The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1548 Two people and one beast

Chapter 1548 Two people and one beast

Watching the two little guys disappear into the depths of the orchard, the big man smiled and said, "You are so kind, just taking care of other people's children like this?" Zhang Ai replied casually: "They don't know."

According to normal people's understanding, after getting two divine beasts that are hostile to oneself, of course the only thing that should be done is to make a heart-to-heart agreement and completely control the divine beasts. Qi Xin and the two big unicorn beasts thought so, so they left early, not wanting to see the two little beasts becoming someone else's slaves.

They thought that the two little beasts must be tortured by Zhang Ai unwillingly at this time, but they did not expect that Zhang Ai had not even thought about it. Zhang Ping said that they didn't know. What he meant was that Qi Xin and the two big unicorn beasts didn't know that they had not made a heart-to-heart agreement with the little beasts. As long as they didn't know, their attitudes towards themselves and the little beasts would always be different.

The big man smiled and said: "Can they come back again?" After hearing this, Zhang Awei asked seriously: "What enemies does Qi Xin have?" The big man shook his head and said: "I don't know." Zhang Awei asked again: "It should be Is it easy to check?”

The big man asked back: "Who will investigate? You? Me? Or Qingyin?"

The three of them couldn't live without Xingyuan because there were two Yuntian ginseng plants growing in the orchard. Zhang Awei had to protect them, and the big man had to protect Zhang Awei. He couldn't be careless for a moment. Zhang Ain immediately said: "No one will check, I just asked, wouldn't you like to live your own life well?" The big man nodded and said: "This statement deeply touches my heart."

These two brothers are a perfect match. They try to evade responsibilities all day long and just want to live a leisurely and fun life, so after talking a few nonsense words, they drink and talk about life as usual.

The two of them drank, the aroma of the wine floated far away, and the rich aura spread around them. After a while, the two little unicorn beasts that had just ran into the depths of the orchard ran back again. The two little guys were hiding in a tree in the distance. In the middle, the trees overlapped to block his figure, but two small heads were exposed in the gap between the trees. He was looking at this side with some caution and some eagerness.

Seeing the appearance of the two little guys, Zhang Awei chuckled. Just as he was about to get an extra bottle of fairy wine, the big man interrupted: "Boss, can you spare some time?" One look at the movements and it was clear that Zhang Awei had bad intentions and was kind-hearted. Stop him quickly.

Zhang Yin smiled and said, "Who is drinking?" As he spoke, he took out a wine bottle and put it on the ground. Then a line of wine shot out from the mouth of the bottle and flew towards the two little beasts in the distance.

After all, the two little guys were young, and they were born with physical injuries. In addition, they had no enmity with Zhang Wei, and the immortal wine was full of energy and very attractive. They only hesitated for a moment, then flew out and opened their arms. Mouth, go up and swallow the wine line.

When Zhang Wen saw it, he just wanted to eat it. With a thought, the lines of wine shot out of the bottle became two, and each little beast swallowed one, leaving them to drink. And the two little guys really opened their mouths and drank fiercely, not caring that they were very hostile to Zhang Ai just now.

Seeing the appearance of the little beast, the big man sighed heavily: "There are two more foodies." Zhang Ping laughed and said, "Are you a foodie too?" The big man didn't answer the words and looked at the wine storage room in the orchard. He whispered: "Let's see what you do next."

Although I have brewed a lot of immortal wine, I can't stand the foodies. First it's the Heart of God, then the big guy, and now there are two little Qilin beasts. Those guys can drink wine faster than drinking water. No matter how many immortals they save, Even the wine can't stop them from squandering it. Compared with them, Zhang Ain and Qing Yin ate the least, which was negligible.

At this time, Zhang Wen missed the Nitian Cave more and more. If there could be such a place in the God Realm, let alone the immortal wine, let alone the hundred thousand year old Yuntian Ginseng, as long as it was something that could be grown on the earth, there would be What couldn't he get?

He was thinking wildly, but the big man's face was condensed. Zhang Weizhi only felt a breath passing by in front of him, covering the two small Qilin beasts, sticking closely to each other, sealing their breath, but it was not Action prohibited. The only thing was that because the seal was too tight, the two little beasts could no longer drink. They saw the line of wine hitting their eyes, scattering and falling to the ground.

As a result, the two little beasts were naturally anxious. They rushed out of the forest, came to the big man and glared at each other. Because of the barrier, they could not make a sound and could only jump around with their mouths open. In order to prevent the two from acting impulsively, the big man directly suppressed them with strong force, and then looked up to the sky.

The big man suddenly made a move. Zhang was afraid that something was going to happen, so he restrained his breath and sat still. Because he was worried about attracting anyone or causing any trouble, he even kept his spiritual thoughts in his body.

Seeing the immortal wine overflowing, Zhang Fei stopped the flow of wine from the bottle next to him and looked towards the Heart of God. The big piece of iron flew directly to the place where the wine was spilled, absorbed the spilled wine, and then came back.

At this time, the big man said softly: "If you guessed correctly, Qi Xin is in big trouble." At the same time, he withdrew the power to suppress the two little beasts, removed the barrier, and separated two wine lines from his bottle, allowing the little beasts to Drink to keep them from making noise.

Zhang Ain asked: "Who is it?" There must be someone flying in the air. For safety reasons, the big man would seal off the aura of the little beast.

The big man shook his head slightly, thought about it and said: "You can create two more barriers. In addition, Yuntian ginseng is a big trouble, so why not eat it." Just from these words, you can hear the affirmation of flying high in the sky just now. Be a master.

Hearing this, Zhang Weijing looked at Yuntian Shen and thought that these two grasses were quite unlucky. They had never been able to survive since they got into his hands. It was really difficult to get them to transform into human form, so they were probably out of luck. After looking at Yuntian Ginseng, he looked at Qilin Beast and asked, "Yuntian Ginseng can be eaten, what should we do with these two guys?"

"I don't know." The big man answered happily. Zhang was afraid of hearing this and smiled bitterly: "Am I particularly capable of causing trouble?" The big man snorted and said, "You know? I've always been curious. With your ability to cause trouble and such a lazy personality, how could you Can you live till now and not die?"

Zhang Ai said depressedly: "Old man, can you please stop cursing me?" The big man replied: "If I don't curse you, you can deal with the Yuntian Ginseng and the Qilin Beast first. There were three powerful guys flying in the sky just now, two of them and one of them." Beasts, one of them is injured, they must be looking for Qi Xin."

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "If they are willing to fight, just beat them. Why bother us? Alas." The big man corrected: "I am torturing you. No one in the entire God Realm dares to torment me."

"Okay, you're awesome." Zhang Awei muttered casually. He looked at Yuntian Ginseng and then at Qilin Beast. He didn't want to give up on any of them, but if he didn't give up, he would get into trouble. In comparison, God's Heart is really simple. Heart, although it is dark and big, no one cares about it, right? It won't cause trouble.

The big man said: "Don't look at it, I think it would be better for you to stay in Qingyin Orchard for a few days."

"Should I go there by myself?" Zhang Ain asked. The big man thought about it and said, "I'll go with you."

Last time, Zhang Ping had the idea of ​​​​Qingyin Orchard and planned to raise Fuyun Tianshen there, but because he couldn't live without Xingyuan and the big man wanted to protect him, he gave up the matter. Bringing it up again now might be a good way to avoid trouble.

Zhang Ai shook his head and said: "After I left, did you leave Xingyuan to Qingyin to take care of? Now it's very troublesome for him. It's just that the two places are quite close, so it doesn't matter. But if we go to Qingyin's orchard, the distance is not that far. You said, occupying someone else’s orchard and letting that person do the hard work for me, what’s wrong with that?”

"Don't want to trouble him? Stay here and wait for trouble to come? You really have a personality." The big man sneered.

Zhang was afraid that he would not answer, so he walked to stand in front of Yun Tianshen, bent down, raised his hand to touch the body of the ginseng, sent the soul in, carefully inspected the situation inside, stood up after a moment, and remained silent.

The big man asked: "What are you thinking about?" Zhang Ain shook his head but still said nothing. Just now he was checking whether Yun Tian Ginseng had formed a spiritual intelligence and had signs of life like the original Heart of God. As long as he finds that it has a slight fluctuation of spiritual consciousness, Zhang Ai will do his best to help it cultivate into a human form. Unfortunately, Yuntian Ginseng has not formed spiritual intelligence and is just a special ordinary divine object.

Zhang Ping's soul and the spiritual intelligence of God's Heart have always been in harmony. He was thinking about things and worrying about the things in front of him. God's Heart immediately sensed this, flew to his side and stopped, nuzzling him gently like a spiritual beast.

Zhang Awei smiled slightly, the big guy is becoming more and more human-like, but he doesn't know when he will be able to turn into a human form, or not need a human form, as long as he can become smaller and easier to carry.

He looked at the Heart of God and smiled, but the big man sighed and said, "Don't think about it, it's too late."

Hearing this, Zhang Weijing didn't react for a while. Just when he was about to ask, three figures suddenly appeared in front of him. Only then did he understand what the big man meant. He meant that trouble was coming, and he wanted to think about the matter of Yuntian Shen and Qilin Beast. It's too late.

The three figures were two weak scholars in white clothes and a white tiger. One of the scholars, who looked a little older, was injured, and the white tiger was also injured. It was the two and one beast that the big man mentioned just now.

When the three of them arrived, they first looked at Zhang Afraid, then at the big man, then at the Heart of God, Yun Tian Shen, and the Qilin Beast. When he saw the Qilin Beast, the white tiger glared angrily, but he kept his identity and was too lazy to bully the two. A little one.

But the white tiger didn't move, and the two little ones didn't care. They raised their heads and shouted at the white tiger, which was quite provocative.

Even though the little beast was barking, the three guys opposite didn't care at all. None of them are simple. Just looking at the big man's expression, you can tell that he is at least a master of thirty-three days or above. Zhang Zhen was a little depressed, wondering what was going on with him? How come when I meet a few random people, they are all masters of thirty-three days or more!

If it were anyone else, sitting in Xingyuan for a thousand years, they might not be able to see a god, let alone a master of the Thirty-Three Heavens. Zhang Ai was different. He had only been here for less than five years and had already seen too many masters. He was too lazy to be shocked and surprised.

When I first met the big man, I was surprised by how powerful he was. Later, when they met Golden Dragon and the others, they were less surprised because the big man was with them. Now that he sees the Qixin Qilin Beast and the guys in front of him again, Zhang is probably used to it. Apart from sighing at his own weakness, there is no other feeling.

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