The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 411: take a bow

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"The Carnival of Yesterday" was originally a fast-paced dance song, but when the music entered the third chapter, the rhythm even accelerated.

In order to be able to perform this repertoire heartily and vividly, Moonlight condensed two spiritual hands, and played with his own flesh and blood hands with all his strength.

He didn't even know that his forehead was covered with sweat beads, and every time he made a strong sound, he seemed to press it with all his strength, and the crystal beads of sweat flew.

"long time……

"I haven't played so happily in a long time."

The limbs played at an astonishing speed, and the corners of the mouth showed a wicked smile with canine teeth...

How long has it been?

Since the last piano duel at sea, one person played the four-handed piece "Flying Bumblebee", shocking the challenger to the point of aphasia...

This moment is the happiest time.

The audience who originally wanted to blast the moonlight off the stage were also shocked by the amazing music on the stage, and temporarily stopped shouting.

It was hard for them to imagine that such a gorgeous and intense piano sound was actually played by one person.

The sound of the piano is superimposed on the sound of the piano, and the climax of the layers of mountains seems to be endless. The precise and savory notes seem to be connected into a dense foam...

The anger quickly decayed like a rootless tree, and under the dark crowd, there were faces of astonishment one after another.

what happened?

What kind of tune is the pianist on the stage playing?

Then, people suddenly discovered that some gray shadows were around them.

They danced to the incomparably intense qin music, and they were so invested that they seemed to want to dance their already decaying limbs to pieces.

come on! Jump up!

Moonlight suddenly opened his glowing eyes.

He didn't care what he was going to face for a while.

Even if the fire of **** would rise from his feet, he would play with all his heart at this moment.

Come on, jump up!

This is the darkest time before dawn, and it is the climax of the carnival...

After this, the sun will climb the mountains and hills and illuminate the world.

At that time, all the carnival will disappear without a trace, just like you and me who once existed in the world.

But, no harm!

What we should do is to seize the moment and jump up!

The intense emotions were transmitted to the fingers, and the fingers pressed the keys with incredible force, and the strong music completely overcame the low voices of the maids.

It is also music, and the tune that Moonlight plays at this time has a momentum and energy that surpasses the aftertaste of "Distant Ancient Country".

The black light radiated from the piano, and the music that broke the shackles finally reached people's hearts. The living and the dead seemed to be reconciled, dancing in the same time and space, completely forgetting the past and the future.

The dreary green mist was expelled by the dazzling darkness, and the figure of Shado Amar's maid disappeared silently and helplessly, returning to history.

Backstage, three masked musicians opened their eyes, each with complex, unbelievable expressions on their faces.

It never occurred to them that someone could force the atmosphere they created with music.

They neither believed that there were such superb musicians in the world, nor did they expect that there would be scores that could rival that ancient piece of music.

It is even more unexpected that these two meet in the line of life and death...

A brilliance that even amazes them.

"Lawrence, Ken..." The Lamentation Singer stood up a little excitedly, "We seem to have been stuck for too long...

"I forgot that there is still such music and such people in this world."

A pair of green eyes stared at the figure on the stage that seemed to be the incarnation of the **** of music. The feelings in the singer's heart were beyond the present, beyond the competition they were going on...

And had to enjoy each other's music as a musician.

Finally, the music reached its climax.

The sound of the piano tends to be solemn and warm, and the music interprets the sun rising from the dark mountains, casting the light representing the new life to the earth.

In front of thousands of spectators, the world was illuminated.

The people of yesterday who were around and danced with him, their figures are gradually fading.

But they didn't stop, as if saying goodbye in a way that people won't forget.

Until this depressed cemetery was completely shrouded in sunlight, and new shoots bloomed on the twisted dead trees.

The dead have finally disappeared.

The night fog, which seemed to never dissipate, finally lifted the blockade.

Inexplicably, a complex feeling rose in the hearts of the audience——

There is not only joy for the arrival of a new day, but also sadness for saying goodbye to those of yesterday...

The dark ends here.

Press the last note on the score, and Moonlight's performance is complete.

His chest heaved violently, his hair was wet with sweat, and his shirt was completely soaked.

In the silence, he felt the aftertaste of the performance.

It took almost ten seconds for the pianist to stand up from behind the piano.

He walked to the center of the stage step by step, and he could even hear the sound of leather shoes hitting the ground.

While bowing and thanking, he received almost the craziest applause in his playing career.

Whether it is the ordinary people who drink the wort drink, or the strange existences that linger here, they all respond to the same passion that the pianists show when the music is played.

"No acting, no acting..." While smiling, Moonlight muttered to his companion who was excitedly sticking his head out of his inner pocket, "Well, I won't act."

He lowered his head and blinked his right eye, Miss White fell into her pocket, and her tense body finally relaxed.


When Sean and Olivia had just arrived at the concert, they heard the bell rang from the center of the stage to celebrate the birth of the winner.

"The show is over?" Sean's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, "Did Moonlight win?"

Before it was too late to meet, Sean had already shaken the playing cards and asked.

However, Moonlight did not reply.

This made the New Testament reporters inexplicably worried and quickened their pace.

The festival continues, and the second round of performance competitions have begun...

Moonlight, who had changed from his tuxedo to his jacket, walked lightly along the dark path that was not well-lit.

As if it was just a casual walk.

"How is it?" Sean stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

Unable to see the moonlight expression under the silver "Royal Tuner" mask, the pianist just took out the silver ticket from the pocket of his jacket with a slightly exaggerated movement.

With his eyes focused, Sean clearly saw that Moonlight's score was already 55 points.

He had just scored 40 points - and sure enough, the bell to celebrate the birth of a new winner was ringing for him.

Sean and Olivia walked over to the pianist with joy, and the reporter patted their partner's arm: "If it's anything else, even if you're good at writing poetry or picking locks, I'm not at ease...

"However, if it's playing music, it's hard to imagine you're going to lose.

"How about it, it's easy to win?"

Since it is Sean, Moonlight must be given a chance to show off.

Under the mask, Moonlight smiled with canine teeth, and the "farewell moment" that had clearly appeared in his heart seemed to disappear without a trace, he adjusted the jacket that was not suitable for showing off, and puffed out his chest: "That's natural—

"The winning song, I played it with one hand!"


Taking into account Father Taylor's strengths, the team finally chose the project for him - boxing.

As a happy place far exceeding the scale of ordinary amusement parks, "Midnight Park" not only has traditional strongman performances, but also has a "boxing" game for tourists to participate in:

Participants will compete in a three-round mini-boxing match of elimination system, and the final winner can challenge the "King of Boxing" in the park.

Taking into account the strength gap, tourists do not need to beat the boxing champion, as long as they ensure that they are not KO within three rounds, they will win.

In the previous chat, Sean vaguely learned that the priest was a professional boxer when he was young.

Although he is old, he has not neglected to exercise.

With a strong physique and proficient technology, he has considerable advantages over ordinary tourists and even explorers of the same type.

Therefore, for Sean, the priest's score of 40 points is also very close.

However, it is a little strange that the projects of Sean and Moonlight have ended, but there is still no bell for the birth of the winner from the boxing ring.

The three eagerly entered the boxing arena filled with shouts and blows.

Pushing aside the crowd to the front, they saw that on the ring made of thick ropes and sacks...

Under the dazzling light, sweat ran across the picture of Joshua's crucifixion on his back. One eye of the old priest was swollen, his face was covered in blood, and his steps were already unsteady.

The tall opponent took a step forward, and a right uppercut hit the priest heavily in the face.

With a bang, the priest fell heavily, and sweat and blood splashed on Sean's mask.

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