Chapter 128 127. Single player game

When Liu Ni woke up, he found himself floating on a deep sea.

Under him was a dilapidated fishing boat, and he could see the side of the boat at a glance. He was lying in the cabin, waking up from a damp simple bed.

The nose is filled with the unique fishy smell of the ocean. The window outside the window is not bright enough because the entire sky is gloomy. The waves with waves are constantly lapping at the fishing boat one after another, causing the fishing boat to shake neither lightly nor violently. Shaking.

Oh, this is a copy of the Metaverse?

Liu Ni looked at all this with some surprise. The expressiveness and sense of immersion in this copy were obviously stronger than those in his home and public system. The ubiquitous fishy smell lingered on the tip of his nose, coupled with the constant shaking of the boat. His body, and the damp quilt beneath him, instantly made him completely immersed in this world.

Seeing this, Liu Ni quickly got up from the bed, opened the hatch and walked out.

There was a suffocating sea breeze on the sea, and Liu Ni, who had never been exposed to it before, couldn't help but feel his breath stagnant, but he soon tried to adjust his mentality and adapt to it.

It feels great, but it doesn't feel like modern times here. Instead, it feels like ancient times... Is this dungeon a stand-alone type?

Liu Ni was a little disgusted, but also a little novel and excited. He didn't care whether it was a single player. After all, this feeling was something he had never experienced before. Everything was full of novelty and desire to explore.

He looked toward the cabin behind him and saw that the entire ship was covered in black rust. Although the ship was an iron ship, it was far from as advanced as modern ships. Instead, it looked like a fishing boat used by fishermen in ancient times— —

There is an engine at the stern of the ship, which is currently stalled. There is a damp fishing net placed on the side of the ship, which seems to be a tool for fishing. Sure enough, this is an ancient fishing boat.

That was at least 2200 years ago. If the first and second corporate wars had not broken out, the profession of fishermen might still exist in the world. Unfortunately, herbicides not only destroyed the biosphere on land, but also affected the oceans. , coupled with the discharge of nuclear sewage, there will be no living creatures in the ocean in the 24th century, and the profession of fishermen will naturally disappear.

This style seems a bit depressing...

After the novelty passed, Liu Ni not only muttered, wondering if it was an illusion, but the dim sky full of dark clouds and the dark sea gave him a feeling of depression and suffocation. This feeling was different from the previous one on the public channel. It feels completely opposite.

If this metaverse game focuses on social interaction and relaxation in the public channel, then this copy seems to be preparing to cause trouble...

Crusu's Call?

Liu Ni still remembers the name of this copy. If he just looked at the name, Liu Ni couldn't guess anything at all. Who is Cthulhu and why did he call him? However, the novelty of the Metaverse still made him determined to continue playing.

Thinking of this, he returned to the cabin and checked everywhere in the cabin through the dim light on the dirty glass.

The cabin was dark and dirty, covered with ocean mud. Apart from a bridge and a simple bed next to it, there was only a desk with an oil lamp and a yellowed notebook. Other than that, There is no modern technological equipment.

This fishing boat looks very old...

Seeing this, Liu Ni immediately picked up the notebook on the table to see if he could find the main mission of this copy.

He has played a lot of games, and he naturally knows what a game needs to have. The first is the plot, and the second is the system. But now he has not found any of these. It cannot be said that this company is lazy. The so-called copies are just for Let’s create an ordinary scene of floating on the sea, right?

Fortunately, he was not disappointed. When he opened the note, he saw dense words written in Terran language.

[On October 12, 1890, my uncle sent me the last letter stating that he was about to die and asked me to inherit his property - an ancestral house and a fishing boat. So I went to where he was for the first time. There is an isolated island called Explosion Island. There is a small town on the island, but this Explosion Town is a bit lifeless, and the residents on the island are not enthusiastic enough. I don’t know if it’s my imagination.]

[On October 13, 1890, I found the mayor and signed the documents, successfully inheriting his house and fishing boat. I hope these things can be sold for a good price. Today is a great day. 】

[1890.10.14, I seem to have been deceived. These rags can’t be sold for money at all. No one is willing to buy my uncle’s inheritance. Not only that, I must stay on the island for at least a month, because only this day next month, then A damn cruise ship would have to dock in our port. That's a hell of a lot. 】

[1890.10.15, didn’t my damn uncle leave a dime? I have trouble eating now...]

[1890.10.16. Fortunately, the mayor lent me 2 pounds so that I could buy something to eat. He told me that my uncle was a drunkard and would come back full of fish after going to sea for three or four days, but in the near future After these goods are sold, he will go to the bar in the town to spend all his money, so there is no savings at all. What a fuck! However, he said that if I could go fishing at sea, just one success would be enough to cover my expenses for the next month, and I could also save money for the return trip. 】

[1890.10.17, I was moved by the mayor's proposal, so I took my uncle's fishing boat out to sea today. I hope my fishing skills are not unfamiliar...]

Every page of the notebook was marked with dates, which allowed Liu Ni to sort everything out. It was obviously the background of this game.

That is to say, now I play the role of a tourist who went to the Explosion Island. I came here because I wanted to inherit the island of my dead uncle. Unfortunately, I found that I was deceived by my uncle. His inheritance was nothing. Because the island is too remote, I can only return to the city where I live next month.

Liu Ni analyzed silently, and then smacked his lips. This game seems a bit monotonous. Is it just fishing? Or is there something secret about this island, and the plot has not officially begun yet?

So, in order to continue to explore, Liu Ni looked around again, and sure enough, he found a chart next to the driving wheel, which marked several fish school locations and the direction of the explosion island in the center.

According to the directions, the Explosion Island is at this location, and I should be at this location now...

After silently calculating for a while, Liu Ni no longer hesitated. He went directly to the outside of the cabin, then took the net on the side of the boat and threw it into the sea, and sprinkled a lot of fish food on the sea surface.

That's probably how fishing is done...

Liu Ni whispered, naturally he knew nothing about so-called fishing, but fortunately, this game was not that hardcore. After casting the net down, there was a resistance in the net soon.

Liu Ni couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He pulled up the net with force, and sure enough he saw dozens of sparkling silver fish in the net.

These small whitebait seemed to be the main product of this sea area. He fished these small fish up and threw them on the deck. Watching these small fish jumping alive, unknowingly, a faint sense of satisfaction appeared in his mind. , a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Life like this seems quite interesting.

With this thought popping up in his mind, Liu Ni seemed to be addicted, letting the boat float around on the sea while he kept casting the net to catch fish, and unknowingly went from day to night.

At this time, a small pile of white whitebait had accumulated on the originally empty deck. Liu Ni did not know the type of this fish, but he knew that this fish was definitely edible. He picked out a few whitebait at random. , scrape off the scales, take out the internal organs, and then put them in the pot to cook.

After a while, a faint smell of fish wafted out.

For Liu Ni, who has been eating takeout and nutrition bars for a long time, this feeling is quite novel, and the unique taste of the silver fish whet his appetite. For a while, he started to eat directly in the pot. , when I came back to my senses, those small fishes had turned into clean fish bones.

What a fairy-like life...

After eating the fish, his stomach was full. Although he knew that all this was just a simulated perception and he actually didn't eat anything, this feeling of satisfaction was more real than in reality, which made him feel more satisfied. For the first time in his life, he had a sense of fulfillment in life.

So he decided to continue his fishing career and fill up the entire boat.

However, when he collected a few more nets, he suddenly frowned.

Because among the small fish caught, there was an extra small fish that was somewhat deformed.

This little fish is a little different from the ordinary little whitebait. It's bigger, but it has an extra sarcoma on its body. This sarcoma is still festering, and several slimy yellow tentacles come out of it, as if it's parasitic. Insects, and even gave off a rotten smell.

This weird little whitebait made Liu Ni, who had just eaten, feel a little off-putting. He directly picked out the little whitebait and threw it away, out of sight and out of mind.

However, he didn't care about this and continued fishing, but then he found that he was catching more and more of these mutant fish.

What happened?

At this time, Liu Ni was a little confused. He looked at the surrounding sea area, then got back into the cabin and looked at the chart. Only then did he realize that his ship seemed to have strayed, and was washed by the waves and arrived at a strange place. in the sea.

Is there something wrong with this sea area?

Liu Ni had an idea in his heart. He knew that all this was just a game, but since it was a game, there must be some kind of game plot and clues. So is there a possibility that this mutated little fish is the plot?

After having this idea, Liu Ni thought for a while, and he continued fishing. Then he discovered that as the fishing boat drifted along the ocean currents, these small whitebait mutated more and more seriously, and even all the small whitebait became mutated. It looked like it was covered in tentacles, which looked extremely penetrating.

I can't stand it anymore, I can't bear it anymore...

Unknowingly, Liu Ni was already covered in cold sweat. He looked at these weird whitebait mixed in with the ordinary small whitebait. He threw all the mutated whitebait back into the sea, then started the fishing boat and fled as if to escape. Heading towards the explosion island.

By the time he returned to the island, half an hour later, the fishing boat dock was clearly visible. He controlled the fishing boat to dock with some unfamiliarity, and then a group of fishmongers immediately came over and started competing to buy the catch.

After asking several people, Liu Ni sold the small whitebait in the boat at the highest price, then took the money and left the coast, wandering around the small town formed by the island.

This island is not big, only a few kilometers in diameter, but it cannot support the large number of surrounding islands. The scattered islands form an island chain, which together form this remote town.

On the island, in addition to some old-looking houses, you can also see bars, churches, merchants and houses, and one of them is the house of his uncle that he inherited.

After walking around in a circle, he managed to calm down and returned to his uncle's house, before subconsciously rummaging around.

Soon, he found three letters under his uncle's bed.

These letters seemed to be written by his uncle to the character he played, but for some reason they were not sent out, so he opened the envelope and started reading from the earliest letter.

The earliest letter was about three months ago. In the letter, the uncle told the male protagonist that there was a problem in the town. The fishermen in the town were also going crazy one after another. No one could find the reason, and he also had a premonition. You might be the next one to go crazy.

Apart from this information, most of this letter contains complaints about life. It seems that the male protagonist and his uncle have always been in contact.

Seeing this, Liu Ni opened the second letter.

This letter was written a week later. The letter said that my uncle had discovered a mysterious sea area, and all the sea water seemed to flow here intentionally or unintentionally.

And the weird thing is that the small whitebait that is abundant here has some kind of mutation in this special sea area. Some weird tentacles will grow on its body, and the closer you get to the center of the sea, the more intense the mutation of the small whitebait will be. .

Isn't this what I have experienced?

Liu Ni murmured in his heart, secretly thinking that it was all a plot.

But the next letter was from last month, and it was also the last one. The letter said that since the day he discovered this mysterious sea area, strange things had happened. First, he would have an inexplicable dream when he went to bed at night. It is a strange place, surrounded by messy boulders. These boulders seem to form a city, and in the deepest part of the city, weird murmurs can be heard.

The handwriting of this letter was very messy, which made Liu Ni feel depressed and shuddering for some reason.

Hey, something's not right...

Liu Ni scratched his head and felt a sense of depression filling his heart. When he thought of the disgusting appearance of those mutated little whitebaits, he felt a chill all over his body.

This copy does not seem to be as simple as it seems...

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