The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1546 You can rest assured

Chapter 1546 You can rest assured

Qi Xin fell to the ground, and the four Qilin beasts he was holding in his arms also fell down. The adult Qilin beasts were tall and burly. No matter how long his arms were, Qi Xin could not fully hold them, so he could only use magic to hold them in his arms. On the other hand, the two small beasts were not injured because they were protected on the chest. After falling to the ground, they turned over and looked at the big man and Zhang Awei warily. Then they ran in front of the two big unicorn beasts and made a serious guarding posture, rushing towards them. He opened his mouth in fear of baring his teeth and letting out a low whistle.

Zhang Fing didn't say anything and looked at Qi Xin calmly, waiting for him to speak. Since this guy came to the orchard even though he was injured, he must have something to say.

Qi Xin propped up his body, crossed his legs and breathed. After a while, he stood up and said to Zhang Awei: "I really need Yuntian Ginseng, and I hope that fellow Taoist will grant it."

This was the third time he asked for Yuntian Ginseng. What was slightly different from the previous two times was that this time he was extremely sincere. As soon as Qi Xin opened his mouth, Zhang Ai felt that his tone was different from before. He looked at the big man and smiled helplessly. What they had guessed before came true. Qi Xin was indeed setting someone up, but he didn't know it. What happened? Yin people can cause serious injuries to themselves.

The first two times Qi Xin came here, although he also wanted Yuntian Ginseng, it was just a pretext. He was just a pretext to ambush the sinister people. It always felt like there was a trace of sincerity missing. It was completely different now. After being injured, he desperately needed Yuntian Ginseng. No matter whether Yuntian Ginseng was seriously damaged or not, he had to get it first and replenish the bodies of the two little beasts.

Qi Xin spoke, then stood quietly on the spot, waiting for the two of them to make a decision. Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to agree to him, so he chuckled and said: "The injury is quite serious, it is better to recover first."

Qi Xin was indeed seriously injured, otherwise he would not have used his breath to suppress the injury before he could stand up and speak. But he didn't want to recuperate at all now. He turned to look at the big man, then looked back at Zhang Afraid and said, "I'm in some trouble. I can't take care of the two small beasts for the time being, and the two big beasts are also seriously injured, so I need your help." Help, as long as you give me the Yuntian Ginseng, you will be rewarded generously in the future."

The man of God always says the same thing, and he will work hard to complete the things he promises unless he dies. With Qi Xin's words, Zhang was afraid that he would have a powerful helper out of thin air. Of course, this helper must first recover from his injuries.

Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "You have to recuperate. Who have you offended? Are you going to come after me?" Qi Xin shook his head and said nothing, but when he thought about it, he knew that that person could seriously injure Qi Xin and the two unicorn beasts. He was also capable of chasing him, but the man never showed up, which meant he was injured. Even if he wasn't injured, he was at least temporarily incapacitated.

Seeing that Qi Xin didn't speak, Zhang Ain turned around and asked the big man: "What should I do?" The big man chuckled and said, "What does it have to do with me?" As he spoke, he sat down and looked at the four unicorn beasts with his big eyes. Swirling back and forth.

Zhang Awei thought about it for a moment, and was about to refuse when he saw a Qilin beast, the same big red beast that fought with the big man last time and almost killed Zhang Awei. He straightened up and staggered over to Zhang Awei. He bowed his head in front of him, which meant that he was begging for help.

Of course, it was just a request. The Qilin Beast had its own dignity and did not kneel down, but just lowered its head and said nothing.

The man and the beast were so close together that Zhang Ho raised his eyes with a wry smile on his face. When Da Hong fell to the ground, he noticed that this guy had scars all over his body. Now that he was getting closer, the scars were more intuitive. Such a big ferocious beast with such a hard outer armor had wounds all over his body. Seeing the Qilin Beast like this, you know what it means to be covered in bruises, with countless wounds covering the entire body vertically or horizontally.

The Qilin Beast's leather armor is red, and the blood flowing out is also red. The two different reds are intertwined, making it look quite desolate. Zhang Awei tilted his head, sighed softly, pulled out a few ten thousand-year-old fairy grass from his storage bracelet, and said with a wry smile: "I originally wanted to keep it for myself, but you should eat it and recover first." He said casually. With a single throw, six ten thousand-year-old fairy grasses of different shapes floated in front of Qilin's head, and he could eat them with just one opening of his mouth.

The Qilin Beast did not move, and turned to look at the two Yuntian ginseng trees not far away that were still buried in the ground, and its longing was clearly evident.

Zhang Ai whispered: "It's impossible. I can help you recover from your injuries, but I can't give you those two grasses."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Qi Xin thought for a moment and took out five pills. The four Qilin beasts plus him took one pill each, and then said: "In this case, I won't disturb my fellow Taoist Qingxiu and leave." After that, With these words, he called back Dahong in front of Zhang Ai, wrapped the four Qilin beasts with magic, and rose into the sky, then disappeared after a moment. As for the six ten-thousand-year-old fairy grass that Zhang Wen brought out, Qi Xin didn't even look at them.

After they left, Zhang Pai put away the six fairy grasses and sighed: "What on earth is this old man doing? How come he doesn't even want ten thousand years of fairy grass?" The big man curled his lips and said, "Why are you so curious?" Zhang Afraid to ask back: "Aren't you curious?" The big man smiled and said: "I am a little curious, but the matter has nothing to do with me. What does he do if he likes to do it? What does it have to do with me? If he is like you, he will be worried when something happens to others. I have to go through all the trouble. I don’t have to do anything else in my life." Zhang Ao chuckled and said, "You have never done anything in your life." The big man said angrily, "How dare you laugh at me?" Zhang Ao shook his head quickly. : "I dare not."

As of today, Qi Xin has come here three times, and each time his target is Yuntian Ginseng. It can be seen that high-year jelly grass is rare in the God Realm. Otherwise, there is no need for him to come to Zhang Wen again and again to lose face.

Unfortunately, Zhang was afraid that the oil and salt would not come in, so he refused. Now, after talking to the big man, he walked slowly to stand in front of Yuntian Ginseng. After these days of recovery, not counting the ginseng crown and the underground part, the ginseng body on the ground alone is more than six meters long. It can be seen that the green ginseng is green. Yin's ability is indeed remarkable. If the Yuntian Ginseng were allowed to grow on its own, it would not be able to grow to its current height without a thousand-year-old tree.

As he stood watching, the big man came over and asked, "If they never become human, do you have to watch them here for the rest of their lives?"

This is the most practical problem. Because of the two ginseng plants and the heart of God, Zhang is afraid that he has not returned to Tianlei Mountain for a long time. When I'm fine, I'll also wonder if Song Yunyi and the others will worry about them if they don't go back for a long time. Immediately he replied helplessly: "What do you think?"

The big man turned around and left very irresponsibly, leaving a casual sentence: "What does it have to do with me?"

Qi Xin has come and gone, no matter how shameless a person is, he will not continue to ask for trouble after being rejected three times in a row. Therefore, Zhang Wen and the big man thought that the matter was over and Qi Xin would not come again.

As for the danger Qi Xin faced, Zhang was afraid that he was powerless and couldn't help; the big man didn't even have a heart, it was just a lack of heart and power, and neither of them cared. Things are like this in the world, and everyone has to face their own responsibilities and troubles.

Unfortunately, the two brothers thought wrong, and the day passed. Early the next morning, Qi Xin appeared in front of the two of them again, surrounded by four Qilin beasts as before. At this time, Qi Xin's injuries worsened. His face was pale gold and his complexion was very bad. He scanned it with his spiritual mind and found that he was very weak. On the other hand, the four Qilin beasts were pretty good, just like yesterday, not much changed.

Seeing these five familiar figures, the big man frowned and said, "Why are you here again?"

Qi Xin ignored him and spoke directly to Zhang Awei: "I'm not asking you for Yuntian Ginseng, but can I trouble you with another thing?" Zhang Awei smiled and said softly: "Sir, if you have anything to say, please tell me."

Qi Xin pointed at the four unicorn beasts around him and said, "Fellow Taoist, could you please look after them for me for a while?"

Before Zhang Ai spoke, the big man snorted and said, "Looking after you? Why?" When he said this, he felt a little depressed. With the ability of the Qilin Beast, why should he be inferior to others? Judging from the tone of Qi Xin's words, the four Qilin beasts seemed to be his pet beasts, which was really strange.

Qi Xin was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and said at that time: "I made a slip of the tongue. Now I am giving these four sacred beasts to fellow Taoists, and I hope that fellow Taoists will accept them."

Hearing this, Zhang Aifeng had seen the four unicorn beasts, shook his head slightly, and said awkwardly: "They have their own ideas..." He didn't finish his words, and there was no need to continue. Half a sentence was enough to express what he meant. .

Hearing this, Qi Xin looked at the four Qilin beasts and asked in a low voice: "Do you agree?" Obviously, the incident happened suddenly. Qi Xin didn't even have time to discuss the matter with the Qilin beasts before coming to the orchard. It can be seen that trouble follows him all the time and something may happen at any time.

Of the four qilin beasts, the two small ones didn't matter, but the two big ones looked over with cold eyes and stared fiercely for a while. One of them turned around and said to Qi Xin: "I'm with you." The other one Qilin Beast said the same thing and made a suggestion: "Dabao and Erbao stay."

Even Zhang Ai could tell that Qi Xin was being hunted. The Qilin Beast as the person involved certainly knew better. It was obvious that his own side had limited strength and could not defeat his opponent, but he refused to leave and wanted to share the difficulties with Qi Xin. .

Hearing the two big guys say this, Qi Xin looked at them carefully, with a smile on his face, nodded lightly and said: "Okay!" Then he said seriously to Zhang Awei: "The two little guys are entrusted to you. Before It's my fault, I'm here to make amends to you, and I hope fellow Taoist can forgive me and accept them both."

Zhang Ai was stunned, what was going on? Do we have to accept two little guys? His eyes swept over them, and the two little meatballs were staring at him with angry expressions, with unwillingness and confusion in their eyes.

Zhang Ai took one look and thought, these are still two little enemies. He immediately said to Qi Xin: "It's not that I don't agree with you. Look at their expressions, you can't let me raise two enemies."

Qi Xin looked at the two little guys, then at the two big unicorn beasts, thought about it and said, "You can make a heart-to-heart agreement with them."

After saying this, the four Qilin beasts started to vibrate at the same time. The two younger ones looked at him with confusion, but the two older ones had pained expressions in their eyes. After some hesitation, they said to Zhang Awei: "As Mr. Qi said, , you can make a heart-to-heart agreement, so you can rest assured, right?"

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