Chapter 158 157. Trap

Asuyan has entered the consciousness space for more than ten days.

A group of gods gathered on the top of the mountain where Asuryan was, waiting for his appearance.

But until fifteen days passed, all the gods still did not wait for the target to appear again.

At this time, the gods couldn't help but feel a little flustered and irritable, pacing around and muttering.

It must have fallen like Kane.

Another weak god couldn't help but complain, I've said it a long time ago, there must be indigenous people born in the consciousness space. There are at least four or five of them. We must unite, otherwise we can only send them one by one. .”

What you said makes sense.

A newly awakened weak god came to him and patted his shoulder gently, Then when Asuryan was about to go in, why didn't you say anything?


This weak god smiled dryly and stopped mumbling.

Actually, what he said is right.

Aisha suddenly turned her head and looked at everyone, There are four kinds of authority in the consciousness space. If a natural god is born, there will only be this number. If we can get together, we may not be able to regain our godhood in the consciousness space. What's more, the consciousness space is obviously in the recovery period now, and those gods will definitely not be too strong.

I wouldn't go anyway.

Some gods immediately retorted, Elsa, go ahead and don't think about letting us act as cannon fodder!

Elsa's expression suddenly froze. These guys have lived for tens of millions of years, and they are not that easy to deceive. Even the gods who had shouted loudly to encourage everyone to enter them did not speak.

Just when the atmosphere fell into silence, suddenly, a black hole suddenly opened in front of everyone, and then a figure quickly walked out of it.

This figure was pure white, but his white clothes were stained with large stains of blood. As soon as he walked out of the passage, he staggered and quickly fell to his knees on the ground.

It's Lord Asuyan!

Seeing the familiar figure in front of them, everyone's eyes lit up, but then their expressions changed, and they saw Asu Yan's injuries clearly.

The opponent is already the most powerful among the gods, even stronger than Kane, the god of war, who represents war, but did he suffer such a serious injury?

Your Excellency Asuyan!

Aisha quickly walked up and helped the other person up, How are you injured?

My injuries are nothing.

Asuyan's face was a little pale and he smiled slightly, I thought that with my strength, I should be able to take back my authority. In fact, this is indeed the case. There are already indigenous people in the consciousness space. Four of them represent the war. , the god of life, love and wisdom, my power can easily defeat even one against two, but there are four people on the other side after all...

Both you and the other party are hurt?

Elsa was stunned for a moment and said in horror, How could it be possible for these four conceptual gods to join forces?

Nothing is impossible.

There was a hint of solemnity in Asuyan's face, Both you and I can join forces here. The other party will not be replaced for his own power. It is not an accident for me to join forces with the other party. If there are only two on the other side, it is easy to say, even if there are three, I will I can barely fight, but unfortunately there are four opponents in total...

He is indeed the Lord God!

All the gods behind him quickly praised, And they kept asking about the situation inside.

But even if they saw Asu Yan and the other party both losing, they did not rush in. Instead, they kept asking about something and inquiring about the situation in the consciousness space.

However, Asuryan ignored them at all, and just said a few words to Aisha casually, I have to repair it next. My power loss in this battle was too serious, and it will take a long time to recover. Wait until I recover. Finally, I will enter again, and at that time, it will be time for them to hand over their authority!

With that said, he turned around and left the top of the mountain, then disappeared into the sky.

Aisha wanted to call the other party, but she found that with her current strength, she couldn't keep up with the other party, so she gave up completely.

But looking at the direction Asuryan was leaving, Aisha's expression flickered slightly.

If Asuyan and the opponent both lose, then logically speaking, this is the best time for him to enter, because the power of the four gods must also be in the weakest state.

However, Aisha still has a doubt, that is, could all this be misled by Asuryan?

After all, the Ada gods have never been united enough. Although they are not conceptual existences, but gods transformed from humans, there are still conceptual antagonisms. All the Ada gods fight independently most of the time. Only Only interests can bring them together.

In this case, is there a possibility that those four beings are very powerful, and Asu Yan deliberately adopted this attitude, hoping to let everyone enter and weaken the opponent?

When the time comes, I thought I was taking advantage, but in fact, I will be killed by the four concept gods immediately after entering?

No, that's not right...

After thinking about it, Aisha thought again, if the other party was really that powerful, then Asuryan would not have come out alive. Instead, he should have completely lost contact in the consciousness space like the Blood God Kane.

The injuries on Asuyan's body are not fake. His aura is indeed more than twice as low as usual. This is already a very weak state...

Thinking of this, Aisha felt vaguely certain.

And at this time, not only she, but also some other gods thought so. It was not that these gods were too cautious, but that they had died long ago in the long history of history, and would not be where they are today.

As a result, Aisha discovered that some gods began to leave the team and enter the consciousness space silently.

You guys, wait!

Aisha's expression suddenly changed. She wanted to call these gods to stop, but the other gods didn't listen to her at all. Instead, they poured into the imaginary number space.

At this time, even the remaining gods were a little shaken.

No, we can't let these guys take the lead, otherwise they might rob me of my authority!

Aisha murmured in a low voice, and then without any hesitation, she directly opened the channel between reality and consciousness space, and stepped in in one step!


Like a soul-like roar, Elsa felt this strange feeling of traveling through time and space. When she came back to her senses again, she found that she had arrived in this familiar yet unfamiliar void!

In the gray-white void, there is a bright galaxy, and at the foot of this galaxy is a vast and huge continent, and in the four directions of the continent, there are four strange and lonely buildings.

This is an indescribable time and space. It seems that no matter can exist. He can only feel the little emotions emanating from those stars. These emotions are like billowing smoke and dust. These emotions are constantly radiating from those stars. It made her feel extremely friendly.

Yes, this is indeed the space of consciousness, the space of consciousness where the Ada people left fifteen thousand years ago!

But now that the consciousness space is back, it means that the Ada people will be promoted to the legendary Gestalt race again. Even if the two sides are dozens of light years away, as long as they are within the coverage of the consciousness space, the souls of both sides can interact. Conversations without delays!

This is the horror of the Gestalt race. As long as the souls of all the Ada people can be connected to each other, then these gods themselves are the real central existences of the Ada people. With just one order, there are hundreds of millions of Ada people. Ada people serve themselves and fight for themselves all over the world!

This is the charm of Gestalt civilization.

Different from hive civilization, the advantage of Gestalt civilization is that there is no delay in information transmission. The center can command everything, but the individual consciousness at the bottom is capable of completing tasks alone. Unlike hive civilization, the bottom layer is devoid of logic and logic. IQ trash.

It's just that what is this continent down there? There was no such thing in the consciousness space...

Just when Elsa was sighing with emotion, some of the gods who entered beside her began to murmur.

Maybe it's the product of the new generation's self-transformation of consciousness space, right?

Another god explained with some disdain, Look, there are still living beings on this continent, but they seem to be in a very low-end civilization system. For us, isn't this a big meal? Meal?”

Those small gods did not inherit the authority of the four spiritual powers, and their power came from more souls.

The pattern of this kind of deity is that the more souls it collects, the more powerful it will be. However, in the past, the twelve pillar gods controlled it, so they did not dare to let go and massacre wantonly. They could only rely on the twelve pillar gods to survive. Stay alive.

Don't be happy too early.

Seeing this, Aisha immediately reminded, Don't you see? In the four corners of this continent, there are auras emanating from there that even make me a little scared. If I guessed correctly, the residents in those four corners, These are the addresses of the four concept gods mentioned by Asuryan. They regard this continent as their own chessboard, and this is their home ground.

As she said that, she couldn't help but carefully observe the four large and astonishing buildings, but she found something inconsistent, that is, the entire continent and three of the huge buildings were not seriously damaged, except for one bloody one. The fortress showed signs of collapse.

At this time, hundreds of souls were repairing the fortress, but it seemed that the war between the two sides had passed a long time ago, and it was not like the situation where the battle had just taken place when Asuryan came out of it.

not good!

Suddenly, Elsa seemed to finally realize something. She wanted to leave the void, but the next second, the entire consciousness space was locked by an invisible force, and all the gods completely lost their ability to enter and exit.

How can it be?

This scene not only shocked Elsa, but also the gods present. There were at least thirty gods who came in with Elsa at this time, including twelve pillar gods like her and Xi Legao, but At this time, neither they nor the group of weak gods below have lost the qualification to leave the consciousness space.

This is a trap!

Finally, Aisha came to her senses. Asuryan had probably died a long time ago just like Bloodhand Kane, and the person who appeared just now was not Asuryan at all, but an existence of unknown nature dressed up!

Not only did the other party perfectly imitate Asuryan's aura, but he also imitated the other party's tone, expression and actions, which made him lose his vigilance.

And the other party obviously deliberately said that both he and the gods inside would suffer, in order to let his group of gods enter it and then be swallowed up by the beings inside!

What a big ambition, what a ruthless method!

At this time, Aisha completely let go. She raised her head ferociously and looked into the void above her head, because just now she felt an aura that was even greater, even surpassing the four major authorities!

The next second, a giant hand constructed from white spiritual energy soared down from the sky. The size of this giant hand even exceeded the size of the four huge buildings. With just a slight grasp, the gods who had not reacted were caught in the hand. !

Until now, those Ruowai gods understood what was happening. They couldn't help but howl and roar loudly. They used all their remaining strength to try to break away from the huge palm.

Ah, let go!

Who are you? It's impossible, you can't exist!

Creation God, forgive me!

I'll fight with you...

Dozens of weak gods subconsciously begged for mercy or cursed, but in front of this giant hand, they were like dozens of ants, no, even worse than ants!

There was a huge difference in the spiritual strength between the two sides. It took almost just one breath. With a slight squeeze of the giant hand, the gods all screamed and were completely crushed, and then turned into countless souls and dissipated in the space of consciousness. Among!

Because Elsa had a premonition, she narrowly avoided the first round of capture by the giant hand. She subconsciously looked around, but only saw a few weak gods who also avoided the giant white hand. Other than that, he and Xile were taller, but that giant hand just crushed those weak gods and then swept across again!

This time, all the gods that had slipped through the net were caught. With a burst of ghostly cries and wolf howls, the giant hand exerted force again. The remaining gods couldn't bear it at all, and were directly crushed into debris all over the sky!

Dead, just like that?

Aisha was so scared that she looked at another Minxi Lego and looked at each other. The two of them rushed towards the continent under their feet with great tacit understanding!

The moment they learned that they could not leave the space of consciousness, the two of them made plans. This continent seemed a bit special. Maybe after a few of them fell into the continent, they could escape the giant that they had never seen before. Hand attack!

The two gods turned into two meteors, one green and one blue, and fell towards the center of the continent at an extremely fast speed. However, the Xi Legao was still a step slower. The moment the other party was about to fall into the continent, he was still caught by the meteor. The terrifying giant hand grabbed it!

I am Xi Lego, one of the Twelve Pillar Gods!

Xi Le's eyes were about to burst, and streams of blue spiritual energy kept pouring out of his body, forming blue storms that swept across the entire continent. However, this power was as powerless in front of that giant hand as a mantis's arm used as a cart!


There was another explosion, and Xi Legao didn't even hold on for a second, and he was crushed into pieces like the other weak gods!

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