Chapter 116 115. Losing control

In the following period, the imaginary number space temporarily returned to calm.

Chen Shibo didn't know what the situation was at United Aerospace Airlines, but those few black shadows could only catch the opponent off guard at best. Once he got serious, he didn't believe that he could defeat the opponent with just those five black shadows. .

As a T0 company, the power it can mobilize is comparable to that of a superpower in the past. How could it not have its own trump card? Therefore, that channel will inevitably open again. The only uncertainty is the specific opening time.

For this reason, he also spent money to inquire about the other party's information. However, among the recent situations, there is only one thing worth noting, and that is that the company's interstellar port in the Flamenco Province of Mars was destroyed due to the crash of a battleship. Forced to close.

At this point, Chen Shibo saw clues.

From this point of view, the other party's hyperspace laboratory is probably near Flamenco Province, and it suffered a small loss in the process of contact with the five black figures, but then everything was under control, that is Said that the other party finally eliminated the five black shadows.

Chen Shibo didn't know by what means, but at least it showed that the other party had enough background.

So Chen Shibo was not in a hurry, but continued to wait silently. If the previous black shadow was just an appetizer, then the next step would be a formal confrontation.

Soon, three months passed.

Three months were enough to increase the number of souls in the imaginary space by one million, and to expand the imaginary space by dozens of kilometers. However, on this day, Chen Shibo suddenly sensed the sudden sound coming from the imaginary space again. fluctuation.

Similar to the previous fluctuations, the only difference is that this time the fluctuations have become more intense, as if a huge cannon blasted open the city gate. When Chen Shibo flashed his consciousness into the imaginary number space, he suddenly saw the imaginary number space. That huge gap in the middle!

This is a gap that looks like a tear, emerging from the void, and a blazing white light shoots out from the gap, instantly penetrating the void like a beam of light, shining in like holy light!

This crack...

Chen Shibo's pupils shrank. If the gap was once just a scar with a diameter of several meters and could be healed in just a few minutes, now, the scar has reached a diameter of tens of meters and the healing time may have reached nearly an hour. to the extent of healing.

Not far from the gap, an army composed of four petitioners suddenly started to move. Everyone was eager to try. When they saw the light, every petitioner's eyes showed desire.

That is the instinctive longing of the dead for the world of the living. Even if these petitioners have already lost their minds and all their memories, their instincts will never change.

Just as these petitioners were about to move, a milky roar came from the red island hundreds of kilometers away, and a strong murderous and fighting intention turned into an endless surge of red spiritual energy. , sweeping across like a shock wave!

As a conceptual existence, although the red demon is still young, its essence is war and killing. This is also the moment when its power begins to increase.

However, before its power could penetrate the cracks and penetrate into the real world, a dark blue spiritual energy suddenly appeared and intercepted the opponent instantly.


Seeing that his power and desire were blocked, the red island roared again, T, why did you stop me?

Following his words, the figure of the three-eyed boy T slowly emerged. It looked in the direction of the red island, but his childish face showed a solemn look that only adults can have, K, calm down, now is not the time to attack. .”

You're right.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo also appeared in the void in the form of an Ouroboros. His spiritual energy instantly covered the entire void, solidifying the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two people. Although the rift this time is larger than before, It is still far from meeting the requirements for our entire army to enter and exit, and it is conceivable that with the precautions taken last time, there may have been many traps set outside the rift this time, and going out now will only lead to death.

No, I want to fight! I want to kill!

K's somewhat unwilling shout came again from the red island.


Chen Shibo frowned immediately, and a powerful spiritual pressure suddenly swept away, and the red island also trembled slightly under this pressure.

K, do you want to disobey my order?

Chen Shibo said in a deep voice.

...don't dare.

Hearing these words, the red island was silent for a while, and then slowly began to curl up its own strength. Although it was unwilling to do so, it finally restrained itself under Chen Shibo's high pressure.

Seeing that the other party gave in, Chen Shibo turned his head again and looked at the cracked gap.

At this time, there was still light outside the gap, which was the light from the opposite side shining in, but other than that there was no movement. It was obvious that the other party had made sufficient preparations and set up a dragnet in the outside world.

Seeing this, Chen Shibo couldn't help but snorted. He waved one hand, and tens of thousands of units of spiritual energy suddenly poured out of the cracks like waves and flowed into the real world.

Almost instantly, the light outside dimmed.

It was like falling into silence. Neither Chen Shibo's side nor United Aerospace Airlines' side on the other side chose to rush in. Both sides were restraining and testing.

It wasn't until nearly an hour passed that the huge crack healed again and turned into a small black hole half a meter wide.

After a few more minutes, the small hole was completely closed, and the entire void fell into silence and stability again.

The opponent's technology adjusted very quickly.

It wasn't until the crack healed that the three-eyed boy T raised his head and looked at Chen Strobe's ouroboros figure, Lord God, if I'm not wrong, the next time the crack opens, it will be the time for the opponent to really attack.


Chen Shibo nodded. This time the opening time of the rift has reached an astonishing hour, so will it directly reach ten hours next time?

Such a long time is enough to carry out a war, and with this experience, the other side will only be more prepared next time.

In other words, the formal contact between the two parties may be next time.

But I have a humble request.

Suddenly, T's words changed, and he said seriously, Next time, please continue to use your spiritual power to open a way.


Chen Shibo nodded. The psychic energy just now was enough to at least paralyze a small military base. No matter what electronic equipment there was in the outside world, it would malfunction instantly. Chen Shibo would naturally not abandon this opportunity to improve his advantage.

Soon, Chen Shibo returned to reality again, and at the same time called Zheng Xiancun, Let us people on Mars pay attention in the past few days to see if there is any news about a blackout on Mars. If there is, we will notify you as soon as possible. I.

This really does exist.

But what Chen Shibo didn't expect was that Zheng Xiancun responded immediately, Just now, a Martian citizen we bribed told our people through various reports that United Aerospace Airlines had made some moves in the past two days. , dispatched a large number of fleets to station on Phobos, and the battle was huge, and many people were speculating whether the company's top officials were going to fight.

But just now, among the battleships that were dispatched, several battleships suddenly fell from the sky and hit the edge of the city. I heard that many people died and even caused a large-scale power outage in Ovi City. .”

Ovi City?

Chen Bianfeng raised his eyebrows, but then realized that there was no problem in Ovi City, but Phobos was the problem.

In other words, the laboratory that can tear apart space and penetrate the real and imaginary spaces is located on Phobos?

This is a bit difficult...

It seems that this company has deep precautions when conducting hyperspace experiments. It does not place the laboratory in its base camp, but in space. In this way, even if its army of petitioners rushes out from the gap, To no avail.

Even if the active forces on Phobos are eliminated, the company will not be able to severely damage it. Just thinking, the other party can easily destroy itself with battleships.

After all, when these petitioners enter reality, they all need to use spiritual energy to manifest a body. Once they have a body, they will no longer have the ability to travel across the universe.

Fortunately, this time he did not order the army of petitioners to attack directly, otherwise his losses would have been very heavy.

Chen Shibo was silent in his heart, which meant that all this needed to be discussed in the long run.

At this time, on Phobos, the entire experimental factory had become a mess. Not only did battleships fall into the Martian atmosphere, but many battleships crashed directly on the surface of Phobos, including this laboratory. destroy.

Seeing this scene, Yrel Russell, who was in charge of the experiment, was filled with rage. The battleship he was on was not affected by the psychic storm because it was high enough, but several battleships under him were not so lucky. At this time, the entire Phobos turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the sky was filled with the debris of the battleships that were torn apart and splashed out.

What's going on? Why did my battleship suddenly malfunction?

He grabbed the commander-in-chief of the operation next to him and showed a ferocious expression, Explain clearly to me!

Sorry, Mr. Russell!

The commander-in-chief was covered in cold sweat, but still reluctantly replied, Professor Black has long warned that when a passage to another world is opened, a special energy will flow into the opposite universe. This energy cannot be used at all. It can detect, but it can destroy electronic equipment to a great extent. Obviously, this is how these battleships crashed!

But isn't Black sure that that kind of energy can't even spread out of the laboratory?

Yrel yelled angrily, Why is the energy so strong this time?

Or, maybe it's because the crack opened this time is too big...

The commander-in-chief replied with a sad face. Obviously, after this time, his position as commander-in-chief has come to an end. Being fired by the company is a frivolous matter. If not, he will be punished by the company. Life or death is not up to him.

Damn it!

Yrel pushed him away and showed an annoyed look, It's okay to lose a few battleships. The most important thing is that we also lost Professor Black and those top-notch equipment. Without Professor Black, how will the family carry out the next experiment? ?”

Mr. Russell.

At this moment, another assistant next to him suddenly walked up and whispered, Although Professor Black and his team died in this experimental disaster, their data was still preserved. With this data, it is possible to let other professors who study hyperspace technology take over.

As for the problems with these equipment, they can also be solved. Although the price is not cheap, the headquarters can still get it together.

But building a laboratory here will cost an astronomical amount.

Yrel said in a deep voice.

Then we can try to directly reduce costs and build a laboratory on the ground.

the assistant suggested.


Yrel looked at the other party in disbelief, I stationed a fleet here and suffered heavy losses. You want me to build it on the ground?

The reason for the heavy losses is simply because we don't know enough about the other universe.

The assistant quickly explained, But don't forget, after so many experiments, we already have a certain understanding of them. In fact, apart from the five black shadow monsters, the other party does not have much lethality. It's just this kind of The energy that escaped caught us off guard, not to mention that we also found a soldier with a special physique. As long as he is here, even if we build a laboratory on the ground, it will be foolproof.

Hearing this, Yireli suddenly fell silent.

In fact, what the other party said is indeed correct. The reason why the opened hyperspace channel is so difficult is not because of the strange energy in another universe. That energy can destroy all electronic equipment and is almost the natural enemy of technological civilization.

But apart from this energy, at most there were only a few black shadow monsters invading from the opposite side. This name was the company's name for the creatures in that world after research.

Because it is a native life in that universe, it also carries the energy that can destroy electronic equipment, but the range is much smaller. But apart from this energy, the black shadow monster is actually not difficult to deal with, as long as it is at a distance It can be easily eliminated using laser weapons.

Not only that, they also discovered a human with a special physique among the survivors. The lieutenant named Doom is almost the natural enemy of the shadow monster. Ordinary people who come into contact with the shadow monster will only die, and Du Mu Lieutenant Mu came into contact with the shadow monster, but it was the shadow monster itself that died.

From here, it seems that the threat level of that universe may be overestimated?

Yireli was immediately confused.

After this accident, the family must be a little dissatisfied with themselves. This kind of dissatisfaction is nothing in normal times, but now is the selection period for the next generation of successors, and this kind of mistake is very fatal.

The only way to recover now is to continue Professor Black's experiment and open up a universe. With this achievement, he will immediately stand out from dozens of family candidates and become the heir of the next generation of the family.

Thinking of this, Yirel said nothing, but his eyes gradually became firmer...

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