The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1,545 Being Used

Chapter 1545: Being used

Qi Xin's original plan was to separate the big man and Zhang Ping, so he asked the big man what he needed and everyone could discuss it. But after this question, Qi Xin completely understood that the big man's focus was on Zhang Ai, and if Zhang Ai didn't agree, he wouldn't be able to impress the big man at all. The only thing is, no matter what Qi Xin has done, when the war comes, the big man will definitely help Zhang Afraid, not him.

So after hearing what the big man said, Qi Xin curled his lips and smiled bitterly: "Don't you have any other wishes? For example, what do you want to eat, what do you want, what do you want, what do you want, what do you want."

Hearing this, the big man chuckled and replied casually: "You are also a famous person in the Thirty-three Days. When did you become so simple?" This means that Qi Xin's thinking is too simple.

Seeing the big man mocking him, Qi Xin didn't reply. He tilted his head and looked around, and whispered: "Let's go." The figure disappeared in a flash.

Of course he wouldn't give up so easily, otherwise he wouldn't come again and again, but he couldn't persuade the big man and had to leave again. Is it possible for him to fight one against two against the big man and the unknown master?

This guy comes and goes as he pleases, without caring what anyone thinks. After he left, Zhang Ai thought for a moment and said, "This person has a problem." The big man smiled and said, "You don't care whether he has a problem or not. If he has a problem, how dare he still mess around in the God Realm?" Zhang Ai laughed. Question: "How do you know he doesn't dare to mess around?"

The divine world is huge, with thousands of gods and men, most of whom form their own sect. The gods and men below thirty-three days are all thinking about practicing hard. The gods and men above thirty-three days have their own pride, and no one is willing to surrender. Compared with others, it is determined that there are basically no big forces in the entire God Realm. Everyone fights on their own, and it is rare to unite together.

But what if someone really joins forces to cause trouble in the God Realm? For example, Qi Xin, with two unicorn beasts as helpers, can defeat most of the masters in the God Realm, but why does he still want to have four? If he becomes more powerful after possessing four adult Qilin beasts, if he wants to do something, who can stop him?

The God Realm is a world where strength is respected, and it is also a peaceful world. Except for matters related to cultivation and the city within the realm, there is little hatred among people. It is precisely because of this that Qi Xin's possession of four Qilin beasts becomes particularly unexpected.

Zhang was afraid that these words would reveal his guess. He thought it was the key point and he guessed correctly. But the big man smiled and said: "You still don't understand the world of gods." He just said a few words without beginning or end, and then kept silent. Zhang Weijing asked depressedly: "What don't you understand? What else do you need to know?"

The big man said: "This is the God Realm. Most of the people who can come here are super masters. No one will go crazy out of boredom and want to challenge the entire God Realm. If I don't say anything else, just one point, there is an old madman on the thirty-three days. When that guy is crazy, he is absolutely invincible in the world. It doesn't matter if others don't know him. Qi Xin is a thirty-three-day master. How can they not know him when there is such a powerful master standing in front of him? If it were you Qi Xin? Xin, are you asking for trouble?"

This was the second time he heard the name Old Madman, and Zhang was afraid to ask again: "Who is Old Madman?" The big man's answer was still the same as before, and he said softly: "When you have cultivated enough, you can board the I’ll tell you again on the thirty-third day.”

If you don’t say it, don’t say it. Who cares? Zhang Awei glanced at the big man with disdain, and his thoughts returned to Qi Xin. Why did he do it again? If something happens in front of him, even if he gets the Yuntian Ginseng, it is impossible for the two young Qilin beasts to become masters at once. So why is he so concerned about the two Yuntian Ginseng?

Thinking of this, I asked about the big man. When the big guy heard the question, he shook his head irresponsibly and said, "How do I know?" Just like before, this big guy just ate and played all day long and didn't think about anything at all.

"Why didn't you know?" Zhang Ain asked depressedly.

"I don't know, I just don't know. What else do you want?" the big man said confidently. But after saying this, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked Zhang Afraid: "Do you remember the last Heaven-Towering Ceremony? Have you met Qi Xin?"

Zhang Ain replied: "I haven't seen it before." The big man said: "The sacred mountain is huge, and there is nothing else. There are many powerful and powerful guys. There are only a few days of rest every ten years during the towering ceremony, which is a good opportunity for mountain climbing. "If Qi Xin wants to find the fairy grass, he shouldn't miss the opportunity of the Towering Ceremony, but why didn't he come?" Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said, "Who knows."

But the big man smiled and said: "That's right, who knows? Who can know?"

"What do you mean?" Zhang was afraid he didn't understand. The big man smiled again and said, "You still don't understand the world of gods."

After hearing the same thing twice, Zhang said angrily: "I don't understand, just tell me!"

The big man shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter whether I tell you or not. In fact, the whole thing has nothing to do with you and me. You are just a pawn."

"How come I've become a chess piece?" Zhang Ping muttered casually, and suddenly his eyes lit up. He hesitated and asked, "You mean Qi Xin is planning something?" The big man smiled and said, "That's right, he must have a master enemy. ”

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Wen thought about it for a moment and guessed the general situation of the whole thing.

First of all, Qi Xin has a master enemy. Secondly, this enemy is difficult to find and cannot be killed. Once again, the enemy's strength is about the same as Qi Xin's. Fourth, the hatred between this enemy and Qi Xin is very great, and it can be regarded as undying.

Because the enemy was very powerful, Qi Xin used Zhang Afraid and Big Man, as well as various events in the past, to set a trap for the man, hoping to lure him into taking the bait.

On that day, Qilin Beast's discovery of Yuntian Ginseng was an opportunity, and Qi Xin had the opportunity to use the topic to his advantage. No matter what, Qi Xin was always one of the masters in the God Realm. After knowing that the big man was guarding Yuntian Ginseng, he still came to grab the ginseng without any hesitation to offend the big man. He only asked one question, if he wanted to get Yuntian Ginseng from the big man. What does he rely on?

Well, even if he has the support, he can get Yuntian Ginseng. However, most of the two ginseng plants were burned, and the potency of the medicine was extremely weak, but Qi Xin still came, which shows that there must be something wrong.

In the whole incident, it was true that the little Qilin Beast was injured, and it was also true that the Qilin Beast wanted Yuntian Ginseng, so the whole thing seemed real. But it is true that Yuntian Ginseng was burned. Everyone knows that burning most of the ginseng grass will not contain much medicinal power.

But just because of these two Yuntian ginseng plants, which had little medicinal power, they offended the big man. Could it be that Qi Xin was crazy?

How can there be simple characters among the gods in the divine world? Of course Qi Xin is not crazy. In other words, Qi Xin's tormenting again and again is just an illusion. He wants to attract his enemies. As for what the game was, it was completely unimportant, at least not to the big man and Zhang Ai. After being used as chess pieces, things had nothing to do with them at all.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, I actually made a chess piece once." The big man also laughed: "There is one more for me." After saying this, the two of them laughed face to face.

Normally, there are always people who try to do evil things to Zhang Awei, but after all, they are targeting Zhang Awei with the purpose of getting rid of him. At this time, if things are really as Zhang Afraid and the big man thought, Zhang Afraid has completely played a supporting role, not even a supporting role, just a small pawn joining in the fun. The supporting characters are the big man and two cloud ginseng plants.

From this point of view, since the Qilin Beast burned the Yuntian Ginseng, Qi Xin will no longer kill Zhang Wei. No matter how heroic Qi Xin's publicity was in the previous fight between the two sides, two against three, fighting randomly, good It's like sworn enemies, but considering his purpose, Qi Xin will definitely not kill me. He wants to show weakness and tell his enemies that he only has so much strength, so come and kill me.

That's why the sane God's Heart can fight two large Qilin beasts one against two, while Qi Xin just holds the two small Qilin beasts and watches without taking action, and allows the Qi dragon he summoned to be broken and dissipated. Lose.

That's what happened. No matter how much you think about it, it's still the same. It has nothing to do with him. Zhang Zhi just stopped thinking about Qi Xin's matter and asked the big man: "Are there many disputes in the God Realm?"

The big man replied: "Nonsense, as long as there are people, there will be disputes. Even if these people become gods, there will still be disputes. You have been in the God Realm for several years, and you haven't even noticed this?"

Zhang Ai replied: "I can see it, but I didn't expect that I would become a pawn in someone else's dispute."

"What's weird? You just came to the God Realm, who will use you if not you?" The big man didn't care about being used at all.

Speaking of this, Zhang Ping said: "Qi Xin's enemy must be very powerful." Qi Xin kept lying to that person, but the big man didn't notice anything, which showed that that person was absolutely powerful.

The big man pouted and said, "Whatever, do you want to sleep or drink? You have to do something."

Youdao means that the matter has nothing to do with oneself and should be kept high. Although they have just been used as pawns, these two heartless guys just don't care at all. Zhang Ain said happily: "Drink." Two bottles of wine were brought out, and the two of them sat down to drink.

After drinking like this for one day, the two of them talked nonsense together the next day, drank again on the third day, and talked nonsense again on the fourth day. On the fifth day, Qi Xin came again, seriously injured, holding two children in his arms. The seriously injured big Qilin beast and two small Qilin beasts came to the orchard. After seeing Zhang Afraid, she fell directly in front of him, and then stared at him without saying a word.

Seeing Qi Xin's expression like this, Zhang Zhen was very depressed. What kind of thing is this? I didn't do anything, why did something come to my door?

Seeing that Qi Xin was injured, the big man walked over and said softly: "Why are you injured?"

Qi Xin didn't reply to the big man's words, but still looked at Zhang Afraid. As worthy of being a master in the God Realm, this guy is very accurate in identifying people. He can tell at a glance that Zhang Wei has a good heart and can be entrusted with certain things.

Seeing that Qi Xin didn't speak, the big man asked again: "Ask you, why did you come to my house? If you don't say anything, I'll kick you away." He had been used by Qi Xin, and he was always dissatisfied, so his tone was not too polite.

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