The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1572 The last time

Chapter 1572 The last time

Since he couldn't take any tricks and didn't have much time, Zhang was afraid that he wouldn't do what he wanted, and after a while he decided to immerse himself in the charge. There was only one hour left, and he must rush out of the Immortal Well within this hour.

He walked very steadily and very quickly. After ten breaths, he had reached the twenty-ninth step. As long as he persisted in walking to the next step, he could successfully walk out of the Immortal Well.

When he rushed out last time, the Immortal Well Array directly acted on Zhang Ai Yuan Shen, and the severe pain knocked him unconscious. This time when he went up, he could fail, but he must not faint, otherwise the ten days would be over. , the bet failed, do you really want to die here with the Heart of God?

Zhang was afraid that he would not give in. He had not lived well enough, so why should he die?

After nearly ten days of continuous attempts, he has become very familiar with the pain caused by the ten steps. It turns out that the pain is really tolerable. When a person is tortured by this kind of pain every day, his ability to tolerate pain will definitely increase over time. With this kind of endurance, Zhang Wen once again stood on the twenty-ninth step with blood on his face.

After standing still, pause briefly, and then step up to the last step with your head held high.

As he walked up, his spiritual thoughts moved, and the golden light in his mind surged. Zhang was afraid of constricting his soul and hid it all in a golden Buddha. It was a Buddha treasure given to him by the three Buddhas in the lower realm. After several battles, all three Buddha treasures were refined and became such an immortal golden Buddha that resided in his body.

In the previous nine days of attempts, he had always felt pain in his vagina, so he had been chanting Buddhist scriptures, but it was of no use. Even if he released the golden Buddha more, it would be useless. Now that the Yuan Shen is experiencing pain and torture, this giant Buddha formed from the bones of the Yuan Shen and the Buddha's will can be put to use.

He was not sure about using the golden Buddha to protect his soul, but this was the only way left at the moment. Other than that, there is no other way to get past the last step.

Because I was not sure, I was worried. I was only worried that I would be in pain and faint again. Therefore, I continued to use the Dharma to protect the soul's clarity, and then used the Golden Buddha to protect the soul in my head, and isolate it from the attack of the Banished Immortal Well Array.

There was not much time, so be prepared and try, so at the next moment, Zhang was afraid to step up to the thirtieth step. As soon as he stepped on it, the pain came as expected. He didn't care about the golden Buddha and penetrated it directly. Zhang was afraid that he would experience the feeling of being hit by a heavy hammer again, and his figure fell backwards and downwards. But there was finally an advantage. Although the pain attack he received did not weaken much, he was protected by the Buddha and did not faint.

He fell downwards, but the divine heart in the well still caught him with gentle strength; the big snakes were still hissing to express their dissatisfaction, and Zhang was afraid that it was the same as before. The pain prevented him from taking care of all this, and he only knew that it was very painful. The pain is very uncomfortable and I want to take a good rest.

With this thought in his mind, he actually knew it was impossible. With less than an hour left, how could he have time to rest?

Lying in the protection of the Heart of God, Zhang Fang sighed secretly. Although it was very painful, he finally did not faint, which showed that the Golden Buddha was still of some use. This is the best thing among misfortunes. As long as you don't faint, you can continue to try to break out of the Immortal Well. From this point of view, Buddhism is indeed miraculous. Although it comes from the lower world, its magical effects are endless. At least it can keep people clear-headed.

He quickly stood up from the soft blanket formed by the power of God's Heart, adjusted his breath slightly, and walked up the trial steps again.

It was pain to take a step, endless pain, pain to try for ten days straight. But no matter what kind of pain, he had to face it. At this time, he risked his life to survive the pain.

From the twenty-first step to the twenty-ninth step, it was the painful training from the first to the ninth level that he was already familiar with. There was still one last step left, and there was still one last level of painful training left. Keep going. , you win!

Zhang Ai is slow and steady, moving up step by step, hoping to succeed. But the facts were ruthless. The result was the same as before. After walking up the nine steps, he fell again on the last step, but he no longer fainted.

If he fainted, he wouldn't care about the pain, but Zhang Ping would rather endure the pain sober than fall down at this time.

He fell down the steps, then stood up, walked up again, repeated the process, then fell down again, stood up again, and rushed up again and again, completely ignoring the severe pain that directly affected his soul.

These days, he has eaten a lot of pills, and his cultivation level has also increased, and his soul has grown more obviously. However, Zhang Ai doesn't care about the pain, nor does he care about his own getting stronger. As long as he can't get out of the Immortal Well, everything will be in trouble. It's all in vain.

Soon, in the twinkling of an eye, another hour has passed, but this hour is different from other hours. It is Zhang Awei’s last hour in the banished fairy well. If it is allowed to slip away quietly, Zhang Awei will fall from the sky again. Fall, he is about to fail.

Seeing him fall down from the thirtieth step again, the heart of God below was very excited and wanted to fight the old madman, but unfortunately he couldn't. In normal times, he might have the strength to fight, but now, after he rushed out of the blue fire circle, he had exhausted all his strength. After that, he tried desperately to help and protect Zhang Ai. He had no time to recover his strength. In his current state, he was no match for the old madman.

But God's heart didn't care about this. He was prepared. As long as the old madman dared to embarrass himself, he would have to fight with the old madman even if he risked his life. But now, protecting Zhang Weijing is still more important.

The heart of God felt uncomfortable, but the more than a hundred big snakes at the bottom of the well calmed down. Every one of them looked up. They usually had cold eyes whenever they looked at them, but now they felt a lot more warm. In this At this time, there was no big snake moving or hissing to express dissatisfaction. They just watched calmly, watching the guy who was the best to them fall from the sky again and again, and then continue to rush up and fall again.

Obviously, both the Orochi and the Heart of God are crazy, and this is just the calm before the madness. As long as Zhang is afraid of being injured, the person standing outside the well is their number one enemy, and they will attack him at any cost.

At this moment, the enemy outside the well spoke: "One last time."

Six words, tell Zhang Ai that you only have one last chance left. If you still can't get out of the Immortal Well, you have lost, and your God's Heart will change its owner.

After hearing these six words, Zhang Ai stood up proudly, his eyes were cold, and his person was also cold. The impulse and madness of ten days in a row disappeared in an instant. Well, one last time left, one last chance. He looked up at the stone steps, smiled coldly, and walked calmly to the twentieth step. After standing on it for a moment, he took out the Tiantang Silk and stabbed it gently. Under the protection of the Immortal Well Array, the white stone steps easily blocked the attack without leaving even a scratch.

Zhang Aing looked at the stone face expressionlessly. He wanted to play hard. If he could penetrate the stone, he would use the sky-tangled silk to connect his right foot to the stone steps. In this way, even if the pain caused a violent reaction or even fainting Even if you die, you won't fall down again.

However, if it can't be penetrated, it won't be penetrated. It doesn't matter. Zhang Wei has another idea.

Then, Zhang Wen walked up gently and stepped on the stone steps that brought him severe pain for the last time.

First level, second level, third level, and soon reached the ninth level. When he got here, Zhang Awei smiled bitterly, paused for a moment, then shouted loudly, jumped up on his feet, and lay face down on the last stone level. On the steps.

The stone steps are suspended, which brings him a little convenience. Zhang Awei endured the huge pain and jumped up. As soon as he landed, he separated his hands and hugged the stone steps tightly. At the same time, the silk thread in his hands flew out and grew longer in an instant. Inside, Zhang Ain, who was lying on the stone steps, was firmly tied to the suspended stone steps.

The Tiantangsi is very strong, at least Zhang is afraid that he can't break free now, but he doesn't want to break free at all. At this time, the severe pain is like an angry sea, frantically beating and attacking his soul, one after another, one after another. Another wave of severe pain stabbed me endlessly.

Zhang was afraid that he was going crazy. After tying himself up with silk, he only had time to blink his eyes when his muscles all over his body were twitching and trembling. His face was red, covered with blood, and his veins were exposed. He raised his head high and let out a roar.

He couldn't help it anymore, but shouting loudly didn't relieve the pain, so he could only keep shouting. The voice soon became hoarse. Under this kind of pain, even the body of a god would become very fragile.

Zhang was afraid of endless roaring and couldn't remember anything else in his mind. He just wanted to faint quickly and escape this pain. However, the soul is guarded by the Golden Buddha and remains awake at all times, making it difficult to faint.

So, on the suspended stone steps of the Banished Immortal Well, Zhang Ain shouted for a hundred breaths, shouting and shouting, but suddenly there was no sound. Under the superposition of countless pains, even though the Golden Buddha tried his best to keep his mind clear, he finally couldn't resist it, and Zhang Ai finally passed out as expected. Because he was tied up with silk threads one day, he no longer fell down like before, but continued to endure the severe pain in a coma.

After a while, Zhang was afraid of waking up and turned around. As soon as he woke up, he shouted again, it was so painful! This kind of pain made Zhang afraid of waking up from his coma.

It felt as if someone was tearing his soul apart, slowly tearing it apart piece by piece, then kneading one spot and then continuing to tear it apart. The endless tearing and the pain will continue endlessly.

In this kind of pain, Zhang Zhi didn't last long before he successfully passed out again. Then after a while, he woke up from the coma again. In this way, he successfully tortured himself.

After experiencing this pain, the pain of burning the soul, which I always thought was very painful, has become nothing to mention. That time he just fainted from the pain, but now, under the protection of the Golden Buddha, he first fainted from the pain, and then woke up from the pain, torturing his soul again and again. This went back and forth, endlessly experiencing the most terrifying thing in the world. torture.

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