The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1530 Zhang is afraid of getting hurt

Chapter 1530 Zhang is afraid of getting hurt

Zhang Wen looked at them and felt bad. If he had known this, he shouldn't have messed around with the armored beasts. Trying to make the Yuntian ginseng suffer some damage, dig it out from the roots, and discard the newly grown roots. How did it end up in this situation. It can be seen that being soft-hearted is really not a good thing.

The three armored beasts below refused to retreat. The one tied up in the air by the sky-tangled silk also looked at him fiercely with a fierce look in its eyes. Zhang Ai sighed secretly in his heart; the divine beasts in the divine world are nothing more than this.

At this time, on the one hand, he wanted to protect Yun Tiancan, but on the other hand, he was bitten all over by the armored beast and his right arm was broken. It was supposed that he should have strangled the armored beast, but he had no killing intention. He thought that humans could eat Yuntian ginseng, and so could divine beasts. This was a matter of course. It was only after he had stopped the armored beast from eating Yuntian ginseng that the following happened. Therefore, he was in a bit of a dilemma as he had no murderous intention.

Just when he was hesitating whether to kill or not, the three armored beasts below suddenly burrowed into the soil and disappeared in an instant. Zhang Wen used his spiritual mind to scan the ground and found nothing below ten meters.

At the same time, the heart of God was making noise again, frantically expressing its dissatisfaction and wanting to swallow up the divine energy. Zhang Ping took out a bottle of fairy wine and threw it over, poured it on the surface of the iron block, and let it flow. At the same time, the figure fell down and burrowed into the earth again.

As he dived down, he couldn't help but murmur that it would be great if Yuntian Shen also had intelligence. He could collect the roots by himself, or even move and escape, so he wouldn't need to work so hard on him.

This thought flashed through my mind, and I noticed in my mind that the roots of the two Yuntian ginseng plants had changed. They were much smaller and fewer than they were at the beginning. Zhang feared that his curiosity aroused, so he continued to dive and found that the roots of Yuntian ginseng had indeed become much smaller. There was just one problem. The three armored beasts divided into two groups and bit into the roots of two Yuntian ginseng plants respectively.

The location of the armored beast was locked in his mind, and the three guys were close at hand. After discovering that he was sneaking down, he temporarily stopped biting and spread out to surround Zhang Awei. Because he was not sure how many methods Zhang Awei had, he did not attack easily.

Zhang Wen ignored them and moved to the root of a cloud ginseng. He lightly scratched it with the big black knife in his hand, then slapped it up to loosen the soil above the break.

The two cloud ginseng trees are not far apart, five or six meters apart on the ground, with the Heart of God sandwiched between them. Under the ground, the root systems of two Yuntian ginseng trees spread outward, with the deepest point being more than fifty meters apart. Zhang Ping did not go that deep, but only dived to a depth of more than ten meters. At this depth, the two cloud ginseng trees were separated by more than ten meters.

At this time, he was the height of a giant. After cutting off the roots around him, he turned around and came to the roots of another Yuntian ginseng, and also cut off its roots with a hard iron knife.

Seeing Zhang Awei cutting off the roots of one Yuntian ginseng and then cutting another one, the three armored beasts didn't hesitate anymore and rushed over at full speed, biting Zhang Awei together.

When they rushed over, Zhang Aing had just cut off the roots of the second Yuntian ginseng. He noticed in his mind that three armored beasts were attacking him. He thought for a moment, forget it, just treat it as punishment for doing something wrong. , even if he suffered some damage, he had to get out the Yuntian Shen first, so he ignored the attack of the armored beast, only concentrated his divine energy to protect his body, raised his remaining left palm and struck it upwards, first loosening the soil above. , and then struck hard upward with a single palm, with a loud bang, all the soil that was more than ten meters deep above his head and ten meters in radius was knocked into the air. Not only did the soil rise to the sky, but the two cloud ginseng trees in the soil and the Heart of God on the ground flew into the sky together.

But at this time, the three armored beasts bit Zhang Awei without mercy, with a huge bite, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood, and Zhang Awei was injured again.

The soil above his head rose to the sky, and a large pit appeared on the ground. Zhang was afraid that his upper body was exposed in the pit, while his lower body was still buried in the soil below. Behind him, there is also a armored beast with half of its body exposed, each with a fierce expression, swallowing the freshly torn strips of meat.

Zhang Ao turned his head and glanced at the three armored beasts. With a thought, his body flew into the air, and he raised his hand to point at the huge clod of soil above his head.

At this time, the soil was falling in all directions. Zhang Awei blocked them in the air with a finger. Then his figure flashed and carefully took out the two cloud ginseng plants from the soil, and then took them away from the Heart of God. Then he released his force and allowed the soil to fill up. Into the pit.

The soil fell down, burying the three armored beasts, and Zhang Weijing flicked it again, compacting and smoothing the land. With another movement of his mind, he retracted the silk thread and released the tied armored beast.

The armored beast suddenly escaped from the trap. It was stunned for a moment, letting its body fall straight down. It was about to fall to the ground before it reacted. It swung its body violently to relieve the force, and jumped forward, changing from a vertical fall to a Cheng threw himself diagonally onto the hillside.

This guy is very good at burrowing into the ground. As soon as his body touches the ground, he disappears in the blink of an eye.

When the armored beast ran away, Zhang was afraid that he would be looking for trouble if he looked at himself covered in blood and smiled bitterly. The injury was purely deserved.

After the tossing of time, the barrier on the standing position has long been broken. At this time, another one is set up, and then it falls to the ground, scanning the Heart of God and Yuntian Ginseng with spiritual thoughts. Fortunately, Yuntian Ginseng is not too For big things, all that is broken are the newly grown roots; as for the Heart of God, not only did that guy have nothing to do with it, he also took the opportunity to drink up the fairy wine poured on it. In just a short time, a bottle of fairy wine was already gone. Being completely ruined shows how edible the heart of God is.

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and put away the empty wine bottle, and worked together for a long time. He was the unluckiest, not only injured, but also missing an arm. Looking down at the broken arm, he didn't know what to do. He couldn't carry the big iron block to the Huashen Pond.

As a god, it’s not that you can’t use your own divine power to transform organs, but there are two reasons why no one wants to condense them by yourself. One is that it is time-consuming, and condensing the body during a fight will outweigh the gain; the second is that the divine power is limited, and the organs that can be condensed by oneself are not worth the effort. The ones condensed from the Soul Transformation Pond are much different.

No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot be stronger than the divine power in the Soul Transformation Pond. Compared with the organs condensed by his own power and the organs condensed in the Soul Transformation Pond, figuratively speaking, they are an organ carved from wood and an organ cast from gold and iron. You Which one do you want?

Now that there is no longer a fight, Zhang Zhi, who is injured, will naturally go to the Huashen Pond to condense his organs, but how to get there? He was in a bit of trouble.

Fortunately, Fu Ji came back in peace. At this moment, the big man's voice sounded in the mountains: "Where are you? Come out here."

Hearing this voice, Zhang Awei hurriedly closed the barrier and said: "I'm here." Following his shout, the big man arrived instantly. When he saw Zhang Awei's embarrassed appearance, he immediately asked angrily: "Who did it?"

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said, "I did it myself. You just happened to be here, otherwise I don't know what to do." At this time, the big man used his mind to scan the surrounding situation and asked casually: "What are you going to do?"

Zhang Ai replied: "You look at the Heart of God, I'll go to the God Transformation Pond."

After scanning, the big man found no abnormality, and asked again: "How did you do it?" Zhang Ai smiled bitterly and said, "Can you wait until I recover from my injuries?" The big man thought, and the big iron block and Yuntian Ginseng stopped. On his back, he said to Zhang Awei: "Let's go." As he spoke, he flew to the Shenhua Pond first. Zhang feared to follow behind.

The Huashen Pond is still the same. The walls and bottom of the pond are pure white, as if they were cut out of a whole piece of jade. The pond is empty, making the pond look even bigger.

After the two arrived, the big man stopped still, fearing that Zhang would fall directly into the pool. As soon as the figure entered, clear water suddenly appeared in the empty pool, and Zhang Ao was quickly enveloped in it.

Zhang Ai was covered in blood and his skin was damaged in many places. At this time, he was soaked in water and all the blood and stains on his clothes were soaked away, revealing his naked body. After the body appeared, the clear water in the pool began to surge towards him, only rushing forward without retreating. A lot of clear water surged up to cover and wrap Zhang Wen.

About a hundred breaths later, the pool became empty again, and all the water covered Zhang Ain's body. In this way, the water flooded Zhang Wei, and it was still surging in waves. Slowly, the water flow became smaller and smaller, forming a thin layer surrounding Zhang Wei. After a moment, a faint golden light suddenly burst out, and then golden light. Dissipated, revealing an intact Zhang Wei.

Not only did his arms grow back, but the bitten flesh and blood on his body also grew back. After checking the body, Zhang was afraid that if he had a random thought, clothes appeared on his body, and then he flew out of the Transformation Pond and said to the big man: "Go back to Xingyuan?"

The big man said yes and then asked: "Tell me, what's going on?" Zhang Ain took the Heart of God and Yuntian Ginseng from the big man's back and said, "Go back and talk." The figure flashed and he had already returned. to the star source.

The big man came back and first came to Qingyin and asked: "Are you okay?" He asked how Xingyuan was doing?

Qingyin smiled bitterly and replied: "Xingyuan is fine, but there are always people looking for Zhang Afraid. If he is not here, they come to me. If it weren't for the fact that no one is looking after Xingyuan, these guys can take me away."

The big man smiled and said, "It's not that big of a deal, right?" Qingyin yelled, "Why not? How many days have passed, and there are still people dreaming about getting spiritual wine. How can this be a god? They are clearly ants from the lower world." As he spoke, he looked at his eyes. Zhang was afraid and said casually: "You seem to have become a little stronger." The big man smiled and said: "How can you say you have become stronger? You were almost torn apart."

Qingyin also smiled and said: "If you can laugh, it means everything is okay." Then asked Zhang Ai: "What's going on?"

Zhang Wen put down the Heart of God and Yuntian Shen and talked about what happened in the sacred mountain. After hearing what happened, Qingyin and the big man looked at him with strange expressions, and then started laughing. After laughing for a while, Qingyin praised: "You are really weird."

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "Strange or not, what kind of monsters are there on the sacred mountain? Why are they so vicious?"

The big man smiled and said: "Of course it is fierce. If it is not fierce, who will guard the sacred mountain? If it is not fierce, I don't know how many people want to live on the sacred mountain. Just because there are such a group of guys, I can't stay in that miserable place on the mountain. I’m willing to stay, let alone others.”

In passing, he praised his own strength, but it showed from the side that the sacred beasts of the sacred mountain were more powerful and difficult to deal with.

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