The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2497: Ye Kong's Counterattack

East wins the kingdom of God, the capital of the gods, the vastness and depth of the palace. Night 5200

A gloomy Naruto flashed into the palace, and that Naruto was covered with black flames. I do n’t know if it was a human or a creature, unlike the Fire system, it was a Dark system.

The black sè naruto entered the palace of the lord of the kingdom of Dongsheng, but no one dared to control it. He went straight to the inside of the palace all the way, ignoring everyone passing by, until he came to the Lord of the Fire and Fury, before he bowed his knees.

There was a voice in the black flame, "I have seen the Lord, and there are important reports."

"Take a look." Fire Rage raised his hand, a line of fire flew in, took away a piece of jade in the black flame, but he immediately jumped at this look!

"What! The most important genius of my Huo family is dueling with people. At this moment, less than 10% of the **** body is left! Huo Ling God, what are you doing all day?" Huo Fury stood up sharply. You know, Huo Mingkun is important to the status of the Huojia, and even more important to his status of the angry god!

Because Huo Mingkun is his direct descendant! Also the favorite junior of Rage!

"Cultivation institute, bastards! Fire god, bastards! All bastards! That character who dares to shoot at my fireman genius ... you are dead!" After the fire rage **** finished, it became a line of fire and penetrated the void, instantly Appears in the sky outside the palace of the lord!

He turned out to go to the God Kingdom Training Center outside Weizhou City in person!

At the same time, it was still in the city of God, in a dark water cell.

A kind-looking old man approached a water cell, and the yīn cold water like ink was soaking half of the body of another old man in the water.

"Shadow God, old man, I see the brow flying when the kid of the Fire Spirit God left, did you help him do any bad things?"

"God of fire, I did n’t say you, you have been so grieved since you were little, and you have been in trouble for a few epochs. Let me tell you, you will fight against the fire spirit **** less in the future, he will soon get the master artifact! From here on in the kingdom of God Going up another step! "

"Master artifact, where is the master artifact?" Even the Fire God, who has always been not very greedy, opened his eyes and let out greed.

"It is a god-man named Ye Kong, alas, a little god-man has a master artifact, is it a curse or a blessing ..."

Before the Shadow God's words were finished, the Fire God opened the door and ran out of the water prison!

"That Ye Kong's qualified talent, the old man only saw in his life! I also want him to sharpen one or two, in the future, he really accepted as a disciple, shining my Huozi one! How can he let the fire spirit kid be destroyed! It is really hateful, I ca n’t sit by and ignore it Fire God also rushed to Weizhou City!


In the Kingdom of God Training Center, at this moment.

The dialogue between Ye Kong and the Fire Spirit God was clearly heard by everyone in the hall. Even if you think with your toes, you can also understand that this black armor **** man saved Huo Ruiqi and Aqua Blue God, but he broke the secret of possessing the master artifact. And the fire spirit **** has always been in the second-class status of the kingdom of Dongsheng, just because he feels that he lacks a master artifact, so this is what he wants!

In the lower realm, the Celestial Gods are so unattainable, and the fairy realms are so beautiful. But in fact, everyone's heart is the same!

At this moment, things are clear, but most of the people in the hall sneered, "Great treasures. Of course, those who have strength can get them! Not to mention the fire spirit god, even if I wait, I can still **** it!"

"You guys are talking nonsense, no one is xìng! Others have saved your family, you don't want to repay, and you are still thinking about grabbing people's things all day! I fight with you!" Huo Ruiqi bit the red chún and flew on the VIP host Position, want to pull down the pot partiality, control the main formation method, and release Ye Kong from the battlefield world.

"It is forbidden to do this, young lady, don't you!" Pot partial **** is also resolute, immediately blocking Huo Ruiqi, shouting in his mouth, "God respect, Miss Ruiqi ..."

His words were not finished yet. In the battlefield world, the fire spirit who was bathed in flames in the upper body said only two words, "take it!"

Hearing these two ruthless words, the pot partial **** is also cold in his eyes, roaring, "The Order of the Fire Spirit God, take down Fire Ruiqi!"

At this time, the eyes of the water blue **** blue sè filled with anger, took a step forward, blocking Huo Ruiqi, and said angrily, "Who dares!"

"God, she is ..."

"These women who do bad things are not enough to lose more than defeat!" Huolinghen sighed coldly, "take all!"

On the opposite side, Ye Kong, who was hidden in the princely armor, could hear clearly. His eyes narrowed into star-like points, and he said, "Fire God, you have been Ye Kong for so many years. ,does it worth?"

"Of course it's worth it. It's really stupid. You haven't let the Lord's artifact recognize the Lord. How do you know its power?" The Fire Spirit has done absolutely nothing at this moment, but it's easy.

Indeed, the main artifact is very powerful. At the beginning of the early world, Sima Ze was just a sword, and a super-large planet as big as a heart was split in half by a sword! You know, the strength of the Fire Spirit is far better than Sima Ze! If there is another main artifact in hand, I am afraid that it will be close to the strength of the Lord of the Fury!

At this moment, Huo Mingkun, who had been scared of death just now, has also slowed down and said, "Yeah, Li Hei, I advise you to be aware of current affairs and give me the master artifact to Uncle Fire Spirit, and then Wanbao The river gave me and became my servant, maybe you still have a chance to live. "

After listening to the brow, the fire spirit **** said that I hadn't succeeded yet, but you came here to take the fire and robbery, what you thought was beautiful! He said, "Ming Kun, it's dangerous here. You don't have enough body. Let's go out."

Huo Mingkun had an idea in his heart. His Vulcan Tower was destroyed, and he thought, if he grabbed Ye Kong's Wanbao River, would it be considered that Sion lost his horse? But if he is gone, Wanbaohe is afraid to take it away from the Fire Spirit God. By then, he wants to grab the tiger's mouth to eat ... then it will be a lot of trouble.

"Uncle Huoling, it's okay, I can help you here." Huo Mingkun laughed. Although he still has 10% of the divine body, it is very dangerous, and it is not enough to let him die again, but he believes that the fire spirit can definitely keep him safe!

"Well then. You are here." There is no way for the Fire Spirit God to know Huo Mingkun's mind, but he doesn't care about Wanbao River. What he wants is the Lord Artifact!

But what they didn't feel was that in the sky, a thin cloud of blue fleece was moving at a very slow speed ...

At this time, the Fire God has lost all his patience and said to Ye Kong, "As a man in the middle, you are really strong! Even the general partial gods can't fight you, but your biggest mistake is to oppose me. Speaking of which, the fire god's upper body wrapped in red flames made a loud noise, and the flames doubled?

And in the sky, it was the thunderous voice of the fire spirit god, "Because I am a ~ ~ who has powerful divine power, partial to God!"

Ye Kong knew that it was time for life and death. He had seen the power of Sima Ze and knew that it was powerful! The fire spirit **** is stronger than Sima Ze, the **** power, must kill Ye Kong!

"Can't let him let out his mighty power!" Ye Kongzhong tightened, yelling in his mouth, "incarnate the ancient god!"

Under the eyes of everyone, Ye Kong's body suddenly grew to a hundred feet! As if a giant of the black family, standing in the battlefield world!

"Fire spirit god, you give me death!" Ye Kong's huge body jumped up suddenly, he was like a giant mountain, hitting the fire spirit **** and fire Mingkun to the lower side!

"Dead!" The blade of the main artifact in Ye Kong's hand was cut off. After he became all big, the vine was like a hundred pythons, but also scrambled to the ground, and flung down to the fire spirit!

However, in the face of the fallen black leaf-like Ye Kong, in the eyes of the Fire Spirit God, there was only contempt!

"Let me die? Is it because of being big? Or is it because of a master artifact that doesn't recognize the Lord? I tell you, I haven't cultivated the power of God, I stand still, you kill, no, die!"! .

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