During the mission, it is inevitable to encounter fellow explorers.

For ordinary people, it may be a blessing to meet a explorer when the strangeness comes.

But for the explorers in the mission, it is not necessarily beautiful to meet the peers...

Because there is not only a competitive relationship between the explorers, but also many people will covet the mysterious heritage and divine goods of their peers.

Therefore, there are not a few explorers who have been hacked during the mission.

And in the mission, there is also a group of slang words in the exploration industry.

To use the color in roulette as an analogy, if you meet well-meaning colleagues, you can call them "scarlet letters".

If you encounter that kind of insidious stuff that stabs you in the back, it is undoubtedly "black letters".

However, from the status and mask of the other party, it is impossible to directly tell whether it is "red letter" or "black letter".

At this moment, when Sean found out that some explorers also entered the "Joker's House", he felt a little nervous——

It's not that he has no confidence in human nature, it's just that now they have no spiritual power...

No matter what the opponent's role is, he doesn't like this passive situation.

After all, there are quite a few potential black words that may be maintained in a state of goodwill because of strength deterrence.

And there are many swaying scarlet letters, and when the "time is right", they may also commit murder and treasure.

Sean and Moonlight knew this, and after seeing each other, they stood up quickly.

Olivia helped up Father Taylor, who was not very flexible.

"We have Daddy Taylor and Olivia..." Although they didn't have spiritual power, their hand-to-hand combat ability was not bad.

"Moonlight and I both have guns..." Moonlight carried Sean's M1920 revolver.

"Even if the other party really sees that our spiritual power is bottomed out...

"If they dare to do it, we can also bite them hard..."

Sometimes, as long as you have the ability to "bite hard", it will make the other party weigh and restrain.

click, click, click...

The one headed first walked into the corridor.

Corridor lights illuminate their masks and figures.

The leader of the squad walking in front was wearing a special combat leather jacket with iron-colored chains and buckles, which made him look vigorous and capable.

The mask on the face is a silent, scarred, chisel-like face, with a faint red flame burning on it.

That flame symbolized something unyielding.

"Remnants of the Destroyed Legion". A more special Queen-level mask.

According to legend, the "remaining soldiers" all carry some kind of extremely painful memory, and they will be extremely strong in their revenge actions.

And the flame on this mask is not just an illusion...

That flame produces a slightly weaker burning sensation than a real burn.

Only those who have made up their minds will wear such a mask.

Behind the remnant was a "Black Death Doctor" with a beak mask. He was a Jack-level man wearing a black cloak, and the Yin Qi symbolizing death surrounded him.

The third person in their team is a "dark chess".

The man was hidden in the shadow of the remnants and the black dead doctor.

If it is Jack's same level, I am afraid it is difficult to notice the existence of this dark chess.

In the eyes of Queen-level Sean and Moonlight, this kind of concealment means nothing.

"A Queen leads two Jacks..."

"On paper, they are weaker than us." Sean couldn't let his guard down. Under the blue mask, he looked directly at each other with fearless eyes, as if to say: "If you have any absurd ideas, it is your choice. Put yourself in danger."

The remnant soldier looked a little reckless and walked over.

With every step he took, his boots made heavy footsteps.

Not so good...

Sean narrowed his eyes.

Generally speaking, a more polite way of meeting should be at a safe distance.

Walking straight forward like this... the other party's state is somewhat wrong.

Sean's hands are still exposed in the air in a friendly gesture.

At this moment, some weak spiritual substances have already held the carbine.

The remnants came to an apparently dangerous distance - only about a meter apart between the two sides.

Sean just stood steadily, as if observing the other party's words and deeds.

The other party put his hand into the leather jacket and took out a...

A metal cylinder with a snap on.

With a crisp sound, the remnant soldiers opened the metal copper buckle.

He pointed the mouth of the tube to himself, put his fingers in, and after fiddling for a long time, he took out a star-shaped cookie from the tube.

The cookies are also garnished with dried blueberries.

Rough fingers twisted the cookie and handed it over.

"For you." The remnant soldier's vocal cords seemed to have been burned, and it was unbearably rough. "Please eat."

This, this is?

Sean was a little stunned.

Is this an expression of kindness?

Sean stretched out his hand suspiciously and took the pentagram-shaped cookie.

Fingers can feel it's crunch - the little iron cylinder seals well.

Behind the remnant, the Black Death Doctor turned his long beak to Sean: "He likes the star-shaped one the most - it seems that he likes you."

Sean squeezed the biscuits and stared at the remnant soldiers in front of him with some naughtiness.

There's something special about this guy's way of saying "love"...

After careful observation from such a close distance, he realized that the edge of the mask of the remnant soldiers had been deeply attached to the face.

This means that he is a "person who gave up his true face".

In the ranks of the explorers, there is a group of people who have become crazy for various reasons and choose not to take off their masks again.

This is the case with the "Lone Book Collector" in the Queen-level library, and the same seems to be true of the "Remnants of the Destroyed Legion" in front of him.

Some people forget themselves because they are so engaged in acting.

Some people do it because they don't want to go back to their daily life...

Others show their determination in this way because of some hard work.

In short, "giving up the truth" is a slightly morbid choice that requires huge sacrifices.

However, they can get unexpected rewards because of such sacrifice——

Their functions will become more pure, and they are definitely the best in their class.

Spiritual power is also more pure than those of the same level.

The only thing to worry about is that they are a little bit different in spirit.

May become more unstable under some special mental attacks.

In this way, the other party's act of giving him cookies as soon as they met...

It is understandable.

Sean pulled out a yellow arrow gum from his invisible stomach - a fresh gadget that just appeared in a glass jar at the grocery store~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Sean originally planned to buy it for Arya to try .

Handing the chewing gum to the other party's hand, the remnant smiled: "Fruit-flavored. I like it."

Behind the remnant soldiers, the Black Death Doctor shrugged: "Okay, since our boss likes you...

"You guys look a little tired, let's have something exciting..." His voice became mysterious because it was deliberately lowered.

Just as Sean was about to ask, the other party had already pulled out two small glass test tubes from the cloak.

The test tubes were filled with blue Yingying liquid. The black dead doctor shook the two test tubes violently with both hands, and then flicked the cork off with his thumb...

The blue liquid quickly evaporated into a blue atmosphere.

After inhaling the faint blue air, Sean felt that his spiritual power began to grow like a boil.

The soldier peeled off the wrapper of the chewing gum, stuffed it into his mouth, and grinned while chewing.

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