Being stared at maliciously by He Feiyu, Kurashiki Reika's body became a little squirmed.

He Feiyu leaned over and whispered in Kurashiki Reika's ear.

"No... no! Don't even think about asking me to do such a thing!"

As if she had heard something ridiculous, the pretty and blushing Kurashiki Reika denied it loudly.

"Okay~ Just this time, President Lihua~ Big Wife~"

He Feiyu said flatteringly with a smile on his face.

"is it okay..."

"...Okay! But just this time, don't even think about it in the future! Do you hear me!"

He Feiyu's coquettish words made goosebumps rise all over his body. He couldn't bear it, Kurashiki Reika bit her silver teeth and said.


He Feiyu quickly nodded to accommodate, but he was happy in his heart. As long as there is a first time, there will be a second time.

money? Do you have a wife who can take good care of you verbally?

Kurashiki Reika suddenly regretted agreeing to He Feiyu, but as a stickler, she couldn't go back on her word, so she could only stand up staggeringly at He Feiyu's urging.

He Feiyu spread his hands and placed them on the edge of the sofa, and spread his legs, completely exposing the ferocious dragon, spread out like a big character.

"Hey, thank you for your hard work, wifey."


Hearing this, Kurashiki Reika snorted coldly, looked down at the ferocious dragon, and swallowed subconsciously.

‘It’s so big, can it really be eaten? ’

She doubted in her heart.

Kurashiki Reika slowly squatted down, and held the dragon's body with trembling hands. Before she even got close, she felt the heat emanating from the dragon. After a moment of hesitation, she still held it. Her hands began to move up and down mechanically, and it actually took a long time to move back and forth. Three or four seconds, you can see its length.


He Feiyu closed his eyes, enjoying the service from Kurashiki Reika, but after four or five minutes, there was still no moisture, so he deliberately pretended to cough a few times to remind Kurashiki Reika.

Kurashiki Reika looked at He Feiyu dissatisfied, but agreed to him after all. As if she had made some determination, she put her head in front of Long.


It was warm, soft and moist. He Feiyu took a long breath. It was so comfortable. Although it was a bit clumsy, coming from Kurashiki Reika, everything could be ignored.

Chapter 124: Tenderness before Parting

It was indeed the first time for President Lihua to do this. He opened his mouth wide and swallowed the faucet. However, he didn't know how to continue. He kept his movements stiff and his pretty face was stretched out. rise.

"Just take a little bit of the tip, and then lick it."

He Feiyu patiently taught Kurashiki Reika.


When Kurashiki Reika heard He Feiyu's words, she glanced at him with dissatisfaction, thinking that I have already stooped down to do this for you, why are you so picky, but she still followed what He Feiyu taught her and started to move.

"Hey~ That's it, good wife Lihua~"

He Feiyu felt his sensitive points being stimulated, especially because Kurashiki Reika was not skilled enough. From time to time, she would use her teeth to scratch the fragile neck flesh next to the faucet, which made him feel pain and relief, and he couldn't help but moan. road.

As time went by, Kurashiki Reika became more and more proficient, and the sting caused by the tooth scratching on He Feiyu gradually disappeared, and she felt completely comfortable.

Occasionally, Kurashiki Reika would raise her beautiful emerald eyes to look at He Feiyu's face, and found that his expression was getting happier and happier, and she felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart. She couldn't help but praise her excellent learning ability. .


Kurashiki Reika's mouth suddenly tightened, and the sides of her cheeks were somewhat sunken. There was no trace of fat on her face.

As time went by, the pink tongue became more and more dexterous, swimming freely on the dragon's head, and occasionally trying to get into the dragon's eye like a loach, causing He Feiyu's body to rise and fall.

"Phew, it feels so comfortable."

Under Kurashiki Reika's continuous stimulation, after a while, He Feiyu felt that some ancient power was brewing, and it would explode soon.

Kurashiki Reika also noticed something and wanted to get rid of the sandalwood mouth. Her commitment to helping He Feiyu was the bottom line she could bear. It would be impossible to let the dragon saliva explode in her mouth, but just when she wanted to As she was leaving, He Feiyu grabbed her head. Before she could struggle, a violent impact came. In her disbelieving and angry eyes, heat was born in her mouth.

"Gulu, ugh! You! He Feiyu! You!"

The most fatal thing is that Kurashiki Reika subconsciously swallowed it, and only a little mixed with body fluid flowed out from the corners of her mouth. She didn't bother to wipe it off, and stood up and stared at He Feiyu angrily with her phoenix eyes. She didn't know what to say.

Kurashiki Reika originally thought that He Feiyu would explain, but she didn't expect that he directly stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms. In less than a second, the two of them were honest with each other.

"He Feiyu, you bastard, you did this to me, please let me go and don't come looking for me again... Hmm~"

While He Feiyu picked up Kurashiki Reika and walked towards the bed, she kept struggling in his arms, but was tightly clamped by his big hands. She could only complain in words. When they reached the bed, He Feiyu held her tightly. Kurashiki Reika was thrown onto the bed, and a crow flew on the plane. Kurashiki Reika, who was still cursing at first, immediately changed her expression.


After finishing, He Feiyu leaned on the bed and looked down at Kurashiki Reika who was limp and powerless in his arms. He was scolded just now and was sour. He didn't expect that this kind of tone made him very motivated. He came alive three times before he stopped. If He Feiyu didn't like it, If you smoke, having one now is like a living god.

"Huh~ By the way, so-and-so said that I should not go to her in the future, so let's do this, 20% of the shares will offset the debt I owe, and we won't meet her again."

He Feiyu suddenly thought of something and said.

"What!? Say it again!!"

Kurashiki Reika, who had been resting with her eyes closed, trembled when she heard what He Feiyu said, her closed eyes instantly opened, and she said in disbelief.

"I said, ah! Are you born in the year of the dog? You still bite others. Forget about biting people. Why do you bite me a little bit?"

He Feiyu wanted to repeat what he just said, but after just two words, the bulge on his chest felt pain. If he hadn't been in good physical condition, the bite just now would not only have caused him to be bitten off, but at least he would have bled. .

"Who told you to say such things!"

"Isn't that what you said?"

"It doesn't matter if it's me who said it, I'm the only one allowed to say it! You're not allowed to say it, do you hear me!? Otherwise, what you're biting in the future won't be where you're biting, but..."

Kurashiki Reika looked at He Feiyu with a threatening face and said.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore."

He Feiyu was just joking. He didn't expect Kurashiki Reika to react so fiercely, but he was happy in his heart.

Because of this incident, although the two of them cuddled together, no one spoke for a while. He Feiyu saw that it was getting late, so he got up and got dressed and was about to leave.

"Don't say these words again"

Just when He Feiyu was about to open the door and leave, Kurashiki Reika's cold voice came from behind him.


"Hmph! Bastard!"

Looking at He Feiyu's leaving figure, Kurashiki Reika secretly cursed.


"Hiss, the bite really hurts."

He Feiyu stood outside Hatou Akari's door, rubbing his chest and complaining that he still felt a slight pain. At the same time, he protested that Crazy Diamond could not cure the host himself.

"Brother Feiyu, you're here. You've been waiting for a long time. Come into Auntie's house quickly. It's hot outside and there's air conditioning in the living room."

Chufu Mingli enthusiastically pulled He Feiyu into the room.


Before He Feiyu could change his shoes, he was pushed to the door by Hatou Mingri and asked for a kiss.

"Ha~ha~little brother Feiyu, aunt misses you so much"

When Hatsuga Akari suppressed her blush, she let go of He Feiyu. Her plump body was completely pressed against He Feiyu's body. She raised her green eyes filled with spring water and panted at He Feiyu with love and lust. road.

"Aunt Mingli, didn't we just meet yesterday?"

He Feiyu swallowed the sweet fluid in his mouth before he felt able to speak. Who knew how much fluid Chuteng Mingri had secreted in his mouth just now.

"Hey, tell me, auntie, I miss little brother Feiyu all the time~"

"All right"

He Feiyu said helplessly.

"Aunt Mingli, can you wait while I change my shoes?"

He Feiyu said, looking at Chuteng Mingli who was still clinging to him.

"Yeah! I was so happy to see little brother Feiyu that I forgot about it. As compensation, let me help you change your shoes~"

Without waiting for He Feiyu to refuse, Chuteng Mingli knelt down and helped He Feiyu change his shoes.

He Feiyu lowered his head and couldn't move his eyes away from his big breasts, which were trembling due to gravity due to their excessive mass.

"Okay, hey, little brother Feiyu, if you want, Auntie can let you experience what it's like to be a baby now~"

After Chuteng Mingli helped He Feiyu change her shoes, she stood up, only to see He Feiyu staring at her all the time.

The proud Xuefeng looked at it and couldn't help but joke that when the two of them were in a relationship, they would sometimes play pretend for fun, such as playing roles that went against the world's opinions. She found that He Feiyu seemed to be lacking in some aspect of love. Could it be Manzi? The landlord can't meet Feiyu's needs in this regard, so don't blame her.

"Uh... No, we'll talk about it later. I'm going to find sister Jingjiu first."

He Feiyu refused. He had only been to the eldest wife's place a few times, and now his heart felt much lighter.

"Well, okay then, I'll prepare some fruit for you, Chiu Mi~"

Hearing He Feiyu's words, Hatou Mingri didn't feel disappointed. She was fed just yesterday, so it's fine if she doesn't feel sour today. However, before leaving, she still kissed He Feiyu on the face, leaving a bright lip mark.

"Sister Jingjiu, what's wrong with you?"

He Feiyu pushed open the door of Chuteng Jingjiu's bedroom and saw the girl lying quietly on the bed with her eyes closed. She was different from sitting on a stool studying in the past, so she couldn't help but worry.

"Teacher Feiyu, you're here, let's go to class, hiss—"

Hearing He Feiyu's voice, Chuteng Jingjiu opened her eyes. Just when she was about to get up to study, something seemed to be involved. Her slender eyebrows knitted together, one hand touched her lower abdomen, and a painful sound came out of her mouth.

"No, just take a day off today. Sister Jingjiu has made great progress in the past two months. It doesn't matter if she doesn't take tutoring for a day."

He Feiyu hurriedly walked to Chu Teng Jingjiu, held her in his arms, and comforted her.

"Let Brother Feiyu rub your belly for you."

Although He Feiyu didn't have any medical skills, he could tell that Chuteng Jingjiu was like this because of her aunt's arrival, so he helped her rub her fleshy belly with his hands.

"Are you feeling better?"

He Feiyu asked, looking at Chuteng Jingjiu's pretty face that gradually became normal.

"It's better, thank you Teacher Feiyu"

Feeling the gentle and warm hands on her belly, Chuteng Jingjiu suddenly thought that if this happened every day, then He Feiyu would always be with her like this, but this thought also fleetingly passed through her mind. Although she wanted He Feiyu to accompany her and her mother, this idea was wrong.

"Will Teacher Feiyu always stay with my mother and me?"

Hatou Shizuku still asked.

"Yes, always will"

Although the girl had asked this question almost countless times, He Feiyu still answered patiently.

"Hmm~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o"

Hearing He Feiyu's words, Chuteng Jingjiu showed a happy look on his face.

"But I will go to school soon, and I will see less of Teacher Feiyu by then."

As if thinking of something, Hatou Shizuki said in a low tone.

"What's the point? If Sister Jingjiu goes home on the weekend, as long as she misses me, I will accompany you, Sister Jingjiu, whenever I have free time~"

"Well, Teacher Feiyu, can you stay with mom while I'm away? I'm worried that she will be that okay?"


He Feiyu replied with a smile.

Chapter 125: Winning a group of wits

"Aunt Mingli is both your mother and my lover. How can I make her feel lonely?"

He Feiyu rubbed Hatou Jingjiu's fleshy belly and whispered softly in her ear. He found that some plump girls had some flesh on their bellies that were good, just like Hana Minato-chan and the girl in his arms. The same, whether you hold it or touch it, it gives people a very comfortable feeling, and you want to keep rubbing it.

Chuteng Jingjiu softly said "Hmm", and she leaned lazily on He Feiyu's body like a relaxed kitten, enjoying his touch. With He Feiyu's promise, she was completely relieved.

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