The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2498: Divine Power Ablation

Two thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight superb dissolution

Although, Ye Kong has become huge to a hundred feet at this moment, as if a huge mountain! Although, at this moment, Huo Mingkun was frightened again! Although, at the moment in front of the huge Ye Kong, the fire **** is just like a small ant ...

But everyone present was not optimistic about Ye Kong! Indeed, the differences between the two are too great!

The fire spirit **** said that standing still, Ye Kong could not kill him. This night is not bragging!

I saw that when Ye Kong slammed, he saw the fire spirit wrapped in flames, and his upper body twisted suddenly! When I saw his shoulder, he suddenly threw a lot of black lines!

Those thick black lines are like thick black outlines in ink paintings! If you look closely, someone will find that these black lines are the flame tattoos on his upper body and shoulders!

"Fire beast, go up!" In the flame, the fire spirit commanded, those black lines rose huge, like giant beasts outlined by ink lines, like lions and apes, except for black lines Composed of flames!

"Roar!" The flame monster outlined by the black line is bigger than Ye Kong, roaring, opening a lion-like mouth, and heading towards Ye Kong leaping into the sky!

boom! Between heaven and earth, there was a shock! The huge black armor leaves empty, scuffled with that flame monster, and fell to the ground! On the ground of the battlefield world, it had already experienced flames and rivers, and it was already deserted at this moment. Between Ye Kong and the monster's scuffle, the ground was even more broken!

Outside the battlefield, the audience talked a lot.

"Unexpectedly, the tattoo on the Fire Spirit God turned out to be God's pet! The Fireprint Beast is unheard of!"

"You are so rare and strange! I do n’t know how many miles there are in my divine realm, and there are all kinds of bizarre beasts in the sea of ​​clouds! Do n’t say this fire-printed beast is even more bizarre, and there are some! The key depends on whether you That strength comes to subdue! "

"Yes! It is said that although my four kingdoms are vast, but the sea of ​​clouds outside the territory is hundreds of times larger! The four kingdoms of God account for less than one percent of the world!"

"Okay, don't pull that far, let's keep going to the theater! The kid with the last name Ye ... was beaten by the door, I'm afraid he will die soon!"

Listening to their discussion, beside the VIP seat, a figure couldn't sit still.

"No! I can't just sit back and watch!" A white-faced scholar, anxious in his eyes! I thought in my mind: I originally expected that the Aqua Blue God and Huo Ruiqi would have an impact on the formation, and let the Lord out. But now, the Aqua God and Huo Ruiqi have been arrested, and they do not know where they went! There is only one thing I can do now!

This white-faced scholar is exactly Duan Chenxi, Ye Kong ’s servant!

Duan Chenxi still has some connections in Weizhou City, and he has a little status among the partial gods in Weizhou City. Therefore, he is honored to be invited as a side effect to control the appearance of partiality!

As a servant of the priest, he has a strong faith in the Lord. If the Lord dies, he can vote for others. However, because of his strong belief in his will, he could not accept the fact that the Lord was dying, so he irresistibly wanted to do something to help the Lord.

But Duan Chenxi is not stupid. If you release Ye Kong, he will die immediately! His only will is to fight instincts, but he is finding that faith is strong!

"No! I have to make something! I can't control myself anymore!" Duan Chenxi looked around with his eyes. Obviously, the matrix method he controlled has lost his authority at the moment, and he wants to teleport Ye Kong. At present, there is only the main matrix method!

On the other side of the main formation, the pot partial **** and people have been sitting around tutu! The strength of Duan Chenxi is not as good as the pot! It's like dreaming to rush in to control the formation!

"How to do how to do?"

Duan Chenxi went to see the battlefield world again. The fire spirit **** over there was obviously dissatisfied with the fire pattern beast and did not immediately perform his meritorious service. He was a little angry, and his eyes were sharp, and he said, "Forget it. No predecessor, let me solve you at once, Ye Kong! "

In the sky, the Fire God stood proudly, and his upper body was bathed in flames, but he could still be seen raising his arms, and with a vicissitude and quaint voice in his mouth, he said, "The art of ancient gods is refined into power. The power of the **** of heaven is the power of God! Ye Kong, taste the power of God that is made by the Great Ablation of the Huojia. You are proud to die under this power of God! "

After the fire spirit **** said, let out his divine power! It is the divine power based on the Great Ablation Divine Technique, "Divine power, ablation!"

Ye Kong in the Vulcan Tower has already undergone Huo Mingkun's great ablation magic, but that thing does not hurt Ye Kong much. At this moment, Ye Kong still has more than 80% of the gods!

But the great ablation technique becomes divine power, and that power is different!

I saw, in the whole battlefield world, the wind and thunder rolled, the temperature rose sharply, and the entire world was covered by an invisible flame! At that moment, Ye Kong, who was battling with the Fireprint Beast, felt a choking scorching!

Although Tenjin no longer needs to breathe, this burning and choking sensation is still surging madly! At the same time, his whole body was involuntary, and an indescribable heat surged from the inside. If you make an analogy, it looks like every cell is burning!

Ye Kong can't stand it! Not to mention Ye Kong, the ruins, stones, and soil around him are all melted by this irresistible heat at this moment! All the ablation, those earth and stones have become liquid, and the temperature contained in them has reached an unimaginable height!

And among Ye Kong, he clearly felt that his **** body, his so powerful and huge body, was really damaged at a very crazy speed! And he didn't even have any resistance! He wanted and paid homage to the great extinction of the Fire Spirit God, but he couldn't do it. All he could do was wait for death!

At this moment, even the Fireprint Beast has scared back!

In the battlefield world outside, the audience all took a breath of air, "This is the power of the fire spirit god! This is the power of the great dissolving magic technique! That leaf empty **** body is really extraordinary, if we blink our eyes for a long time, I ca n’t stand it! It ’s just that Ye Kong's body is so thick ... Death is just a blink of an eye! "

Just when everyone was watching the great dissolving power in the battlefield world, no one noticed that a white-faced scholar had already fled with nervousness and sneer!

"Huh! Only the main array method can control the teleportation, and I completely destroy the auxiliary array method that I am responsible for! God Lord, Chen Xi can do this, and this is the only thing, if you still hang ... God servant I have done everything right. "

70%, 50%, 30%, 10% ...

Ye Kong has reached the edge of death at this moment! Destroy the body and die! The real **** falls!

Although there can also be powerful immortal gods that can consume a lot of strength to resurrect ~ ~, but if Ye Kong hangs up, who can come to resurrect him?

"It seems this time, really dead ..." Ye Kong was really desperate this time. However, he did not regret it! He is such a person, with clear grudges and clear interests, and mine is mine. Why should I give it to you?

However, at this moment, there is a piece of jade bead in the auxiliary matrix control section of the VIP seat, and the black mist spit out crazy! In the hall, before everyone understood what was happening, they heard a loud noise from there!

Everyone was watching the battlefield world, and no one expected that the hall would suddenly burst out. Everyone was frightened and frightened, at a loss, they heard the crowd shouting, "It's the dark means of flashing and the dark system of the shrine!"

The pan partial gods guarding the main formation over there all startled. I don't know how this explosion happened, but in the next second, a bigger disaster happened!

To the reader:

Send in chapter two, ask for points. At the same time, it is recommended to carry out the cultivation of the immortal to the end, the book shortage and so on, you can go and see. !! .

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