The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 410: "Darkest"

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No matter how bad the situation is, the piano will still make the same sound.

When I was very young, Moonlight 1902, playing on the boat, reminded myself like this.

Whether it's sunny or rainy, or the cruise is bumpy.

Whether today is full of friends, or few...

Press the keys with your fingers, and the piano always makes the exact same sound.

The piano neither grieves nor trembles with fear—

It's the best performer.

Therefore, Moonlight also reminded himself, reminded himself over and over again...

If you want to be worthy of a piano, you have to become a "piano" yourself.

As a result, he spent the "thrilling" moments in his life.

Whether it's the first performance, or the challenge of the so-called "father of jazz", or the encounter with Winnie...

He always reminded himself that when a "piano" strikes the keys, it makes the same sound.

Today, this habit still works.

Although he realized that he might not live to play this part, Moonlight still played it with the same passion and expressiveness as any other in his life.

"The Carnival of Yesterday".

Shado Amar's maid has been whispering softly, affecting the subconscious of the audience, making them resist the music played by others.

However, it is very strange that even in such a negative environment, the audience also appreciates the charm of moonlight playing.

Some people dance to the music.

In the shadows in the background, the three exotic musicians exchanged glances, and then closed their eyes at the same time——

The three grief singers put their thoughts into the three maids, and used their spiritual power to directly supply their singing...

The murmur that couldn't be heard directly still distorted Moonlight's performance.

Although the pianist is very involved in his performance, and the technique is exquisite...

However, the audience still felt an inexplicable sense of disgust in their hearts.

They hope to listen to the vicissitudes of the "Distant Ancient Country" again, instead of such "noisy" music.

Finally, those listeners who couldn't help but want to dance were also affected.

The desire to jump was gone, and a confused expression appeared on their faces.

Although I can't point out what's wrong with the music of the performers on stage, they just don't like it.

Contrary to the audience who gradually calmed down, the undead in the cemetery who appeared due to the carnival yesterday were still dancing frantically—as the dead, they would not be swayed by Shado Amar’s maids in the slightest. Influence.

As if feeling the strange atmosphere under the stage, Moonlight opened his eyes and looked at the audience.

He saw confusion on their faces, as if he didn't know what expression to choose.

Some people have already frowned, obviously feeling irritable...

"Sure enough, is it still not good?" Moonlight still played with enthusiasm, as if even if no one in this world knew how to appreciate his performance, he would resolutely play it.

However, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Sean, Winnie, Dad...and the lovely Arya...

"Am I going to die here?"

Finally, a rude man in the audience booed:

"You play so bad, get off the stage!"

In the distance, three maids in black clothes and pointed hats, their figures became incomparably tall, like silent peaks in the night.

Since his debut, apart from being disrupted by drunks, Moonlight has never been booed.

The uncontrollable dissatisfaction in the audience gave him some fresh experiences.

However, the pianist was still a little unwilling to this mortal ending.

After mastering the second chapter of "Nocturne Nocturne", "The Carnival of Yesterday", Moonlight has already started to study the climax of the Nocturne Suite - the third chapter named "The Darkest".

But no matter how he plays it, whether in his head or in front of a real piano...

Moonlight discovered that this couldn't be called a song at all.

Because it does not conform to the basic music theory, the so-called "Darkest" is simply unbearable.

If it pops out forcibly, it is just a series of dissonant notes.

Ironically, given the arrangement of the suite, and the length and complexity of Darkest Darkness itself...

This unplayable third chapter is without a doubt the best part of "Nocturne".

If Bernard Shaw hadn't made such a ruthless joke, Moonlight believed that such a piece of music could completely compete with "Distant Ancient Country".

Unfortunately, it seems that the young composer was insane when he composed this piece, otherwise he could not explain the messiness and absurdity of the third movement.

So, even if Moonlight wanted to fight back with the best chapter of Nocturne, he couldn't.

At this moment, when he inevitably slipped to the ending of being swallowed by the flames, Moonlight couldn't help but think of this tune again with the association of his own situation.

"The deepest darkness..." He thought with a wry smile, "Isn't this my current situation?


"If I can get to the secrets of that weird score, maybe there's a chance?"

One last time, while playing, Moonlight tried to recall the score.

"Darkest"... what is its secret?

Like a dark cloud, the audience let out a low grunt before the roar.

Shado Amar's handmaiden had a firm grip on them, and they had lost patience.

Looking at the resentful audience and the figures of the undead dancing in the crowd that appeared because of "Yesterday's Carnival", Moonlight suddenly felt a sense of detachment and absurdity——

Three peaks in the green mist.

The foolish people under the three peaks.

Dancing phantoms among the ignorant people...

What I saw before my eyes seemed to be a paradoxical oil painting full of metaphors.

Staring at this "oil painting", the pianist suddenly frowned...

Before, for "Darkest", he has been thinking about a problem.

If you only look at the first two chapters, Bernard Shaw clearly arranged the "Nocturne" according to the timeline——

The first chapter, "Undead Overture", describes a young pianist who plays in the cemetery under the crescent moon. The gates of the underworld are opened, and the golden apples representing death and new life emerge, and all this awakens the cemetery in the cemetery. the undead...

In the second chapter, "The Carnival of Yesterday", the line of sight has moved into the cemetery. The awakened undead began to dance and sway to the sound of the piano that changed into dance music...

Logically speaking, the most exciting third chapter should be the climax of this weird dance...

According to Moonlight's understanding, the climax of this carnival at the border of life and death should be as dazzling and dazzling as a grand firework, so that anyone who is fortunate enough to witness this dance will never forget it...


In the third chapter, why did it suddenly take a sharp turn and fall from the carnival to "The Darkest"?

Did the **** end so quickly?

Before, the thinking about the third chapter was forced to stop here, and there was no further progress.

At this moment, seeing the moonlight in front of him, he suddenly had a new understanding.

He saw the resentful living, and the revelry dead—

They are separated by yin and yang, and they are people from two worlds.

But people in these two worlds have completely different reactions to the same thing.


Therefore, the "darkness" considered by the living is precisely the "light" in the eyes of the dead?

The so-called "deepest darkness" is the most blazing light for the dead?

Life and death relative.

The living and the dead have completely opposite understandings of the world.

That is to say...

A flash of light instantly illuminated the score in Moonlight's mind.

In his mind the parchment curling sheet under the lamp was turned over, and he began to read the sheet music from the reverse side of the paper, through the penetration of light.

A string of smooth and beautiful piano sounds, flowing in my mind...

I see!

Life and death relative!

The deepest darkness is not the abrupt end of the carnival, but the climax of the carnival!

If you want to play this sheet music to a living person, you can only read the sheet music backwards!

Under the stage, the sound of the piano at this moment could no longer comfort the manipulated audience, and some people began to roar, which led other audiences to start shouting.

And Moonlight, a pianist from the ocean, a Queen-level explorer who obtained a custom-made mask from "Solo under the Moon", turned his wrist lightly, his fingers moved, and transitioned the music to a brand new third chapter...


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