The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1531: Familiar with Yun Dun

Chapter 1531: Familiar with Yun Dun

At this time, Qingyin advised Zhang Ping, "You have to change your personality. You can't keep doing this. You're so miserable just for the sake of a fairy grass. It's completely unnecessary. No matter how good Yuntian Ginseng is, it can't beat it." Your life, not to mention, is just a piece of fairy grass. Just cut it off from the root and take it away. It requires a lot of medicinal power. You see what you are doing."

Zhang Yin smiled and said, "I will correct it later." He had a very good attitude. Qingyin smiled and shook her head, about to speak again. Zhang Ai asked: "These two cloud ginseng and the fairy grass for you have grown into human forms. Do you think that if I plant them again, will it be possible to cultivate human intelligence and become like gods?" The heart has its own preferences, and even forms a soul and becomes a living person? "

Hearing this, the big man and Qingyin looked at him together for a long time. The big man smiled and said, "You really have some ideas. I have lived for so long, and it is a worthwhile life to meet you."

Zhang was a little depressed: "What's wrong with me? What's the matter? Your life is worthless!"

The big man nodded and said: "Very, very, very much. You opened my eyes too much. You almost lost your life because of a broken grass. If it weren't for the broken rope of the Golden Dragon, you have played a lot, but you don't have enough cultivation, so you dare to be stupid." "Okay, let me ask you something. Tell the truth. How did you reach this level?"

"Depressed, do you mean to look down on me?" Zhang Awei said with a helpless expression on his face.

The big man said sternly: "Don't think blindly. I definitely didn't look down on you. I'm really curious."

"I won't tell you." Zhang Weijing said something casually, turned his attention to Yun Tianshen, and then asked again: "You haven't said yet, whether they have a chance to cultivate into human form."

The big man smiled and said: "I was just talking about this, but I got distracted and said it was far away. Now, come back, you not only injured Zhu Baocao, but you also want to help Pocao cultivate into an adult. Are you not a madman? Fortunately, you are like this There are not many people in the world, otherwise the world would be full of people, and all the monsters, monsters, tall trees and little flowers would be transformed into human beings, so how could there be any magic medicine to take? All the immortals and gods would have to be left alone."

Qingyin laughed and interjected: "What you said is a bit arrogant. Isn't Zhang still using herbs to make elixirs to make wine? Isn't it as scary as you said?"

The more they talked, the more lively they became, and Zhang was afraid that he would become more depressed, so he asked loudly: "I ask again, can they cultivate into human form?"

The big man shook his head and smiled: "You, oh, can, can cultivate the human form, but it depends on chance. Let me tell you a few things. First, you can plant the cloud ginseng back into the soil. Let me ask, Can you hold it? If someone comes to snatch it, with your cultivation level, tsk tsk; secondly, even if these two grasses can cultivate into human form, do you know how long it will take, even if you have the highest cultivation level in the world? First, is it possible to guard them all the time without doing anything, just watching them in a daze? Third, if they were in human form, not to mention how many masters would be coveted by them? They don't tell you how to kill you, they just say that they are messing around with you, and they have to cultivate from a low level slowly. What can you teach them, and what skills can you teach them to become masters? Ability to protect yourself?”

The big man asked three questions, and Zhang was stunned. This was not the lower world, and there was no strange hiding place like Nitian Cave. If the two Yuntian ginseng could really cultivate into human form, there would be inevitable troubles in the future. He was a little sad at that time.

The big man smiled and said: "You remember, no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot do everything he wants to do. What's more, with your current cultivation level, you are far from reaching that realm no matter how powerful you are. So, There’s no need to think so wildly, come and drink with me.”

Seeing the big man comforting himself, Zhang Aifan smiled and asked, "Do you still have wine?" All the fairy wine he got in exchange was on him, and the big man only had the more than 100 bottles he grabbed at the beginning.

Hearing this, the big man asked back: "Don't you have any wine?" Zhang Weijing was stunned for a moment, smiled and took out the fairy wine and said: "You are really capable of fighting for wine with the big iron block."

"Stop talking nonsense. Only an idiot like you would feed iron with fairy wine. How much is left?" The big man grabbed the fairy wine and asked Zhang Zhen how much fairy wine was left.

Zhang Awei said casually: "I can't count, it's quite a lot anyway. Just drink it sparingly, I should be able to last for a few years."

"How many years can you hold on? The old man has almost given you all his wine, and you actually said how many years can you hold on? Can you be more prodigal?" the big man said angrily. Zhang Yin smiled and said: "I am planning for the worst." "Be prepared and give me some so that you don't run out of drinks in the future." The big man stretched out his hand and said.

Zhang Ping smiled and handed over a storage jade box, which contained half of the fairy wine he had. With a thought, the big man opened the lid of the jade box and floated in front of his eyes. He glanced at it casually and said dissatisfiedly: "Why do you give me so much?" As he spoke, more than a thousand bottles of fairy wine flew out from the inside and disappeared in an instant, and the jade box appeared again. Close the lid and fly back.

Zhang Ain put the box into the bracelet and said with a smile: "You will say that I don't give you wine, and you will say that if I give you wine, you are really difficult to take care of." Then asked: "How is the city in the world?"

It was only at this time that they had time to talk about the battle that took place in Jiezhongcheng. Hearing Zhang Awei's question, the big man replied casually: "What can we do? It's just like that. There are a bunch of masters resting outside the city. The cultivators in the city are hiding carefully. There are few people coming and going on the street. The cat didn’t come out at home. I watched it for two days and it was pretty good. No one was fighting, so it came back.”

"That's it?" Zhang Ain asked. The big man asked back: "Otherwise? What else do you want?" Zhang Fing said: "When we received our Taoist friends, didn't we say that there had been several fights?"

The big man nodded and said: "It turned out that there was a fight, but as countless gods and men gathered outside the city in the world, no one dared to start the fight. Although these guys in the god world are not bad people, they are just normal people. Since the thirty-three days below, there have been countless small forces involved in grievances and hatreds with each other. Unless it is absolutely necessary, or when they are absolutely sure, no one will be outside the city in the world in front of countless people. They fought in front of the masters, but then I went there, and they wouldn’t fight easily, so I came back.”

The big man said something crazy. Once he left, others would not dare to fight and he would appear to be very powerful. However, what he said was true. The big man had extraordinary strength and status, acted without scruples, and was easily impulsive. No one wanted to offend him.

Zhang Weijing understood this and immediately said with a smile: "No one fought when you were here, but what happens after you leave?" The big man shook his huge beast head and said irresponsibly: "I don't care, do you still have to take care of me? For their entire lives?”

At this point, he looked scared, thought about it and said: "Starting from tomorrow, you first understand the colorful cloud shield. Fairy Bai's life-saving magic weapon is definitely extraordinary, although I don't know the purpose of giving it to you. , but the colorful cloud shield is really useful, and it is definitely more than enough to protect a fool like you."

"Why am I an idiot?" Zhang Ain protested. The big man snorted coldly and said: "How can you not be stupid? A few rotten bugs can bite off a piece of your arm, why do you have the nerve to say that? Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and practice tomorrow. I don't want to follow you around every day. What has become of me?”

"Can we not mention this matter?" Zhang Aing replied casually. I feel very grateful to the big man and always think about him.

"You are an idiot whether you mention it or not," the big man said. In this way, the three of them drank and chatted, then rested and quickly passed the day.

Early the next morning, the big man urged Zhang Ao to seize the time to practice. Zhang Ao responded well and set up a barrier to shut himself in with the Heart of God and Yuntian Ginseng, and then began to figure out how to use the colorful cloud shield.

After seeing the Jade Slip and trying to control it for a while, I felt that this thing was really interesting. For example, it allowed him to experience the feeling of flying in the clouds and flying around on this cloud. Moreover, the clouds can be enlarged or shrunk, and have various changes, which are indescribably novel and interesting. Of course, apart from this change, the main function is fighting. With the colorful cloud shield, it can not only defend, but also form items such as cloud guns and cloud knives to attack the enemy. It has endless magical uses.

It's just that the jade slip given to him by Fairy Bai only contained a simple way to control the colorful cloud shield, and nothing else was mentioned. He needed to figure out more changes by himself. For example, the most important one was that the colorful cloud shield could become stronger, but Fairy Bai didn't. Tell him how.

Because there are only some very simple tricks in the jade slips, you can master them in just one day. What is missing is familiarity and tacit understanding. It requires full dedication and a lot of time. It is impossible to master it all at once, just stop. Practice and come out of the barrier.

Seeing him coming out, the big man said dissatisfied: "It's only been a day? What's wrong?" Zhang Ao asked: "Can you control the technique of the colorful cloud shield?" The big man asked back: "What do you mean? Fairy Bai didn't give it to you?" "Zhang Ai explained: "I gave it, but it only has some simple control techniques and nothing else."

The big man was slightly angry when he heard this: "What does that girl want to do? Does she still want me to come to her door and ask her for it in person?"

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Forget it if you don't know. I'll just explore it myself." After saying that, he returned to the barrier and continued to study the colorful cloud shield.

At this time, the big man spoke to him through the barrier: "If it's too troublesome, there's no need to do it. When I go to the girl to ask for it, you can take the grass for you and increase your cultivation a little."

Zhang Ain smiled lightly but didn't reply. He sent his spiritual thoughts inside and studied the colorful cloud shield carefully.

Counting his luck, two parts of the soul were sent into the Heart of God and the Colorful Cloud Shield respectively. At the same time, the main body also retained a trace of the soul. But it turned out that for this reason, through his soul, the three were cleverly connected. Come together.

At this time, Yun Tian Shen has recovered. As before, she is leaning on the side of the Heart of God and slowly dissipating her divine power. Because there is a barrier outside, the divine power is limited in this small space. In order to concentrate on studying the colorful cloud shield, Zhang Ai threw a pot of fairy wine to the Heart of God and let it drink it by itself. In this way, the divine energy in the barrier became more intense.

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