"This one seems to be lucky..." Sean sighed slightly.

In the absence of spiritual power, he was not attacked by the explorers, but received valuable rescue.

At this moment, they are immersed in the "spiritual atmosphere" created by the black dead doctor, listening to the music played by the moonlight, which can soothe the soul and restore the spiritual power, and feel the spiritual power inspired by the smelling salt...

The power from the soul is recovering at an unprecedented speed.

"Such a speed of recovery..." In just three minutes, Sean's spiritual power had risen by 30%, and he "gazing" at his increasingly enriched spiritual essence in disbelief. Bar?"

really. When explorers choose to help each other, they truly have the ability to challenge a world occupied by mystery.

As if to show the sincerity of the alliance, the remnants began to introduce.

He first turned his thumb towards himself: "Max."

Then he pointed to the black dead doctor behind him: "Fulai."

When his fingers pointed in the other direction behind him, their shadows seemed to turn at an angle, and a slender figure appeared.


The female explorer named Holly was dressed in black, and the mask on her face was a shadow.

A Jack-level mask named "Shadow" - a natural stalker, excellent dark chess.

Then, the remnant Max suddenly gave Sean a thumbs up: "You, yes."

Foley, who seemed to be Max's on-the-go interpreter for "Abbreviated Language," said in a high-pitched voice, "We saw you in the fairgrounds."

"Where?" Moonlight had no impression of them.

"You were on the Ferris wheel at the time." Fry said, "We saw this gentleman with our own eyes..." He spread his palms towards Sean, "With his own power, he saved the entire car."

"So, not only do we know that you are the scarlet letter you can trust...

"Also, the boss admires you very much."

Sean's brows were relieved: So, give me cookies as soon as you meet.

So, when I didn't know the details, I took the initiative to introduce myself.

Judging from their behavior... Sean's defenses are further loosened: they are also trustworthy scarlet letters.

The remnant soldier's raised thumb turned into an outstretched palm.

Under the beak mask, the doctor's voice was muffled: "It's not safe here - if you want, we can form an alliance."

"When did the alliance last?" Sean asked bluntly.

After all, their purpose was to get Peter Pan into trouble.

And the goal of almost all other explorers is to win the grand prize...

He didn't want to worry about what was behind him when he faced the spiritual master in the castle district.

Remnant Max smiled, his lips that were burnt off and couldn't heal, and his smoky black teeth: "Until...death."

The Black Death Doctor coughed and seemed to disagree with the captain's madness: "If you want to win the final grand prize, we will give it to you."

Ignore the huge sum of more than 20,000 New Zealand dollars?


Since they want to form an alliance, Sean continued to ask directly: "You can get the grand prize? Then what is your purpose?"

The remnant was about to speak, "Shadow", the woman with black hair and then twisting it up, walked behind the captain - Sean could see the scar on her chin.

Shadow's hand rested on the shoulders of the remnant soldiers, as if to imply that the captain should not reveal everything.

The Black Death Doctor quickly said, "Anyway, it's not a grand prize."

Sean frowned: he could feel that the three-person team of remnants was not lying—

Their temperament is completely different from other explorers, and it seems that they did not come to compete for the grand prize...

Perhaps, also trying to rescue someone?

Since the other party wanted to keep his purpose a secret, Sean didn't ask any further.

Considering the scarlet team in front of them, they didn't do anything to endanger themselves and others at the most critical time.

Sean stretched out his hand and took the palm of the remnant soldier.

Body temperature is very high. It seemed that the flames of the mask had heated his blood.

Max smiled: "Brother..."

Sean exhaled, his spiritual power had recovered by half.

He finally picked up the star-shaped cookie and stuffed it into his mouth.

With a light bite of the teeth, the crunchy warm sweet taste spreads in the mouth.


The two teams exchanged the information now in their hands. It is clear that their goals are the same now: to find the "clown" in the haunted house and solve him.

And if you want to find the owner of this place, you can only continue to explore.

Before setting off again, Sean looked at the team behind him.

Five Queen-level combat power, plus two Jacks.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a configuration that can hunt King-level and even trap ordinary Ace...

In the face of a haunted house that Jack-level can spend, this is really overkill.

However... Sean closed his eyes and reminded himself: In this weird world, don't be arrogant and underestimate the enemy.

After the alliance was formed, Max consciously acted as the vanguard, and with Sean's tacit approval, he walked at the forefront.

The group came to the end of the corridor, and Max opened the double door in front of him...

A slightly sour smell wafted from the room.

Unlike the cautious Sean team, the remnant Max actually walked directly into the darkness.

As he walked forward, he turned to Foley behind him and said, "Give me a 'child'."

The Black Death Doctor tacitly took out a black cane and tapped it in the air.

After the sound of Bang Bang, a black coffin like an arch appeared.

A pair of small skeletons whose skulls have not yet healed walked out with the beat of the black cane.

The special secret technique of the Black Death Doctor - "Bone Tool".

The cane pointed to the rich black ahead, and the little white bone stepped forward.

When passing by Max, the hand of the remnant soldier brushed the head of the bones, and the same flame as the remnant soldier's mask ignited.

The little white bones covered in fire, like a self-walking bonfire, stepped forward, fearlessly dispelling the darkness for the people behind them.

Seeing this scene, Moonlight was a little novel, and Taro frowned.

The exorcists represent the savior's position, and the teachings guide them, and this secret art of manipulating the remains of the dead is a blasphemy.

Fargar Taylor, however, was not one of those extreme doctrinal advocates, and he understood that in such circumstances he had to be flexible.

So, although slightly unhappy, he didn't say anything.

Burning bones illuminated the front, and it was a rather empty room.

The illuminator walking in the front seemed to have found something, and suddenly trotted, and the skeleton’s jaw was still beating excitedly—tattack! blah blah blah!

There were piles of thick candles of various lengths on the ground~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The wax that melted and solidified again made them look like stalagmites.

Little White Bone ran to the side, stretched out his fingers, found the candle wick hidden in the wax, melted it with the flame of his fingertips, and lit the candles one by one.

His movements were like those of a child teasing flowers during an outing.

The real scene is that the burning skeleton is lighting the candle like stalagmites on the ground.

The candlelight gradually became grand as the number increased. The Black Death Doctor called the little skeleton back, extinguished the flame on its body, and let the slightly charred it walk back into the illusory black coffin...

"Here..." The candle burned quietly, making everyone's shadows stable, and Holly walked out of it, "It's a little strange."

There were many huge elephant bones scattered all around, lit by candles.

Mysterious candlelight, supplemented by a huge elephant bone...

It gave this room an inexplicable feeling of savagery and solemnity.

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