Chapter 117 116. Metaverse Project

Because the hyperspace channel opened by the United Universe Airlines accidentally opened in the imaginary number space, this accident broke Chen Shibo's plan and prevented his metaverse from being launched on time.

Regarding this, Chen Shibo was a little helpless. After all, he had even pushed out the advertisements and announced the launch time. But now as the release date is getting closer, he can't even come up with a model of the metaverse. .

Is it really going to be delayed?

Chen Shibo couldn't help but was speechless. He didn't expect that the thing he hated most in his previous life would happen to him. It felt like he had been waiting for Give Him Love 6 for ten years, but in the end he only waited for a release trailer in 2025. Moreover, the first release will be on the console platform. If you want to wait for the PC release, you may have to wait until 26 or even 27 years.

At this moment, he seemed to see himself standing on the street with endless crowds of people, marching with thousands of marchers, and he was holding a sign that read:

【GTA6, NOW! 】

If I cannot launch the Metaverse on time, then the high-flying stock market of Tiandao Network Technology Company may plummet in an instant, and even the final step to T2 will be completely blocked.

So what can be done?

Chen Shibo thought hard. He had never thought of using the petitioner army to overturn the entire United Aerospace Corporation. However, the opponent's base camp was on Phobos, and he was really beyond his reach.

It is actually possible to take a tourist spacecraft to Mars alone, but it will leave a flight record in the Federation. It is difficult to say whether he will be suspected of being involved in the collapse of United Aerospace Airlines.

Although millions of people come and go on Mars every day, don't forget that Chen Shibo once destroyed the Shinra Company. This time it has aroused the vigilance of the entire federation. If it happens a second time, people will immediately know that someone is behind the scenes. Actively assassinate T0 level company executives.

In this way, even if there is no evidence, some people will connect the collapse of Shinra with this incident.

After all, the Shinra Company was completely wiped out as soon as it showed its intention to seize the Dongzhou District. Only these companies in the Dongzhou District benefited. Now, a senior executive of a company in the Dongzhou District has gone to Mars, and T0 on Mars has also been destroyed. , then could this company be the mastermind behind the destruction of the two T0s?

Even if it is not the case, it will still be investigated thoroughly, which is what Chen Shibo does not want to see.

Now that I am still developing, I still have to keep a low profile.

As for stowaways, it is not reliable. No one knows whether these gray professionals responsible for stowaways may be spies of other companies. In this era of advanced technology, no matter who they are, they are unreliable.

Therefore, Chen Shibo's project can only stop here. Although it is possible to force it online, Chen Shibo does not want to take these risks. Now he cannot bear the cost of confronting the entire Terra Federation.

Mr. Commander.

Just when Chen Zhongshan was at a loss what to do, suddenly, Shi Cun's petite figure suddenly appeared, her expression was a little urgent, Based on the information I collected on the Internet, I found a very important thing that needs to be reported to you.


Chen Shibo flashed back. During this period, the psychic researchers at the underground experimental base had already entered the room and could do some auxiliary work. So Chen Shibo gave them psychic powers every day and asked them to manually replace Shi Cun. Lines of code.

These codes have been replaced by psychic codes, so at this time Ishimura is close to the form of a semi-psionic intelligent life.

The reason for this is to allow Ishimura to have access to the Internet and collect various intelligence on the Internet.

As we all know, intelligent beings that are not licensed by the federation are not allowed to contact the network. Once they come into contact with the network, they will be immediately noticed by other intelligent beings stationed on the network. At that time, these intelligent beings will follow the network cable to attack and kill this animal. Uncontrolled intelligent life.

Not only will it be killed, but the company where the intelligent life resides will also pay a huge price.

Therefore, as a gangster, Ishimura strictly speaking cannot see the light of day.

That's why Chen Shi Cun replaced Shi Cun's underlying code and turned her into a semi-psychic being. In this way, she had the power to hide and protect herself on the Internet.

Although she is still helpless against the powerful intelligent beings stationed on the Internet, she already has the power to protect herself. The psychic code can not only create a defensive circle with absolute defense on the Internet, but can also erode part of the network on her own. , gaining some control over the Internet.

Because of this, Shi Cun will break through the network blockade of other T0s at this time and bring back news from the Internet.

At this time, Shi Cun was heard to say, Because the Yuan Universe advertisement you released attracted the covetousness of many companies that day. These companies did not speak out, but watched silently. Seeing that your Yuan Universe project has not been After the federal obstruction, a T1-level force has begun to seize time and is determined to launch its own Metaverse before you launch your own Metaverse.

What, how dare you do this?

Chen Shibo looked angry, The other side wants to pick my peaches? Who is that T1 company?

It's the Seven Star Group.

Ishimura replied.

It's actually this company?

Chen Zhongshan frowned. The Seven Star Group was divided into the Dongzhou District based on geographical location after the establishment of the Federation. However, in fact, it has nothing to do with the Dongzhou District from ancient times to the present. The other party became a separate province, called Koryo Province. .

The Seven Star Group is the absolute controller of this province. Long before the federation was established, this company had monopolized all walks of life in Koryo Province and became the strongest chaebol. In addition, its business scope radiated to the entire Dongzhou. District and several nearby continents, so its strength is comparable to T1 level, and it can be regarded as one of the many T1 level forces in the Federation.

However, with the continuous decline of the group in recent years, there has been a downward trend towards T2.

The T1 level is actually a watershed. If you don't reach T1, there will be no military power. Even if you make a prosthetic body, you can only use it as a civilian prosthetic body. Once you reach the T1 level, you can not only get a seat in the Federal Parliament, but also enter the military field. permission.

But now the Tiandao Network Technology Company opened by the Chen family is still inferior to T2, let alone T1. If the Chen family was just an ordinary T3, they would have no choice but to knock out their teeth and swallow the peaches. , but unfortunately, the Chen family is not an ordinary T3.

Hearing the news, Chen Quanxian was angry for a while, but then his eyes suddenly lit up. He seemed to have thought of something. He quickly asked again, Shicun, you mean that the other party has arrived first and built it one step before us. Create a metaverse?

Yes, but they call it a virtual universe.

Ishimura nodded, After the other party realized that the federation intended to relax the restrictions of the Metaverse, it immediately invested trillions of Thai dollars to start a secret virtual universe plan, employing tens of thousands of program engineers and hundreds of thousands of programmed bionics. Man, more than three months have passed now, and the other party’s virtual universe has almost been completed.”

It's really a big deal.

Chen Shibo was amazed when he heard that he had invested trillions of Thai dollars just to catch up with his own progress and wanted to enter the Yuanverse market first. If he could succeed, this company would be completely transformed into a Yuanverse company. The company, changing its past signs of decline, may even become a new T0 through this project.

Even Chen Shibo could only sigh that the other party was so courageous and courageous. This kind of all-or-nothing determination to die or not was rarely seen in big companies.

Once the other party succeeds in announcing the virtual universe first, then the hundreds of billions of Thai dollars of publicity will only be reduced to the other party's wedding dress, and the other party will become the first person to eat crabs in the world.

It's a pity that there is no airtight wall in the world.

Ishimura continued to explain, The other party has been operating secretly for so long, and I finally found clues on the Internet.

Well done.

Chen Shi Cun couldn't help but praise Shi Cun. Just because she can obtain these secret information on the Internet now, it means that her source of information is no longer inferior to T0 level forces. Only T0 is qualified to be on the Internet. By cultivating their own intelligent life, by the way, they can also predict most of the Federation's movements in advance.

So how do we respond?

Ishimura asked worriedly.

The other party's virtual universe is good, but I'm worried that the release time is coming soon and I won't be able to deliver the product.

Chen Shibo replied, I didn't expect the other party to be so considerate. He already spent his own money to help me create the Yuan Universe.

As he spoke, a bold plan gradually formed in Chen Shibo's mind - that is, to actively ask the other party to give up the plan and sell the virtual universe he had built to himself at a low price.

In this way, the other party does not have to enter the Yuanverse market, and one can also do business with the entire world, which can be described as a win-win situation.

Thinking of this, Chen Shibo no longer hesitated, but asked Shi Cun to send him a paper map of Koryo Province. Then he directly tore off all the equipment on his body to prove his identity and location, stepped out, and completely disappeared underground. Within the experimental base.

Just like the last time he went to Shinra, this time Chen Shibo still planned to rush to Koryo Province by jumping through imaginary space.

The distance between Tianji Province and Goryeo Province is about 800 kilometers, and there is a strait of several hundred kilometers in between. It is closer than the former Donghaizhou District. However, today's Chen Strobe is no longer what it used to be. The next largest jump reached the boundary of Koryo Province.

Then, Chen Shibo made another jump and arrived at Qixing City, the city where the headquarters of Qixing Group is located.

Almost all companies above T1 will establish their own city as a political and financial center, and this city will usually be in the center of the province, occupying the most favorable transportation system, and the same is true for the cycling city.

After arriving in the city, Chen Shibo was not so lucky this time. He appeared directly in the middle of the road. When he appeared, he was watched by many pedestrians.

After seeing a person appear out of thin air on the street, many people were startled and did not quite understand how Chen Shibo appeared. Some even thought it was because they were dazzled.

However, before they could react, Chen Shibo's figure flashed again. Those who were close could only feel a gust of wind blowing by, and his figure disappeared without a trace again.

At the same time, at the Qixing Group headquarters in Qixing City, Li Mahe, chairman and family CEO, was sitting with his back in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. In front of him were three young men with respectful expressions.

At this time, only one of the men was heard saying, Father, the Virtual Universe project has been developed and is currently undergoing bug fixes and technical adjustments. In about a month, 80% of the bugs will be fixed and it can be considered a finished product. .”

However, the date set by Tiandao Network Technology Company in Tianji Province is also next month.

Li Mach frowned. He kept tapping the table with one finger and said coldly, I asked your project team to speed up, but in the end, it still can't be faster than the other party by a month?

Father, I'm so sorry!

The young man in front of him immediately bowed and said in fear, This is really the ultimate speed. In the past few months, tens of thousands of engineers have been working overtime. Many of them have never even returned home. It is already difficult to continue to increase the number of engineers. Speed!”

Seeing this, Li Mach couldn't help but snorted coldly, and turned to look at another heir, Xiaoxu, what can you do? The competing company plans to officially release the Metaverse next month. Our virtual universe is at least better than The other party has to release it half a month in advance to catch the other party off guard. We have invested so much and there is no turning back!

It can still be done.

The man named Xiaoxu thought for a while, We can indeed seize the release time half a month in advance, but for BUG, ​​we can organize a private event and declare that no matter who can get it from our virtual universe, If you find a bug, you can get a reward of 10,000 Thai dollars!

Hearing these words, Li Mach's eyes suddenly lit up.

Seeing his father's expression, the man named Xiaoxu was even more confident, With this event, we not only create a publicity stunt, but we can also quickly seize the market before the other party releases it. Even if the other party releases it in advance, I'm afraid It’s hard to compete with us!”


Li Mahe nodded repeatedly, then looked at his last son, Xiao Zhong, do you have any better opinions?

Father, I didn't!

The third son quickly lowered his head, looking ashamed.

In this case, let's follow Xiaoxu's plan.

Li Mahe said happily, Xiao Xu, write your plan into a plan and give it to me. As long as we can succeed this time, you will be the number one contributor to this project!

Thank you father for cultivating me!

Upon hearing this, the man named Xiaoxu burst into tears and fell to his knees.


Li Mach immediately laughed heartily when he saw this.

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