tossing?" Zhang Ain smiled and said, "What's the tossing? I am refining an artifact. Don't tell me, with this thing, well, it feels very powerful."

"I'll wait for Qingyin to come back and take you to climb the sacred mountain to see how good you are." The big man said casually.

"Why are you saying dirty words? Also, why don't we climb up? I'm not interested in those mountains or waters at all. If I have the time, why not go home and take a look. By the way, I haven't been back for a while. I'll go first Go back and take a look around," Zhang Ai said.

"Turn around, drink with me first, and then go home after you've had enough." The big man nodded slightly, and ten bottles of fairy wine appeared between the two of them. Zhang frowned when he saw it, and said softly: "Five bottles per person? It's a bit much, isn't it? It's a bit of a waste, why not give the big iron piece some drink?" After saying this, he remembered that the big iron piece was gone, and now it was black Bracelet, he quickly changed his words and said: "Give the Heart of God a drink."

"Dream! You just drink one bottle, and the rest is mine." The big man said, and a bottle of fairy wine flew towards Zhang Ai on the ground.

Zhang Wen took the bottle and said depressedly, "Do you want to bring something like this?" The big man took a sip of wine and said, "What kind? Hurry up and drink with me."

Well, Zhang Ai reluctantly succumbed to the power and started drinking with the big man.

The two drank for a while, Qingyin came back, looked around after falling, and saw no black iron, so she smiled and said to Zhang Awei: "Congratulations on your success in refining the weapon, but you have a divine weapon." Zhang Awei smiled. He replied: "We are happy together."

The big man said: "Just in time for you to come back, I want to take him to the sacred mountain." Qingyin smiled and said yes, but Zhang was afraid but still didn't want to climb the mountain. He replied: "My cultivation is like this. You can know it by just looking up , why bother me once?”

The big man frowned and said: "I'm lazy enough, how come you are lazier than me?" Zhang Awei argued: "This has nothing to do with laziness, there is no need to do this." The big man said: "Why is it not necessary? Let me ask you, Other gods have innate skills, but you have been here for more than five years, including these few months, well, it has been six years, and you have not realized your innate skills in six years. What kind of god are you? "

Hearing this, Zhang Ai said depressedly: "How do I know? He just won't let me understand. What can I do?"

He was being stubborn. In fact, he would occasionally think about this matter, but his talent was not something he could think about. Of course, his thinking was fruitless. When I heard the big man talking about this, he asked, "Can I understand my innate skills if I climb the sacred mountain?"

"Dream!" I don't know why, but at this time, the big man had a bad temper and kept saying cold words to him.

Zhang Ai sighed and said: "Since you can't understand your innate skills by going up the mountain, why go through the trouble? To be honest, I am not interested in this world of gods at all. It was not what I wanted to come to in the first place. As for what you say about your cultivation level, I don't care. ”

After hearing this, the big man sighed and asked, "Do you know what enterprising spirit is?"

"I know, but what does it have to do with me whether you are aggressive or not?" Zhang Weijing said lazily. Seeing that the big man looked bad, he added: "Okay, I'm going to climb a mountain. I know you want me to be in danger." If you practice in this environment, you might be able to understand your innate skills in times of crisis.”

Zhang was afraid that he was not stupid. He understood what the big man was thinking and knew that he had good intentions and wanted to become stronger quickly. For this reason, he had to thank the big man.

Hearing what he said, the big man said coldly: "That's pretty much it. Let's take a rest first, and then go up the mountain after resting."

Zhang was afraid of saying yes, but things kept coming one after another. Not long after Qingyin came back, Qi Xin came.

Seeing this guy, the big man glared and said, "Why are you here again?"

Qi Xin did not come by himself. Just like the previous time, he was accompanied by two large, two small and four red unicorn beasts.

One person and four beasts landed on the ground. Hearing the big man's question, Qi Xin replied casually: "I'm not looking for you, so don't glare at me." After speaking, he turned to Zhang Awei, slightly cupped his hands, and said in a deep voice: "I have something to ask of you. , I hope fellow Taoist can agree.”

Zhang was afraid that he would be extremely depressed when he saw me. The thirty-three-day master greeted me and said he wanted to ask for something? Don’t you want Yuntian Ginseng again? Turning his eyes to look at the two little Qilin beasts, his spiritual thoughts swept over them. They were much stronger than before. It seemed that they had been raised well by themselves.

Then he stood up and said, "Mr. Qi, please don't embarrass me."

Qi Xin did not answer his words and just said: "I want to entrust two little unicorn beasts to fellow Taoist, and I hope that fellow Taoist can agree."

What? Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand. Didn't he take him away last time and asked me to take care of him again? His spiritual thoughts swept over two more beasts, but they were not injured. Since no one was injured, why should they be left to my care? What exactly is going on?

Since Qi Xin appeared, due to fights with Shu Ji, Yi Chen and others, he has handed over small beasts to Zhang Ai's care twice. The first time Qi Xin and two big unicorn beasts were injured, and they were said to be gifts, leaving Zhang Ai to take care of them. Make a pact with the little beast. Zhang was afraid that he couldn't bear it and didn't want to let them lose their freedom. He just adopted them freely, but when Qi Xin came again, he took them away easily. The second time was when Qi Xin was ambushed by Shu Ji and others. Zhang Ain, the big man, and God's Heart worked together to rescue them, and took care of the two little beasts by the way. After Qi Xin recovered from his injuries, he took the little beasts away.

These two favors did not count. Strictly speaking, Qi Xin had already given up his words, but Zhang Zing didn't care. Compared with the joy of getting two little beasts, he would rather let the two little guys stay with their parents. Together.

But at this time, neither Qi Xin nor the big unicorn beast was injured, so why should he entrust the little beast to him?

Zhang Weijing was questioning, but the big man asked Qi Xin directly: "Do you have any news about Yi Chen's gang of bastards?"

According to normal logic, entrusting someone to take care of their offspring would of course involve doing something dangerous, such as killing someone or being killed. The dangerous thing Qi Xin wanted to do was related to Yi Chen and others, so the big man asked.

Qi Xin shook his head and said: "I can't find them. They are so numerous that I can't defeat them. To put it bluntly, it's too late to escape, so how can I take the initiative to provoke them? I'm worried about being found by them, so I come to trouble Daoist Zhang." , The world of gods is so big, if they find me one day, they won’t be able to find fellow Taoist Zhang to entrust him to me.”

Hearing this, Zhang Ai asked curiously: "The hatred between you is very deep?" After hearing this, Qi Xin thought about it for a moment, nodded his head and said: "It is very deep." The big man said dissatisfied: "Is there any hatred? Do you still want to think about it for a long time?”

Qi Xin chuckled and explained: "I'm not thinking about this, I'm thinking about the reason for the enmity between Shu and I."

"What's the cause?" the big man asked casually. However, Qi Xin shook his head and said nothing, only looking at Zhang Awei quietly.

He was waiting for his decision. Zhang Awei smiled bitterly. He had just finished the Heart of God and stopped planting Yun Tian Ginseng. He was barely free again, but what if there were two more little beasts? They are small beasts in the God Realm. If they go back to Tianlei Mountain, with their length of more than two meters, they will definitely be big beasts. In this case, they will not be able to freely come and go to Tianlei Mountain.

I thought about it and said, "I can take care of them for a while. I wonder when Daoist Fellow Qi will come to pick them up?"

Hearing what he said, Qi Xin was stunned for a moment. In his heart, there is no one more suitable to take care of the two little guys than Zhang Ain, and he even said that he does a better job than himself. At least, I won't waste the elixir and wine to feed the little beasts.

After the first two injuries, Zhang was afraid of taking care of the little beast. In just a few months, the two little guys' physical fitness improved significantly, becoming more energetic and stronger. No need to ask, it was made with countless pills.

Everyone is a god, and everyone has a lot of elixirs and elixirs, but there is only one person who can use them like this for little beasts.

Therefore, Qi Xin wanted to entrust the little beast to Zhang Ai, and he really entrusted it to him. He had a big man to help take care of him, and he had that weird piece of black iron to rely on, and Zhang Ai's kindness. No matter how big the God Realm is, there is no one. Dare to hurt two little beasts easily, just for this reason, it is much better than following him.

But what Zhang Ai said, asking you when you will come to pick up the little beast, although it shows his great feelings, this guy is kind-hearted and would rather suffer hardships than get anything in return, but it makes Qi Xin feel a little embarrassed, because he is taking advantage of him. Zhang Ai, after several previous meetings, had a full understanding of Zhang Ai. Qi Xin refused to let go of this opportunity, so he came to see Zhang Ai again.

He knew that Zhang Ain would not make a heart-to-heart agreement with the little beast, and he also knew that Zhang Ain would try his best to take care of the little beast. After many thoughts, Qi Xin ended up in this situation.

In fact, the thing is very simple. If you were Qi Xin, as long as you can make the two little beasts thrive and become as powerful as the big beasts, you would probably have such an idea.

A thirty-three-year-old god-man master, with the help of four terrifying unicorn beasts, although he cannot be said to be able to call the wind and rain, he can definitely dominate a party.

Therefore, Qi Xin wanted to make the two little beasts stronger from the very beginning when he came to Zhang to avoid trouble. It is the same now, but he has changed the method.

At this time, Zhang Ai said something. Qi Xin thought for a moment and sighed: "Take it with you. Not every mythical beast likes to fight." After saying this, Zhang Ai was stunned for a moment, and the two big beasts were also stunned. After a moment, two big beasts followed with happy expressions on their faces, but Zhang Weijing nodded lightly and said hello.

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