Chapter 127 126. Server opening

After conveniently planting a seed in the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, Chen Shibo withdrew his gaze.

This seed is nothing else, it is the product of his spiritual energy. After this spiritual seed is planted into the other person's consciousness, it is equivalent to a GPS. From then on, one of them is on Mars and the other is on Terra. , Chen Shibo can also sense the opponent's movements at any time.

Not only that, at critical moments, he can even detonate this seed, thus tearing apart the opponent's soul. This is what he has left behind.

From now on, this seed will affect the other party all the time, subtly changing his thinking and consciousness, making the other party gradually obey his orders. This method was thought up by Chen Shibo a long time ago. It's just that there has never been a suitable implementation target.

At least in Chen Shibo's view, no one before was worthy of being planted with psychic seeds by him, including Zheng Xiancun and Yao Liuxing.

Doom was the first.

After doing all this, the space rift finally reached the critical point of closing and closed suddenly in everyone's eyes, once again isolating the two worlds of reality and illusion.

In this conflict, Chen Shibo achieved a great victory. He not only dismantled the opponent's hyperspace equipment, but also took back the opponent's equipment. If the opponent wanted to continue the experiment, I'm afraid it would be impossible without a ten-year recovery period.

If United Aerospace is willing to mobilize the power of the entire company to attack the imaginary space in a lose-lose manner regardless of the cost, Chen Shibo may really be unable to withstand it, but there is no such thing in this world. The opponent knows nothing about the imaginary space and will explore every step of the way. They were all cautious, but Chen Shibo knew the other side thoroughly, which was destined to be an unfair war.

Ten years from now, the imaginary number space will only be more powerful than it is now, many times more powerful.

It can be said that United Aerospace Airlines has completely missed the opportunity to capture the imaginary number space, and will never have the opportunity again.

No longer paying attention to things in the imaginary space, Chen Shibo continued to jump in reality. After more than thirty jumps, he successfully crossed half of Terra, from one side of the planet to the other, and returned to Skyrim Province.

And today also happens to be the day when the Metaverse officially opens its servers.

As early as a few days ago, the Yuan Universe Warehouse started its pre-sale business, and due to the good publicity, the turnover of the entire Federation reached 1.33 million units that day, and all the Yuan Universe Warehouses were sold out.

Although one million units may not seem like a lot, after all, it is only the first step taken by Tiandao Network Technology.

Presumably after feeling the wonder of the Metaverse world, players will soon spread the word by word of mouth, and the reputation will ferment.

At this time, all the metaverse warehouses assembled in the underground laboratory have been transported out, and the company has also given support and opened a metaverse warehouse assembly factory. All future metaverse warehouses will be assembled there. We need to occupy the assembly line here.

As Chen Shibo returned to Tianji Province, he did not return to his Wujiang City immediately. Instead, he ran to the company building in Tianji City to check the situation.

You came?

Seeing the familiar figure appearing in his office, Chen's father looked slightly happy. He directly took Chen Shibo's hand and said, You came just in time. Let's go and see the opening of the Yuanverse server!

With that said, he dragged Chen Shibo to the Yuanverse Base Station on the top floor of the company. It was a converted venue for a thousand people. At this time, the entire square was filled with server arrays, and only a few small rooms were used for servers. The detection center of the array.

Mr. Chairman, Director Chen.

Seeing Father Chen and Chen Strobe appear, the staff here only had time to say hello, and then they were busy with their work. Father Chen didn't mind at all. He just walked up to the director in charge of the operation of the Yuan Universe and asked , Lao Huo, how is the situation now?

Chairman, the current operating conditions of Yuan Universe are good.

The director named Lao Huo nodded, he directly called up a graph and said, Please see, we have sold 1.33 million Taiwan yuan of space warehouses, so the upper limit of the number of people logged in is 130 Thirty thousand, and within one minute of the official launch of the Yuanverse, the login data began to rise rapidly. It only took one hour to rise from 350,000 units to the current 900,000 units. According to our calculations, about three Hours later, the login data can reach a peak of 1.2 million, and that’s the limit.”

This data is indeed good.

Father Chen nodded and said with a red face.

After all, this is the record of the initial launch of the server.

Lao Huo reminded, I'm afraid that this data will gradually decline in five hours. From now on, the daily data can be maintained at about 500,000 people. This is the best situation.


Father Chen nodded, After all, we have just launched the server, and there are many people trying it online. But once they experience it, if this metaverse cannot satisfy the other party, then players will slowly lose. This is a normal phenomenon.

So what about the second batch of metaverse warehouses? When are they planned to be released?

Chen Shibo on the side interrupted.

The second batch of NT$1 million space warehouses was just released an hour ago.

Father Chen turned around and said, More than 900,000 units have been sold so far, and the sales situation is good.

That is not bad.

Chen Shibo is actually quite confident in the Metaverse. After all, it is an unprecedented somatosensory social (yue) communication (pao) game, and he has the foresight to eliminate most of the krypton gold projects. Don’t look at today’s Rich people are playing this game, but I believe that soon the low-cost gimmick will be enough to start attracting civilian players.

Moreover, in order to make the game more immersive, he even merged all the zones, which means that everyone may meet after entering the metaverse world, and there will be no need to exit and change zones first if they want to meet.

Of course, in order to adapt to the surge in population, Chen Shibo has expanded the cities of World Channel dozens of times. Happy Plaza and various restaurants, bars, cafes, etc. have also expanded dozens of times, and plans to open other cities in the future. , making the entire metaverse completely interconnected.

This plan will naturally cost a lot of money, but Chen Shibo feels that it is all worth it.

Nowadays, most people should come here for the somatosensory equipment inside, but before it was launched, Chen Shibo also asked the company to add the first copy to it. Chen Shibo's goal is to gradually make this game more It has become an upgraded online game with social attributes, and gradually replaced the traditional gold-based games on the market.

Presumably, after eating up most of the game share on the market, it will be enough for Tiandao Network Technology to be promoted to a new T1.

At that time, Chen Shibo will connect the game with the imaginary number space.

At this time, Father Chen, who was somewhat interested, said, Call up a few screens for me and let me see what the players are doing inside?


Lao Huo felt a little weird when he heard this, but he still called up a few scenes without thinking. Then a burst of blushing moans came, and Father Chen was stunned.

Because, out of the ten screens that Lao Huo called up, nine of them were having sex, and they were not with real people, but with maids or housekeepers that he created.

Ahem, somatosensory games are like this...

Lao Huo spread his hands, as if he was not surprised, More than 95% of the perceptions in reality can be restored inside, which means that the feeling of doing things inside is almost the same as in reality. Not only that, because there is no Due to the limitations of various physiological phenomena, these people often spend longer doing this in there than in reality.

Just call up the last picture.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo pointed directly at the last picture. Among the ten pictures, only that picture did not do this.


As Lao Huo pulled up the last picture, everyone saw that a short-haired man who had finished pinching his face had left his home, arrived at Happy Square, and started exploring the square.

Liu Ni is an ordinary citizen of Zhongzhou District. Although he is only thirty-five years old this year, he has been living in ruins for many years. He relies on subsidies from the federal government every month to live in a place that citizens can apply for for free. Welfare housing in welfare communities.

The reason for this is not because of anything else. As a recent graduate, he once thought about making a splash in a certain company and being favored by a certain family to become a real senior executive, so he applied for a white-collar position in a small T5 company.

Although T5 companies are at the bottom of the federal company hierarchy, they are much better than those small companies that are not mainstream. They are almost the top companies in a city. Working here is naturally better than working in those small companies that are not mainstream. of decency.

However, when he first entered society, he quickly saw the dangers in society.

After arriving at the company, he soon discovered that most of the company's top executives were actually members of the family behind the company. The family had long held the position of chairman and CEO of the company, and other relatives were also arranged to hang out in the company. Eat and wait to die.

These people can get high wages without having to do almost anything, while these externally recruited employees can only get a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan every month after working hard, and they are often cited by their superiors for various reasons. Wages were withheld, and even overtime was worked until midnight without overtime pay.

It would be fine if it was just that. The section chief of their department had been working in this company for more than fifty years. He was already ninety-nine years old and was only one year away from retirement. However, the company suddenly fired him for being late. The other party, let the other party's pension be completely ruined.

The section chief was dissatisfied and went to the local federal court to sue the company, but the result was an undoubted defeat.

From this day on, Liu Ni understood that there was no way out by working part-time.

So he resolutely resigned from his position and applied for federal subsistence allowance. From then on, he lived in a welfare house without getting married and had children, eating and drinking and waiting to die.

The federal subsistence allowance is 1,000 yuan per month. Although it is much less than when working, at least it is free. Coupled with the free welfare housing, he only needs to pay for his own food a month, so he has been They all eat frugally, eating only two meals a day, sometimes using nutrition bars instead.

Over the years, he has also accumulated a savings of 100,000 yuan.

It is a well-known fact that citizens need to save money, because this money is needed for an anti-aging treatment when they are 50 to 60 years old. If they do not do it, the life span of ordinary people will only be seventy or eighty years at most. If you do it once, you can live longer. Twenty or thirty years, and then do it a second time when you are eighty or ninety years old...

A citizen needs to do this about three to four times in his life to live to 150 years old and maintain his middle-aged appearance.

And this is just the most common anti-aging treatment. I heard that some top-notch anti-aging methods can make people maintain their twenty-year-old appearance and biological age forever, but these are not something ordinary citizens like Liu Ni can enjoy.

And even the most common anti-aging treatment costs 100,000 yuan per treatment. However, Liu Ni feels that he has saved so much money in less than fifteen years, and he is still fifteen years away from turning fifty, so time is completely sufficient.

So when he saw the Metaverse advertisement of Tiandao Network Technology, he had an impulse - he wanted to buy a Metaverse warehouse.

After all, his life is too boring. He is even a virgin now and has never even held a girl's hand.

The 60,000-yuan Metaverse Warehouse was indeed not cheap, but compared to the rhetoric in the advertisement, Liu Ni was completely moved. So after waiting for two days, he bought the Metaverse Warehouse with a down payment of 5,000 yuan. Delivered to his home.

Hence, the previous scene happened.

He entered the Metaverse almost as soon as it opened. After entering, he first followed the process and then tried to modify his home system. After understanding these functions, he He couldn't wait to go to the world area.

The world area is a place called Dream City. As soon as he entered, he appeared in Happy Plaza in the city center. There were various portals to enter those shops. At this time, not only him, but also many people were also transported there. here.

Seeing this, Liu Ni first entered the portal and walked around in various stores, only to find that there were not only supermarkets, but also various real-life restaurants, amusement parks, etc., and you could taste real food when eating here. of taste.

It’s just that these stores cost money.

Although the price was not high, Liu Ni, who was used to living frugally, still did not choose to enter. He returned to Happy Square, and one of the portals attracted his attention.

This portal is larger than the portals in other stores, and the style is not modern, but more flesh-and-blood, which is slightly weird.

Above the portal, there are also a few large characters marked: [Copy No. 001: Call of Cthulhu]

In addition, next to this portal, there is a closed teleporter, which reads: [Copy No. 002 is under development, so stay tuned]

It wasn't until he saw this that Liu Ni's eyes lit up slightly.

Indeed, if the entire metaverse is just for picking up girls, eating and shopping, then there is almost no difference from reality, and this kind of copy is the real reason why I bought this metaverse warehouse.

So, he walked towards this copy No. 001 without thinking.

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