The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2482: Law not to pass 6 ears

Two ears, two ears, four ears, two ears

"What the **** is going on, I don't see any problems!" In the whole cave, any elders can study by themselves, and they can't see any strangeness in it.

One of the most depressing is the pot partial Zhou Xiangwan. Since the divine power was absorbed, the divine power on the mountain is obviously much weaker than before. With the feeling of being here for a long time, Zhou Xiangwan felt that the divine power had been lost by at least one third!

If this kind of thing is not checked, I am afraid that the fire spirit **** will not spare him when he returns, but he really can't check the fame, and only hopes that the fire spirit **** will come back and let the fire spirit **** come from Li Hei again Start!

After thinking about the pot, he still thinks Li Hei is suspected of major crimes! It's just that the Aqua God helps Li Hei to speak, and he is not good at starting Li Hei, so things are dragged down every day like this.

Besides, Ye Kong in the cave house, he originally wanted to take advantage of the last period of time to practice the basic exercises of the fire department. He even borrowed Jade and Cambodia from the library. However, because of the ascension pond appearing in the pipa beads, he changed his plan.

Ye Kong's body is strong and he has lost a lot, so if he wants to make it up, it doesn't take three days and two ends. It takes a long process. Therefore, Ye Kong will not practice the fire system for the time being, but will nourish the **** body with peace of mind.

In comparison, this last less than a month, it is more important to repair the damaged **** body!

When Ye Kong was in the pipa bead soaring in the pond to nourish the **** body, what he didn't expect was that Huo Ruiqi had done a great thing.

Huo Mingkun and Ye Kong duel, Miss Ruiqi was the most pressured. Because she feels because of her! On the other hand, the Aqua God suspected Ye Kong to be a black armor god, she did not tell Huo Ruiqi.

So Huo Ruiqi was worried about her death. She said to her, how did Li Hei deal with the powerful Huo Mingkun? No, I can't sit still, I have to help Li Hei, I have to figure out some way! This is the mind of the little girl's family.

But how can she help Ye Kong? Think of it, think of one.

The fire family has a heirloom! It is also spread in ancient times, ancient gods and magic, great melting! Legend has it that the deity of Vulcan originally used this divine skill to practice divine power, and has since established his head in the realm of the gods.

It is indeed true that the fire house's special xìng combined with the powerful divine spell of great ablation is really amazing! If it is made to dissolve and divine power, it can even dissolve everything in the world! Everything!

As soon as Huo Ruiqi was nervous and jerky, she was a little worried.

For the sake of confidentiality, not everyone can learn this great ablation technique! Only the elite of the Huojia have the opportunity to get and learn!

But this is not difficult for Huo Ruiqi! His father, the Fire Spirit, is not only one of the most important and powerful figures of the Huojia, but also the person in charge of the magic of Dongsheng Godland and the Huojia! There is a copy of the Fire Spirit God's residence in the Kingdom of God's Training Center!

God Kingdom Training Center, in a large and luxurious cave house.

This cave is wider than any other East Lake in the training center, just like a palace, and in one of the layers of the palace, a young girl with red hair and a braid is watching the suspension in front of the formation. Frowning at a piece of jade invitation.

"This jade camcorder is placed here. I didn't expect that there was a flame formation. Although I can come in, but to get divine magic, I need to pass the test!"

It turned out that this jade and Cambodia was placed here, and the elite descendants of the Huojia could come. However, it needs to pass the test of the flame array method. In other words, you must achieve a certain amount of cultivation!

"Regardless of him, fight!"

boom! When Huo Ruiqi stepped out one step, in the hall, there was a fierce flame! For future generations of disciples, as long as you can reach a certain level of cultivation and hold on to these powerful flames, you can walk to the middle, touch mōyuchan, and watch the content inside.

"No, I can't do it enough!" Huo Ruiqi was frightened and frightened, but thinking of Li Hei being killed by Huo Mingkun at that time, she had to clenched her teeth and insisted.

"Fight it! I'm the Huo family, and I won't burn me to death! It's just some pain, if it can save that guy's life, it's worth it!"

A day later, Ye Kong's Dongfu.

"Huo Ruiqi, why are you here, on your face?" Ye Kong couldn't stand the knocking messages that kept coming in from outside the pipa beads, and finally came out of the Ascension Pond, opened the ban of Dongfu, and saw Huo Ruiqi Startled.

I saw her flaming hair burned a lot, although it was obviously trimmed, but it still had a faint smell. Looking at her face again, it was red and black, it wasn't smokey, it was a wound, and there were still a lot of crushed **** spirits on it.

"Go in and say." If it weren't for such a secret, Huo Ruiqi really didn't want to see Ye Kong! Because she thinks she is too ugly now, which girl is willing to burn her ugly face and let her boy with good impression see it?

After entering Dongfu, Huo Ruiqi put another layer of prohibition, and then said, "Li Hei, this time you cancel the duel with Huo Mingkun, I beg you!"

Ye Kong came out of Feishengchi. He did not expect that Huo Ruiqi was so anxious to call him out to say this kind of non-nutritive nonsense. He had a bad temper and was displeased in his heart. He said: "This is set, there is no regret! Also, the cause of this incident is that Huo Mingkun wants to insult me, not for your jealousy, so you should not have any burden! "

After that, Ye Kong again ordered the guests, "Well, I'm going to practice, you can go back."

"Wait a minute ..." Huo Ruiqi was a little embarrassed by Ye Kong, and said to herself that I had come here on my own. But she hesitated and said, "No matter why you duel, but I don't want to see you fail, I want to help you."

Ye Kong couldn't think of anything she could help, and laughed, "Thank you for your kindness, but I have nothing to help."

"No, you listen to me." Huo Ruiqi said quickly, "I brought you our Huojia, the law does not pass six ears ... No, our Huojia has a divine technique, called, the law does not pass six ears ... … No, I'll teach you, Dharma does not spread six ears ... "

Huo Ruiqi was surprised to find that at this moment, she could not say the word "Great Ablation"!

I don't know what powerful restraint was put by Vulcan in that divine art. Every time she wanted to blurt out, she said one sentence, the law doesn't spread six ears!

Ye Kong was baffled by her. You can't blame Ye Kong. He cultivated well in Feishengchi. He came here to tell him a bunch of nonsense that he did not understand, and he was not willing to change anyone. What's more, he had a bad temper.

"Why not pass six ears? Okay, well, I know you care, but your biggest help to me is not to disturb me." Ye Kong said politely.

At this moment ~ ~ Huo Ruiqi is really going crazy, roaring, "It's not the law that can't pass the six ears! It's a sentence, I can't say it. As soon as I say it, it becomes the law not to pass Six ears ... Oh, don't look at me with this idiot look! You don't understand, I ... "

Huo Ruiqi's temper is not very good on weekdays, and she is so anxious to die at this moment, Ye Kong is driving her away again. She finally yelled madly, "Let me tell you! Am I being guilty of such a crime, being burned like this by fire, becoming so ugly, all in vain! Grandpa, I beg you! I will tell He's on the first floor! "

Obviously, Grandpa Vulcan couldn't hear her and wouldn't allow her to pass on her words. Her next words would still become "six ears of law."

But when she shouted, Ye Kong understood something, and asked in surprise, "You are so embarrassed by the ground for me? You have got some powerful exercises of the Huojia? Can't you say that after the prohibition of the exercises? "

Ye Kong's three successive questions, she saw a surprise on Huo Ruiqi's cat face, she nodded three times in succession!

To the reader:

Today, on the 10th, you will be sending grains. Some do n’t stay. The more you throw, the more you will send. !! .

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