The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1543 Qi Xin Leaves

Chapter 1543 Qi Xin leaves

The Divine Mountain is the foundation of the Divine Realm. It is huge and boundless, and it is unattainable. There are countless divine beasts and countless immortal herbs in the mountain. It is difficult for ordinary people to climb. How could there be no immortal herbs over 100,000 years old? This doesn't make sense at all!

Qi Xin replied: "The Divine Mountain is rich. Not to mention 100,000-year-old herbs, even 1 million-year-old herbs can be found if you are lucky. The problem is that the two little beasts are injured in the womb. Most other herbs are useless. Only Changyang Immortal Grass can heal them. Moreover, ordinary Changyang Immortal Grass is not enough. The medicinal power is not enough. It must be a powerful herb over 100,000 years old and with restrained divine power. Although there are many Changyang herbs, I can't find any over 100,000 years old. I have no choice but to come and disturb Taoist friends' cultivation."

Hearing this, Zhang Pa completely understood what was going on. To put it simply, the little Qilin beast was seriously injured and had to take a tonic medicine to recover. It would be best if it was the Changyang Immortal Grass that even gods could not withstand. The required immortal grass does not necessarily have to be Yuntian ginseng, as long as it is Changyang immortal grass with extremely strong medicinal properties, extremely long years, and super divine power.

Because Zhang Pa planted Yuntian ginseng on the ground and was discovered by the big unicorn beast, the following events happened, and Qi Xin came in person.

But no matter who came, he didn't want anyone to eat Yuntian ginseng, and asked again: "These two Yuntian ginsengs have been damaged, are the medicinal power enough?"

Qi Xin replied: "I don't know, but I can't find other medicines, so I have to try it."

Hearing this, Zhang Pa understood even more that Qi Xin's statement that Changyang immortal grass with more than 100,000 years of age was just his guess and had no factual basis. Then he asked: "Have you been to Tiancheng, sir?"

Qi Xin said: "I have been there many times, but I got nothing."

This is normal. Who doesn't want immortal grass with more than 100,000 years of age? Who is willing to sell it unless it is necessary? It was just a coincidence that Zhang Pa got these two Yuntian ginsengs. There are two reasons. One is that Fengchen urgently needs a large number of spiritual wine and spiritual pills, but there is nothing to exchange, so he has to sacrifice Yuntian ginseng; the other reason is that the medicinal power of these two Yuntian ginsengs is too strong, and they must be combined with other herbs to make pills and take them, and those herbs are even more difficult to find. Combining the above two reasons, Zhang Pa can pick up a bargain.

Hearing Qi Xin's reply that he got nothing, Zhang Pa looked through his storage bracelet with his mind. After searching for a while, he took out two jade boxes from it and opened them to search again. Although there are indeed some very good immortal herbs, it’s a pity that they are not old enough, so they have to be put away again.

These immortal herbs were obtained by exchanging spiritual wine. Later, some of them were left when brewing immortal wine, but they couldn’t help the little Qilin beast. Looking at the two little meatballs in the distance, do you really have to feed Yuntian ginseng to them?

He was hesitating, and Qi Xin said: "What happened today is not what I want, please don’t blame me, fellow Taoist."

This sentence did not mention Yuntian ginseng and the little Qilin beast. Zhang Pa looked at him and sighed secretly. It was difficult to give or not.

At this time, the big guy interrupted and asked: "You feed the Yuntian ginseng to the little beasts, hoping that they will no longer be as weak as they are now, and hope that they can become stronger, right?" Qi Xin said yes, and the big guy snorted coldly and said: "Let them become stronger, plus your Dahong and Xiaohong, wouldn't it be four more helpers out of thin air? What a good calculation."

Qi Xin was shut up by this word. He was going to make a few excuses, but after thinking about it, he held his tongue.

Hearing the big guy's words, Zhang Pa immediately knew how to choose. Although the two little beasts are very cute, and although Qi Xin is indeed for the treatment of the little beasts, there is one thing, he is not as good as he shows now, otherwise he would not torment Zhang Pa again and again; nor would he say nonsense like "I want these two ginsengs" when he appeared; he even wanted to fight three against one and forcibly snatch the Yuntian ginseng.

Qi Xin's real purpose is to make the two little beasts become stronger quickly, so as to strengthen his own strength. Thinking of this, Zhang Pa sighed secretly, after all, there is no god who is too pure and kind. He smiled and said, "No matter what, although the little beast cannot practice, it still has a life, which does not affect their survival. If I give you the Yuntian Ginseng, the Yuntian Ginseng will be gone, so I can't give it to you."

Qi Xin said anxiously, "The Qilin beast is a divine beast, and the Yuntian Ginseng is just two plants without life. How can they be on the same level?" Zhang Pa smiled and said, "They can be on the same level with me, but the little beast is really pitiful. If you need other herbs, I can try my best to help."

Qi Xin shook his head and said, "What's the use of other herbs? If it's not the Changyang Immortal Grass of a high age, other herbs are useless even if there are more." After saying this, he hesitated for a while. Seeing that Zhang Pa had made up his mind, his face gradually became ugly. He wanted to use force again, but he didn't know what the big iron block was. He couldn't be too reckless. Even if he fought, he had to understand the opponent's strength clearly. So he shook his head and said, "I will go look for it again. If I can't find it, I will come back to bother you. I hope that by then, you will change your mind and help the two little beasts." Then he turned and left, and the four Qilin beasts, two big and two small, followed him away.

After they left, the Heart of God took back the powerful power scattered outside, as well as the invisible "annoying person" standing next to Zhang Pa. Zhang Pa picked him up and said thank you, then fell to the ground. The big guy followed, and after falling down, he said, "That guy is not a good person either." Zhang Pa smiled and said, "He is not a good person, but he can get four Qilin beasts."

The big guy was stunned when he heard it, and asked casually, "You want it? If you want it, go to the God Mountain some other day. Although there may not be Qilin beasts, there are always many other divine beasts. You should be able to get what you want."

Zhang Pa shook his head and said, "I don't want it. What's the point of wishing for it now? The real thing is to get the big iron block quickly." The big guy laughed, "Yes, you already have it. Isn't the big iron block more powerful than the four Qilin beasts?"

They landed on the ground, Qingyin walked over and said, "I guess he will come back, why not make plans early." Zhang Pa laughed, "What do you mean by early plans? Refining Yuntian? I said, can't you let them live well?" Qingyin smiled bitterly, "I have been keeping them alive." Zhang Pa said, "That's right, you spent a lot of effort to keep them alive. If you use them to make pills, won't you feel sad?" As he said that, he turned his head to look at the Heart of God, took out a dozen bottles of fairy wine and placed them in front of him. Since this black guy can fight, he can probably drink by himself.

He took out more than a dozen bottles of wine at once. The big guy protested, "Do I need to take so much wine?" Zhang Pa smiled and said, "I used a lot of strength in the fight just now, I should drink a few more bottles." When he said this, the cork of a bottle of fairy wine jumped out, and a line of wine automatically flew out of the bottle and shot towards the black iron block. When it hit the surface of the iron block, it disappeared in an instant and was happily drunk by the Heart of God.

The big guy curled his lips and said, "This thing is amazing." Turning to ask Qingyin, "How long will it take for our garden to bear fruit?" Qingyin said, "At least ten years." The big guy frowned and asked Zhang Pa, "How long will it take for your wine to be drinkable?" Zhang Pa said, "It can be drunk now." The big guy said angrily, "Nonsense, you know what I'm asking." Zhang Pa replied, "Three years, another three years, we should be able to make a batch of wine."

"There are still three years?" The big guy asked again, "How much wine do you have?"

Zhang Pa replied, "I haven't counted it." The big guy The little guy said, "Count now." Zhang Pa laughed and threw the bracelet to the big guy, then said, "You count it yourself." The big guy was a little angry again, and said depressedly, "You must be too lazy." After saying that, he sent his divine thoughts into the storage bracelet, checked it roughly, and returned the bracelet to Zhang Pa, turned around and said to Qingyin, "If you can help, I will go to the sacred mountain to move some fruit trees. Do you think it's okay?" After saying this, he yelled at Zhang Pa, "Be frugal, there are only 50,000 bottles left." Zhang Pa was a little depressed. You yelled at me when there are only 50,000 bottles left? He said, "50,000 bottles, even if ten bottles are wasted a day, it can be wasted for 5,000 days, that is, more than ten years. By then, our wine can be drunk." "Drink your brain, how much wine have we brewed in total?" The big guy said unhappily. Zhang Pa smiled and said, "It must be more than 50,000 bottles..." Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the big guy rudely: "Don't talk about those useless things. Who knows what will happen in the future? Anyway, save some money. I don't want to run out of drinks." At this point, he asked Qingyin again: "Do you think it can be done?" The question was still about transplanting immortal trees.

Qingyin replied: "I don't know, I have never tried it." The big guy said: "Let's dig two trees randomly and try it. If it works, we can get fruit trees."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Pa immediately understood what the big guy wanted to do, and interrupted: "Don't bother. Even if it can be transplanted, how many fruits can a tree bear? If you transplant thousands of fruit trees, do you want to tire Qingyin to death?"

The immortal trees in the divine world are very individual. Once planted, they cannot be moved again, unless the big tree cultivates itself into a spirit and becomes a human and leaves; otherwise, as long as it leaves the place where it grows, it will wither and die, so the big guy wants Qingyin to help.

But when he suddenly heard Zhang Pa say that, the big guy felt that he had gone too far, and immediately said embarrassedly: "No, no." Qingyin smiled and said: "You don't have to not try it. You can try it when you have nothing to do. After all, this is my ability. I don't think I can't even keep a tree alive." He agreed, but the big guy refused again because what Zhang Pa said just now was too tiring. The big guy said: "If you want to try, you have to wait until you have a chance. I say, why are you so troublesome?" The latter sentence was said to Zhang Pa. Zhang Pa asked casually: "What are you so troublesome about?" The big guy said: "Just now, Fairy Bai came to see you, and not long after she left, Qi Xin came to see you again. I found that as long as you are there, things will continue. Why are you so troublesome?" Zhang Pa said depressedly: "What do you mean I am troublesome? What does it have to do with me? I didn't provoke them." After saying this, he ignored the big guy and sat down facing the Heart of God.

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