The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2484: Lord Fury

East wins the kingdom of God, the capital of the gods, and the magnificent and majestic palaces are layered on top of each other, like a row of golden clouds, and among the most majestic central halls.

The naked upper body of the fire spirit slumped to the ground, and in front of him, there was a high platform at the end of the thousands of meters of red carpet, and on the high platform, there was a flame seat. On the chair was a man wearing a gold crown. This man's frowning blazing flame is the first partial deity of the Vulcan system!

The strength of partial gods, the influence of godheads is also great, the fiery red godhead goddess is the best one! Going one step further, there is no main **** deity!

It can also be said that Vulcan is the first master under Vulcan's deity!

"Brother, I brought you Huo Mingkun's letter." The fire spirit kneeling on the ground didn't dare to look up, he said.

In fact, below the fire god's deity, the fire family's grandchildren are as ox hair, although the fire **** is the brother of the fire god, but their generation of peers is tens of thousands! The so-called brotherhood has long been diluted like boiling water. However, the fire spirit **** is good, and he also plays a big role in the kingdom of God, the fire angry **** is more polite to him.

Hearing Huo Mingkun's letter was also very happy. You know, Huo Mingkun is the genius of this descendant, and even has been praised by the deity of Vulcan, and he happens to be a direct descendant of Vulcan, so it is because of glory.

"Bring it." The Lord of the Fury God just raised his hand, and the jade card in the hand of the Fire Spirit God was like a line of fire, crossed the void, and fell into the hands of the Fury God.

After watching Yu-Chan, the majestic Rage nodded, "It's hard for this child. Don't tell him so desperately, he's moving fast, he's still young ..." Speaking of which, Rage suddenly He sighed, "Oh!"

Although Firefury didn't speak, Fire Spirit did know. The Fire Anger has always wanted to give his offspring Huo Mingkun a **** of fire, but there are seven gods of fire. They are all members of the Fire family, all descendants of the deity of Vulcan! Huo Rang God has no pity for these brothers and sisters, but Vulcan's deity does not allow it, so Huo Mingkun has been using God of Fire to favor God's personality.

"Last Flame Kingdom was levied by us last time, and the Lord of the Flames was not bad. We might as well do it again, kill the Lord of the Flames, and prepare the main character of the flame system to Ming Kun." The Fire Spirit God suggested.

"That child still wants the fire department, the flame department is the main god, that is not a step forward to him? Such talents still have to stay in our fire house!" Very disapproving.

The Fire Spirit did not dare to keep talking, and said again, "How about the **** ancestors recently?"

Listening to him asking about the deity of Vulcan, the angry **** nodded and said, "I do n’t know, but there should be no problem. At first, the kingdom of flames was conquered. The younger sister Huo Li died, and the resurrection of her deity was alive. She still has to continue. Retreat. "Fire Fury said here, looked up at Fire Spirit, a pair of majestic eyes looked at Fire Spirit, coldly," What the **** are you doing here, not to come to the brother and me to chat! "

The fire spirit **** paved for a long time, and finally came to speak, and quickly said, "Brother, congratulations to the kingdom of God and congratulations on the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God is about to have a third master artifact! My brother went out of my way to find out, and finally found that there is another in the kingdom of God The trace of the main artifact, the younger brother devoted eighteen epochs to the kingdom of God. It is estimated that when Mō owns a master artifact, he wants to seize it, but the owner is very cunning ... "

At this point, the rage hummed coldly, "You just say that you need my help, that's nonsense for a long time, do you think I want to grab you?"

The Fire Spirit was afraid of being struck by the Firewrath, and was told by the other side. He immediately hoeed and said, "Dare, dare, the brothers are just telling the truth." Vulcan does not allow their brothers to be killed. So afraid of the landlord.

"Huh, the master artifact, do you think I will fight with my brother for that kind of thing?" Hug God snorted, then said, "What things are in that kingdom of God, how many soldiers and horses will I send my brother?"

When the Fire Spirit is still wondering why the voice of the Fire Anger is so big, listen to this question and quickly said, "Brother misunderstood, this master artifact does not need to go abroad to grab, it is in the country, but it is hidden by a seal. I want to ask The **** of the shadows helped me find a shadow and my current position, and I can get it myself. "

"Oh, that's the case, the shadow **** was locked in a water cell by me, and you took my token." A line of fire came, and a token fell into the hands of the fire spirit god.

After a while, the fire **** came out of breath after leaving the kingdom's shrine.

He wasn't afraid that Raging God would kill him, but that Raging God also wanted the Lord's Artifact, so he couldn't help it. Obviously, Fury has a higher pursuit!

"Is there anyone who surpasses the main artifact and the ancient **** hegemon is born? No matter what, I still manage my own affairs." The Fire Spirit plunged into the crowd and ran to the water prison.


God Kingdom Training Center, this is the beginning of the ranking competition.

"Hey, Brother Liu, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to enter the realm of the upper god-man. It can be said to be one step further!"

"Yeah, yeah! Those of me who have been retreating for a while, this is a breakthrough. Three thousand years, in a blink of an eye. Hey, Brother Li, did you come out of the retreat too?"

"Well, I'm all about killing and killing in the sea, searching for treasures in the sea, and dying for a lifetime! Even now I haven't got a better godhead! Only come back to participate in the ranking competition, and I want to get attention here!

"Oh, yes, yes, your godhead has grown to the limit and you ca n’t grow anymore, and how you cultivate is just like nothing!"

With the start of the ranking competition, the Kingdom of God Training Center is also noisy, and there are God-man everywhere!

In general, such ranking matches are rarely partial, most of them are god-man! Because God's talents need more help from others! When it comes to partiality, it is basically frozen!

Partial God becomes the Lord God, that's too difficult and requires chance. It is not only difficult to cultivate breakthroughs, but also difficult to achieve the main deity. So in general, when you reach partial gods, you will reach the top. Whether you can become the main **** is a matter of hard work and opportunity.

Never before has any family said that it has prepared a lot of gods and gods for the younger generations, and no powerful family has such a great deal.

But for the gods, the role of family and backstage is significant. The people of God want to take risks in the sea of ​​clouds. The danger is extremely high. They want to die for a lifetime, but they want **** crystals, gods, artifacts, and better gods!

Where do these come from? The best way is to enter a certain family, or be valued by seniors and elders in your family! Those elders and elders have been adventurous in the sea of ​​clouds all year round ~ ~ There are indeed a lot of artifacts and garbage gods, and they need to find someone.

Therefore, this ranking game seems very important! It is also because of its importance that the battle is fierce! Because of jī fierce, each ranking competition is also very visible xìng!

Each ranking competition seems to be a grand event! The audience is also a very large number, want to see one or two or three people at each level are also so many people!

But this time, what attracted everyone's attention was a duel!

In fact, everyone said that they were looking forward to this duel, this sentence is still inaccurate. The most accurate way to say it is to look forward to Huo Mingkun's ignorance of the unknown demon!

However, some people hold the opposite idea, such as Aquamarine. She still doesn't approve of Li Hei and Huo Mingkun fighting. A central god-man has a strong partiality to the powerful. Isn't that a big difference? It's an insurmountable gap!

Therefore, at the suggestion of the God of Water Blue, finally the pot partial **** also agreed. Before the duel between the two men, some prerequisite obstacles were added. If the monster Heihe couldn't reach, there was no need to fight with Huo Mingkun! !! .

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