The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1542 Iron is very powerful

Chapter 1542 Iron is very powerful

Finally it was three against one. Because Zhang Ai was behind him, the Heart of God stabilized his outer body and did not retreat at all. He just continued to explode his power and fight against the old man in black and the two unicorn beasts.

They started fighting, and the big man couldn't stand still anymore. He looked at the two small Qilin beasts, curled his lips, and didn't bother to bully them. He flew into the air and crashed into the old man in black.

Before the big man took action, the two big unicorn beasts were a little worried. They were worried that the big man would take the opportunity to capture the two cubs, so they had to pay attention here, especially when the two little guys were restrained by the strong pressure of the Heart of God. They could only moan and whine in vain, but they couldn't move, which made the two big unicorn beasts even more anxious.

At this time, I saw the big man flying towards the old man in black. The Qilin Beast that had fought with him before flew over and blocked the way.

The old man in black knew that the Qilin beast was no match for the big man, and didn't want it to take any chances. At that time, his figure flashed away, and he ignored the God's heart. He appeared in front of the Qilin beast, pushed forward with his palms, and hit the big man on the forehead. superior. Then he shouted at the Qilin Beast: "Big Hong, get away." The Qilin Beast went back to help its companions fight against the Heart of God.

The big man was hit by the old man in black. He let out a slight roar, and without retreating, he violently exploded and continued to hit the front. The old man in black also tightened his palms, and with a thought, the divine power surged into the sky, forming a vortex with the old man as the center, entangled and coming in.

Seeing this change, the big man said coldly: "Qi Xin, how come you still have this ability after so many years?"

Qi Xin ignored him, pushed forward with his right palm, and slapped the big man again. At this time, the divine power gathered in the air had gathered into an air dragon, more than thirty meters long, shaking its head and tail, huge and powerful. This dragon is a condensed spirit, and its shape was originally invisible, but a thin layer of golden light flashed outside the dragon's body, allowing everyone to see it clearly.

As soon as the air dragon appeared, it immediately attacked the big man quickly. The big man snorted coldly: "It's a small trick." The figure continued to move forward. Although the tone was disdainful, the giant air dragon was actually stronger than a real dragon after being blocked. After colliding with the big man, it only paused for a moment, and then continued to pounce.

Qi Xin glanced briefly and saw that Dalong was fine, then he looked back at the Heart of God. At this time, the two Qilin beasts were fighting fiercely with the iron block like crazy.

No wonder the two big Qilin beasts went crazy, because at this moment, due to the huge pressure in the air, the two small Qilin beasts couldn't even make a cry, and they huddled pitifully into a ball with a look of fear on their faces.

Seeing the pitiful looks of the two little guys, Zhang Zhen couldn't bear it. But at this time, the two sides were fighting, and the Heart of God could not be allowed to stop fighting. What's more, with the wisdom of the Heart of God, I didn't know whether I could understand what he said.

Seeing that the little guys were about to encounter something unexpected, Qi Xin moved and came to the two little Qilin beasts. He hugged the two little guys with both hands and covered them with a magic shield to block the strong pressure from the outside world. Only then were the two little guys able to move. They raised their little heads and roared at the Heart of God to express their dissatisfaction and anger.

But because the body is too small and the voice is too small, the roar of the two little meat balls looks very cute.

Seeing that the two younger ones were fine, the two older ones no longer had any scruples and continued to fiercely collide with the Heart of God. However, because the two little guys successfully escaped from danger, the two big unicorn beasts lost their ferocity and their attacks were not as crazy as before.

In this way, a balance was temporarily maintained in the aerial battle. The Heart of God fought against the two giant unicorn beasts alone, while the big man and the air dragon fought tooth and nail. Because Qi Xin had to take care of two little guys, he didn't dare to join the battle easily. He could only use his magic to attack the big man or the Heart of God with magic to help his side.

Unfortunately, this balance only lasted ten breaths. As the battle lasted longer, God's Heart became better and better at fighting. After a while, his attacks no longer purely used power to suppress the opponent, but began to change, as if Qi Xin transformed into an air dragon, God's Heart The power of the heart also took shape, and it kept setting up traps to lure the two Qilin beasts into being fooled.

After ten breaths of time, the Heart of God transformed into a person, condensed from his power, invisible and colorless. You can't see him even if you stand opposite him. One can only guess where this person is based on the pressure of his huge power and his ferocious attacks.

The Heart of God is already extremely difficult to deal with. After fighting with it for a long time, I still couldn't figure out where its weak point is. Now, it created such a monster. The two unicorn beasts obviously couldn't take care of it. They were caught by the invisible huge " "Infuriating", he was beaten with slaps and kicks until he was defeated.

Looking at the battle between the big man and Qi Xin's Qi Dragon, the Qi Dragon and the "Qi Man" from Heart of God are also made of divine power, only one is a human and the other is a dragon. The "annoying people" created by the Heart of God are supported by his abundant divine power. They are so powerful that they can easily defeat the Qilin Beast. However, Qi Xin's "Qi Dragon" was formed by gathering the divine power here, and since it is powerless, it will naturally be defeated easily.

This place is above Zhang Ping's orchard. He lacks energy and can only support the Qi dragon tossing for a short time, and then it becomes weak. As a result, the air dragon without the support of divine power finally died in the continuous collision with the big man. It shattered with a bang, turned into divine energy again, and dissipated in the air.

In ten breaths of time, both battles were defeated, and the master of controlling the Heart of God, the God Man, had not yet appeared. Qi Xin looked solemn and unwilling to fight anymore. He hugged the two little guys and shouted: "Back off." The figure suddenly appeared. He retreated more than ten thousand meters, out of the control range of the power of God's Heart, and looked at each other coldly.

He retreated, and the two big unicorn beasts turned around and ran away. In the blink of an eye, they were standing next to Qi Xin, one on the left and one on the right.

The big man didn't chase him, he just stood there leisurely, looking frightened, thinking secretly, this kid is really worth it. He knows that he is not strong enough, but he still dares to come up and accompany him to death. For this reason alone, he is stronger than a god. There are thousands of gods and men in the world.

The Qilin Beast ran away, and the big man stopped. No one attacked Zhang Awei, so the Heart of God also stopped motionless. He only moved the huge "irritating man" he had condensed to stand next to Zhang Awei for protection.

In this way, the two sides gave up for the time being, and Qi Xin whispered: "I need those two ginseng plants." Although he was thousands of meters apart, and although he spoke very softly, his voice could still ring softly in his ears.

The big man sneered: "I need it too. I also need those two idiots around you. Will you give it to me?" Hearing this, Qi Xin shook his head slightly and said, "Why bother? Can't we have a good discussion?" The big man did the same. He shook his head and said, "There's nothing to talk about."

After just two words, the two sides froze again. Qi Xin sighed softly and said: "In this case, I am just being reckless for once." After saying this, he let go of the two little guys in his hands and told the two big unicorn beasts: "Look Hold them." After saying that, he walked forward. In the air, he walked towards the big man step by step.

The distance was more than 10,000 meters, and Qi Xin walked about a hundred steps before stopping in front of the big man. He tilted his head to look at the heart of his eyes, then looked at the missing huge "annoying man" standing next to Zhang Wei, then looked back at the big man and said: "Please come out, the master, I am fighting one against two, but I want fairness." war."

He always thought that Zhang was afraid that one side had a hidden master, and of course he hoped that his opponent would show off his full strength. It's just that this sentence is very interesting. Can one versus two be considered a fair fight?

The big man shook his head and said: "You come to rob me, how can I be fair to you? Let me tell you clearly, no matter how many of us there are, we can't let you succeed. Come on, fight, let me see what Qi Lianyun is doing. stunt."

For this reason, it was impossible not to fight. Qi Xin smiled bitterly and said the three words he said at the beginning again: "I'm offended." As he spoke, his body moved, and boundless clouds suddenly appeared in the sky. Its breadth is not known to be thousands of miles, and its thickness is not known to be thousands of miles, directly turning this piece of sky into darkness, making it impossible to see even one's fingers.

At this moment, Zhang Ai suddenly interrupted and asked: "I wonder what you need Yuntian Shen for? Can't you use other fairy grass instead?" Obviously, this guy's good intentions have shown up again.

Following his question, the clouds in the sky stagnated, then dissipated, and a thin old man in black clothes reappeared.

Qi Xin reappeared, with a slight flicker, he came to stand in front of the Heart of God, and spoke to Zhang Awei through the big iron block: "Are you willing to exchange Yuntian Ginseng for me? No matter what the conditions are, as long as you put it forward , I will try my best to satisfy you.”

Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "Sir, what do you need Yuntianshen for? The world of gods is boundless, and Yuntianshen is not the only immortal grass."

Qi Xin replied: "Although there are many immortal herbs in the divine world, there are not many that are suitable for use. For thousands of years, I have traveled all over the sacred mountains, but I have not found any herbs that are suitable for use."

After talking for a long time, he still didn't say what to use Yuntian Ginseng for, so Zhang Weizhi had no choice but to ask for the third time: "Sir, what do you want Yuntian Ginseng for?"

Qi Xin thought for a while, then turned around and pointed at the Qilin beast in the distance and said: "You can also see that they are a family. When the female beast was pregnant, she fought with the ferocious beasts on the sacred mountain and tore them apart. After killing the opponent, he killed the opponent, but the mother beast was seriously injured. After giving birth to a baby beast, six of the eight babies died, and only two survived. But just like these two little beasts, their meridians were injured when they were born, and their bodies were empty. After six thousand years, they only grew to this size. Not long after they were born, I started looking for Changyang fairy grass to replenish their bodies. Unfortunately, they continued to weaken after two and a half days. After careful examination of their bodies, it was found that the elixir of Changyang Immortal Grass, which is more than 100,000 years old, can cure their injuries. Unfortunately, I have searched and searched, but I can't find such herbs."

Zhang Ai looked at the two little guys in the distance while listening. They were both weak and fleshy and quite cute, but not as ferocious as the two big unicorn beasts. A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, thinking that if she could always be this cute, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

Qi Xin briefly explained the reason for the matter, and then added: "I see that fellow Taoist disciples are also benevolent people. You just want to give Yuntian Shen to me to take care of two little lives."

Zhang Wen was a little puzzled after hearing this and asked: "There are no herbs that are more than 100,000 years old in such a huge sacred mountain?"

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