The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1549 Yi Chen

Chapter 1549 Yi Chen

At this time, the two little beasts were barking wildly. Zhang Bin walked up to them, gently held them down, and dragged them behind him. Then he didn't say anything, just stood and looked down at the ground.

At this time, the older scholar spoke: "Isn't Qi Xin causing trouble for you? Why are these two little guys here with you?" The big man rolled his eyes and replied, "Do you want to take care of it?" The sound of books also sounded. Not angry, he turned to look at Yun Tian Shen and said casually: "There is something good." The big man said coldly: "Don't say you don't know."

The scholar chuckled lightly and said, "Of course I know, otherwise I wouldn't let Qi Xin be fooled. Tell me, where can they run to?"

The big man sneered and said, "Don't you know? With your talent and ability, you can't guess where Qi Xin is?"

The scholar shook his head and said: "My ability is not that magical. It is always cloudy and foggy for me to guess. It takes me a long time to guess what is going on. How can I find Qi Xin easily?"

With only a few simple words of conversation, Zhang was afraid that he could already tell what was going on. Qi Xin had a grudge against the scholar, and he also knew that the scholar had a talent, which was to use Yuntian Shen to set up a trap and deceive the scholar into taking the bait. Unexpectedly, the scholar used his trick to trick Qi Xin and followed him to kill him, forcing Qi Xin to run around.

Hearing the scholar say that he wanted to make random guesses, the big man sneered again and said, "Why did Yunzhifeng Yichen end up in such a miserable state?"

The older scholar, Yi Chen, replied: "How come it's not miserable? You are seriously injured." The big man smiled even more and said softly: "Severely injured? Why are you not dead yet?" This guy was unscrupulous, He repeatedly humiliated Yi Chen, but Yi Chen didn't get angry. Instead, he smiled and replied: "Qi Xin didn't have the ability to kill me, so he didn't die."

The big man didn't bother to pay attention to this group of people, so he said coldly: "Let's go, I'll get annoyed when I see you."

Being humiliated by the big man again, Yi Chen still smiled and said softly: "You can't leave. You know what my talents are, that's why I came to lead you to drink."

After hearing this, the big man's expression changed slightly, his eyes were fixed on Yi Chen, and he looked at Yi Chen for a while and said softly: "Tell me about it."

Yi Chen smiled and said: "I wanted to say that you know Qi Xin wanted to set up a trap to harm me. He was lucky enough to find Yuntian Shen. Although he had your protection, his goal was me, so he didn't care whether he could find it or not." Get the ginseng. He used you as a shield to attract my attention. As long as he can deceive me, as long as it doesn't touch your bottom line, what if he runs a few more times? "

The big man didn't like what he said about expectations, and coldly interjected: "The bottom line hasn't been reached yet? His big red one is fighting me tooth and nail."

Yi Chen said: "Whether it has touched your bottom line, you naturally know that if we talk about the two Qilin beasts, they have been looking for all kinds of rare medicinal materials. They really want Yuntian ginseng, and they happened to bump into you and Yuntian Shen, Yichen can use your name to divert my attention. Again, the Qilin Beast’s goal is Yuntian Shen, and Qi Xin’s goal is me.”

Hearing this, the big man said coldly: "I don't care who his target is. If there is a conflict between you two, deal with it quickly and don't bother me here."

Yi Chen said softly: "I don't want to bother you, and I'm a little afraid, but I just said that I can't come if I don't come. I knew you had Yuntianshen, and I also knew that Qi Xin had a conflict with you, but I never came. It's because You are here, but now, we have to come."

The big man laughed and said, "Okay, let me tell you why you have to come."

Yi Chen said: "My innate ability is to sense danger. As long as there is danger, as long as the danger is related to me, I will know it immediately. The only thing is that he will not tell me what the danger is. He can only guess by himself." Thinking about it, it’s okay. You’ll be given some hints so that I won’t have to guess blindly.”

"It's just such an ability. It's good or not, but it's protected me for many years. Qi Xin knew that I had this ability and knew that it would be difficult to kill me, so he was thinking of various ways. Fortunately, Yuntian Shen If you are lucky, you can improve the physique of these two little things and turn them into powerful beasts." When talking about these two little things, he looked past Zhang Ai and looked at the little Qilin beast behind him.

After taking a look, he continued: "I have an extremely keen sense of danger. Qi Xin has always wanted to kill me, and I have always known it. But this time, something is wrong. The sense of danger is very strong, so I will use my natural ability to kill him." I guessed how he wanted to kill me based on my hints. I kept guessing, but the guesses were wrong, so I called Shuji. Shuji’s talent is calculation. He can figure out many things with just a few clues. He figured it out easily. The matter of Yuntian Ginseng.”

"Qi Xin had a dispute with you because of Yuntianshen. My first reaction at the time was that he was cultivating strength. If he really cultivated four powerful Qilin beasts, you can imagine my fate. I wanted to leave to find you at that time. But Then I thought about it, and my talent reminded me that the danger is just around the corner. It will take at least tens of thousands of years for these two little guys to grow up and become powerful. I was wondering if Qi Xin had set up any other traps, but this time, this time The old boy is really powerful. Even with my talents, I can’t guess what the danger is. The book has helped me figure it out, but I can’t figure it out.”

Having said this, Yi Chen paused and looked at Zhang Ai. Then he continued: "Neither of us can guess what the danger is. This is a big problem. Because we can't guess, we don't understand why Qi Xin wants to go against you. What benefits can he get by doing the right thing? Until later , when Qi Xin brought two unicorn beasts to kill us, we both realized that he simply wanted to fight us directly. Everything he did before, including asking you for Yuntian Ginseng, was just an illusion. The purpose is to confuse me.”

He was telling a story, and Zhang Wen couldn't help but sigh, "What the hell is this?" At first, he said that Qi Xin came to the orchard with a conspiracy, but then he said that it was of no use at all. The conspiracy was just to confuse people, and it was used to deceive people. In the end, he still killed people based on his strength. I thought to myself, a master is a master, I let you know clearly that I am playing tricks on you and make you guess what I am playing tricks on. In fact, the purpose of my tricks is just to have a fair fight with you.

Yi Chen continued: "Qi Xin is very good at fighting, and the two Qilin beasts are even better at fighting. That time, I was seriously injured by them. Fortunately, I am cautious by nature. Since I can't guess what the unknown danger is, I have taken full defense." , took Xiaobai with me, and also set up an Eighteen True Immortal Array. After I was injured, I activated the True Immortal Array, so Qi Xin and the others were injured. Unfortunately, I was injured and could not control the array, so they took it easy. Escape. After they ran away, Shu Yi came back. At this time, I thought about it carefully. In fact, my talent had already warned me that I was in danger. It was because I was wrong, and Shu Yi was also wrong. I was attacked by Qi Xin in a sneak attack, but as everything goes wrong, there is also a good thing. I was injured due to carelessness, and they were also injured, so after a brief healing, I went after Qi Xin with Shuji and Xiaobai."

Hearing this, it was basically the end of the story between Yi Chen and Qi Xin. As for the hatred between the two, the big man didn't care at all, and Yi Chen wouldn't tell either.

Yi Chen looked at Zhang Awei and continued: "We have been chasing them. God gave me a hint, and Shu has calculated that it is really easy to chase them down. They have always been fine, no matter where they hide, they will be discovered. But when we got here, there was suddenly no news from them. We knew you were here and didn't want to come down, but Shu has calculated that if we want to find Qi Xin, we have to come down, so we came. Don’t blame me for the trouble.”

At this point, he said the whole thing, and then he stood silent. The big man sneered: "That's it?" Yi Chen said: "That's it." The big man turned to Zhang Awei and asked: "Do you believe it?" Zhang Awei smiled and replied: "Actually, to put it bluntly, I have never thought about it. , What does the hatred between them have to do with us? "Why should we be involved?"

The big man nodded and said: "Exactly." He said to Yichen: "Your affairs have nothing to do with us. As for your talents and his calculations, they have nothing to do with us either. If you want to find Qi Xin, just go find him." , don’t bother me here.”

The big man spoke coldly again and again, but the two people and one beast opposite him were not annoyed. Yi Chen's attitude was extremely good. He always smiled and replied with a smile: "It is precisely because we are looking for Qi Xin that we To stay here.”

"Can we find Qi Xin if we stay here?" the big man asked coldly.

Yichen replied: "I know Qi Xin will definitely come back."

The big man looked at the two little beasts and asked casually: "Based on these two, do you think Qi Xin will definitely come back?" Yi Chen nodded and said, "This is just one thing, what else?" One thing is that we both can’t figure out why there is no news about Qi Xin and the two Qilin beasts when we get here.”

"What can't you figure out? It's because you are not capable enough and can't figure it out." I don't know if the big man doesn't like Yi Chen, but he hasn't said a nice word since he appeared until now.

Yi Chen smiled and said: "Here, I have a heartfelt request. I hope sir can fulfill it." As he spoke, he bowed lightly to the big man.

The big man had a sneer on his face, and he didn't know how this big beast's head could make those delicate expressions on a human face, but it could express them vividly.

Seeing that the big man didn't speak, Yi Chen continued: "I know that when Qi Xin comes back again, he must have recovered from his injuries. I would like to ask sir to allow us to stay here, recover from our injuries, and set up a few magic circles. If there is any loss here, we will pay double.”

"Double payment? I don't care." The big man said casually, and then issued an eviction order: "You go, don't bother me here!"

Seeing that the big man couldn't move, Yi Chen finally suppressed his smile and whispered: "Sir, please think about it again."

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