Chapter 157 156. Game

Seeing Asuyan enter the unknown space of consciousness regardless of everyone's restraints, Aisha suddenly jumped a little.

But then her eyes flashed and she became thoughtful.

As the head of the twelve pillars of gods and the king of gods, how could Asu be so reckless?

Knowing that his brother Kane was probably in trouble, he should naturally be more cautious. After all, although he was stronger than Kane, he was far from being able to crush him.

But now he went in without hesitation, which was not consistent with the Asu Yan in his memory.

Could it be that he has slept for more than ten thousand years and made himself stupid?

But she didn't know that the moment she entered the imaginary number space, Asuyan completely concealed her figure and restrained her whole body's aura.

It was as if he had become a transparent person, just standing in the void at leisure, silently observing this familiar yet unfamiliar world.

this is……

But after looking at it, when he saw the vast continent at his feet and the four magnificent buildings around him, his expression suddenly changed. Especially when one of the red fortresses that had just collapsed appeared in his sight, his expression became even more ugly. stand up.

Sure enough, Kane has already fought with the newly born god, but he did not succeed, but was defeated by the opponent?

Asuryan was a little unbelievable, The newly born gods still rely on the support of the consciousness space itself, and today's consciousness space is obviously still in its early stages, with only a few thousand years at most. A god born in such a short period of time can Defeat Kane? Did all the gods join forces?

No, it is impossible to join forces. As a conceptual existence, the consciousness born from the four spiritual energies can never join forces. This is an essence, so it stands to reason that Kane will never fail unless...

Asuyan's eyes became more and more gloomy, Unless 'he' comes back?

As if thinking of something, Asuyan looked around, but felt a faint sense of crisis. It seemed that there was a dark gaze looking at him in the dark, but the next second he felt it carefully, it was just an illusion.

No, anyway, I can't reveal my identity. Let's take a look here first. By then, some of the people in the outside world will definitely be unable to sit still and continue to explore the imaginary number space. Then I will be able to understand the truth inside.

Thinking of this, Asuyan took a deep breath and landed directly on the vast continent at his feet. At the same time, his body shape continued to change, and finally turned into the appearance of an ordinary resident of the continent.

In this way, he completely integrated into this continent, trying to find some clues of existence from this continent.

But he didn't know that the moment he entered the imaginary number space, his presence was noticed by Chen Shibo. When he looked around with some anxiety, Chen Shibo's consciousness was standing beside him, silently observing. This new god enters.

The main god of the Ada people, Asuyan?

Looking at the other party's appearance, Chen Quan Shan was a little strange. He didn't quite understand why the other party entered here. It wasn't until the other party turned into a mainland aboriginal and hid in the crowd that Chen Quan Shan vaguely learned about the other party's plan. .

He wants to hide and let more Eldar come in and die?

Chen Shibo shook his head, Very smart, but his intelligence is limited. But this move is even more puzzling. Obviously, even as the main god of the Ada people, he doesn't know that I am a person who is in charge of everything. existence, otherwise he would never take the initiative to enter the imaginary number space, because I can let him stay here forever at any time.

It's just that if they didn't know my existence, then why did they let humans transport 100 million people into space every year? Moreover, Bloodhand Kane obviously knew something before his death, but chose to conceal it in order not to be exposed. This It was all so conflicting.”

However, when Chen Zongshan thought about it carefully, it was obvious that Bloodhand Kane did not know that he existed. In other words, he did not know that there should be a being in the imaginary space who was in charge of destruction and end, and who was above the four gods. Otherwise, He won't jump in all at once, which means that what he wants to know and what God Ada wants to hide are probably not the same thing.

There is some kind of misunderstanding here.

After thinking about it, Chen Shibo did not continue to delve deeper. Anyway, he only needed to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and wait for these people to take the bait one by one. One day, he would learn the deepest secret inside.

This continent in the consciousness space did not originally exist.

At least when Asuryan became the first god in the consciousness space, it was just endless nothingness.

He still remembers millions of years ago, when he was one of the first Ada people to communicate with the consciousness space and successfully let his consciousness enter it. At that time, the consciousness space was empty, with only the endless projection of Ada people's consciousness in it. The imaginary space flickers silently, and there is nothing else.

But in this emptiness, his consciousness became more and more attached to one of the concepts, which was the spiritual energy that he could sense - life and decay.

This is a concept that is opposite but unified with each other, just like the two sides of yin and yang. This spiritual energy contains life, vitality, pregnancy and other imprints related to life. However, in this imprint, there is Containing the concepts of decay, decay, stubbornness, etc., the two sides complement each other and together form a green sea of ​​energy.

And it was because he integrated his consciousness with this green color and gradually replaced it, that he finally became the first real god in this space where the Ada people were born.

This power allows him to resonate with this concept at any time in the space of consciousness. Just like a GM playing a game, he can destroy the consciousness of any fellow tribesman with just one thought, making the entire Ada tribe need to rely on him. The breath.

At that time, he didn't understand the hidden edge. After he obtained the life god position, those in power who were threatened immediately couldn't sit still. They could no longer defeat themselves in the consciousness space, so they wanted to destroy themselves from reality. , so various assassinations with various functions and even direct and open attacks began.

It's just that those people didn't expect that after obtaining the life god position, this power could be fully used in reality. Even if they were seriously injured or even blown to ashes, they could still be reborn in the consciousness space.

This was the first war in which individual power began to override collective power. In this war, Asuryan killed hundreds of high-level officials, even the aloof Lord Ada, and personally sat on the throne. got this location.

Only then did he understand that no matter how strong an individual's power is, it is just domineering, and domineering cannot completely suppress people's hearts. Only the king's way can suppress people's hearts.

As a result, he began to cultivate his own forces, and killed those forces that interfered and resisted him until their heads were rolling, and blood flowed. In the end, he completely killed all the old forces that dared to resist him, and cultivated a new force from scratch. A new force of their own.

This incident made him completely put on the hat of a tyrant. The Ada people, who originally had a population of 3 billion, had only less than 2 billion left after the purge.

But he understands that all history books are written by the victors, and the killings in the past are nothing. As long as the people who know the history of this killing are dead and the records are burned, it means there is no killing, so in his next During the thousands of years of rule, he successfully cleaned away all evidence of his killings and all stains on his body that were attempted to be splashed with ink.

Later, he began to get tired of protecting a group of people and governing the entire planet, so he simply gave up his position to his descendants and watched the entire world fall apart again.

Then, he cultivated new gods because of his loneliness, and under his guidance, gods kept appearing. However, compared with him, these gods were too weak, and he was not afraid that the other gods would surpass him.

And the fact is as he expected, he always maintained his position as the leader until 15,000 years ago, when a consciousness space that existed in the minds of all Ada people disappeared out of thin air.

Memories of the past millions of years appeared in his mind. Asuyan looked at the continent and saw that there were many creatures on the continent, including various plants that could not be named, and countless plants that could not be named. , but very interesting animals.

The most interesting thing is that there is a group of soul residents on this continent. They are very similar to the Ada people, but in fact they are very ugly and far from the basic artistic quality of the Ada people.

The name of this continent is Terra Continent. These people still maintain a relatively backward civilization, which is more like an ancient farming and hunting civilization. Even the cities and villages are extremely backward.

Asuryan came to the city in the center of the continent. It was a very vast city that looked like a castle made of stone. In the castle, there were various trade unions and traders. It seemed that this This city is the center of the entire continent.

But for these people, this continent is too vast, and ordinary people cannot cross the entire continent even if they spend their entire lives.

In fact, this is also true. Because this continent is so vast, it has been divided into thousands of forces, large and small. The area of ​​each force is comparable to that of a top country. Even so, the entire continent still has more than Ninety percent of the area is unused.

But after Asuyan learned the writing here and communicated with everyone, he was shocked to find that at least a few hundred years ago, this continent was not so vast. At that time, the entire continent was very small, and this one was located in the center of the continent. The city of Shabak is the center of the continent. However, in the next few hundred years, the area of ​​the continent becomes wider and wider, and countless strange alien visitors continue to arrive, bringing endless fighting and chaos to the continent. .

Those extraterrestrial visitors call themselves players. Most of them have demonic, paranoid and evil personalities, but they are immortal. Even if they are killed on the spot, chopped into pieces, and burned to ashes, in just a few minutes, they will be killed. They will be born again in a random corner of the continent, and they can still maintain all the memories before they were killed.

Sometimes these players are hostile to each other, and sometimes they reconcile with each other. They are like the craziest and most desperate lunatics. Behaviors that no one can predict can happen to them without any sense of disobedience, and they may even pull strings. Gangs have created the strongest organization in the entire continent, with tens of thousands of them, as if they are the protagonists of the entire continent, completely reducing the original indigenous people of the continent to supporting roles.

At its peak, the number of these players even exceeded that of the aboriginal people on the mainland, and they were everywhere in the sky. But just when the aboriginal people on the mainland thought that all this would be completely chaotic, about fifty years ago Before, the endless stream of extraterrestrial visitors had all miraculously disappeared.

That's right, one day all the aborigines woke up from their sleep and found that the former players had completely disappeared. The cities, weapons, and money they left behind were still there, but they themselves seemed to be angered by the gods. , the entire person’s existence was completely erased.

To this day, those players have never appeared again...

When he heard about the history of this continent, Asuryan's expression was obviously strange.

He didn't know if it was a problem with the translation of the language he was learning, but the word player made him a little uneasy. He couldn't help but think of the video games he had stopped playing tens of thousands of years ago. In those games, the people who played the games seemed to Also always called players...

Is there any intrinsic connection between the two? He didn't know, so he could only guess based on his own hunch.

If that player is the player here, can it be proved that as early as fifty years ago, the consciousness space of our Ada people was used by some unknown civilization?

No, strictly speaking, it should be that the consciousness space has used a certain civilization to allow the other party to access this consciousness space in units of hundreds of millions. They are like the Ada people in the past, using it as nutrients and helping The space of consciousness continues to grow and expand?”

If that's true, the water here will probably be very deep!

There was more vigilance in Asuryan's eyes. He couldn't help but look at the four corners at the far end of the continent. If the consciousness space had really used a certain civilization, then those four conceptual beings would have played a role in it. What kind of role?

So he began to investigate all this more deeply. He was completely integrated into this continent, playing an insignificant role. An An was investigating everything in it.

But he didn't know that when he was digging into the history of the imaginary space, Chen Shibo was also silently observing him, hoping to see the hidden secrets of the Ada gods from his performance.

This is a kind of game between each other, but currently the Ada god camp is on the bright side, while Chen Shibo is on the dark side.

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