The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1573: Exit from the Immortal Well

Chapter 1573: Leaving the Immortal Well

He screamed in pain in the magic circle. The old madman walked over to take a closer look. At first glance, his eyes were full of disbelief. Is this kid a madman? How could someone treat themselves like this?

When cultivators practice, they are cultivating the Yuan Shen, so they strive to protect the Yuan Shen from harm. Even if they hone the Yuan Shen, they only retreat when encountering difficulties. They must do it step by step and slowly.

This is the principle of spiritual practice. Three feet of ice does not freeze in a day. You don't have to be ruthless enough and force yourself to endure and persevere, you can become a master. There is a saying called overthrowing the seedlings and encouraging them to grow. Being too anxious can only be counterproductive. And Zhang is afraid that what he is doing at this time is to undermine the situation, and it is very likely that his madness will cause the soul to be injured. Because of his cruelty, the old madman felt even crazier than himself, so he was a little surprised.

Whether it is a human being or a god, the body will protect itself. When it cannot bear it, the body will react. For example, if your muscles are tired and you can't run anymore, you can only lie down and rest; if the pain is too much, you will fall into coma to isolate the pain and protect yourself from harm.

But now, the stupid but extremely crazy Zhang Ai is facing his body, and would rather be injured than to climb out of the banished fairy well.

Zhang Awei was shouting in pain, and the snakes at the bottom of the well became crazy again, and the Heart of God also became crazy, but their madness could not help Zhang Awei. And Zhang Weijing also didn't want their help from the bottom of his heart. He had to rely on himself to endure the tenth level of pain and walk out of the Immortal Well.

Seeing how crazy Zhang was, the old lunatic shook his head gently. Ordinarily, the tenth day has passed, and Zhang is afraid that he will lose if he exceeds the time limit. But he didn't speak. He just watched quietly for a long time and sighed softly. If you get through this, what if you win?

Zhang was afraid that he didn't know what the old lunatic was thinking. Until now, his brain was at a standstill and he didn't think about anything. He only knew how to endure the pain and persist in enduring the pain. Fortunately, the Golden Buddha is unique. Like ice crystals and divine tears, it has profound Buddha consciousness and can always protect the spirit of Zhang Ping with the supreme Dharma.

Unfortunately, Buddhism is a practice in the lower world, and it is always much different for gods and men. That's why Zhang Wen can continue to comprehend and experience pain. The continuous severe pain and the continuous madness tortured the soul, causing him to toss back and forth between coma and wakefulness.

Because they had been enduring pain, Shen Lei and Bing Jing wanted to help him after they noticed it, but like the big snakes at the bottom of the well, they were unable to do anything, so they could only act in a hurry.

At this time, God's Heart suddenly moved. There was divine power in his body. Although there was not much stored in it, if he could give it all to Zhang Afraid, it would alleviate some of the pain. So he put away his outward power, flew the big iron block in front of Zhang Awei and stopped, and sent the power in the iron block to Zhang Awei's soul in the iron block through his own wisdom, hoping that he would take away the power.

But Zhang Ai was confused and had no idea what he was saying. Even Yuanshen and Zhang Ai kept yelling and enduring the pain, unable to do anything else.

According to his original plan, he tied himself to the stone steps and endured it for a while. After becoming familiar with this kind of pain, he could untie the shackles of the Tiantangsi and walk out of the Immortal Well. However, judging from the current situation, at least in a few days There wouldn't be this opportunity for an hour, and he was already in pain and confusion.

At this time, Zhang Weijing was roaring, and the soul remaining in the heart of the god was also roaring. At this moment, he suddenly realized that there were many divine powers around him, and he also found that he was in someone else's body. At the moment, it was just a subconscious action, whoosh Get out of the heart of God, go back and relax your body, and merge with your own soul.

This trace of soul is afraid of his body when he goes back, because the spiritual wisdom of the heart of God is entangled with him, and by the way, the spiritual wisdom of the heart of God is brought back. When this thread of Yuan Shen merges with the Yuan Shen's body, the Yuan Shen discovers the wisdom of the God's Heart and habitually gathers and fuses it.

If it were normal, God's Heart would never allow this kind of thing to happen. He likes to be with Zhang Weir, but that doesn't mean he has to give himself to Zhang Weir. He also thinks that he is independent and does not want to be controlled by others. But now, for ten consecutive days, I have seen how Zhang Awei endured pain, so at this moment, the heart of God softened, and was merged into Zhang Awei's soul without any resistance.

Zhang is afraid of merging other people's souls. Because of his kind nature, he is unwilling to obliterate any spiritual wisdom. He just wants them to live well, like ice crystals. Therefore, even though he was enduring great pain and integrating the spiritual intelligence of the Heart of God, his personality and subconscious instinctive reaction made him only drag the spiritual intelligence of the Heart of God into his soul, and then ignore it and continue To endure one's own pain, the heart of God is still alive, just like before.

Because it was too painful to see Zhang Awei, at this moment, the Heart of God impulsively surrendered itself, even if it meant being refined into a weapon by Zhang Awei, so there was no resistance at all, and it was merged with Zhang Awei's soul obediently. But he didn't expect this guy to let go of his soul and then ignore him.

Even though the Heart of God didn't understand what was going on, it knew that he was fine, that his intelligence had not been wiped out, and that he was still alive. I tried to move, but it was the same as before. There was not much change. The only change was that I could go in and out of Zhang Ai's body at will.

Now that he could make the decision, God's Heart remembered the incident of helping Zhang Wen again, so with a thought, he drained the divine power from God's Heart and poured it all into Zhang Wen's body. In just an instant, Zhang Wen became extremely powerful.

The sudden power caused the Immortal Well Array to be blocked by this force, and there was a very short pause. And at the moment when the magic circle paused, Zhang Ai suddenly reacted. He didn't know why, but he just woke up for a moment, so with a thought, he retracted the silk thread, and then supported the white stone steps with his hands and feet, struggling With one kick, he threw himself outside the Immortal Well.

The Immortal Well Array only paused for a very short period of time. During this time, Zhang Wen only had time to retract the Tiantangsi. When he rushed outward with all his strength, the power of the magic circle hit his body again, causing him to experience severe pain again.

Fortunately, at the moment when he was in pain, his body had already unfolded. When the pain hit again, he had already used his strength, his body soared into the air, and rushed out of the well in the blink of an eye.

When he went out, the severe pain was unbearable, and he let out a miserable howl. But he only shouted once, and his body rushed out of the Immortal Well. Then the pain disappeared, and his shouting also disappeared.

At this time, he was sweating profusely, with countless blood streaks in the sweat. He was lying on the ground exhausted, his expression was tired, his hands and feet were weak, and he no longer wanted to move.

The old lunatic's face was expressionless when he saw Zhang Wei rushing out of the Immortal Well.

As a magical place for training the soul, there are always gods and men coming to banish the immortal well to test it, but this is the first time I have seen Zhang Wen's way of getting out of the well. The old madman watched for a long time, then turned and walked away without saying a word.

At this time, Zhang Zhi could just lie still, it was too painful! The method of tying oneself up with Tiantang silk was too risky. If God's Heart hadn't given him to Zhang Afraid to help him, who knows how long he would have endured the pain.

Now he was no longer in pain and successfully rushed out of the Immortal Well. Correspondingly, the magic circle in the well disappeared naturally, and more than a hundred big snakes flew out and crowded around him to accompany him. After making sure that Zhang Wei was fine, the spiritual intelligence of God's Heart wandered around in his body like a tourist, looking everywhere.

Zhang was afraid that there were many things in Yuanshen, such as the Giant Buddha, the natal bones and other objects, so the spiritual intelligence of the God's Heart looked at them one by one out of curiosity. After struggling for a long time, he finally came out of Zhang Ping's body and returned to his own big iron block.

After he went back, he found that there was no divine power in the iron block, so he returned to Zhang Ai's body, took back some of his divine power, and flew out from the bottom of the well with the big iron block, stopping next to Zhang Ai.

Just now that he had used up his divine power, the iron block lost control and fell from the air downwards. Fortunately, it was twenty meters away, giving the Snake the time to react and leave quickly without hitting the pile of big snakes at the bottom of the well. At this time, the big iron block flew over again, and the big snakes quickly got out of the way. No matter how powerful they were, there was no need to compete with the big iron block to see who was stronger. But after the iron block fell, several big snakes coiled up the iron block, and one big snake coiled itself on top of the iron block to vent their dissatisfaction.

In this way, it was a pile of snakes, a piece of iron, and a person lying together. Time passed quickly, and the next day came, but the old madman was gone. The old lunatic has never appeared again since Zhang Wei crawled out of the banished fairy well.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't know what the old madman was planning, but his body was weak and he could only lie still. To be honest, he was too lazy to move.

I came out of the well yesterday, and when I woke up, I realized that I had exceeded the ten-day limit, which meant that I had lost the bet. According to the old madman, he should have come to steal the heart of God, but why didn't he show up?

I lay there in doubt for another day, and by the way, I took out the fairy wine and fed it to the heart of God.

Now he and God's Heart are like one person, and the two souls are perfectly integrated into one place. It's just that there is a large iron block outside of God's Heart that has not been refined and cannot be put into the body like a hard iron knife, so it is difficult to Return to the iron block with the heart of God.

There is another benefit after the fusion of Yuanshen. There is no need to split the Yuanshen into an iron block to accompany the God's Heart. The spiritual intelligence of the God's Heart can come and go at will, and can also talk to Zhang Ai at will.

Now, he fed God's Heart the fairy wine, and God's Heart quickly absorbed it. After these days of tossing, God's Heart's spiritual intelligence became a little more powerful. As long as he rested for a while, he would definitely be even stronger than before.

After drinking some wine, I started to wonder what the old madman was doing. How do you want to deal with yourself?

The place where they stayed was a flat land on the top of a high mountain in the Thirty-three Days. In the middle of the flat land was the banished immortal well. There was no magic circle around it, and there was no old madman's garden. It was all exposed. If you search with your spiritual mind, you will find it. Their presence can be spotted from afar.

Zhang Weijing naturally knew about these situations, so while wondering why the old madman didn't show up, he also thought, did he let himself go? If you think about it carefully, this is very possible. Don’t you want people to be kind just once?

But the question is, what if you let yourself go? How can I go down for thirty-three days?

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