The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2485: Training Course Ranking Competition

Ranking Competition of 2485

"What, I must first defeat the central **** man and upper **** man in order to get a chance to fight with Huo Mingkun?" When Ye Kong opened the cave and came out of the retreat, the first one heard the news.

"You can't change it, must you do it this way?" After Ye Kong got an answer that couldn't change his decision, he didn't insist. After all, Ye Kong didn't take it seriously by adding two opponents.

In fact, this obstacle is still remembered and requested by the Aqua God. The purpose of her arrangement is to protect Ye Kong. If Ye Kongdu can't beat the first place of the central **** man and upper **** man, what strength is there to fight with Huo Mingkun?

The game is not the same as a duel, the game is not dead! Therefore, the God of Water Blue hopes that Ye Kong can stop at a certain step, so that Ye Kong should not die due to Huo Mingkun.

Although the Aqua God was kind and Ye Kong didn't care, they all forgot a very important question. That's time! If Ye Kong fights as soon as he comes out, there is no need to wait, but after the arrangement of the Aqua Blue God, he must wait until the first of the gods in the middle and upper parts is born, and then Ye Kong defeats these two people to fight Huo Mingkun!

Invisibly, a lot of time is wasted, and neither Aqualand nor Ye Kong has realized it!

Coming out of the retreat, it was the game of the lower gods outside. Ye Kong was not interested and ignored, but instead plunged into the library and watched some geography of the Divine Realm. In addition, the basic skills of some divine magic should be in mind.

I do n’t have time to cultivate now. I will have time to practice later.

"Li Hei." When Ye Kong walked out of the library building in the afternoon, he heard someone calling him, turned his head, and saw Shui Lan God and Huo Ruiqi standing not far away.

On the top of the mountain in the afternoon, the breeze caresses, and the moon tower in the distance looks like a rhino horn, and there are green trees nearby to sway. Under this scene, there are two beautiful women. One with long blue hair swaying and swaying, gentle and beautiful as water; one with flaming red hair braided into a twisted braid, pretty crooked on the side of the small head, pretty, and has passion like fire.

Ye Kong stayed for a while, walked over, and said, "I've seen the seniors in Shui Lan." After asking, "Rui Qi, you're all right now."

Shui Lan God smiled, and Huo Ruiqi said, "It's good to have my fire medicine, of course." After that, I threw Ye Kong a storage ring, and said, "Hold!"

"This is ..." Ye Kong froze for a moment.

Shui Lan Shen laughed, "You were forbidden to leave because of the last time Shenshan was absorbed by the divine power, so Ricky and I went to Weizhou City and bought you some healing alchemy."

In fact, Ye Kong's body is strong, and she does not need Shendan complement. However, this fire Ruiqi and Aqua Blue God helped him to buy God's Dan gift, he still felt very much, could not help but said to Fire Ruiqi, "Rigi, thank you, I ... I have nothing to report."

Huo Ruiqi immediately replied, "Just less bully others!"

Her sentence was very ambiguous. After she said Shui Lan God hid her mouth and smiled, Huo Ruiqi suddenly turned her face red and explained, "Sister, you don't know, the bullying I said is not the kind of bullying!"

Shui Lan asked with a smile, "What kind of bullying is that?"

Huo Ruiqi was so ashamed that she rushed to the mouth of Shui Lan God ōng, a shy mess. Looking at the towering ōng **** of the bluish god, the bō turbulent ground, Ye someone quickly looked up to the sky, for fear of nosebleeds.

However, while they were chatting happily, a pair of resentful eyes were watching them at a certain level of the Moon Watch Tower in the distance. There was a flaming flame in that eye, and I wished I could jump out of my eyes and burn everything!

"Li Hei, let you be arrogant for another two days! This time, I must let you die in my hands! Still in the face of Huo Ruiqi!" Huo Mingkun roared and drank, "Jiang Wenzhe, stare at me , Immediately after the first of the central gods and upper gods came out, report to me! "

Ye Kong talked to Shui Lan Shenhuo Ruiqi, and came down from Shenshan to the competition field in front. He always had to take a look at the playing field.

Came to the front yard of the training institute and met acquaintances again. It turned out that the killer named Duan Chenxi turned out to be an influential family elder in Weizhou City, and this time came to watch the ranking competition. Not only that, this guy was also invited to become the elder of some games!

The so-called watching elders has a role to play with the referee. One is to prevent players from violating the rules, the other is to prohibit the killer in the competition, and the last is to control the switch of the match field array.

When Ye Kong saw him, he immediately gestured with his eyes. The part of Chen Xi who was the killer was also very savvy. Knowing Ye Kong's meaning, he could not say hello.

After all, a partial **** became a servant of the central god-man, this kind of thing still shocked a bit, Ye Kong didn't want to make everyone know the city.

Although he didn't meet and chat, Duan Chenxi's rumor came quickly. "God Lord, your faithful servant has done everything for you at the Temple of God. Not only did you cancel the hunt for you, but after my efforts, , You have been included in a certain list inside the 弑 神堂. Entering this list, 尽量 神堂 will try not to accept your assassination business. If someone wants to pay for your life, at least the elder church Only then can the Lord decide to take orders ... "

Seeing such a reply, Ye Kong was still very satisfied. The so-called fear of being stolen by the thief is afraid of being remembered by the thief. If remembered by a powerful killer organization all day, Ye Laomo, who is not afraid of heaven, is also uncomfortable.

"The second thing is to care about Pei Chunguang, because his affairs involve the main artifact, not only the people of the Huang family stare secretly, but also the people of the fire spirit god. There are even other forces staring. Now, I want the muddy water mō fish to get the main artifact, so I don't dare to take any action. "

Ye Kong also nodded. It is now a dangerous time to help Pei Chunguang if he can help. If he ca n’t help, it is the most stupid thing to do.

"The third thing is to find Qier Leer, and in the next search, I really found the news of this beggar. It is said that he is still a little famous among the group of beggars and stealers, and others can't steal in the portable space. He could steal it. And after he stole it, he did n’t cherish it, but gave it to the poor little gods, the title of righteous steal ... "

Seeing this, Ye Kongzhong was funny, but Leer was a well-known thief. However, she should have some background, otherwise there would not be so many divine guards.

Continue to read the report of Duan Chenxi ~ ~ Only in the last month, Yi Yi Le Er did not show up. Some people said he left Weizhou City, and some people said that he did n’t wash his hands. In short, there was no news , Will continue to explore ... "

Ye Kong was still very satisfied with what Chen Xi did with this killing method. He sent a message to praise him, and promised that he would re-use it for its benefit in the future.

Came to the contest site, at this moment there are lower gods in the contest, Ye Kong also has the right to take a sign to watch. Ye Kong only knew that when he got the sign, the original competition venue was conducted in a vast and incomparable interface! At the time of the competition, the two sides entered the venue and slaughtered in that realm, and the audience entered the watching through the jade cards in their hands!

And that array is controlled by the elders watching the field. During the test, as long as either party shouts "I lost", the elders will immediately transmit it! Try to avoid the situation of dead people, of course, if you really die, then you only deserve it!

The ranking game of the lower part of the god-man quickly came to fruition, and the following was the ranking game of the central man-man. Ye was idle when he was idle, and did not return to Dongfu.

The war will begin, and there will be ... at night! .

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