The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1563 Incentives

In just one move, all the prohibition formations outside the door were broken, but the big man didn't fare well either. Although he was not injured, his head and face were blown to pieces, and his leather armor turned black. iThe most annoying thing is that this black color cannot be washed away. Even if the big man uses magic to forcefully peel off this color from the leather armor, causing himself great pain, the black color will still remain.

When this incident happened, the big man screamed angrily. It was obvious that this magic circle was designed for him. No one else would break through the mountain gate like this except him. In other words, the big man was set up, and he became angry and planned to rush in and cause havoc. However, he thought again that time was urgent and finding Zhang Ping was the most important thing. He immediately flew forward and scanned carefully with his spiritual mind. Unfortunately, After some searching, the old lunatic was not found in the yard, nor was Zhang Ping's breath found, so he had no choice but to turn around and leave, continuing his search elsewhere.

The big man disappeared quickly, and the many gods and men watching the excitement in the distance quickly dispersed and went back to their homes. It's rare to see a joke made by a big man, so of course I have to go home and laugh secretly.

In this way, the big man seemed to be crazy, flying around. He was just wasting time by flying around aimlessly. After searching hard for a long time and finding nothing, he changed his target and searched for the four guys who were waiting for him. But this search was even more infuriating, and the four guys were gone. The big man was so angry that he decided that they were the ones causing trouble and secretly passed the news to the old madman, which made Zhang afraid of being caught.

But no matter how he thought it was useless, thirty-three days was huge, and it was really easy to hide a few people. In addition, there are so many places from the first to the thirty-second heaven, so big places, how can a big man search for them?

Time passed quickly, and one day passed quickly, but nothing was found. The big man didn't give up and searched again, but no matter how carefully he looked, he still couldn't find it. He changed his method again and knocked on the doors of every house, asking each god and man who had seen the old madman and those who were waiting for him. Unfortunately, the answer is still the same. Most of the thirty-three-day masters stay at home and don't go out. How can they see others?

Asking is more time-consuming than searching. It took the big man seven days to simply ask thousands of experts from the Thirty-Three Heavens. When he still didn’t get the answer, the big man became angry, and his figure flashed back to the Thirty-Three Heavens. The God Realm Continent under the sky is flying towards the City in the Realm.

The matter was urgent, and the big man, who had been searching for a long time without success, decided to kidnap the cultivators in the city and use them to blackmail those who were already waiting for him into submission.

Although he didn't know whether Ji, Yi Chen and Mi Yan had any relatives living in Jie Zhong City, he had to inquire first before arriving. However, the big man who was in a hurry and went to the doctor really couldn't think of a way, so he had to try every method, so he came up with the idea of ​​a city within a circle. As for the plan itself, he didn't like the plan. The only thing was that even though some of his relatives were captured by him in the city, he couldn't bring himself to kill those cultivators.

He can kill, and he dares to kill, but he can't kill many innocent people for Zhang Wei alone. This is the bottom line of his efforts to be a human being, and it must never be destroyed.

One day later, the big man came to Jie Zhong City. At this time, Jie Zhong City was in a state of turmoil, because Zhang Ai's spiritual wine and elixir had greatly disturbed the minds of the cultivators in the city, causing many things to happen.

There are many cultivators living outside the city. These people are lucky enough to have spiritual wine and elixirs to eat. However, they are assassinated and attacked by other cultivators because they are not allowed to take the elixirs to practice. They have no time to fight back. Under the protection of his wife, he lived outside the city and seized the time to practice.

When the big man arrived, he saw this scene and saw that the city in the world was in chaos. He tried to find people to ask for information, but few cultivators in the city knew who the people who were waiting were.

It's not that they don't care about the masters, it's just that there are too many masters to care about. This is the God Realm, and there are tall and powerful gods and men everywhere. After they get used to it, they are nothing more than that. Just like ants looking at elephants, ants know that elephants do exist, but there is no need to remember the name of each elephant, and there is no need to identify who is who, unless that person is the first master.

Now, the big man just asked the ants about the elephant. It was a coincidence. None of the ants he asked knew who the elephant was. After more than a dozen people in a row, the big man didn't even bother to ask. He was in a very sad mood. Feeling down and not knowing what to do.

He came to Jie Zhong City, where White Fairy, Golden Dragon and others were staying. After seeing him, Golden Dragon came over to say hello. Seeing his solemn expression and a bit of sadness, he asked: "What happened? "

The big man asked casually: "Have you seen Yi, Yi Chen, Mi Yan and Bai Hu?" Golden Dragon shook his head and said, "Why should I see them?" On the 33rd level of the sky, Golden Dragon was stronger than Ji and others. Want to be high, so don't care much about them.

The big man continued to ask: "Where is the old madman? I haven't seen him either?"

Hearing this name, the golden dragon was a little surprised and asked in a low voice: "The old madman is down?"

Seeing that this guy was even more confused than himself, the big man sighed, shook his head, turned and walked away.

The big man walked away lonely, and the golden dragon looked at his leaving figure thoughtfully. He knew something must have happened, but now he was tied up by the affairs of Jiezhongcheng and couldn't leave without permission, so he just couldn't bear to ask. In his heart, he actually wanted to ask the big man if Zhang Wen still had spiritual wine, or if he could still get spiritual wine.

The big man left and continued his frantic search running around. But because he had no clues, his running around was a complete waste of time and was of no use. As the days passed, the big man lost his temper. A month later, he went back to Xingyuan and lay on the square platform in a daze all day.

The God Realm is too big and there are too many gods and people. He really can't find the aura of the old madman and Zhang Ai, so he has to give up temporarily. But fortunately, with God's Heart and Zhang Wear staying together, they wouldn't get hurt easily; and the old madman didn't dare to kill Zhang Wen in order to get God's Heart, so he was more or less relieved.

The big man searched for Zhang Awei for more than thirty days. During these thirty days, Zhang Awei stayed in that confined space. Although the space that is one hundred meters high and wide is not small, Zhang is afraid that it is fifteen meters high, so this space cannot be considered too big.

In the first few days, he tried hard to think about how to get out. After thinking about it, he actually meditated wholeheartedly, as if he was cultivating, thinking about the matter rigorously and seriously.

He was serious, and God's heart completely sensed his seriousness, which was why he was trying to help him. God's Heart has heard many stories and talked with Zhang Ai about cultivation. He knows that if a person is meditating cross-legged seriously, he is basically practicing. The Heart of God decided to help Zhang Ain practice.

The way God's Heart helps people is very simple. Put your powerful divine power outside the body, and use your spiritual wisdom to tell Zhang Ai to absorb this divine power quickly and not waste it.

Zhang was afraid of knowing his good intentions and used his soul to inform the heart of the gods that there was no need to do so. But the Heart of God decided to help him, and just continued to release divine power without making any changes.

Seeing that God's Heart is so stubborn, in order not to waste his Spiritual Energy, Zhang Wen had no choice but to put aside his other thoughts for the time being and start practicing with concentration, just like God's Heart drinking wine, frantically absorbing the Spiritual Energy in the air.

Therefore, after a month, Zhang Wen's cultivation improved a lot, and correspondingly, the strength of God's Heart dropped slightly. Fortunately, Zhang was afraid of the immortal wine and used it all on him without hesitation. The heart of God was still as strong as before.

A month later, an old madman with white hair and white clothes suddenly appeared in the confined space. He looked at Zhang Ain meditating with a smile and asked softly: "Have you thought about it?" Zhang Ain knew about his arrival, but did not answer the call and continued to act like Just like before, he calmly waited for his fate to arrive.

Seeing that Zhang Wen was silent, the old madman smiled and said, "Tell me, it's so boring to be alone here." Zhang Wen still didn't speak.

"If you don't repent, then just wait a few more days and don't be too anxious." After he spoke, his figure disappeared in a whoosh.

However, at the moment when he was about to disappear, he felt his right hand being taken by someone. When he looked down, he saw that it was the silk wrapped around him. At that time he laughed and said, "You are quite interesting."

As soon as the old madman appeared, Zhang was afraid that he was planning this matter. Fortunately, the old madman didn't pay attention to his attacks. He didn't take precautions when he came and went, and he was successfully attacked by him.

In fact, there is really no need for the old madman to care about Zhang Awei. First, Zhang Awei's cultivation level is too low to cause him any harm. Secondly, this is his magic circle. In this array, the originally invincible old madman will More invincible. Therefore, Zhang was afraid of luck.

At this time, Zhang Weijing's silk thread got wrapped around the old madman's right hand, but he could only wrap it around. Such a powerful artifact in the hands of the golden dragon made Zhang afraid to use it, as weak as silk thread.

The old madman lowered his head and looked at Tian Cangsi. He probably wanted to make friends with Zhang Awei, so he chuckled and said, "It's a very good thing. You have to keep it well." As the words fell, Tian Cangsi's brush automatically popped open. , spun around in the air, and jumped back into Zhang Ai's hands.

Zhang Ai originally wanted to take advantage of the old madman's departure to sneak out together, but the old madman was too powerful and could easily restrain him. He could only stand helplessly and look at the other person quietly.

The old madman was stopped by him, and he became interested in talking again, and said softly: "I have no ill intentions towards you, I just need that piece of iron. Now that you are connected with the iron piece building, I want to build him with your help." Refining it into a divine weapon, as long as it succeeds, it will definitely be an immortal weapon and will be the most powerful weapon in the world. Why won't you give it to me in exchange for it? Come out, I will try my best to help you get it, and I will also make you stand on the top of the gods and easily become one of the top masters."

The old madman was tempting Zhang Awei again, promising generous terms, but he didn't understand the feelings between Zhang Awei and God's Heart. Again, these words were in vain. Zhang Awei just kept silent, his face remained unchanged, and he didn't Know what to think.

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