The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2634: Please get out

Two six three four please get off

I heard colorful clouds, Ye Kong's eyes were a joy. This colorful cloud was originally prepared for him to bring down. Now that he is here in the fairy fairy, it would be the best, so that he would not have to look for it.

However, he was not in a hurry to bring it. After all, going to the Immortal Kingdom this time may be dangerous. The condensed fairy has this treasure in hand, and it has an extra means of life-saving.

"And is there a half piece of fairy jade?" Ye Kong didn't take the half piece of fairy jade at first, so he couldn't figure out where exactly.

But Xun Ning Fairy was a xìng cell with thick outside and thin inside, leaving Ye Kong to Dayu, and Dayu left her treasures to comb through again. At that time, the fairy fairy Ning was curious about how there would be half a piece of fairy jade, and she even threw it away.

Fortunately, the fairy Ning Ning immediately took out half a piece of fairy jade from Qiankun's bag.

Holding that half piece of fairy jade, Ye Kong couldn't help feeling. At the beginning, he was just a minor repair in the lower bounds. He knew Wan Jiajing and received his help. Think about the many people who helped him at the beginning, gave him a chance, and made him what he is today.

Seeing people thinking about things, Ye Kong actually wanted to see his family and friends even more.

Ye Kong received Xianyu and nodded. "Zhang Ning Fairy, you haven't imagined that you have realized the law. The law of dry glory also seems to be a strong law of tǐng. If you go to the divine realm and move in this direction, you should have success. After Ye Kong said, his palm was on the table, and a bright red diamond crystal with haze had floated on the table.

Ye Kong replied, "This is a godhead that has grown up to become the top upper-level god-man. I will give it to you. If you do n’t use it for the time being, put it on your body. If you are in danger, you can use the godhead and immediately fly Is also a way out of difficulties. "

After listening to Ye Kong ’s speech, the fairy Ning Ning still could n’t believe it and said, “Ye Tianshen, this is for me. This is too valuable! I méng several times for your help, and now help me to save my father, I No. "

Ye Kong smiled and shoved the godhead into her palm, "Hold it, now to me, godhead is not worth the money. At the beginning of Yanshouxing, if you didn't help me find the Ningxian grass, then help me take it away Cai Xin helped her find the water in Xianguang Lake ... I always remember these things, and I never had a chance to repay. "

The fairy Ning Ning still wanted to quit, but when she saw Ye Kong smiled slightly and raised his hand, a large number of various gods appeared in the palm of the hand. Then I knew that Ye Kong was really a big cow this time. He really didn't care about one. Godhead.

"Thank you, Ye Tianshen!" Xian Ning Fairy was happy, and quickly stood up and became happy. Originally, the fairy fairy Ning has always been a careless xìng style. Now looking at the image of her little daughter's house, she is still barefoot, but it is a rare sight.

The Canglu Shenzhou is the Shenzhou Shenzhou. It easily broke through the haste and soon saw the huge starry sky gate in the mid-air. Although the size of the Canglu Shenzhou is not small, in front of the facade of the starry sky, it is only a small black urn.

Canglu Shenzhou entered the fairyland and headed for the heaven at the northernmost part of the fairyland. On this way, Ye Kong couldn't help but feel emotions in his heart. The revisit of the old land is the one that can evoke the deepest memory in the heart of people. Especially when the horse **** released the flight guard and took him away.

And now, he has become an upper **** man, returning by boat!

The heavenly court at this moment is no less busy than the beginning!

Dozens of Shenzhou boats have been stopped outside Dongtianmen. These gods do not know if they were displayed on purpose. Shenzhou was placed there, and it was not put away, floating on the outer edge of heaven.

Ye Kong's Canglu Shenzhou was bigger, and even when he came here, he couldn't squeeze in. Ye Kong only smiled bitterly and let everyone in the beheading team disembark. He collected the Canglu Shenzhou and flew to Dongtianmen.

At the door, the guards of the Jinjia immortals looked at another bō god, and did not dare to neglect, and rushed to kneel and greet them. One of the several golden armor immortals was also an old immortal. When he saw Ye Kong at first glance, he suddenly overjoyed and shouted, "It is the Lord Lord, and the Lord Lord will come back to see everyone after he becomes a god!"

He shouted, and all the other Jinjia immortals shouted, one after another, spreading further and further, from Dongtianmen directly to the Temple of Heaven.

In the main hall, the current fairy master Chu Xiaoyu is as busy as his grandson at the moment, and is hosting a large number of people from the Nether World. These god-mans have various levels of god-mans, as well as partial gods, and any of them has the power to destroy the immortal master! No one can neglect!

Chu Xiaoyu is also depressed. Why are there so many gods and men in the lower world, what are they doing here, and why do the great gods in the upper world ignore them? In fact, among these heavenly gods, I don't know how many family children are hidden, specifically to get the talent of God! These tycoons have long bought the managers of the Nether Channel, which is of course unimpeded.

However, even though Chu Xiaoyu was careful to receive it, there were still some gods with bad tempers, deliberately nitpicking and asking for trouble.

When Ye Kong ’s call came back, there was a half-devil and half-demon, with a bizarre appearance, smashing the wine tank in his hands and cursing, “Xianzhu, are you looking for death, find these water and wine to deal with us, light and tasteless, The quantity is small, the spirits are the strongest! "

Chu Xiaoyu smiled bitterly, "The gods of the upper world, here we are in the fairy world, how can there be the **** wine that the great gods drink."

That partial God said, "There is no **** wine, but you have to make something special and taste special. Go and look for it!"

Chu Xiaoyu turned into two big heads, these immortals were originally hard to find in the immortal world. In addition, this partial **** is super drinkable. He can drink as much wine as he wants. Where do he go to find wine?

At this moment, the outside voice passed, and it reached the gate of the heavenly hall.

"Master Xianzhu has come to see everyone after he became a god! Ye Xianzhu is back!"

When Chu Xiaoyu and many immortals in the court heard this sentence, they all moved in their hearts and suddenly looked up!

I saw the sound of a tsunami walking on that mountain, a familiar figure with a back sword in Tsing Yi, already striding into the heavenly palace!

"Ye Xianzhu, Ye Xianzhu is back!" The immortals moved.

However, the immortals moved, and the gods were upset. Many of the gods are face-loving people, and my heart said okay, our great gods are here, and you do n’t move too, just when you come to an upper **** and man?

Among them is the partial demon of that half demon and half demon. Chu Xiaoyu originally talked to him, but at this moment he dropped himself away and went to meet others.

The partial **** was furious, and when he moved, he was already standing behind Chu Xiaoyu, waving his hand to the back of Chu Xiaoyu, a big slap, cursing in his mouth, "What, what run!"

Partial shot, regardless of speed or strength, Chu Xiaoyu has nothing to hide! Although I caught this palm ~ ~ Chu Xiaoyu will not hang up, but it will also be harmed. The most important thing is to lose face in public!

However, the slap of the partial **** just flew out, but there was a flash of blue light. A figure stepped on the bō pattern, and immediately stood next to Chu Xiaoyu. The figure raised his hand and caught the partial giant hand. !!

As soon as the connoisseur shot, he knew if there was a partial hand, and he felt the strength of the opponent. He was startled in his heart, and the strength of this upper man was as good as himself!

"This Taoist, I am Puyong bō, the sea demon god. I don't know what your name is?" The partial **** came out of the corner, and immediately let go of his hand and put on a smile.

Ye Kong didn't let go of his hand, but a smile appeared on his face, "Below the sword sword kingdom kingdom, Ye Kong."

Hearing Ye Kong ’s name flashed in the eyes of many people at the scene. This sea demon was no exception. As soon as his eyes turned, “It ’s the Lord of Ye City, I ’ve heard it! Holding his hand and laughing, "This ..."

Ye Kong snorted coldly, "I'm also disrespectful, but ... you were about to hit my old husband, so I can only ask you to get away!"! .

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