The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1564 Burned

Seeing that Zhang Wen still had this expression on his face, Lao Feng finally made one thing clear. He was simply promising things for profit, and the kid in front of him would never agree to exchange the heart of God. Looking up at the many lighting balls in the space, this little kid was kept calm for more than thirty days, as if nothing had happened. He was obviously very patient. If he continues to be imprisoned like this, even if he can be imprisoned for as long as he is impatient, maybe it will take hundreds of thousands of years?

Seeing the Heart of God, with its dark and calm surface, there was a faint beating vitality inside. The more the old man looked at it, the more he liked it. He wished that the horse could be used to refine the weapon. How could he wait until thousands of years later. At that moment, his mind moved, and a thought flashed across his mind, and he said in a cold voice: "Since you are unwilling to exchange, it's okay." After saying that, Zhang Awei only felt that the scenery in front of him changed, and the wall beside him and the entire confined space disappeared. It was replaced by boundless flames. This space horse became extremely hot, and the raging fire was burning under his feet. Zhang Fear, God's Heart, and Lao Crazy all stood out of thin air, as if they were standing in the crater of a volcano.

As soon as the surrounding environment changed, the Heart of God sensed it and flew to Zhang Awei's feet with a swish. He used his thick body to resist the flames for Zhang Awei.

When the old madman standing opposite saw it, his eyes became hot. He is really a good piece of iron. He understands the mind and changes. If he can make a divine weapon and own it for me, how can this small world of gods be able to imprison me?

There were flames everywhere, and there was a red fire in front of me. The red fire was a bit tragic, and the violently beating flames made crackling sounds from time to time. I didn't know what was being burned, but it could make a sound like a whip.

The flame space at this time was much larger than a closed space, but there were not many places where he could stand. Only where Zhang Ai was standing at this time, the flames were low and not intense enough, so they could not burn him. Other places could not burn him. The flames soared into the sky and burned directly to the top rock.

The space changes, and the top of the head is no longer a flat wall, but has become jagged rocks of different heights, either pointed or round, hanging downward. Because the flames burned so fiercely, the top rock was burned red, as if lava was about to drip down at any time.

Zhang Ai looked around and sighed: "You want to burn me to ashes?"

The old man shook his head and said: "This flame can't burn you to death now." The implication is that he has a flame that can burn you to death.

Zhang was afraid that what Lao Feng said was true, so he looked down at the Heart of God. Before he got him, Lao Feng would not kill him, so he said softly: "You don't want to kill me, you just want to torture me and make me "Send in earlier?" The old man nodded and said, "I must get that piece of iron. Give it to me, and you will get countless good things. If you don't give it to me, you will get countless pains. You can try to choose." one time."

After saying that, he ignored Zhang Awei and disappeared directly.

When Zhang Wen saw it, he smiled bitterly and shook his head. This was going to be violent. He squatted down and touched the big iron block. Fortunately, this guy was relatively resistant to burning. It only became slightly hotter, but nothing else changed.

Just as he was thinking this, oil seemed to be poured into the world of flames, and the flames suddenly became violent. The flames burned high and filled the entire space, like a furnace, where there was only flame. Apart from the flames, there was the black iron block and Zhang Ping standing in front of the black iron block.

Zhang Wen waited patiently, looked around a little, and flew around. Since the surface was rocky, he should try to see if the Earth Technique was effective. As soon as he moved, the Heart of God followed closely. The iron block at this time was Zhang Weidi's shoe, blocking the raging flames below for him.

After some attempts, the earth magic was useless. Zhang Ai lowered his head and looked down, looking at the Heart of God and the surrounding flames to think of countermeasures.

The space now is full of flames, and there is no place for him to stay. If the divine heart had not blocked the flames below, he would have been trapped in the sea of ​​​​fire.

He was worried that the Heart of God would be burned out, so he squatted down and touched the iron piece again. Fortunately, the temperature was about the same as Fang's. However, the iron block was huge and the part under his feet was not hot, which did not mean that the area below that was burned by the flames was not hot as well. He just summoned the cloud shield, protected his body and jumped into the sea of ​​fire, being careful to touch the surface under the iron block.

He moved erratically, and the Heart of God followed suit. When Zhang Ao touched the surface below the iron block, the iron block turned slightly and came back to Zhang Ao's feet, continuing to protect him.

But in that short period of time, Zhang was afraid that he had already touched the lower part of the Heart of God. Fortunately, it was not much hotter than the surface. It was a safe temperature and could not cause any harm.

So what if I just know that God's heart is fine? I am trapped in a sea of ​​fire, always being burned by the fire, but I can't get out. After all, isn't it just like a puppet, obediently being manipulated by the old madman?

In this helpless situation, Zhang was afraid of thinking hard about how to rush out. After thinking for a while, he realized that it was impossible to get out with his own strength. He looked at the Heart of God and thought to himself, this guy can give him a surprise. What?

At this time, the heart of God was being burned by the flames, and it was indeed strong. In the flames that filled the sky, only the surface was slightly hot, and nothing else changed.

Xu was able to clearly detect what was happening in the flame space. Both Jian Shen Zhi Xin and Zhang Wen could easily withstand the heat, so soon, the flames in the space changed, became hotter, and bypassed the God's Heart. My heart is burning and I am afraid of Zhang.

Zhang is afraid that he is a god, and ordinary flames cannot hurt him, like Fang's flames. But at this moment, the flames changed, from red to red-black, thickly surrounding Zhang Ai and the Heart of God, and then burned wildly.

The heat of this red and black flame was obviously higher than the previous one. Through the cloud shield, Zhang Ai could clearly feel the heat in it. It was as hot as if it could burn everything dry, making the space feel dry and empty, except for Fire and heat and nothing else.

Seeing the flames burning raging, Zhang Ke secretly thought to himself, it's a good thing he didn't have to breathe, otherwise he would have been suffocated to death even if he wasn't burned to death. He put his palms together, and a transparent air barrier surrounded him and the Heart of God, which could be used to resist for a while.

Fang, when he could withstand the heat of the red flames, Zhang was unwilling to waste his divine power. Who knows what tricks the old madman would come up with to deal with him. Saving his strength was the right choice. However, as the flames burned stronger and stronger, the color changed from red to red and black, and the heat also increased a lot, so he had no choice but to use his Qi Condensation Shield to resist. In this way, you can protect yourself.

The old maniac should know exactly what happened in the flames. Fang Honghuo couldn't help but make red and black fires burn. At this time, the red and black fires couldn't burn. At that time, there was another change. The flames turned into black and directly burned them. This space became extremely dark, as evil as a ghost.

However, although the ghost land is gloomy, it is hot here. The raging flames do not need any combustion aids and directly lick the aura condensed by Zhang Weijing. Zhang Ai had no choice but to use his breath to fight against the flames. When they were in a stalemate, the flames in front suddenly dispersed, revealing a passage in the darkness.

At this time, this space was extremely dark, and Zhang was afraid that the illuminating light ball condensed would have been broken long ago. The fire was burning red, and some bright light could still be seen. At this time, it was a black fire. It was so black that it could not be illuminated, so even the passage exposed after the flames dispersed was black. You could only see it with your eyes. Nothing can be seen. Zhang was afraid that he would protect himself with an air shield and did not let out his spiritual thoughts, so he failed to discover this passage.

So at this moment, a little silver light suddenly lit up in the darkness, and the light disappeared in a flash. When Zhang Awei realized that something was wrong, the air mask outside him exploded and was shattered by the silver light.

Zhang Ping didn't know what the silver light was, he only knew that the silver light was broken together with his aura. At this moment, he had no time to care about anything else. The air shield was broken, and the black fire that was still burning outside burned Zhang Weishen with a blast. At this moment, he only felt one thing, he was so hot!

He quickly condensed another air shield to protect himself, but when the air shield was completed, there was a silver light flashing in front of his eyes. In the blink of an eye, the air shield was broken again.

Zhang Ping understood that if he wanted to protect himself with a Qi shield, he had to deal with Yinmang Xing first. But in the darkness, the black fire is burning fiercely. Do you know where the silver light is hidden?

Fortunately, the heart of God was by his side, and the big iron block was sensitive to the fluctuations of divine energy. It flew away from Zhang Wen's feet with a roar, bringing with it a sky-long black fire. Although it was impossible to see in the darkness, the strong beating of the flame could still be faintly detected. , and the Heart of God brought up a huge gust of wind, disrupting the flames under Zhang Ai's side. Zhang Ai made a quick decision and flew forward after the Heart of God. Since there is silver light there, it means it is not all fire, and it should be used.

The Heart of God made a strange move and flew to the place in an instant. With a bang, little bits of silver light burst out in the darkness, because there was a Heart of God in front of it to block the explosion of silver light. What Zhang Ping could see was that many silver lines and silver rays flashed from the edge of the five-meter-square darkness in front of him, temporarily illuminating the dark space.

In this light, Zhang Wen saw a passage in front of him, with black fire burning on both sides of the passage. No wonder he didn't feel particularly hot while flying.

Black fire burned silently on both sides of the passage. The first thing I felt when I looked at it was that it was weird. The black fire burned in the dark space. If the flames were not constantly beating and emitting a large amount of heat, it would be impossible to detect it.

At this time, the silver light burst out in front of him and disappeared in a flash. The strange silver light attack was smashed by the iron block, the space returned to darkness, and the Heart of God returned to Zhang Wen's feet. Zhang Ai tried to detect his spiritual thoughts and wanted to find out what was attacking him, but Ma felt severe pain and hurriedly withdrew his spiritual thoughts, cursing in his heart that even the soul could be burned by any broken fire.

He didn't know what the God's Heart had broken through, and he didn't know what attacks would be waiting for him next. Zhang Wen took the opportunity to condense his air shield and protect himself again, temporarily leaving the burning of the hot black fire. He frowned and thought about what to do next. Is it possible that he will be burned in this fire for the rest of his life?

As he thought this, the black fire in the space changed again, from black to clear blue, as clear and blue as the sky and the deep sea. Even the beating flames became as clear as spring water, jumping happily and gently. It was flickering, not like a flame at all, and looked very beautiful. Novel Network t

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