The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2633: Secret of Poison God

What originally thought to be in the eyes should be the irritating scene of Xiu Ningxian's clothes fading and being bullied by Xun Lingpeng, but to everyone's surprise, this was not the case, but the other way around!

I saw that Ling Pengguang was shirtless, lying on the ground like a dog, with a pair of eyes letting out light, staring at the little feet of Xianning Fairy, and making some snoring sounds like "mother-in-law". The Ning Ning Fairy, who should have been bullied, was like a queen above, sitting on a high chair with pride and frost on her face, and a leather whip in her hand ...

"This is ..." The people of Luhuang Divine Kingdom and the Beheading Team who followed Ye Kong rushed in, all stunned, not knowing what happened.

The only thing I know about this scene is Ye Lao Mo. At that time, Ye Laomo also read all the islands. However, when this scene really appeared in front of him, he still froze.

"Your ancestors are stubborn, do you want such a heavy taste!" Ye Kong stunned.

The first woman to speak was the strange woman of Luhuang Divine Kingdom. She was eager to protect the Lord, and came forward angrily, "Xiaoxian, you dare to treat us like this. You have to become the enemy of the whole kingdom of green and glorious gods! You are looking for death! "

"I didn't, he wanted me!" Xian Ning Fairy was surprised by the sudden appearance of so many people, but soon she saw Ye Kong, she shouted to the strange woman, and then ran Ye Kong.

Although the fairy Ning Ning has always been daring, she is still scared today, and she sees Ye Kong a little red under the eyes. But in the end she was the fearless fairy Ning Ning who ran to Ye Kong and just saw Ye Er behind Ye Kong. So Xun Ning Fairy braked the car abruptly, and then, punched Ye Ye's shoulder, the old voice said, "Boy, you are finally here!"

Ye Kong laughed. I am afraid that only such a fair move and discourse could only condense the fairy. But looking at her condition, she did not suffer.

Of course, Ye Kong still has to ask, "Okay, haven't you suffered a big loss?"

"Why didn't you make a big loss?" Wu Ningxian angered. "As soon as he came in, he put on his shirt, and then he rushed over to kiss my shoes. I kicked with my feet. After a while, I just felt that he actually He gave me a whip on my knees ... I don't care, I just wanted to stab him, but ... I was still unprepared. He kissed his shoes several times! It's a big loss! "

Xi Ningxian said, threw the next two shoes over, and cursed, "It's all given to you, and your dirty mouth is dirty."

All the people in the kingdom of Luhuang were furious, and the strange woman yelled, "You abominable woman, we young people are bullied by you, you have got cheap and betrayed! Look at the stigma of this body! What the **** did you do to our young master, you woman? "

The other three partial gods also roared in unison, "Can't let her go, take it back, and let the Lord God punish him!"

Ye Kong saw that Ning Ning Fairy did not suffer, and she let down a lot of heart, stepped forward and laughed, "Actually, this is not a technique, but a way for the young master to find happiness! Of course, although you play taste It ’s more chic, but I ’m not going to discriminate against you, but I ’m going to play next time. It ’s better to find someone who is the same. Do n’t force others to play this, it ’s scary! ”

When Ye Kong finished speaking, he waved and wanted to leave.

However, those partial gods are unwilling to forgive, and they must block their way. They must explain this matter.

The strange woman said, "The upper man, don't think that you just two words, we will let you go! If being beaten is also a way to find happiness, then you let me try it!"

Ye Kong Leng hummed, "Don't make troubles unreasonably! Do you think everyone has the strange hobby of your family and the country? Huh, scared us that Ning Ning Fairy didn't care about you, get away!"

The woman still had to talk, and Ling Peng Ling had put on her clothes behind, and said, "Let them go!"

"Little country!"

"I said let them go! Asshole, you have to disobey?" Wu Lingpeng snarled.

The woman had to give way aside, Ye Kong laughed, and turned back, "The young master, met for the second time. Seeing that you are familiar with current affairs, I will teach you new ways of dripping enema and so on!"

In the puzzled eyes of everyone, Ye Kong grabbed Leer, and returned to Canglu Shenzhou with the condensed fairy and the beheading team.

When they left, Xu Lingpeng looked at Ye Kong with doubts and grudges. Su Hu is Ye Kong's second meeting, but he doesn't remember this person. As for resentment, it wasn't Ye Ye who disturbed him, but it was the secret of his secret love for his sister-in-law that was known.

"No one is allowed to talk about today's matter!" Ling Lingpeng snorted coldly.

On the Canglu Shenzhou, Le'er was curious, "What the **** is Ling Peng doing just now, why is someone happy when he hits him? Is there such a strange person in the world?"

Everyone heard about Le'er's question and looked at Ye Kong curiously. Ye Kong laughed, "In fact, in our hometown, there are some people who have such preferences. Let's call it change! That is to say, people like Xun Lingpeng."

Everyone felt unbelievable. They shook their heads, and the fat man Yang Duanming laughed. "This kind of preference, I have been in the **** world for so many years, and I have a lot of friends. I still heard about it."

Ye Kong froze for a moment, and suddenly thought in his mind: That Ling Peng Peng has a special hobby.

At this time, Le Er asked curiously again, "Ye Kong, what drip wax and enema you just said, what is it?"

Looking at the curious eyes of everyone, Ye Kong always blushed. He really did not poison these naive children's papers, and said haha, "I don't know that, I heard and heard."

After saving the Ning Ning fairy, no bad things happened, Ye Kong was still quite happy. However, here is close to the gate of the beginning, Ye Kong will not turn back for the time being, but let Canglu Shenzhou directly fly to the fairyland. The other members of the Beheading Squad also took a short rest.

Ye Kong and Xun Ning Fairy came to a room and Pan Tuǐ sat down.

"In the beginning, God Ma came to meet me in Fairyland, and then I have been living in Zhunshen City, but I just went out for a short adventure. Most of the other time, I practiced in the city. Just last year, it was pitiful to see me. With the Kuan Rong rule ... "Xian Ning Fairy told her all these years.

In fact, Ye Kong cares more about his family, but the fairy Ning Ning hasn't gone to the fairyland for hundreds of years. How can I know the situation over there? But what made Ye Kong happy was that the fairy Ning Ning knew about Dayu.

She opened her mouth and said that ~ Dayu ’s Law of Enlightenment is a very bizarre situation. Twenty years ago, in Zhunshen City, a rule of law suddenly fell from the sky. The quasi-sacred city often saw the lines of the rules, but this time it was special! The pattern of that rule was faintly dragon-shaped! "

"Showing the dragon's pattern of laws!" Ye Kong was surprised when he heard it. He thought that the pattern of his broad, cloth-like rule was strange enough! Unexpectedly, there is a pattern of dragon-shaped laws!

"Is it the rule of Dayu?" Ye Kong was startled. "Did Dayu say, what is the rule's pattern?"

Xian Ning Fairy shook her head and said, "The rule of law descended, and Dayu was aware of it. By the tenth day, she had not yet cleared the gate. This incident became a quasi-sacred city wonder and everyone came to watch it. But on this day, suddenly came A mysterious man with a black gauze covering his head looked extremely noble, and God of Horses trembled in speaking, ordering everyone to watch. "

Ye Kong was surprised, and secretly said that the noble figure was sacred, but apparently, this should be a good thing for Dayu.

Xun Ning said, "But when Dayu met me, I didn't dare to ask those things, and then Dayu gave me some items she used in the Nether. There are colorful clouds and so on ..."! .

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