After a while, Hatou Mingri walked in with a watermelon. Seeing the intimate posture of the two, her baby-fat face was full of smiles.

"Little brother Feiyu, Jingjiu, come and eat some watermelon."

Hattō Akari placed the fruit plate on the table and shouted enthusiastically.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine if you eat one or two pieces."

He Feiyu brought two pieces over, and handed one piece of watermelon to Chuteng Shizuo. Looking at her hesitant expression, He Feiyu said that when a girl comes to visit relatives, it is okay to eat one or two iced watermelons.

Seeing He Feiyu's determined expression, Chu Teng Jingjiu stretched out her chubby little hands and took a piece, chewing it carefully. It was really pretty and delicious. To be honest, watching a beautiful woman eat is also a pleasure.

Chuteng Mingri twisted her graceful figure and brought out a charming fragrance, walked to He Feiyu and sat down, watching He Feiyu eating watermelon with a smile in her eyes.

"What's wrong, Aunt Mingli?"

He Feiyu felt uncomfortable being stared at by Hatsuto Akari, so he threw the melon rind into the trash can and asked.

"Hehe, little brother Feiyu is really eating so fast. Look, there are still residues on his mouth~"

Chu Teng Mingli stretched out her jade hand, and before He Feiyu could react, she twisted the watermelon crumbs near the corner of his mouth into her hand, then put it into her mouth and started sucking it under He Feiyu's incredible eyes.


Seeing Hatou Akari's charming and enchanting movements, He Feiyu's heart beat faster. He thought he would not be tempted again today, but he didn't expect to be aroused so easily.

"Brother Feiyu, it's very dangerous to look at Auntie like this~"

Chuteng Mingli glanced around He Feiyu's face, and then glanced at a slightly raised spot, with a smile on his face.

Said coquettishly.

Hatsuto Shizuo looked at the two of them quietly from the side, but she was expecting something in her heart. The relationship between the two became closer, and she felt more relieved after she left.

In fact, Hatou Mingri didn't plan to ask for it today, but she heard the conversation between the two outside the door earlier, especially He Feiyu's words "Aunt Mingli is both your mother and my lover" directly made her feel lustful. Like waves.

"Oops~ What's going on, little brother Feiyu? This place is getting bigger and bigger~ Do you want Auntie to help you solve it~"

Hatou Mingri said with a smile. At the same time, her plump body pressed against He Feiyu's body. Her breasts as big as a cow directly changed their shape. Even He Feiyu could feel a bulge pressing against him. What's more, her breasts The palm of his hand has already started to slowly rub the dragon's head through his pants, which seems to be teasing and caressing.

"In that case, I'll bother Aunt Mingli."

The sky was thundering and the earth was on fire. He Feiyu turned over and pressed Hatou Mingli down. He roughly took off her thin sleeveless vest and buried it in her proud mountains. He explored the fragrance of milk until the shackles on her lower body were covered. The fire in her belly was completely vented after the release. Midway through, Chuto Jingjiu wanted to join in, but He Feiyu refused because of the girl's physical discomfort, and asked her to learn some of her mother's experienced skills nearby, but she didn't expect that midway The girl still joined in, but her hands and mouth were easier to use.


"Damn! What's going on? I feel sour again."

After bidding farewell to the only sober Hatsuto Shizuku, He Feiyu stood in front of his house and kept rubbing his cheeks with both hands. Could he really be addicted to astringent? Or have you been single for more than 20 years in your previous life, and now you have a lot of money and you start squandering it? After thinking about it, I still couldn't figure it out, but He Feiyu decided to be more restrained after entering high school. In addition to killing Huang Mao, it is best to keep a distance from other girls, otherwise he will go further and further on the road to becoming a pile driver. .

"Hiba Onii-chan, you're back."

As usual, Qianjian Liuli happily jumped on He Feiyu and hugged him tightly, constantly rubbing her little face on his head.

Fortunately, the girl's body was relatively thin. He Feiyu changed her shoes with Qianjian Liuli on his back, held her hips, walked to the sofa and sat down.

He didn't know that the girl had become so attached to him for a long time. He Feiyu vaguely remembered that at the beginning, when his memory recovered, the girl was still lukewarm towards him, but within a few weeks, she became enthusiastic and even stayed with him. Sneaking and eating while sleeping.

"Sister Liuli, have you finished your summer homework?"

He Feiyu felt the Wangzi steamed buns on his back and said something inappropriate.

"What~ It's rare to have such a good atmosphere, why would Brother Feiyu bring up such a spoiler?"

After hearing this, Qianjian Liuli, who was originally happy, immediately pouted and complained dissatisfiedly.

"School is about to start. If you don't want to be scolded by the teacher, just finish writing it quickly."

He Feiyu ignored Qianjian Liuli's dissatisfaction, but turned his head and pinched her pretty face with his hands.

"Hmm~ I don't want to write. It's so troublesome to study or something. Otherwise, Brother Feiyu can help me write it~"

Qianjian Liuli seemed to have thought of something and looked at He Feiyu expectantly.

“Think beautifully”

He Feiyu refused directly.

"Wu Ye Raid, Qun Lu; Jiu Si Jiu③'⑥One'Three Five~ Brother Feiyu is so ruthless. This beautiful girl serves you almost every day, but you treat your lovely sister like this?"

Qianjian Liuli suit said aggrievedly.

"Ahem... It seems that a certain beautiful girl took the initiative herself."

He Feiyu thought of Gunma Ruri who appeared on his bed almost on time every day wearing thin and transparent purple clothes.

"Hmph! Just tell me if you feel comfortable!"

Qianjian Liuli said angrily after being exposed, while biting He Feiyu's neck with his teeth.

"Ahem, it's comfortable, but you have to do your homework yourself!"

Although the girl's breasts are underdeveloped, her craziness in bed is second only to Aunt Manzi, allowing He Feiyu to fully appreciate the youthful beauty of the girl.

"But I can help you, of course not with your homework, but with solving the root cause."

Qianjian Liuli, who almost jumped up after hearing this, immediately fell down again when He Feiyu's words changed, but He Feiyu's last words aroused her interest.

“How to solve the root cause~”

Qianma Ruri asked. She was already in despair. Regarding her studies, her excellent quasi-college sister could not save her.

"Toast? What's the use of toast?"

Qianjian Liuli looked at the toast that He Feiyu took out from nowhere, and said with doubts in his little head.

"Hey, this is not ordinary toast, this is the toast in Wang Wei's poem"

"How can it be so extraordinary? Who is Wang Wei? Is he someone my brother knows outside? His name is so strange!"

"Okay, go and take out the Mandarin book."

He Feiyu was confused by the girl's three consecutive questions, but that's right, the girl didn't understand these jokes, so He Feiyu changed the subject.


Hearing this, Qianjian Liuli got up from He Feiyu's back and ran into her room with her white socks on.

He Feiyu was not idle either, but walked to the kitchen, controlled Platinum Star to pick up the kitchen knife, and used the memory toast that he had redeemed with one hundred points. [As long as you eat this toast, you can easily remember what you wrote in advance. Or stuck on toast

Things on the Internet] One of the slices was cut into ten thin slices with almost the same height. He wanted to see if there was a bug. One hundred points could be exchanged for only five slices. If even the thin slices had the same effect, wouldn't he Even though he had earned nine hundred points, He Feiyu couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Brother Feiyu, what happens next?"

Gunjian Liuli, who was sitting on the sofa, watched He Feiyu walk out of the kitchen and asked.

"Eat it and I'll test you."

He Feiyu took the textbook in Qianjian Liuli's hand, found a text that she couldn't memorize, and pasted the memory toast on it. After a while, under his expectant eyes, He Feiyu handed the memory toast to Qiangma. Between the glass.

"Onii-chan, are you stupid? Do you want me to call your mother and sister to come out and take you to see a doctor? You don't have a fever, so why are you talking nonsense?"

Hearing this, Qianjian Liuli did not take the memory toast from He Feiyu's hand but stretched out her hand, put it on He Feiyu's forehead, then put it on her own forehead to feel the temperature, and found that there was no problem.

"If you don't eat, I'm going to spank you, hurry up!"

Black lines appeared on his forehead, and He Feiyu pretended to be angry and said.

"Oh, just eat it, why are you so fierce?"

Qianjian Liuli took the memory toast from He Feiyu's hand and ate it with an aggrieved look on his face.

Chapter 126 A bold approach

"Is this what you want to eat like this!"

The thin piece of memory toast was quickly eaten by Qianjian's pink mouth. He seemed to think it tasted pretty good and wanted to reach out for a few more slices to continue tasting. He Feiyu quickly stopped him.

"Hmph! Stingy Onii-chan!"

Qianjian Liuli puffed up her face, put the pieces of memory toast back in her hand with dissatisfaction, and said resentfully.

"Okay, let me see if it works, Ruri-chan, listen up, what's next for me in the haze?"

He Feiyu glanced at the page he had just turned to in Mandarin, found a random sentence and started to ask questions. He also came through this. He even studied all the textbooks in junior high school within a year of waking up, and got good grades in the exam. Of course, and The improvement of memory has a lot to do with it, but it also stems from the study habits of the previous life, which is completely a dimensionality reduction attack.

"In my haziness, a piece of green sand on the seaside spread out in front of me, and a golden full moon hung in the deep blue sky above. I thought: Hope does not matter whether it is there or not. This is just like the road on the earth; in fact, There is no road on earth, but when there are many people walking on it, it becomes a road.”

When Qianjian Liuli heard He Feiyu's question, she originally wanted to be cute and pass the test, but for some reason, the complete fragment appeared in her head. She knew exactly where there were pauses and frustrations in the original text, and couldn't help but continue.

"Ah!?? You actually answered the question?? It's word for word, hahaha! My gunjian Liuli is so awesome! Hahaha! From now on, I will always ride on He Feiyu's head, hahaha!"

After answering, the expression on Gunma Ruri's face froze. He immediately took the textbook in front of him and looked at it carefully. Then he murmured to himself, and then came the arrogant laughter.

"...Stop having unrealistic dreams, what is behind the withered grass on the corrugated sheets?"

He Feiyu didn't expect that the first thing Xiao Nizi would think of when he turned over was to ride on his head. He couldn't help but be speechless. In order to extinguish the arrogance of Qianjian Liuli, He Feiyu turned a page forward and asked.

"Well... there are... a lot of dead grass on the tiles... on the tiles... yes... yes..."

"Brother Feiyu, I was wrong~ I promise I won't ride on your head when I get rich in the future~ Tell me how to do it well~ I'll let you taste my feet tonight, okay~"

'snort! Even if it doesn’t ride on your head, it still needs to be on your body! ’

Qianjian Liuli thought about it for a long time without saying anything. She stared at the playful smile on He Feiyu's face with her beautiful eyes. She quickly took He Feiyu's arm and acted coquettishly. She put her small face in front of him and said with a pitiful look. , but he was thinking darkly in his heart.

"Ahem...I didn't help you just to taste your feet. Who do you think you are my stupid sister?"

He Feiyu felt the girl's little pigeon rubbing against his arm, which made him distracted, so he quickly said seriously.


"Okay, it's actually all the toast."

"This toast?"

Qianjian Liuli tilted his head and asked in confusion.

"Yes, just stick it on the content you want to learn, and the content you want to learn will appear on the toast in a few seconds. Then eat it and you will learn it directly, and you will never forget it. Try another one "

While He Feiyu was explaining to Gunjian Liuli, he pasted a piece of memory toast on the textbook and handed it to the girl.

Qianjian Liuli ate it decisively, and soon something familiar and yet unfamiliar appeared in his mind.

"Thank you, Hiba Onii-chan! My brother is so good to me~ I love Onii-chan to death~ Chirp... Chirp... ugh~"

This magical effect shocked the girl, and she thought that if she relied on this method in the future, wouldn't she break away from the ranks of fools and become a legendary academic master! And all of this was given to her by her favorite brother. Thinking of this, the girl could no longer control the emotion and joy in her heart. She threw herself on He Feiyu, kissing from his collarbone to his cheek, and finally He pried open He Feiyu's mouth.

"Thank you, Brother Feiyu~"

It wasn't until he felt like he couldn't breathe that Qianjian Liuli left.

He Feiyu's lips, after resting for a while, looked like a clingy cat stretching out its pink tongue to lick the corners of He Feiyu's mouth.

"Who calls you my stupid sister? If I don't take care of you, who will?"

He Feiyu hugged Qianjian Liuli's slender waist. The girl's body was very petite, not as plump as Tianhe Hua Minato, but full of bones and sharp edges.


Hearing this, the girl stopped licking and stared at He Feiyu without blinking.

"Hehe~ Onii-chan Hiba, do you want to remember the taste of my sister's feet forever~"

Before He Feiyu felt tired of being stared at by Qianjian Liuli like this, the girl seemed to have thought of something and said with a smile like a little devil.


He Feiyu touched his head, wondering how to remember the smell of feet, but he was still very interested...ahem.

"Look at me~"

Qianjian Liuli left He Feiyu's body, picked up two thin pieces of toast in her hand, and then bent down to take off her white socks. Since she had not worn slippers before, she didn't know if there was dust on them, which would have disturbed her feet. The taste is not good.

"Hiba Onii-chan~"

Qianjian Liuli sat down not far from He Feiyu, and moved her feet to the sofa. She sandwiched one of her feet with two pieces of toast, like a hamburger, and then stretched it out in front of He Feiyu, looking forward to it. He looked at him and said.


He Feiyu didn't expect the girl to do this to him, and he didn't know what to do. Although he was severely foot-controlling, Qianjian Liuli's actions at the moment were really bold.


"Eat it~ Eat it~ Brother Feiyu likes to eat feet the most, doesn't he? Why are you hesitating~"

Seeing He Feiyu's hesitant look, Qianjian Liuli used her hands to move her feet in front of He Feiyu, knowing that it was very tiring for her to keep her head high and raise her waist, she urged.

"All right"

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